the effect of mindomo on students’ writing skill the effect...

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E-journal Article

Submitted to the English Education Department of UMRAH as a partial

fulfillment of the requirements for Sarjana Pendidikan Degree









The Effect of Mindomo on Students’ Writing Skill at Seventh Grade of SMPN 1


Ibra Pertiwi1, Dewi Nopita

2, Muhammad Candra



English Education Study Program Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji


This research aimed at finding and describing the effect of using Mindomo

on students’ writing skill at seventh grade of SMPN 1 Tanjungpinang. This research

was conducted from May to June 2018. This research was classified as a quasi-

experimental study. It was putting 70 students from two groups, Class 7.6 (35

students) as the experimental group and Class 7.5 (35 students) as the control group.

The experimental group was the students taught by using Mindomo whereas the

control group was students taught by using conventional technique. The data were

obtained by using pre-test and post-test. The pre-test was given to both groups before

the treatment and the post-test was given after the treatment. In this research, the data

of the pre-test and post-test of both groups were analyzed by using descriptive

statistics analysis. After the data are tested and found to be homogeneous and normal,

the hypothesis was tested by using T-test. The result of the research showed that the

difference on the writing ability of the students taught using Mindomo and those were

not taught using Mindomo was significance because of the value of T-observation

was greater than T-table in significance 0.05 (1.66) > = (2.75 > 1.66). Based on

the result of the T-test, the data of this study were considered to have significant

difference. Therefore, the hypothesis of this study was accepted. Thus it means that

the Mindomo has a significantly effect on the student’s writing skill at seventh grade

of SMPN 1 Tanjungpinang.

Keywords: writing skill, Mindomo.



Writing is one of four skills in English language learning. This skill assumed to

be the most difficult skill since students should produce a text by using English. This

skill allows the students to communicate the message with clarity and reach to the

larger audience. Although it is hard, in curriculum K-13 students in junior high

school in Indonesia demanded to be mastered at writing skill besides the listening,

speaking, and reading skill.

Based on the syllabus, students should be able to write a text about to describe

something especially for Seventh grade students in junior high school. This text

counts as descriptive text which dreams by curriculum K-13 Must be achieved by

students when learning English Language at school. Therefore, at the end of semester

students are able to write short descriptive text by their own self.

Based on researcher experienced when teaching English at SMPN 1

Tanjungpinang, writing still becomes the harder skill to be mastered. The score that

gain by students when doing writing still lack. The difficulties of students commonly,

they are confused to focus on the topic and develop their idea. It seems like Students

hard to connect one idea to another. Students only write few lines of text but taking

long duration and oftentimes out of topic. Those problems believe were emerged

because the teacher has little creativity in technique when teaching writing. Teacher

commonly uses instruct students to do instant writing and students were not given the

medium to facilitate them in arrange and develop their idea on the process of writing.

In spite of the school does not forbid students to utilize technology such Android or


Laptop but teacher infrequently to use it in the class. Because there is no medium and

little creative technique by the teacher, at least give the impact of less of motivation

to students in writing activity.

Based on the problems above the researcher can conclude that the students at

Seventh grade of SMPN 1 Tanjungpinang mostly difficult in the process of writing.

The process of writing can be divided into five steps, Pre-writing, drafting, revising,

polishing. The problems were assumed emerge because students were not prepared

well since the process of Pre-writing. It is important that Students must be motivated

since the process of pre-writing because this is the essential part of preparatory stages

that involves thinking about what can go on. Thus, Researcher considered to using

one of the various medium that has been stated in the previous paragraph to support

students process of students writing, that is Mindomo. It is one of the kinds of Digital

Mind Mapping software that is suitable to use on teaching writing in junior high

school since it can be inserted by picture, video, or sound. It provides the easiest way

for students brainstorm their idea in such easiest, joyful, and meaningful way. This

software is easy to be installed on any device like Android or Laptop. It provides

sharing feature Teacher doesn’t need to check and ask students one by one in order to

know what will they wrote. This medium is expected may facilitate the process of


Teaching writing by using Mindomo has been applied among ESL secondary

school (English for Second Language) in Malaysia. This medium is effective as

prewriting tool because it can improve students’ achievement in writing and also can


motivate students' writing skill. It showed in the previous research that has been done

by Nazri et al (2017). Mindomo becomes useful tool for the teacher who wants to

help students think and process their idea in a regular and accessible way. So far it is

not only good for writing but also it is effective to motivate students' reading skill in

ESL in Malaysia which proved by Sevakumaran (2017) in his study. In simple way,

we can say that the use of Mindomo in teaching writing had given the positive effect

on ESL students.

Finally, Based on the facts above the researcher wanted to experiment this

medium in order to look whether any effect of using Mindomo on students’ writing

skill at Seventh grade of SMPN 1 Tanjungpinang.


The method of this research was quantitative with types a quasi-experimental

research design with Pretest-Posttest Control Design. The population of this research

was the Seventh grade of SMPN 1 Kota Tanjungpinang in the academic year of

2017/2018. Population according to Creswell (2012) is a region which consists of

subject or object; it has a certain characteristic and quantity and determined by the

researcher to be analyzed in order to make the conclusion. Based on the population,

the Seventh grade students of SMPN 1 Tanjungpinang divided into class 7.1 until 7.7

for taking the sample, the researcher used cluster random sampling. Gay (2012)

defined Sample as a selected group of subjects for a study where the individuals

represent the larger group. The researcher chose the class randomly to determine


which class will be the experimental class and which class will be the control class by

using technique cluster random sampling with lottery.

The first technique of data collections in this research was using pre-test and

post-test with non-equivalent control group. In the pre-test, students in class control

class and experimental class were asked to write a paragraph from one of a topic in

descriptive text, which was about town or village. Students will be given several

minutes to find the ideas in making descriptive writing. Then, in the post-test students

in control class and experimental class were asked to write the same topic with the

treatment attached by the experimental class students. Those test used to know

whether any effect of mindomo on students’ writing skill at seventh grade of SMPN 1

Tanjungpinang or not. In this study the researcher also used questionnaire to know

what effects that felt by the student in Experimental class after doing writing by using

by Mindomo.

The research procedure included several steps to do.

a. The researcher divided the subject of the research into two groups:

experimental group and control group.

b. The researcher gave the pretest to both control and experimental group to

know their basic writing skill.

c. The researcher conducted the teaching and learning process by using

Mindomo in experimental class.

d. The researcher conducted the teaching and learning process by using a

conventional method in the control class.


e. The researcher Gave the post-test to both control and experimental class at the

end of teaching and learning process to know the students’ learning result.

f. The researcher Gave the questionnaire to the experimental class to know their

perception about Mindomo.

The researcher analyzes the data that has been collected from pre-test and post-

test by experimental class and control class to find out the differences on the students’

score which use Mindomo as a medium in teaching writing and the students’ score

which do not use Mindomo. The researcher uses t-test to =

by Anas

Sudijono’s formula with significant 0.05. In order to determining whether the data is

normal or not the researcher uses chi square with significant 0.05. And for

determining the homogeneity, the researcher uses Fisher formula F =


significant 0.05.


a. Normality Test

The normality test is conducted to know whether the data of the pre-test in the control

class are in a normal distribution or not. The data be said in the normal distribution if

the value of chi quadrat is not more than 11.0070 (significant 0.05). For the

calculation, the researcher used chi-square formula. After calculate the data, the

researcher get the result as below.


Table 1. the normality of pre-test

Based on table above we can see that the value of x2 observation in control

class pre-test was 10.883333 and the value of x2 observation in experimental class

pre-test was 9.8666667. The x2 table in significant 0.05 is 11.070. It meant that both

of pre-test data from control class and experiment class were normal because the x2

observation < x

2 table.

Table 2. the normality of post-test

Based on table 4.6 above we can see that the value of x2 observation in

control class pre-test is 10.6166667 and the value of x2 observation in

experimental class pre-test is 10.883333. The x2 table in significant 0.05 is

11.070. It means that both of pre-test data from control class and experiment

No Class


1 Control

10.883333 11.070

Data distribution is


2 Experimental

9.8666667 11.070

Data distribution is



class Explanation





Data distribution is



experimental 10.883333


Data distribution is


𝒙 𝟐 𝒐 𝒙




class were normal because of the value of x2 observation (chi quadrat) is

lower than the x2 table.

b. Homogeneity

Homogeneity test is the test to know whether the data that we take are in

homogeneous population or not. In order to calculate the homogeneity, the

researcher used fisher formula with a significant 5% (0.05) the degrees freedom

of numerator is 34 (1.84).

Table 3. the homogeneity test of the pre-test

Based on table 4.8 above, we can see that the value of F-observation is 1.16

and the value of F-table is 1.84. It can be conclude that the data were homogeny

because of the F observation < F-table (1.16<1.84).

Table 4. the homogeneity test of the pre-test

No class


1 experimental 24.51 1.16 1.84

2 control 21.18

No Class


1 Experimental 31.18 1.04 1.84

2 Control 29.85

𝒇𝒐 𝒇𝒕

𝒇𝒐 𝒇𝒕


Based on table 4.8 above, we can see that the value of F-observation is 1.04 and

the value of F-table is 1.84. It meant that the data were homogeny because of the F-

observation < F-table (1.04<1.84).

c. Hypothesis Test Result (T-test)

From the data that the researcher collected, she displayed the result of the

calculation of the post-test and questionnaire from the control class which is 7.5 and

experimental class 7.6 as follows:

Figure 1. the mean of the control class and experimental post-test

Based on the result, we know that the mean of experimental class is 71.2 and

the mean of the control class is 66. Thus, it can be concluded that the mean of

students which was taught by using Mindomo was higher than the mean of the











experimental control

the mean of the control class and

experimental post-test


control class which was not taught by using mindomo. Based on the calculation by

using T-test, the researcher was gained the t-table with significant 0.05 and df 68 was

1.66. Then, compare with formula as below:

> > =2.75 > 1.66

Table 5. the t-test result of experimental and control post-test

Result Explanation

2.75 1.66 2.75>1.66 was rejected

Based on the table above it can be concluded that, the result of hypothesis test

was rejected, in another word there is an effect of using Mindomo on students

writing skill at seventh grade of SMPN 1 Tanjungpinang.

d. Questionnaire Result

In this research, the researcher also used the questionnaire in order to know the

students' perception toward Mindomo as a medium in writing descriptive text. After

calculated the questionnaire result by using likert scale, the researcher can list several

effects that felt by students when using Mindomo.

1. The Students are happy & enjoy the learning process by using Mindomo.

2. The Students can be creative by using Mindomo.

3. The Students have high motivation to learn writing descriptive text by using



4. The Students are more interest to learn writing descriptive text by using


5. The Students are more focus to learn writing descriptive text by using


6. The Students understand the subject material by using Mindomo.

7. The Students feel easy to brainstorm their idea in writing descriptive text

8. The Students are not afraid to share their idea by using Mindomo.

9. The Students are not afraid during the learning process because of using



In this session, the researcher conveyed the conclusion which the researcher

got by conducting the test of this research. The conclusion based on the findings,

there is an effect of Mindomo on students’ writing skill at seventh grade of SMPN 1

Tanjungpinang. Also, the use of Mindomo as a medium of writing can be useful and

motivated students.


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