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The American sovereign…

Acting as the Creator intended?

Be reminded that as a sovereign, you may not always be right…

But you are always sovereign!

And as a sovereign, your decision and truth is uniquely yours. After all…you are the Kings and Queens of our society.

And while you may accept input from other sources, it is your acceptance of what you believe that matters…not what you are told to believe.

Just because events of the past may have been presented in fact—for specific purposes to influence you— does not mean you or we as the people are obligated to accept them as anything but reference material. The Magna Carta has no direct impact on the American people today, other than as a historical reference.

History being subject to change by unscrupulous people

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who lack respect for accuracy, credibility, and especially honor, merit little to no consideration by which to enter a legitimate conversation. - My opinion of course.

Unless we make such a conscious decision to accept, or were actual party to agreements, treaties or passing of laws, does not mean we are obligated to accept them as represented.

As the sovereign Americans, are we living up to what I expect would be the expectations of the Creator?

Only you as an American sovereign, can answer that question…

On Aug 27, 2017, at 10:58 AM, Milt Farrow <> wrote:









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Farrow From: Arnie RosnerSent: Sunday, August 27, 2017 12:56 PMTo: Milt FarrowSubject: Re: [Scanned Retina - A Resource for the People!] Please moderate: "Not one corporation lawfully exists in America"





Milt Farrow commented on Not one corporation lawfully exists in AmericaNot one corporation lawfully exists in America

Arnie: I am suspect that Donald is “Just Hanging on” and not really running the show, that the illegal bankrupt 3 lettered alphabet agencies are doing whatever they darn want to do – and The Military’s incompetence

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has been duly noted by all our adversaries ( we really do not have any enemies other than the enemies within , Bankers Lawyers ( Liars) Military Industrial Complex in it’s entirety-) There is no Left X Right paradigm – if communism exists anywhere in the world it would be in Cuba where Our Perverted criminal Corporations made it possible and if we screw up in Venezuela By putting a “ BATTISTA in Venezuela – we will have what we say “ we don’t want” The pervasive communist threat is needed and and wanted by the Criminally Insane Military Branch who live for KILLING and the “Morally bankrupt Catholic church sponsors their leadership in a quid pro quo arrangement - Milt Farrow

On Aug 27, 2017, at 11:21 AM, Anna von Reitz <> wrote:

Arnie--- it is entirely possible for a unincorporated business to be "lawful" in its existence and conduct, but it is impossible for any incorporated entity to be anything but "legal".

Arnie Responds-

And "legal," as we all know has been unlawful, since 1860s.

It is impossible for anyone in “authority” today to access, or even take cognizance of, true law since “authority” is the “law of necessity,” 12 USC 95. Therefore, it would appear that the meaning of the word “legal” is “color of law,” a term which Black's Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, defines as: Color of law.Mar 28, 2009Legal v. Lawful - Family Guardian

As a consequence since the 1860s there are no legitimate corporations in

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America. They all act in fraud as they have no legitimate charters to conduct business. Operating a business or a charter without the appropriate certifications is a violation of the law. Please correct me if I am wrong…

It would seem to me just as a reasonable man…That would make their corporate officers, employees and agents immediately vulnerable to immediate prosecution for civil or criminal violations of law. Such corporations such as Apple, Microsoft, Monsanto, Wells Fargo, Edison, state, county and municipal organizations, misrepresenting themselves as legitimate governments might prove to be the perfect examples from where to begin to prove the point..

So let's review…

1. There has been no legitimate government, operating on the delegated authority of the governed since 1860

2. With no legitimate government in place, there has been no legitimate authority by which to issue corporate charters.

3. Operating with no legitimate corporate charter would be misrepresentation…

4. Misrepresentation in itself is a crime. Fraud!5. Therefore all corporations currently misrepresenting themselves as

legitimate would be guilty of committing fraud.6. Fraud vitiates all7. The Unanimous Declaration | Scanned Retina Blog

8. Time for the American people create their own legitimate government and install a legitimate system of justice by which to deal with the fraud at all levels.

So what do you think? please feel free to correct any misstatements…

These are concepts that are probably too arcane for

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you, but there is a difference between "corporate" and "Incorporate" entities.

On Sun, Aug 27, 2017 at 7:39 AM, Arnie Rosner <> wrote:WOW!!!!

But tell us Judge Anna…

In your affidavit…you pointe out...

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If everything involved in these corporations, including the United States, Inc. and all variations were created in fraud, none of these transactions were ever lawful or legitimate…

Wouldn’t that also mean everything…including, every corporate charter, after about 1860, was “ NULL AND VOID” as they would have also been created in fraud!

Fraud Vitiates All?And since there are time limitations to pursue those who perpetrated the fraud…we can go after those involved…And that would include going after the members of Congress and anyone else with unclean hands…

Even the ones who are no longer with us…

surely we can go after their assets buried in trusts and estates…and have the lawful plunder retuned to the legitimate treasury once the people establish a lawful government…

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Speaking of lawful governments…

A small point perhaps…the property in Oregon…the one involved in the Bundy demonstration…It is my understanding the property involved was not titled to any government agency or authority…

So how can any charges be lawfully claimed against the patriots exercising their lawful rights to demonstrate under the First Amendment?

arniearnie@arnierosner.com714-964-4056 24/

On Aug 27, 2017, at 4:44 AM, conferences-gc-usa <> wrote:Ms Von Reitz;

I am again forwarding your second email here-in below, of, your comments & criticisms out to all of the EMail-Addresses which have been receiving the emailed invitations to our ConstitutionalGov.US & Jural-Society Organizing phone-conferences.

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And please note i do thank you for your below invitation to the conferences of the "Michigan Jural Assembly";& for your references to various scholarly sources related to this "Jural Society" issue.

But; i am also responding here-in, to your comments there-in below; as follows:

Please be assured of my seriously heart-felt fear, that, my soul may suffer "eternal damnation", if i might be so arrogant as to entrench in a position of law-interpretation, where-under, my words might actually obstruct the manifestation of God's holy kingdom of truth, justice, & peace, on this earth.

Here-under; i am now over 63-years old,with well over 30-years of research in-to common-law & related subjects;& i dare suggest, that, my own depth & breadth of law related scholarship is at least as respectable as that of your own.

Please note further here-under, my own research concerning common-law/due-process, requires that the electors constituting the assembly have "duties" to "deliberate" over issues related to this sacred cause of "Justice";& there-in to "Seek Consensus", to the best of our reasonable capabilities, on these matters;all similar to how true common-law "Trial by Jury" process requires a "Unanimous Verdict", which is actually a higher-threshold than mere "consensus".

You surely comprehend common-law requirements for this fundamental "Consensus Building" Process; Correct?

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However; in scanning both of your most recent emails here-in below;i do Not Find any clear "Citations" to any "Scholarly Works" which might Support your contention that our efforts at forming of "Jural Societies" are Counter-Productive to the general Goals which We All similarly Profess.

Further; & in support of the views that I & others here presently hold,& with which you obviously differ; i would contend, that, there is a multitude of both orthodox & patriot law research that uses the phrase "Jural Society" in very "Positive Terms";with the following links representing just a few:

I further note, that, a bit over a year ago, you were advocating support of a "Michigan General Jural Society",as the public-record seems to clearly indicate, in the 14th paragraph, here:

Can you please inform us all "Reasons Why" your words there-in seemed to support this specific "Jural Society" concept; but now you are speaking against it?

Now im sure all in our community will admit, that, the defacto bar-association attorneys lust to monopolize this "Jural Society" concept;but i see no "Evidence" from any of your citations that might

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lead "reasonable minds" to conclude that it is legitimate or even advantageous to "concede the legal high-ground" to such defacto claims, as you seem to advocate.

Please note further the agents of evil have un-limited supplies of federal-reserve-notes with which to purchase the services of moral-prostitutes which epidemically infest our patriot community with cointelpro styled subversive activities;& that we have duties to fact-check for well-reasoned "Evidence",before we collectively embrace any specific course of action.

Here-under; i respectfully "Invite You to Join with Us" in our weekly Friday Phone-Conferences;& there-in, to Explain to my-self & the good others in in attendance there-in;as to "Why" we are all screwed-up in our interpretation of available research, to the effect, as you seem to be advocating, that, those words constituting the phrase "Jural Society" are some-how under the exclusive domain of the corrupted bar-association attorneys monopolies,& of their "foreign international jurisdiction of the sea - admiralty, maritime, and administrative corporate law"; as you have implied in your below wording.

Please assist us in becoming confident, by perhaps even adopting your own views on this important matter; that, eventually, we truly have gotten "our facts straight and" where-under we may then "operate accordingly",based on the consensus-based & well-reasoned confidence obtained

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through your implied superior enlightened views of this important issue.

We all will be quite happy to concede your superior enlightenment on this important issue;but, before we do that, we need to see & hear your well-reasoned "Evidence".

With all due respect.

Charles Stewart.Sandy Oregon. Pro-Tem Chief Jurist of the Supreme Court of Law for the USA. ... (Our home web-page here is temporarily down.)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~From: "Anna von Reitz" <>To: "conferences-gc-usa" <>Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2017 1:17:52 AMSubject: Re: "Anna Von Reitz" Criticizes "Jural Societies"; ... (Re: USA Constitutional-Government, Organizing & Strategy ...)

PS --- There is a really excellent book that delineates the history and the various kinds of law and most especially the Common Law, by Brent Winters, called "The Excellence of the Common Law". It is weighty tome that does justice to the subject and it isn't cheap. I would suggest if you have a group together, buy one or two and pass them around, then donate to the local library as a reference book.

This gives you the whole Big Picture view and is well-worth the time to read and digest. For those that like to do their own research, it is full of references and citations throughout.

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I also really admire and recommend Richard Cornforth's teaching materials, both the DVD's and books and workbooks. For under a thousand dollars and the sweat equity you can have a better education than 95% of the attorneys you may face in these foreign maritime, admiralty and administrative courts. He has a well-organized intellect and a forthright, engaging personality and a real passion for justice and for teaching.

Study Cornforth and you won't waste your time or your money on any patriot guru crappola. He gives real tools to fight real battles in these legal arenas, and if you put in the time, you will be able to win. I just put up a blurb on my website about both resources.

We need to know the differences between American Common Law, English Common Law, Martial Common Law and also the nature of Maritime, Admiralty, and Administrative law if we are to properly restore the lawful republican form of government we are owed. The sooner the better.

We also need to know the history and the structure of our own land jurisdiction government. It begins with organizing the actual, factual land jurisdiction county via calling a public meeting and establishing a Jural Assembly. The members of this Assembly must correct and claim their birthright political status as people born on the land of one of the American states--- for example, Texans, Wisconsinites, Vermonters, New Yorkers, Virginians and so on.

The Michigan General Jural Assembly has been organized and operating for at least three decades. They have a Thursday night countrywide conference call at 9 pm EST, 1-712-770-4160, Access Code 226823#. There is also a Hotline from 2-7 pm EST, Monday through Thursday, at 1-989-450-5522, and a website at

They are standing by to help other people all over this country understand the process of restoring their actual local republican form of

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government, which starts with the people, then the counties, then the states, and finally the association of states known as the unincorporated United States of America.

Obviously, the Michigan General Jural Assembly is doing it right, or they would have been attacked and disbanded long ago. Learning what they have learned and putting it into practice locally is the job facing all Americans.

You will note that in the American system, the "federal" level of government is the lowest man on the totem pole, not the highest. It is exactly opposite to the foreign federal system which is all top down. The two are meant to counter-balance each other, via checks and balances, but checks and balances went out the window when the county and state organizations fell under the spell of federal kickbacks, known as federal revenue sharing, and decided to incorporate themselves as federal corporation franchises.

This simple act of incorporating the local county and state government organizations put them in international jurisdiction. And, for your information, in international jurisdiction only corporations and Heads of State exist. That's why there are no courts in these "federated counties" and "federated States of States" which serve actual people anymore. They can only "speak" to corporate entities--- and must "impersonate" you in order to gain jurisdiction over you.

Well, if you are sick of being impersonated and pillaged and plundered as a "public trust", it is high time that you learned the actual history and the law, and put your efforts into defending your rights and holding these goons accountable instead of perpetuating any more of the same old same old that has gradually reduced our country to a snake pit.

So don't be misled into forming "Jural Societies" and supporting more of the foreign evils we have already known. Spend your effort doing what really needs to be done--- educating yourselves and each other and all pulling together to restore the land jurisdiction government and

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American Common Law Courts you are owed.

God bless us all.


On Aug 27, 2017, at 7:02 AM, Magnus Regnant <> wrote:Arnie,

As you know and as a watcher upon the Ramparts of Life, we venture into the foray of public opinion pandering divisionism by illicitly seeking control of definitive meaning or usus of Words or Terms.

Has everyone forgotten, as American Nationals of the continental united e'states sitting as a jural assembly styled "The United States of America" we are joint tenants in sovereignty, which is governed by Nature's Law & Nature's (Creator/Creative) Science of Right Reason? And all this being naturally true, do any one of you contend to gang-press any Man or Woman or their Off-Spring into forced labor whereby, all cognizant expressions are manifested and enforced solely to socially engineer all livelihood in service of a collective body politic that excludes the people at large?

Well, if Right Reason prevail most graciously, can it be to much to consider that the definitive control of the meaning of Words & Terms can only be settled in accord via variation by agreement by the living? Otherwise, sovereignty would deny natural dominion an opportunity to exercise jurisdiction (the Right to Speak). It is without question, that there is no authority that can rightly or justly forbid the freedom of speech in the service of good will.

No imperial authority is naturally recognized or anyone of whatever nature claiming such a Right, has any superior respondent position or more Right or just Reason to claim any exclusive authority to define Words & Terms excluding all consenting variations of agreement elsewhere, as to what the meaning of those words constituting the phrase "Jural Society" definitively mean under all circumstances.

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Nor, does anyone (absent supporting variation by agreement reached by consenting parties) capable of claiming any natural Right via Nature's Law ever to rightfully claim or lord over those equally entitled thereby, by dictating what or who historically or otherwise, have stated for one or another under such circumstances germane, shews forth how under all circumstances, when or where at all times grants exclusive dominion some-how, and, whether by agreement, under whatever certain consenting circumstances may arise, the exclusive domain presently postulated, is then or now illicitly controlled by the corrupted bar-association attorneys monopolies, by what is inferred or purportedly their "foreign international jurisdiction of the sea - admiralty, maritime, and administrative corporate law"; from which arises variations of simulation of legal process as you and many have implied, and, more ascertained, which can conclusively factually prove when standing in proper venue so to speak, the pettifoggery afoot.

But what is proper for one may not always be proper for all. As we have stated on many occasions, each are perfect for their own freely chose condition. Otherwise, if this were not true, free will would not exist to exercise of good will or otherwise, or have any ability to choose a different path more perfectly suited for whatever

So, now each must choose for themselves when & why any Words or Terms have any meaning via variation by agreement. Or, accept that the defacto bar-association attorneys lust to monopolize this "Jural Society" concept; but no "Evidence" from any citations that might lead "reasonable minds" to conclude that it is lawful or legitimate or even advantageous to "concede the lawful or legal high-ground" to Anna or any historical defacto claims, advocating such slavish absurdities.

All our best,ArthurNotice: U.P.C. Applicable.

On Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 11:25 PM, conferences-gc-usa <> wrote:

From: "Anna von Reitz" <>

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To: "conferences-gc-usa" <>Sent: Friday, August 25, 2017 4:49:31 PMSubject: Re: USA Constitutional-Government, Organizing & Strategy Conference Invitation. 2-Hour Notice: Today/Friday, 25-August-2017; 7pm-eastern, 4pm-pacific.

Please note that a "Jural Society" operates in the foreign international jurisdiction of the sea---admiralty, maritime, and administrative corporate law.

If what you are trying to do is get back to a constitutional republican form of government you have to organize "Jural Assemblies" not "Jural Societies" and also, if you want to operate in any valid "Common Law" on the land jurisdiction of the United States, you have to operate in specifically "American Common Law" --- not just "Common Law" which in Jural Society terms means English or Martial Common Law, which is foreign to the American Republics.

Please get your facts straight and operate accordingly.

Judge Anna Maria RiezingerAlaska State


On Aug 27, 2017, at 5:37 PM, Paul Hansen <> wrote:

Jural Assemblies", "Jural Societies", or "The Court of the People", call it what you will, a fair trial to all is, and can only be "a fair trial to all".the Bible, God's Word, has no statement of unanimous anywhere, as to

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man's courts, such is not scriptural.Man need not even consider other claimed jurisdiction, they are irrelevant, unless activated by act, or consent.KISS, keep it simple silly.There is only one, generally accepted, way to appeal a decision of American Common Law.That is by American Common Law, as the jury has sole discretion, never leaving the subjection to the rule of law (God).Ecclesiastes 12:12 - "... the writing of many books there is no end, and much study is a weariness of the body."

On Aug 27, 2017, at 6:08 PM, Arnie Rosner <> wrote:

Let us get right to the obvious point. Based on the current spree to destroy the history of this current period of time by equally decisive people being paid to be disruptive…

Can anyone make a case for the accuracy and the history of the past?

Have not certain individuals working to advance a specific agenda performed such atrocities on the documented recorded history many times before? What

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do we really know of history in any real specific details that were not deliberately preserved for the purposes of deception?

This may not be a popular notion on which to speculate but that is the very reason this point is being made…

For the moment, let us set aside emotion and just consider logic:

Who can say for sure even the Bible has not suffered such abuses…deliberately? Remember the impact that was reported and recorded by the Roman Ruler Constantine…who can accurate describe what abuses were heaped upon the people under his reign?

Let us examine the false notion that, somehow…as the people of a given society or country…we are inexplicably tied to the past?

WE ARE NOT! That is unless we make a conscious choice of our free will to be so bound. Think about it Americans… We are sovereign… Kings and

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queens without subjects.

Are not such decisions in our hands?These assertions are offered for your consideration just based on observation and logic. Am I alone on the views expressed in these matters?

As American sovereigns, we are not bound by any thing which has occurred in the past unless we have consciously and freely, without coercion, intimidation or deception, granted our consent.

Think about that… Unless we have granted consent to anything, it has no legal or lawful binding power over the people…

Everything currently being imposed upon the people of America is being perpetrated in fraud. It does not

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lawfully stand as recognized by the people as lawful and legitimate — That is…Unless we the people freely grant our acceptance!

Legal System – NULL AND VOID! – Rules NOT Laws – | Scanned Retina – A Resource for the People!

The corporate policy under which many people are being criminalized, not only does not lawfully exist, (no corporate has any legitimate charter, since there is no lawful government to issue the charters), they operate in fraud with no full disclosure and imposed with no consent from the governed.

Please feel free to correct as warranted as I speak with no formal expertise or knowledge in the various law forms. I am just expressing opinions as a reasonable man.

arniearnie@arnierosner.com714-964-4056 24/

On Aug 27, 2017, at 3:21 PM, internationalinteriorsinc <> wrote:

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BOOKS???Dear Mr. Cunniffe, the premise of your argument to remove Ireland’s only monument to an American Confederate soldier is WRONG!by Thomas MadisonMr. Cunniffe:I read with interest, then pity, of your proposal to remove a local monument honoring your native son Dick Dowling, who had fought for the Confederate States of America. Your typical knee-jerk proposal, based upon your ignorance (not meant in the pejorative, but literal) of a war you obviously know little about that occurred over 250 years ago in a nation thousands of miles away from you, is unfortunate.The very premise of your proposal, "The whole point of the Confederate war was to support slavery in the South," is WRONG! You claim that Dowling "fought to enslave other people." WRONG again!I found your quotes, above, in The Washington Times, in an article I am providing the full text of below. Following that article, I have provided a link to an article I wrote explaining the TRUE cause of the US Civil War. There are many millions of Americans who are ignorant of the true cause of that terrible war. I blame the American third-world public education system and liberal revisionist history, which does not change the fact that all of them and you are wrong.From The Washington Times....A local lawmaker in Galway County, Ireland is lobbying for the removal of a monument honoring a native son who fought for the Confederacy as similar tributes continue to come down across the pond in the old South and beyond.Councillor Shaun Cunniffe this week said he’ll use an upcoming municipal meeting in the town of Tuam to discuss the future of a plaque

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commemorating Richard 'Dick' Dowling, Ireland’s only Confederate memorial, according to The Irish Post.Dowling was born near Tuam in 1837 but fled to the U.S. as a kid when his family emigrated during the Great Famine. He eventually settled in Houston, Texas, and a plaque currently inside Tuam Town Hall recognizes him as a “business and civic leader” credited with starting the Lone Star State’s first-ever oil company.The monument only hints at Dowling’s involvement as a Confederate lieutenant, however, and Mr. Cunniffe said he wants it gone given the current controversy unfolding in the U.S. surrounding similar monuments.“Having thought about it, I think it’s fair to say that even though he was a great businessman and civic leader, [he was] a successful Confederate in the army. The whole point of the Confederate war was to support slavery in the South,” Mr. Cunniffetold The Journal, a Dublin-based news site.“It is extraordinary that his family were evicted in 1845, he did very well in America, yet fought to enslave other people,” he said in an interview with The Irish Times.The plaque acknowledges Dowling’s involvement in the American Civil War and says he foiled an attempted invasion by federal troops in 1863, but doesn’t explicitly mention he was a member of the Confederate Army.“It celebrated that a person from our area did so well in business and was a civic leader and unfortunately really we didn’t consciously clearly [think] that the civil war was about one of the most fundamental rights of freedom. It didn’t seem for one reason or another to be discussed,” Mr. Cunniffe said of the plaque.“It is important that it is remembered from there, but I would like to see it put somewhere where it can be viewed in context and maybe used as a discursive piece,” he told The Journal.The councilor hopes to discuss his plans before the Municipal Authority of Tuam on Sept. 11, he said.“It will be interesting to hear all views and historical input” on the issue, he told The Journal.Efforts to remove Confederate monuments in the U.S. have ramped-up in recent weeks after a woman was killed in Charlottesville, Virginia, this month while protesting a rally held by individuals opposed to the city’s decision to remove a statue honoring Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee. Monuments honoring the likes of Lee and others have attracted significant scrutiny ever since, and a Houston man was arrested last weekend for allegedly attempting to blow up a statue there of Dowling because he “did

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not like that guy,” according to police.

VIDEO: Newsflash, liberal weenies, the Civil War was not fought over slavery! The slippery slope of destroying our history (a Powdered Wig article from August 24, 2017)Tucker’s Thoughts: Slavery in undoubtedly evil. But remember George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and 41 of the 56 people who signed the Declaration of Independence owned slaves. Should we no longer preserve our institutions and just dismiss them as evil?Yes, slavery is evil…. TODAY! 200 years ago our culture was much different. What is abhorrent today was accepted as commonplace then. Smoking, for example. Way taboo today for a variety of reasons, most notably health, but the push against smoking didn’t start in earnest until a few decades ago.What we do today may be considered abhorrent in 200 years, and the politically correct will condemn our behavior and culture because they can’t understand it in juxtaposition to their own.Take, for example, the advancing agenda of animal rights. Many of us today, including most leftists, love a great steak or cheeseburger. In 200 years, Colonel Sanders may be Robert E. Lee of today. Ridiculous? I can see it happening just as easily as today’s stupidity over Civil War monuments and statues.Let’s take the stupidity a step further. Many leftists own dogs and cats. Heck, some own horses or exotic animals. The word “own” may be generally sickening in 200 years. Fences and leashes may be outlawed. “No less than humans, all animals deserve to be freed from their slavery” may be the popular mantra of that future culture. Imagine cattle roaming freely in your yard (you are going to need a bigger pooper scooper for that). Imagine being attacked by a dog, and if you fight back and kill it, being arrested, charged with “voluntary slaughter” (there will be no such charge as “manslaughter,” as we will have advanced well beyond species identity), convicted, and sent to prison.Sounds like a swell world, right? Well, it could certainly happen. My point is that what is seen as perfectly acceptable by one culture, may be

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abhorrent in 200 years. To judge those who lived 200 years ago through the lens of today’s culture is wrong.How about medicine? Ever hear of Hirudotherapy? It is the practice of using leeches to suck the blood out of patients in an effort to cure them of all sorts of physical and mental disorders. What is thought of the practice in today’s medical world? It is ridiculous, stupid, sickening. Saturday Night Live wrote comedy skits around the medieval medicinal practice of bloodletting. But, in its day, it was cutting edge technology, considered the best method of curing people of serious illnesses. My point: What was considered perfectly acceptable 200 years ago is considered abhorrent today. We should not condemn those who practiced it. Without their contributions to medical science, we would not have advanced as far as we have in the field of medicine.Now, the toxic topic of slavery and the American Civil War, which was not begun over slavery at all. It was begun over money, taxes. The Confederates were not fighting to preserve slavery. They were fighting for the right to govern themselves. Lincoln couldn’t allow it as he desperately needed the South’s tax money and was willing to lose 600,000 American lives to get it, all explained in greater detail beneath the video, below.

The entire cause du jour of attacking all things Confederate is the result of revisionist history and its resulting mass ignorance.Two years ago, leftists were goose-stepping through the door of political correctness, demanding the banning of what they believed was THE Confederate flag. It wasn’t, as I explained here. The flag they believe was THE Confederate flag was actually a battle flag of the Army of Tennessee. There is a reason that that particular flag has become the symbol they hate so much, but I will bet that you can’t find one foaming-at-the-mouth leftist hater who can tell you where their hatred for that particular flag came from. They don’t know, they don’t care. They just HATE without knowing exactly what they are hating or why.The fact is the banner they hate so much is connected to the DEMOCRATS who began the Ku Klux Klan as an enforcement branch of the DEMOCRAT Party to oppress blacks and prevent them from voting. But, let’s not allow facts to get in the way of a good lynching.In a June, 2015 Powdered Wig article, I described the REAL cause of the Civil War. It wasn’t slavery. Here are the Cliff Notes….

1 The Civil War was begun over the Morrill Tariff of 1861, not slavery.2 The federal government could not operate without the South’s

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massive tax (tariff) contribution. Thus, Lincoln had no choice, in his opinion, but to FORCE the southern states to remain in the Union.

3 The southern states were responsible for the vast majority of tax revenue used to keep the federal government operating. Most of that revenue was used to build infrastructure in the industrial north, certainly an iniquitous tax situation and the cause for war.

4 Lincoln had promised to not interfere with slavery in states where it already existed, like all southern states. Why would the South go to war over a non-issue?

5 Slavery was not an issue until 1863 when the North was losing the war badly, morale was in the toilet, desertion in the Army was rampant, and support for the war was waning rapidly. Many northerners were demanding Lincoln allow the South to separate, bringing an end to the war.

6 Lincoln’s last ditch effort was the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863, freeing all southern slaves. He did this to fire up the abolitionists, gin up civilian support for the war, and draw hundreds of thousands more young men into the Army. It worked.

Link to an earlier article with more detail.... Slavery was NOT the cause of the US Civil War

On Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 12:38 PM, conferences-gc-usa <> wrote:

All honorable people are here-by invited to join in our growing Community of reputable Law & Justice

Scholars & Activists, with many affirming they will make efforts to join in this


Episode: USA #109: Constitutional Government & Jural-Society Organizing & Empowerment.

The CREATOR empowered you to think and act Page - 28 714-964-4056

USA Constitutional-Government Organizing (Join in) Host: charles8854 -

This Conference's Scheduled Time & Date is: Today, Friday, 25-August-2017.

Time: 7:00-pm Eastern-Time, 4-pm Pacific-Time.

How to participate: Call in by Dialing: 1-724-444-7444.

Enter Call-ID: 10929#.


Many subjects discussed in our recent phone-conferences will be re-visited in this evening's conference.

Audio-File Recordings & partial Transcripts of our recent conferences are available through web-links, here:

Our nicely maturing "Jural-Society" Community will generally focus our discussions thru

the "Rules of the Common-Law", as originally intended in the Seventh-Amendment.

Here-under, we will also generally follow "Roberts Rules of Order"; which includes prioritizing "Old Business".

... <snip> ...

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