tgtbsm to manifesting money manifesting money it is now my joy to share with you how...

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There’s Got to Be Something More To Manifesting Money

Jumpstart Your Prosperity in 3 Simple Steps

The easiest way to create more abundance in your life is to appreciate the abundance you are already receiving. Where your focus goes, energy flows. So the Law of Attraction is responding to your focus.

Though abundance comes in many forms: relationships, ideas, activities, possessions, health, wealth and much more; for this exercise we will be focusing on money. Why? Because a feeling of lack around money is the most common issue my clients share.

Be honest. When you think about money, how do you feel? Excitement and freedom or worry and concern? Regardless of where you are in your relationship with money, whether you simply want enough to pay your bills or you’re debt-free, there’s always room for something more.

One of the challenges in receiving more money into our lives is that society, in general, believes there’s a limited amount and that we have to work hard for it. Sound familiar?

What you believe, you receive. If you believe you have to work hard to receive money, then that will be your experience. If you believe that money flows to you in many ways and that you can be, do and have anything you want, then that will be your experience. What do you choose to believe?

Kat Wells International, LLC Jumpstart Your Prosperity in 3 Simple Steps

There’s Got to Be Something More To Manifesting Money

Like most people, I was taught to believe you had to work hard to make money. And I did. At one point in my life I was working three jobs just to make ends meet.

And then I learned about the Universal Laws and realized it was my beliefs about money that were getting in my way. And beliefs are simply thoughts we keep thinking. Once I changed my thoughts by focusing differently, money started flowing in.

Remember the chapter “Up, Up and Away” from my book, “There’s Got to Be Something More”? All I did was focus on what I wanted with a feeling of excitement and fun (no resistance), and let the Universe handle the details (trust). I allowed the Universe to deliver my desire without limiting how or when it would come (detachment).

It’s really that simple and not always easy. We’ve all been influenced by the beliefs and fears of others without realizing it. And we’ve been unconsciously acting on those beliefs for most of our lives. The good news is, you can start shifting those beliefs today.

Like anything in this physical life, new behaviors take practice. The more you practice, the easier and more automatic the new behavior becomes as new neural pathways are created in your brain. Pretty soon the new behavior becomes your new set-point.

It’s similar to when I taught myself to write with my non-dominant hand in high school. At first, just holding the pencil in my left hand correctly was difficult and clumsy. But it was the first step in the process. After several days of writing the alphabet, I was able to write my name, then I moved to sentences, and finally, I was able to take notes in class that were at least legible.

Each day I practiced, I was strengthening the new neural pathways. Today, I can choose which hand I want to write with, yet I can’t do both at the exact same time because our mind can only focus in one place at a time. Try it! Try writing your name with both hands at the same time. What happens?

Kat Wells International, LLC Jumpstart Your Prosperity in 3 Simple Steps

There’s Got to Be Something More To Manifesting Money

Your mind will switch from one focus to the other. For some of you it may be so quickly that it almost feels like you’re doing both at once, but if you continue writing for a minute or so, you will notice your focus clearly shifting between your two hands.

So, what does that have to do with manifesting money? Where your focus goes, energy flows. Where are you focused most of the time? Are you focused on abundance or lack?

Whenever you worry or complain, you are focused on lack. Whenever you appreciate and acknowledge, you are focused on abundance. The Law of Attraction is responding to your vibration which is activated by your thoughts and words. Your life is a reflection of where you are focused most of the time.

And wherever you are is perfect! In fact, the worse it feels to you in this moment, the stronger your desire for something more, and the more exciting this journey will be for you. Nothing has gone wrong. You’re right on track for an abundant and exciting life.

In my book, “There’s Got to Be Something More,” I explain how I went from experiencing bankruptcy, divorce, miscarriage, losing my job, my home, my health and wanting to leave this life; to manifesting a marriage of twenty-five years, financial freedom, two beautiful homes, several cars including a Cobra and Jaguar, traveling the world for eight years, perfect health, and a career I love.

Did it happen overnight? Nope! In fact, my journey was a long one, taking several years and thousands of dollars worth of therapy, books, CD’s, seminars and every new “thing” I could get my hands on.

And then one day in 2003, I discovered the book, “The Secret,” which sent me on a new path of learning, practicing and utilizing the Universal Laws. Within two short years after discovering Abraham-Hicks and applying their teachings, millions of dollars flowed into my life and and everything changed dramatically.

Kat Wells International, LLC Jumpstart Your Prosperity in 3 Simple Steps

There’s Got to Be Something More To Manifesting Money

It is now my joy to share with you how to begin living an abundant and prosperous life. For you, it doesn’t have to take several years or thousands of dollars. It only takes a desire, a decision, and a dedicated practice to shift your focus. You can do this!

If you’re ready to master the art of manifesting, let’s get started! Remember how I learned to write with my left hand by first getting used to holding a pencil? It was simple, yet it was the first logical step. And even though I could write perfectly with my right hand, my left hand didn’t have a clue.

So, even if these methods I’m sharing with you seem simple, they were the first logical steps I used to shift my focus and beliefs. These easy techniques will help you not only practice gratitude and appreciation, they will also help you see abundance where you might not have noticed it before.

And once you shift your focus and begin to notice more and more how the Universe is supporting you, Law of Attraction will respond to your expectations and bring you more and more money to appreciate.

Once the momentum gets going, you will look back in the not so distant future and realize, like I did, that it was so much easier than you could ever have imagined!

Kat Wells International, LLC Jumpstart Your Prosperity in 3 Simple Steps

There’s Got to Be Something More To Manifesting Money

Since the most important thing necessary for manifesting abundance is that you feel positive emotions, the words you speak and the thoughts you think matter. For example, when you talk to someone about “paying your bills” whether you have enough money to pay them or not, how do you feel?

For me, the word “bill” does not have a feel-good vibration. It feels like debt or obligation. So I decided to substitute it with the word “account.” One definition of the word “bill” is “a statement of money owed.” Whereas, a definition for the word “account” is “a statement of recent transactions.” Which FEELS better to you?

This may seem like a small change, and it is. Yet, it will have a big effect on how you feel. Compare how you feel owing someone and having to pay them back every month to how you feel paying accounts that allow you to reimburse them after you receive their services.

Your feelings send out a vibrational signal to the Universe and the Law of Attraction will bring to you things that match that signal. If you FEEL in debt, then you will receive more debt. If, instead, you FEEL appreciative for receiving services or products before payment, and that you are trusted by these companies, then you will receive more trust and things to appreciate.

Your Turn: Step 1: On a separate sheet of paper, make a list of words or phrases related to money that have a negative feeling. Next, choose a better feeling word to replace it with in your daily vocabulary.

Feels Bad Feels Better Bill Account Debt ___________ Creditor ___________

Kat Wells International, LLC Jumpstart Your Prosperity in 3 Simple Steps

There’s Got to Be Something More To Manifesting Money

Once you complete your list, you will automatically become more aware of words that don’t resonate or feel good as you speak them. By taking the time NOW to select words that feel better, you can quickly self-correct and shift how you feel.

Being aware of the words you choose and how they make you feel is the first step in being a deliberate creator. The next step is paying attention to where you are focused. When you focus on the abundance of money coming into your life everyday, your vibration sends a signal out to the Universe which the Law of Attraction is responding to at all times.

Step 2: Start a daily tally sheet of all the money that you receive. Now, at first it may seem to you that you don’t receive much money. Most people only think of their paycheck and other obvious sources like interest on their investments or savings accounts.

Your challenge is to see what others miss. For example, I went shopping recently to buy clothes for an upcoming trip. When I went to the register expecting to pay over $1000, I was ecstatic to discover from the salesclerk that I had earned a discount coupon for 50% off my entire purchase.

Don’t “discount” discounts. They are money! I didn’t get a discount, I received over $500 for just shopping in their store. Do you see the difference perspective makes?

Kat Wells International, LLC Jumpstart Your Prosperity in 3 Simple Steps

There’s Got to Be Something More To Manifesting Money

So, in my journal the following morning, I listed all of the money that showed up for me the previous day which included $45 for a few dishes I sold at a resale shop, $87 for an insurance payment adjustment, 10 cents that I found when washing laundry, and the $500 from the discount coupon. I received $632.10 in one day and it wasn’t from my paycheck!

Remember when I mentioned that where your focus goes, energy flows? A couple days later, as I was walking through the airport wearing one of my new outfits, I thought again about how fun it was to receive that $500. As I approached the long security line, a TSA agent motioned for me to go through the almost empty pre-check line even though my ticket was marked for standard security.

The Law of Attraction was matching my vibration of abundance. And, as the saying goes, “The better it gets the better it gets.” When I boarded the plane, I sat in an aisle seat and ended up having an empty middle seat next to me for the four hour flight! Now I had some momentum going and when I got to the hotel, they had upgraded me to a better suite without me even asking. When you choose to focus on abundance consistently, you create momentum and the Law of Attraction will respond. The next morning, I posted in my journal:

Empty Seat On Plane - $447Hotel Upgrade - $180 Through Airport Security in less than 2 minutes - Priceless!

Now it’s your turn. Start a journal, and if you already keep a daily journal, just make a list of all the money that shows up for you each day. At the end of the week and each month, tally the totals. Remember to look for what others miss. Perhaps a friend offers to take your child to daycare. How much money in gas would that represent? What you estimate isn’t as important as having fun with this.

Kat Wells International, LLC Jumpstart Your Prosperity in 3 Simple Steps

There’s Got to Be Something More To Manifesting Money

Remember what it felt like as a child finding money from the tooth-fairy under your pillow or a penny on the sidewalk? That’s how your relationship with money is supposed to feel everyday.

Now that you’ve chosen better feeling words for your abundance vocabulary and started acknowledging the money that flows to you every day, you’re ready to apply the most powerful practice for creating more abundance. Appreciation.

Step 3: Keep a daily Appreciation Journal. Most of you are probably familiar with gratitude journals where you list the things in your life you are grateful for. Gratitude and appreciation are powerful, positive attractors. Appreciating your family, friends, health, work and wealth is important for creating the life you desire.

Are you up for a challenge? Do you really want to shift your vibration around money to one of more abundance?

Then appreciate your bill collectors, or as you now call them, your “account managers.” An easy way to get started if you still write checks is to write “Thank You” in the memo section of your check. If you pay your accounts on-line, each time you hit that “send” button, say out loud, “Thank You.”

The first time I did this, I was surprised at how hard it was to do, which meant there was resistance in me about paying my accounts. When we are in resistance, money cannot flow to us. That’s because resistance means that we are coming from a place of lack, and lack attracts lack.

Another way to appreciate is to SINCERELY thank every person you pay money to. Look them in the eyes and smile, really connect with the waiter at the restaurant, the sales clerk at the department store, the policeman who wrote you that ticket.

When you appreciate them for who they really are and for what they are trying to do for you, you will attract more abundance into your life. And it’s actually kind of fun to watch their reaction when they realize you really appreciate them.

Kat Wells International, LLC Jumpstart Your Prosperity in 3 Simple Steps

There’s Got to Be Something More To Manifesting Money

And here’s your final challenge. In your journal, write a letter to your biggest “account holder” in appreciation for all they do for you. Yep! You heard me right. I said it would be a challenge.

Words have power. The Law of Attraction is responding to your vibration which is activated by your thoughts and words. Writing is the best way to maintain a focus and to activate feelings. If you can truly appreciate your largest “account holder,” then the other accounts will be much easier to appreciate.

Let’s say that your largest account is your mortgage company. Your letter could start off something like this:

“Dear (name of mortgage company), I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your trust in me by

allowing me to take (number of years) to purchase my beautiful home. I couldn’t have done it without you. My family and I love our house and have already shared many wonderful memories here. The kids love playing in the backyard with our dog and . . . (elaborate as much as possible and give lots of details.)

And thank you for taking care of collecting the insurance and taxes and paying them each year. It’s one less thing I have to do . . .”

Now, it’s your turn.

Kat Wells International, LLC Jumpstart Your Prosperity in 3 Simple Steps

There’s Got to Be Something More To Manifesting Money

Writing the thank you letter and shifting your focus from lack and resistance to appreciation, will change your perspective and ultimately your abundance set-point. We get to choose how we look at things and those choices affect how we feel. Our feelings are sending out signals to the Universe and the Law of Attraction is responding to those signals.

Each of the processes I’ve shared with you are ones I’ve used in my own life. When I wrote a thank you letter to my mortgage company in my journal, two days later I received a call from one of their loan officers letting me know we qualified for a new loan program with much lower interest rates than our current mortgage.

We were able to lower our mortgage payments by more than $1000 per month. If I calculate that out over the ten year pay-out, not even including all the interest we would save, I received over $120,000 for doing NOTHING except writing in my journal!

These processes are simple, yet powerful. Make a commitment today to become a deliberate creator by choosing better feeling words and thoughts, acknowledging all the money flowing to you, and appreciating everything in your life right now.

We cannot focus on what we don’t have and allow what we do want into our lives. They are two different vibrations. And you will know which you are attracting by the way you feel. The focus is up to you.

Abundance abounds all around us. Life is supposed to feel good. Enjoy the ride!

Kat Wells International, LLC Jumpstart Your Prosperity in 3 Simple Steps

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