the complete guide to onboarding new hires · the complete guide to onboarding new hires | 12...

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The Complete Guide to Onboarding New Hires | 2

Your guide to onboarding

The initial onboarding experience, which lasts for at least a month, significantly influences job performance, long-term satisfaction, and employee retention.

As a great hiring manager, it’s important to follow all the critical steps that make for a perfect onboarding program. That’s why we created this simple guide.

You’ll get five checklists that will take you through: • How to prep before your new employee starts• Clear steps to take in their first 30 days

Ready? Let’s go!

Table of contents


Why onboarding is so important . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

The five phases of successful onboarding . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Onboarding checklists

15 days before your new hire starts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Day 1 with your new hire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Day 2 with your new hire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

In the first week on the job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

In the first monthon the job. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10


Key takeaways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

10 ways to avoid common mistakes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

1 SHRM, Reducing New Employee Turnover Among Emerging Adults 2 BambooHR, What People Really Want from Onboarding [infographic]

69%Employees that go through a structured onboarding program are 69% more likely to stay for 3 or more years.2

Why onboarding is so important

Since one in five new hires leaves within the first 45 days of starting a job,1 it’s crucial to have an onboarding plan in place.

So where do you start? The reasons for investing in a systematic approach to onboarding are clear, but it can often be overwhelming to begin the process. That’s why we’ve made it easy for you, with a detailed guide through the five phases of onboarding.

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The five phases of successful onboarding

Onboarding requires a plan for before, during, and after a new hire’s first day. That’s why we created checklists for each of the five phases.

Second day

First week

Pre- arrival

First day

First month

Beginning 15 days before a new hire starts, here’s what to do to prepare for their arrival.

Make sure your hire feels welcomed, comfortable, and in-the-know with this checklist.

The goal on Day 2 is to get your hire up to speed and empowered to succeed in the role.

By the end of the first week, here’s a list of your goals as a manager overseeing a new hire.

Here’s how to foster growth, encourage success, and assess the working relationship.

The Complete Guide to Onboarding New Hires | 5


15 days before your new hire starts


Confirm start date, time, place, parking, transportation, and dress code

Identify computer needs and requirements

Set up email address and add to company directory

Add your new hire to relevant email lists


Request employee bio for easier team assimilation

Define week one agenda and share with the new hire


Grant access to key accounts, drives, systems, tools, and platforms

Set up regularly scheduled meetings, and add the new employee to other department meetings that will be helpful to onboarding

Schedule pertinent training sessions

Schedule a team lunch to introduce the new hire on day one or two

Plan the new hire’s first assignment


Assign (and clean) desk area

Set up workstation with laptop, computer monitor, chargers, mouse, keyboard, etc.

Prepare phone, access cards, nameplate, and printer access

Create a welcome pack with instructions for access


Day 1 with your new hire


Connect with HR to ensure proper paperwork is complete

Provide overview of how to use the phones and video conferencing systems, book conference rooms, and access common computer programs, systems, and drives – and share processes around expense reports and timesheets (if applicable)


Send a new hire announcement to appropriate teams, including bio, function, location, etc.

Introduce coworkers to the new hire

Show them how to get IT support


Present them with company swag to make them feel like part of the team

Provide a list of nearby restaurants

Take new hire out to lunch with some of the core team



Printers, copiers, and fax machines

Office supplies

Break rooms

First aid kit


Day 2 with your new hire


Provide insight on what the job requires on a day-to-day basis

Clarify the schedule for the week, and confirm required training

Review job description, duties, and expectations

What will the new hire be doing?

What are their specific responsibilities?

What are your goals for that person?

What are their goals and expectations?

What’s expected in 30 days? 60 days? 90 days?


Define your personal management style

What are ways you can best work together?

What are your preferences and expectations as a manager?

Review internal processes and workflow overview

Explain annual performance review and goal setting


In the first week on the job


Supply a list of helpful onboarding resources, product information/roadmap, industry research, competitive analysis, brand materials, internal process documentation, and system training links

Define expectations for how and when they should master the information, and set priorities


Set the stage at a macro level, from the perspective of the organization as a whole

Review the company mission statement, brand values, organizational structure, and goals


Set up any additional training sessions

Schedule check-ins to review progress on onboarding materials, discuss questions, and fill any gaps

Assign an onboarding buddy

Choose someone who performs similar day-to-day responsibilities that the new hire can lean on


Take time to design an initial assignment that will challenge your new hire; this will help instill confidence in their role and position them for longer-term success

Consider a “Show me, don’t tell me” approach


In the first month on the job


Arrange a lunch or happy hour with the larger team

Help the new hire meet more people at the company and grow their visibility

Set aside a time to review your working relationship

Are there areas to improve on?

How could we work better together?

Encourage openness; ask if there are any questions or concerns


Based on the success of your new hire’s first assignment, schedule time to regroup and discuss what worked and what didn’t

Make adjustments and set clear goals for a six-month review


Discuss additional assignments as well as a larger roadmap of key initiatives

Assign a mentor, and make introductions

Set performance expectations and establish that you’ll provide monthly feedback to the new hire regarding job performance, including a more formal evaluation annually

Assign any other required reading (ex: books that are critical to the industry or role)

The Complete Guide to Onboarding New Hires | 11

Key takeaways for the five phases of onboarding

Second day

First week

Pre- arrival

First day

First month

Set the stage for a new hire’s arrival by preparing a work space, communicating with the team and the hire, and scheduling their first week.

Introduce your new hire and make them feel welcome and appreciated. Explain what they can expect in the days ahead.

Get your new hire up to speed on day-to-day work life. Continue to make introductions and schedule training.

Give a first assignment and set expectations for the weeks ahead. Make time to get to know their professional likes and dislikes.

Encourage success and foster growth by giving regular feedback, and setting clear expectations and goals.




Bonus: 10 ways to avoid common mistakes

The Complete Guide to Onboarding New Hires | 12

Don’t wait until your new hire arrives to set up meetings and onboarding. Planning ahead demonstrates to the new employee that they are valued and that you are excited for them to start.

Don’t forget the importance of being available. Set up brief 1:1 sessions with new employees every day of their first week and on an ongoing basis to give them a chance to ask questions and feel confident they have your support.

Don’t disregard the importance of a buddy system. Assign someone from the team to be their onboarding buddy to guide them through the first few months on the job.

Don’t treat the new hire’s start date as an ordinary day. Welcome them with swag and an excited attitude to make them feel like a part of the team right away.

Don’t keep new hires in the dark. Be super clear about the agenda for the first week to make the unknown feel as comfortable as possible and help them plan ahead.

Don’t be ambiguous about the new hire’s role, responsibilities, and expectations. Make sure they are written down and communicated verbally.

Don’t overwhelm a new hire with grueling eight-hour, single-day orientations that overload them with information. Prioritize the most important in-person training sessions first, and offer supplemental materials that can be reviewed on their own time over the course of the first three months.

Reasons why people leave a new job quickly.3


Not fun


Under- appreciated

Not enough training

Issues with management

Different work than expected

3 BambooHR, What People Really Want from Onboarding [infographic]





The Complete Guide to Onboarding New Hires | 13

Don’t neglect team introductions or forget to announce the new hire to the greater team. Help facilitate introductions so the new team member can start building relationships – this is critical to making them feel comfortable in their new environment.

Don’t ignore the power of a first assignment. Give guidance and guardrails to your new hire, and empower them to succeed in the role. Work together on an assignment, and set aside time regroup at the end. Talk through what worked – and what didn’t. Giving clear feedback early in the relationship will pay off in the long run.

Don’t miss the chance for team-building events such as welcome lunches that encourage cultural assimilation. Be sure to plan events that foster a sense of community.

Retained from discussion

Retained from on-the-job experiences

Retained from reading

4 Chronus, How to Make Your Employee Onboarding Program Strategic and Effective

New hires learn best by doing4







The Complete Guide to Onboarding New Hires | 14

The Complete Guide to Onboarding New Hires | 15

Summary: Onboarding truly matters

A successful onboarding experience will impact both you and your new hires for months to come. That’s why planning ahead is (not surprisingly) your key to bringing and keeping hires who will stay for the long haul.

Since one of the biggest drivers of why people leave a new job is misaligned expectations, clarity is essential from the moment an offer is extended.

Onboarding checklists will help you lead every new hire from uncertain newbie to confident, motivated employee.

The Complete Guide to Onboarding New Hires | 16

Did you know there are other steps you can take to hire for longevity? It begins when you start your search. With LinkedIn Talent Solutions, you’ll have the tools to find and attract your next perfect hire.

LinkedIn Talent Solutions offers a full range of recruiting solutions to help organizations of all sizes find, attract, and engage the best talent. Founded in 2003, LinkedIn connects the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful. With 560+ million members worldwide, including 75% of the US workforce, LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network.

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