the cellphone: ultimate distraction or powerful learning tool?

Post on 28-Nov-2014






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Keynote presentation at the Schools ICT Conference in Cape Town, 1-3 October 2008



The cellphone: ultimate distraction or powerful learning tool?

Steve Vosloo

The growing disconnect

Cellphones: pros and cons


“There is now an extraordinary contrast between the high levels of activity that characterise

children's consumer cultures and the passivity that increasingly suffuses their schooling.”

(Buckingham, 2003)

Classroom vs the world

Formal & structured




Un-networked & disconnected

CAMI & Powerpoint

MCQs & simple creations

30 mins/week

Informal & fluid




Networked & plugged-in

MXit/Facebook, games, web

Communication, play & exploration

Up to 2 hours/day

Classroom vs the world

“ICT in schools is predicated on the ‘top-down’ understanding that we know how children

should be learning from technology rather than seeking to learn from their existing practices.”

(Their Space, 2007)

Cellphone affordances



Content delivery and creation medium

Klopfer (Jenkins 2008):

Portability - can take it to different sites and move around within a location

Social interactivity - can exchange data and collaborate with other people face-to-face

Connectivity - a common network that creates a true shared environment

Cellular South Africa Cellphones:

72% own a cell phone

Nearly half SMS almost daily


8 million subscribers

250m messages/day

Computers and Internet:

Only 17% ever used the Internet

6% use it (almost) daily

9% have Internet access at home

(Kaiser Family Foundation & SABC, 2007)

Dr Math

Dr Math is a maths tutoring service to school learners that uses MXit

2-8pm, Sunday-Thursday, with some 20 tutors.

3,200 learners have used service (from grade 3 up)

Tutoring mostly done in English, but some Afrikaans cases are occurring

Learners contact Dr Math from their homes, while on buses, taxis and on the sports field. Even from the bath!

LATEST: Text-adventure game (interactive fiction)

dr.math: What grade are you in? what are you covering in math?

Spark plug: 7

dr.math: grade 7?

Spark plug: yes

dr.math: are u doing "pre algebra" stuff like What is the value of X if x + 3 = 10?

Spark plug: yes

dr.math: ok, so what is the value of x if x + 3 = 10?

Spark plug: 7

dr.math: ok. how about (15 x 2 ) + x = 35

Spark plug: 5

dr.math: (I am going to use * for multiply so not to confuse it with x, ok?)

Spark plug: ok

dr.math: (2 * x) + 8 = 18

Spark plug: 5

dr.math: very good. can you explain to me how you figured that out?

Spark plug: 18 - 8 is 10 so 2* what is 10 and the answer is 5

dr.math: Excellent.

M4Girls Project

Improve maths in grade 10 rural girls (by Mindset)

43 mini videos, 3 “mobisode” animations, 2 games

Alternate Reality Game

ARG: an interactive narrative that uses the real world as a platform, often involving multiple media and game elements, to tell a story that may be affected by participants' ideas or actions. (Wikipedia)

Think “Finders Keepers” but played collectively using web, email, SMS, voice, video, etc.

Collaborative problem-solving

Skills: collective intelligence, judgement, transmedia navigation (Jenkins et al, 2006)

Reading/writing cellphone

Using the cellphone as a “book” delivery and authoring tool

Serialised m-novels: e.g. 28 chapters, 900 characters (Novel Idea)

Othello as an m-novel?

Communities engaging literacy practices of writing and reviewing

But ...

1) Distraction

2) Antisocial?

3) Risk of violence/abuse

4) Effect on reading and writing?

5) Cost

What do these things have in common?

Printing press



Rock 'n roll


Consider ways to exploit cellphone affordances to support teaching and learning, while limiting the distraction and risk factors

Only YOU can do this ...

Thank youEmail


Games and learning group


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