the cold war the period of political tension and mistrust between western and eastern nations...

Post on 20-Jan-2016






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The Cold War

• The period of political tension and mistrust between Western and Eastern nations following WWII.

Between what two nations was the Cold War primarily between?

• United States• Soviet Union

• The Truman Doctrine

What policy gave money to countries threatened by Communist expansion?

What plan gave $13 million to war-torn Europe to prevent the spread

of Communism?

• Marshall Plan

What term refers to a country that in economically and politically

dependent on another country?

• Satellite state

In what city was the wall built that divided East and West?

• Berlin

What event was a result of the Soviets establishing a blockade

around the western half of Germany?

• Berlin airlift

What is the term describing the competition to build up armies and weapons?

• Arms Race

What other race led to intense competition between the United

States and Soviet Union?

• The Space Race

The Soviet union reached space first with an unmanned satellite

known as what?

• Sputnik – U.S. citizens now

feared that the Soviet Union was ahead of the United States in missile technology.

The United States reached the moon first in 1969. Who was the first man to walk on the moon?

• Neil Armstrong

What organization was formed after WWII to protect Western European

nations if any of them were attacked?

• NATO – North Atlantic Treaty


The Soviet Union countered this treaty by creating it own alliance

agreement know as?

• The Warsaw Pact

Who took control of the Soviet government during the first years of

the Cold War?

• Nikita Khrushchev

A civil war in what country led to increased tensions between the Soviet Union and Great Britain.

• Greece

Name the event in which the United States tried to overthrown the

Cuban Government.

• The Bay of Pigs

What event caused a near nuclear war between the U.S. and U.S.S.R.?

• The Cuban Missile Crisis

What theory stated that if one nation fell to Communism the surrounding

nations would do the same?

• Domino Theory

U.S. fears about Communism spreading increased when what

nation fell to Communism?

• China

What process did Khrushchev put into place to help the Soviet Union

move forward?

• De-Stalinization

In what system is the government responsible for providing citizens with

services and a minimal standard of living?

• Welfare State

Which President was assassinated on November 22, 1963?

• John F. Kennedy

What movement became a serious issue in the United States during

the 1960s and 70s?

• Civil Rights Movement

Who was the leader of the Civil Rights Movement?

• Martin Luther King Jr.

Which U.S. President signed the Civil Rights Act?

• Lyndon B. Johnson

What term describes a society preoccupied with purchasing goods?

• Consumer Society

Which U.S. Senator led the “Red Scare” which was a movement to

expose Soviet subversion?

• Joseph McCarthy

At which University were 4 students killed during an anti-war protest?

• Kent State University

What two wars resulted from tension between the Soviet Union

and United States

• Korean and Vietnam

Which Communist nation was able to stay outside the reaches of

Soviet control?

• Yugoslavia

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