the 5 big investments

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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5 Essential Investments for a more

energized and radiant YOU

Especially if you don’t have the time, the energy,

or the know-how!

Results, Obvious & Immediate.

Smart investments are all about ROI!

If you think that self-care is separate from your drive to

succeed and make a difference…“ …you are undermining

your success!

That give you big returns in health and energy.

Easy Health Investments


Increase energy, metabolism, and cognitive function.


Drink 16-32oz first thing in the a.m.

Add lemon, ACV and/or herbs Coconut water Use electrolytes

Hydration Hacks!1

Make it high protein for better food choices and higher

productivity throughout the day.

Eat Breakfast2

Use a brown rice protein powder for shakes and smoothies.

Plan b-fast and lunch the eve before.

Have supper for b-fast - salmon, chicken, etc…

Breakfast Hacks2

Get more bang for your buck: choose nutrient-rich over

calorie-rich foods. Greens are the best.

Eat Your Greens!3

Add greens to smoothies. Throw a handful of prewashed

greens into soups. Use powdered greens to increase

your intake easily.

Nutrient-Rich Hacks!3

Here, there, and everywhere. Short bursts throughout the day

= better everything.

Move Your Precious Bod!


Do short bursts of exercise every hour – jumping jacks, squats, chair yoga.

Schedule in 5-10 minute breaks to do some stairs, walk around the block.

Stand as much as possible- sitting is the new smoking!

Movement Hacks!4

Increase focus and reduce stress instantly with nasal breathing,

anytime, anywhere.


Whenever you feel tense or can’t think clearly take calm deep nasal breaths.

Bellows breath-use your belly as a bellows-out on the inhale, in on the exhale. Deep, full, fast for 30 seconds.

Hacks for Breathing!


What I Can Do For You


7-Day Map to Hormonal Happiness

30-Minute Strategy Session

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