the art of email for nonprofits

Post on 16-Aug-2015



Government & Nonprofit



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Master the Art of Email for your Nonprofit


Let’s Connect!

Twitter: @JasonNicosia1

Meet: Jason Nicosia


About CommitChange


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Why Email Marketing is Great for Nonprofits

It’s Fast

It’s Cost-Effective

It has Measurable ROI


Why you shouldn’t be sending regular text emails


Building an Email Database● Online

○ Sign-up Forms and Landing Pages○ Facebook Sign-ups

Building an Email Database● Offline

○ Event Check-ins


Building an Email Database● Your Donor Management System


Creating your Message● Determine Campaign’s Objective

For example,

○ Keep current donors connected to increase loyalty

○ Furthering an offline campaign with an online ask

○ Strictly online fundraising campaign

○ Thanking donors immediately after their donation

○ Updating donors on any news concerning the organization

○ Inviting recipients of email to an event


Creating your Message● Create a schedule for communication


Creating your Message● Define your Nonprofit’s voice and target constituent



Creating Email Campaigns

Hard Asks & Soft Asks


● Vary your content with every ask!

● Send out strategically to not overwhelm your readers.

● Hard asks should be sent out in accordance with your major fundraising campaigns

● Soft asks are best when they are accompanied by a personal story with an emotional appeal.

● Remember, your call to actions in your other campaigns will be asks too, so keep those varied as well.

Thank Yous


● The Immediate Thank You

● Showing Impact Thank You

● End of The Year Thank You



● Keeps your donors engaged and up to date● Should be sent on a consistent time frame● Flexible environment to share updates as well as to ask for continued support

What to Include in Your Email


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