the moment of power!!!

Post on 20-Aug-2015






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The Moment Of Power!!!

Your time is now. This is yourmoment of power .Begin now.

Do not waste time by postponing things. Do not wander aimless.

Whatever your dream or goal thisis the best moment to start

working on it.

Let this moment mark the beginningof your journey to greatness and glory. There will never be a most

perfect moment. Start now.

Do not delay. Do not be in dismay and do not brood overpast disappointments. Let thefailures of the past be buried.

Begin anew.

Make a fresh start. Fill this moment with vigor and

enthusiasm and work like you will never get another moment

and this will be your last .

Even the richest of men cannot buyback time lost time. All the money in

the world cannot get you back the time you wasted away in senseless

activities and mindless pursuits .

You cannot change whathappened in the past, perhaps you wasted months and years in

meaningless activities. There is no way you are getting back all the time.

So, stop thinking and regretting about it .Do notwaste the present moment

thinking about the mistakes of the past.

Look forward to the future. Do not letyour future be a mere extension of thepast. Let it not end up with the same

failures and disappointments as in thepast. Let it be filled with the light of

success and marks of greatness. 

Let success be your guiding light in the future. Your glorious future awaits you,

begin now this very moment!!! 

The major reason why you procrastinate is that you do

not have any goal to reach to. 

You do not have any ambition. You are just looking forward to spending yourdays here by any means. Life for you has become a mere passing of days and

years with nothing to look forward to and nothing to strive for.

You have ended up in rut of routine doing the same thingsday after day every year. You have no hope, no courage left

and are merely waiting fordeath to end it all.

No matter what or how youhave been in the past you

have the power to change it. 

This very moment make it your resolve that no matter what you will not go to

your old habits and old ways of thinking. This very moment take a strong decision that you will work to reach your goals and accomplish your dreams.

This very moment become strong mentally, physically and emotionally. 

The present moment is yourmoment of power, decide that you will aim high andstrive with an iron will to

reach all your aims!!!

Do not throw away these precious moments for they make up life. Youthrow away these golden nuggets of

time only to realize that you have thrown away your life. 

Do not go to yourgrave in regret

that ‘if only I hadmade better use

of my time’.

Planning is important but acting on these plans is what

will ultimately get you success.

No matter what the conditions or circumstances, begin now. Do not be struck in

the planning phase. 

It does not matter if the conditions are not perfect; it does not matter ifyou do not have all the resources. This is the moment of opportunity!!!

Begin with whatever you have in hand.

Begin now in earnest.

Summary Of Thoughts

What Are You Waiting For??? Sompong Yusoontorn

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