the gamma star as a source of energy maintaining memory intestines alive

Post on 02-Dec-2015






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Vision is the scientific tool of the mind, which has kept me intrigued since infancy. Here, with the gamma driving star. I am showing the particularity end in the context of a variety of phase and leading sequence.



Vision is the scientific tool of the mind, which has kept me intrigued since infancy. Here, with the gamma driving star. I am showing the particularity end in the context of a variety of phase and leading sequence. Wrapping up these vanes of intestines, which in a earlier phase of the parsec-ray of light and sight developing one growing intestines of sight, and collecting while in motion a whole like green house vaults a sensory ring in one's proper atmosphere. Cosmic, and enveloped along the parsec-ray of parallax our place on earth, and in orbit. In our everyday life, everything at sight in motion is store and when we stand still, the membrane rolls up in a solid and stiffening ring. Which cords anchored, like a wind sock to a pole on an airfield, like the parsec-ray is derived from the middle of the gamma star, distinctive and invisible, in the field of thermodynamics turbulence kept alive, filing cabinet drawer for memory recall through the cerebral-beacon of light and sight along the biorhythm umbilical cord like a music fountain of colored light flows through our neurological system bringing the organs of the body dancing to the beat.

Vision is the scientific tool of the mind, which has kept me intrigued since infancy, here are some links to my work, for further in depth reading: “The Code: Horizon Of Infinity”

Video in conjunction with my work: YouTube 2:2 Video The Code: Horizon of Infinity

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