the declaration of independence by: johnathan and brennen

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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The declaration of independence

By: Johnathan and Brennen

What was the declaration of

independence and what if it was never signed ?

Essential Question

What is the declaration of independence ?• Official document • Stating that America does not want to be part

of Britain.• Signed by 56 officials

Names of all 56 signers

Delaware • George Read• Caesar Rodney• Thomas McKean Pennsylvania • George Clymer• Benjamin Franklin• Robert Morris• John Morton• Benjamin Rush• George Ross• James Smith• James Wilson• George Taylor Massachusetts • John Adams• Samuel Adams• John Hancock• Robert Treat Paine• Elbridge Gerry New Hampshire • Josiah Bartlett• William Whipple• Matthew Thornton Rhode Island • Stephen Hopkins• William Ellery New York • Lewis Morris• Philip Livingston• Francis Lewis• William FloydGeorgia • Button Gwinnett• Lyman Hall• George Walton Virginia • Richard Henry Lee• Francis Lightfoot Lee• Carter Braxton• Benjamin Harrison• Thomas Jefferson• George Wythe• Thomas Nelson, Jr. North Carolina • William Hooper• John Penn• Joseph Hewes South Carolina • Edward Rutledge• Arthur Middleton• Thomas Lynch, Jr.• Thomas Heyward, Jr.New Jersey • Abraham Clark• John Hart• Francis Hopkinson• Richard Stockton• John Witherspoon Connecticut • Samuel Huntington• Roger Sherman• William Williams• Oliver Wolcott Maryland • Charles Carroll• Samuel Chase• Thomas Stone• William Paca

Map of America

After independence Thirteen British Colonies before independence

What would have happened if the declaration of independence was never signed?

many things would never have happened. things like france revolting against king louis the XVI wouldn't have happened, america wouldn't be a free country,the war between the americans and the english would have been a civil war Because the americans would still be part of the thirteen colonies owned by the british. everything that happened because of the decleration of independance

websites used:n/a,history,published by A&E networks,created 2015

n/a,wikipedia,published by wikimedia,created 2001,

n/a,wikipedia,published by wikimedia,created 2001

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