the muslim world. the rise of islam p263-265 arabian peninsula- crossroads for 3 continents: trade...

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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The Rise Of Islam p263-265 • Arabian Peninsula- crossroads for 3 continents:

• trade routes of land/sea—exchange of ideas/ goods

Europe, Africa, Asia

• Arabs developed a ____________ lifestyle b/c of the lack of arable land

• Bedouins-


Desert nomads

The Prophet Muhammad• As Mohammad

meditated in a ____________ outside of the city of ___________ the angel Gabriel appeared & told him that he was to be a messenger of god (___________)




• Muhammad had ___________success teaching about Allah;

• The ____________: In 622, Muhammad & his followers moved to the town of Yathrib (changed to ____________- “city of the prophet”); is very successful; returned to take the city of __________ in 630 with 10,000 followers





Beliefs&PracticesOf Islam p267-268 • Islam literally means:

_______________________________________• A member of Islam is a ___________ (one who submits)• The main teaching of Islam is: there is ___ god, ______• Other Beliefs: in angels

– in a day of judgment

– god controls everything

– good/ evil

Submission to the will of godMuslim

1 Allah

The Five Pillars of Islam:•

1. Shahadah (Faith) to become a Muslim, one must testify the following statement of faith: “There is no god but Allah & Muhammad is his messenger”

• 2. Salah (Prayer) Muslims pray 5 times a day facing the city of Mecca;

– a Mosque is an Islamic house of worship

• 3. Zakah (Alms) charity given to the poor; about 2 ½% income

• 4. Sawm (Fasting) during the holy month of Ramadan; Muslims do not eat/drink between sun up/ sun down; this is to remind them that their spiritual needs are greater than their physicalneeds

• 5. Hajj (Pilgrimage) a religious journey to Mecca

• Do not eat _________- believe it is unclean• Do not drink __________• Holy day- __________• NO PRIEST OR CENTRAL

RELIGIOUS AUTHORITY• Holy book- _________• ________- Muhammad’s example- the best model for

proper living; WWMD?• _________- body of Islamic law that regulates the family

life, moral conduct, & business/ community life of Muslims


Alcohol Friday




Pause Here

• 3/4– 1. What is the Arabic word for God? – 2. List the 5 pillars of Islam & summarize what

they entail. – 3. In what peninsula did Islam begin? – 4. What do Muslims think about the Bible and

the Torah?

• FYI: QUIZ Thursday (it might be hard)

3/4 Warm up

1. What are the five pillars of Islam?

2. What does “Islam” Mean?

3. What is one new thing you learned about

Islam yesterday?

4. Draw three pictures that best summarize

Muhammad’s story.

Day 2: Islam Expands p269-272

• 632 Muhammad died without leaving a successor

• Four “rightly guided” caliphs (leader) knew Muhammad

• Abu-Bakr -used force to assert authority of Islam

• Umar, Uthman, & Ali (next 3 “rightly guided” caliphs)

• Islamic soldiers on camels expanded the Muslim empire

• By 750, the Muslim Empire stretched 6,000 miles

– (from the Atlantic Ocean to the Indus River Valley)

Treatment of Conquered People

• Didn’t force conversion to Islam • “People of the Book”:

___________________________________– paid more in ______; exempt from __________

Jews & Christianstaxes military

• Umayyad family came to power – created a hereditary system of rule– moved capital to Damascus

•  • Islam split into 3 sects: • Shi’a: believed caliph didn’t need to know/be related to

Muhammad/ rightly guided caliphs• Sunni: believed caliph should be related to

Muhammad/ rightly guided caliphs• Sufi: a Muslim who seeks to

achieve direct contact with god through mystical means

Muslim Culture p 273- 279

• The Rise of Muslim Cities (900)

– Baghdad* 900,000

– Constantinople* 400,000

– Codobal* 250,000

– Rome 50,000

– Paris 38,000

• Abbasid Dynasty moved the capital to Iraq

Social Classes

• Upper Class:

• 2nd Class:

• 3rd Class:

• Lowest Classes:

Muslims at birthConverts to Islam

“People of the Book” (Jews & Christians)

Non Muslim/ slaves

Role of Women • Mixed messages in the

• Had property/economic rights than European women

• Responsibilities varied based on

• Could participate in public life/education- led increasingly life

• All Muslim women have to cover their face in public





do not

Muslim Scholarship• Muslims preserved

scholarship as ______________ fell into a period of chaos after the fall of the ___________________

• __________________a library, school, translation center in Baghdad

• Advances made in Math, Science, Astronomy• Arabic Numerals ex._________• Al-jabr=______________________• Writing _________ dates make to the Muslim



Roman Empire

House of Wisdom

1,2,3,4,5Algebra checks

Islamic Art

• Quran forbade the depiction of living thing b/c only can create life– Calligraphy- – Geometric Patterns

Allah–the art of beautiful hand writing

“In the name of Allah, most merciful, most kind”

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