the fortress - sistersnotes

Post on 21-Jan-2022






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The Fortress 8 محرم 1438


And they say,"O you upon whom the message has been sent down, indeed you are mad.

The disbelievers and the hypocrites speak when they are safe, speaking sharp words. The word قالوا is used in the Qura’an mostly for the disbeliever and the hypocrites. They speak without knowledge or application.

Why do we need to know what the disbelievers say? So that when you hear these words, or something similar, you can detect a disbeliever or a munafiq. The one who studies the Qura’an knows everything. You will also refrain from using these kinds of words yourself.

Here the disbelievers that Allah is telling us about are the Quraysh, who disbelieved in the Messenger of Allah صلى صلى their statement to the Messenger of Allah ,الله علیھ وسلم .is to mock him, and make fun of him الله علیھ وسلم

The disbelievers don’t want to be among the believers, even though they know that they are on the truth. The truth is supported with evidence, while the falsehood has no evidence. So the people of the falsehood mock the truth, as it makes them feel better. If this happens to you when you are practicing your deen, wearing the hijab, or having a beard, etc, don’t be surprised. At the same time, don’t mock them, don’t be like them. Also, don’t put yourself down to fit in with them. Don’t think you are any less than them because you are in the deen. In fact, you are more than them.

They called the Messenger of Allah صلى الله علیھ وسلم a madman, and in their mockery, they actually honoured him, by addressing him in a positive way. They described the Messenger of Allah صلى الله علیھ وسلم by calling him the one on whom the knowledge was sent down. This is something to honour, but they used it to mock him. He was the one on whom the Qura’an was sent. This means he was a messenger.

The Messenger of Allah صلى الله علیھ وسلم was unlettered, he could not read and write. He was a shepherd in his youth, and no one taught him. He was 40 years old when the prophethood was bestowed upon him, and until they He was a highly respected member of society, a successful businessman. But after he received the prophethood, the attitudes of his tribe changed. From الصادق الامین, the truthful and the trustworthy, he become ,This is the easiest way to dismiss a person. They accused him of being a magician .استغفر الله .a madman ,مجنونa madman, a soothsayer. He is the best in intellect for all times, but they tried to dismiss him.

The word مجنون is derived from the verb جن to be covered. The man person is the one whose mind is covered. The intellect is a great blessing from Allah, it shows us right from wrong. So they accused the man with the best intellect in dunya of being a madman.

Why do you not bring us the angels, if you should be among the truthful?

Their statement proves that they are deranged. They want to see the angels to believe in Allah.

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