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Card 1.2

Exams are a fair way of testing students. Do you agree?

Every year thousands of students take important exams which can decide their future, for example, students have to pass exams grades in order to get a place in a university. Are exams a fair way of judging a student’s ability? On the one hand, exams seem fair. The questions are the same for all students. Also, the exams are marked according to a strict scheme and usually by more than one examiner. Furthermore, students do the exams at the same time and under the same conditions. On the other hand, there are some drawbacks the exams. Despite some students deserving to pass, they might be so nervous on the big day that they make a mess of the exam. Moreover, there may be other reasons, such as illness, which affect a student’s performance in an exam. An alternative to exams would be a system of continuous assessment of course work by teachers during the year although this would mean more regular testing and more work for teachers. There would be a greater opportunity for students to copy work, too.

(From: New Opportunities Russian Edition Intermediate Student’s Book, p.89)

Card 2.2

Why do we enjoy feeling afraid?

Have you ever wondered why horror stories are so popular?

People like stories that have an emotional effect on them. For example,

some people like romantic stories, which make them feel sad or remind them of

being in love. Horror stories make our hearts beat faster. We experience the same

feelings that we get when we do sport. People feel panic because they are

frightened when they think about the 'monster'. The danger can just an idea or an

image, but it is always frightening and evil. The person watching the film or

reading the book shares the feelings of the human being in the story. There is

another reason why people enjoy feeling afraid. It seems that horror stories help

people to do something about things that worry or scare them, such as the dark or

pain. They can sit in a safe cinema seat and watch the dark or pain on the screen.

When they come out of the cinema, their real fear doesn't seem so sad.

Finally, frightening stories are popular because they show us impossible,

unknown beings and things we don't understand. These things both fascinate us

and terrify us. Because we are fascinated, we keep on watching or reading, even

though we are frightened. This is what gives us the experience which so many of

us find enjoyable!

(From: Matrix Pre-Intermediate. Student’s Book, p. 42-43)

Card 3.2 Dogs in the city.

(Letters to the editor.)

Man’s Best Friends Not Welcome in City Life.

Dear Editor,

What is wrong with the owners of dogs in this city? Every time I go out for a

walk, I have to compete with big dogs for a place to walk! Dogs are loud and dirty;

moreover, they frighten little children and old ladies. The city is no place for a dog.

Big dogs need a lot of room for running; therefore, they should live in the

country... Can't the city pass a law against dogs?

Fred Brown, head pharmacist Westside Pharmacy, Centerville

Dear Editor,

Many people are speaking out against large dogs these days. This is not fair

because dogs can't speak for themselves. They are man's best friend; therefore, I

will speak for

dogs. The city already has a leash law; owners must keep their dogs tied up on a

leash. The city also has health laws; owners must clean up after their dogs. There is

no law against owning a dog, unless the dog hurts somebody. People should have

big dogs if they want them. City life can be sad and lonely for older people;

however, dogs are good friends. Moreover, dogs make life safer. We train our dogs

to be gentle; as a result, they are very patient and good with children. Our dogs sit

outside our store all day and don't make any trouble.

Bob Kovacik, owner Bob and Marsha's Grocery

(From: Developing Writing. P.W. Peterson. USA, Washington, D.C., 2000, p.


Card 4.2

More exercises, less stress?

Do you know how dangerous stress can be? It affects us both physically

and mentally, so reducing stress is something that we should all try to do. While

many people feel that the best way to get rid of stress is some form of exercise,

there are other ways which are just as effective.

The benefits of physical exercise are obvious. First of all, keeping fit helps

your body stay strong and healthy. Therefore you are less likely to get sick or

suffer from stress-related health problems such as heart attacks and cancer.

Furthermore, exercise is a good way to get rid of frustration and anger, because

after exercise the brain produces hormones called endorphins which make us feel


On the other hand, if you are out of shape, exercise can be quite painful. You

may pull a muscle or injure yourself. Furthermore, exercising may even cause

more stress since it will add to your already hectic schedule.

(From: Upstream Intermediate. Student’s Book, p.82)

Card 5.2Tourism

Tourism is a bad thing because it makes people fly all over the world and,

according to many scientists. 15 per cent of all greenhouse gases will come from

aeroplanes by 2050. And as more aeroplanes fly it gets more dangerous up there in

the sky. And that's not all. Tourism has a bad impact on the places where tourists

go. Water is diverted from agricultural areas and the poor suffer. Tourism

generates a lot of rubbish. It destroys countryside and wildlife disappears. And

worst of all it destroys traditional customs.

However, tourism benefits local economies and anyway, it's the world's

largest industry. One of the most important aspects of tourism is that it provides

employment for many people who wouldn't have a job without it. And tourism

helps the different peoples of the world understand each other. The last few years

have also seen a huge increase in ‘eco-tourism’. The most important thing for the

eco-tourist is to have as little effect on the local environment as possible. If tourism

is restricted, only the rich will be able to travel, and that would be a great pity.

Everyone needs a chance to unwind, and that's what tourism provides.

(From: Just. Intermediate. Listening and Speaking. J Harmer, Marshall Cavendish

Ltd, 2004, p. 43)



|I think housework is a waste of time! I don't mind doing the vacuuming or emptying the rubbish, but I really hate cleaning the bathroom and doing the washing-up. I have to clean the bathroom once a week and I also have to do the washing-up every evening. It really gets on my nerves. Mum says my bedroom is very untidy but I don't think ifs a problem. OK, is very untidy but I don't think it's a problem. OK, but it's my room. I say to her "Shut the door and don't worry. I'll tidy it up next week.


I don't mind doing all the cooking, the washing and the ironing, but I am certainly not going to do everything. When I want Lucy to do something, I sometimes have to ask her three or four times. She often just refuses. Her bedroom is very untidy. There are a lot of smells in there - food, old cups of coffee and trainers. The strongest smell is her perfume. It's strong enough to cause an explosion! I worry about Lucy. What is she going to be like when she's older and she's got a place of her own?"

(From: Snapshot Elementary Student’s Book, p.83)

Card 7.2Animals in zoos

The question of whether it is right to keep animals in captivity is one that has

been under discussion for some time now. After all, what right do we have to

decide if an animal should be free or not? There are several points in favour of

keeping animals in zoos. First of all, it gives people the chance to see and learn

about animals which they would probably otherwise never see. Many species are

saved from becoming extinct by being kept in zoos, where they are encouraged to


Animals in zoos are forced to live in a completely unnatural environment and

are often not given the amount of living space that they need. Living in captivity

makes animals dependent on humans and means that they cannot be released back

into the wild, as they would not be able to survive. It is obvious that keeping

animals in zoos can deprive them of the right to live in their natural environment. It

is sometimes the only way to prevent more species from becoming extinct.

(From: Interprise Intermediate Coursebook Express Publishing, p. 117)

Card 8.2

TV or not TV?

Television is a wonderful invention and a cheap form of entertainment. It

gives pleasure to millions of people, especially those who live alone. It’s also an

excellent way of escaping from our dull reality. It involves us in strong emotions:

love, hate, passion. Even the silliest of ‘soaps’ help to solve somebody’s

problems by showing what might happen if a person do certain things.

Each year, both kids and adults spend more time glued to the TV-set than

doing anything else, except for sleeping!

People have worried about the effects of TV ever since the 1940s, when

television became popular. Studies show that too much TV watching leads to such

problems as bad eating habits, lack of exercise, obesity and depression. And far

from relaxing us, TV actually raises stress levels. More and more children today

are overweight. Sitting in front of the tube for long hours is one reason. The steady

stream of commercials advertising sugary soda, chocolate and fast food is another.

(From: Speak Out № 2, 2004, p. 2-3)

Card 9.2

Computers in modern society

Computers are a major technological breakthrough of the twentieth

century. Their benefits are numerous yet much can be said against them. Clive

James, an Australian critic, once said that "It is only when they go wrong that

machines remind you how powerful they are". The main disadvantage of

computers is that staring at a screen for long periods of time can be damaging to

the eyes, and sitting on a chair for hours at a time is certainly not healthy.

Secondly, computers distract from social interactions such as conversation. Also,

people can be inclined to become anti-social and stay at home to use their

computer. Finally, the most persuasive argument against the use of computers is

that the more jobs which are done by computers, the less are done by people.

However, the advantages of computers are numerous, such as the

undeniable benefits, especially for children. School subjects become more

interesting when presented on a computer screen. Moreover, computers can be fun

with a seemingly endless variety of games which can be played on them. In

addition, computers are valuable to any business, making life easier and saving

time by being capable of storing and retrieving vast amounts of information at the

touch of a button. Furthermore, personal gains can be seen as the use of computers

increases powers of concentration.

(From: Mission: coursebook. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley Express Publishing,

p. 77)

Card 10.2

Are teenagers a problem?

Parents and grandparents always seem to start from the premise that

teenagers are in a special category when it comes to defining the human race.

According to 'the older generation' teenagers are lazy, they wear ridiculous

clothes and are appallingly rude to their betters and elders; they find it impossible

to be polite, helpful, constructive, caring or hard-working. What's more, they

spend all their time listening to awful music ("It isn't music, it's just a collection

of horrendous noises T") and gawping at unsuitable films. And all they ever think

about is parties, drugs and sex. Well, that's how the story goes! But is it anywhere

near the truth?

Actually, there is quite the opposite of the truth. Teenagers spend a lot of

time thinking about their work (studies), their families and friends and their

hobbies. Sure, there are certain preoccupations such as clothes, money, how to

behave in a certain situation, their bodies.

But isn't it the same for most people? So what about the myth that all

teenagers are rude, selfish, lazy and greedy? It's nonsense. The vast majority of

young people are polite, friendly, open, interested and hard-working.

(From: Speak Out №3, 2003, p. 12-13)

Card 11.2Supermarkets versus mall shops

In the past few years countless small shops have been forced to close because of the changes in public shopping habits and increasing popularity of supermarkets. But, do the benefits of supermarkets really outweigh those of small local shops. We cannot deny that supermarkets do have certain advantages. They provide a wide variety of good at ‘unbeatably’ low prices. They crate jobs for a great number of people thus helping to reduce unemployment. In addition to this they are ideal for those shoppers who do not have time to visit more than one shop in order their weekly shopping. On the other hand, the small local shop offers certain benefits that supermarkets will never be able to offer their customers. Due to their size, small shops fit into residential areas easily, making them more convenient in case of ‘emergency’ shopping. They generally stay open later than supermarkets. Finally, supermarkets will never be able to beat your local shopkeeper when it comes to friendly service.

(From: Interprise Intermediate Express Publishing Coursebook, p. 143)

Card 12.2

P.E. should be taught in schools

Physical Education has been a part of the school curriculum for years, and it

should remain so for a variety of reasons.

In the first place, offering Physical Education in schools is vital for children

who have neither the time, nor the opportunity to do sport elsewhere. Physical

Education is especially beneficial for children living in crowded cities who do not

have space to play. Doing sport at school gives them the opportunity to exercise

and get rid of their excess energy.

Team sports develop children's social skills, encouraging them to work as part of

a team and to cooperate with others. But some parents feel that Physical Education

should not be a compulsory subject as not ail children enjoy or are good at sport.

These parents forget, however, that all children can benefit from physical activity,

and doing sport will give them the chance to improve their skills and their health.

In conclusion, I believe that Physical Education is an important part of every

school curriculum since physical activity helps children to keep fit, and stay

energetic and alert.

(From: Interprise Intermediate, Express Publishing, p. 130)

Card 13.2 GRAFFITI

Graffiti is seen as a crime in the UK, yet in the USA it has become a recognised art form. Graffiti artists, or ‘graffers’, operate in many British towns. They often work at night, covering walls, trains and railways stations in spray paint and mark pen. Passengers feel as if the whole rail system is out of control. Some people don’t think graffiti is artistic or creative – it’s vandalism. They’re sure it’s ugly and offensive. It creates a sense of anarchy and chaos. Graffiti art can also be a dangerous pastime. Some teenagers have died in accidents during graffiti ‘raids’. However, others say that graffiti at its best is an art form. Art galleries in London and New York have exhibited works by famous graffiti artists. “Of course graffiti is art. There’s no question about that,” says David Grob, a director of the Grob Gallery in London. “There is a difference between ‘good graffiti’ and vandalism. I’d never spray private property, like someone’s house. Some graffiti are disgusting. There’s a big diffe- rence between that and graffiti which can brighten up grey walls,” says Dean Colman. a 24-year-old graffiti artist.

(From: New Edition First Certificate Cold Coursebook, p.157)

Card 14.2 Fame

What are the positive and negative aspects of fame ?

Many people dream of being famous. They imagine a luxurious lifestyle with

no worries or problems. But is being famous so easy? Firstly, famous people are

usually very rich. They don't have to worry about paying, they can afford designer

clothes and drive fast cars. Secondly, when you are famous everyone knows you.

You're invited to the best parties and meet other famous people. In addition, it's

good to have fans. They send you letters to tell you much they admire you. These

are all positive things.

However, there are some disadvantages. On the one hand, it's nice to be

recognised in the street. But on the other hand, it could be annoying if people

always ask you for your autograph. And sometimes fans can be too enthusiastic.

They may send letters every week, try to phone the star or even follow them. As a

result stars can only go to certain places, and they often need a bodyguard.

(From: Matrix. Intermediate Student’s Book, p. 67)

Card 15.2

Does a lot of money REALLY make you happy?

Many people think that money brings happiness. However, according to

Professor Michael Argyle, this is not true. In Britain, people are richer but

unhappier than fifty years ago. The USA is the richest country in the world but

Americans are not the happiest people in the world.

Professor Argyle has found that very poor people and very rich people are

unhappier than those in between. For example, very poor people in the developing

world live in overcrowded houses without any running water and with no

electricity. However, there are also many millionaires with personal problems. A

lot of young people who get rich very quickly are at risk.

Because of this, a few young millionaires are changing their lifestyles. Richard

Cross, a multi-millionaire computer analyst from California, is an example. His

house shows no signs of his wealth. There is a small garden and there are only two

cars parked outside his house. 'I want my kids to live a normal life,' says Richard.

So what can make us happy? According to Professor Argyle, you should have one

close relationship and some close friends. You should do a little sport and have a

lot of contact with other people. Other people make you happy, not money!

(From: New Opportunities Russian Edition Pre-Intermediate Student’s Book, p.


Card 16.2

Ambition is a negative quality.

True or false?

Ambition can be defined as the determination to achieve success or fame.

Some people argue that without ambition we cannot succeed in life, however

others claim that with it, we destroy our lives. As a result, it is a quality that is not

easy to describe.

It is undoubtedly true that people who are ambitious have a completely

different way of looking at life from those who are not. First at all, they have a

total commitment to what they are doing. People who care deeply about what they

are doing must put more effort into being successful. These people might produce

better results because they are so motivated.

It is also obvious that ambition can have negative effects on our lives. The first

and most worrying effect is probably on our health. Ambition can take away all

energy, leaving us too exhausted to enjoy any interests we may have. It can ruin

our relationships with family and friends, who feel they are not a part of our lives

any more. Last of all, it could seriously harm other innocent of society.

Nevertheless, ambition destroys not only our personal lives but the lives of others

around us.

(From: Matrix Intermediate Student’s Book, p. 64)

Card 17.2 Mobile phone

They can be expensive and are possibly bad for us. You can spend a fortune

if you use your mobile a lot. According to some scientists, if we go on using

mobiles, we'll cook our brains. Some people even think that radiation from mobiles

causes cancer. Psychologists say we are becoming dependent on mobiles. Dr

Oliver James talks about 'phoneliness' - in modern society we are lonely, so if

people ring us up or send us text messages, we feel wanted.

Teenagers are among the biggest users of mobiles, and 'texting' is creating a

new language full of abbreviations such as 'How RU?' In Japan, surveys show

teenagers are reading less and mobile use is affecting the marks of secondary

school students. A big problem in Britain is crime. Last year half a million British

teenagers were victims of mobile phone theft.

As technology improves, mobiles can do more and more. If you have one of

the new multimedia mobiles, you can log on to the Net, pay for things, play games,

interact with TV programmes and take photos to send to your friends.

(From: New Opportunities Russian Edition Pre-Intermediate Student’s Book, p.


Card 18.2

Genetically engineered food

Every living thing has genes. Genes carry information. They are passed from

generation to generation. Genetic engineers take genes from one specie - for

example, a scorpion, and transfer them to another - for example, corn. In this way a

new life form is created.

Genetic engineers put duck genes into chickens to make the chickens bigger.

They put hormones into cows to make them produce more milk. They put genes

from flowers into soya beans and from scorpions into corn. This does not make

them cheaper, tastier or healthier. It makes them easier and faster for the farmer to


Some people are against genetically engineered food. The effects of genetic

engineering on our health are not known. The effects of genetic engineering on the

natural world may be disastrous. The engineers may create life forms - monsters -

that we cannot control. The new life forms have no natural habitat or home. They

will have to find one, fight for one - or kill for one.

Some people believe, though, that genetic engineering could be the solution to

the problem of Famine. Plants which grow faster or cows which produce more

milk can save the lives of starving people.

(From: Interprise Intermediate Coursebook, p. 46)

Card 19.2Say “No” to bulling

Bullying is one of the most common teenage problems. It is believed that

bullies feel powerful when they hurt someone else. What can a victim do?

Some teenagers say the victim should avoid the bully whenever possible and

run away. Besides, it is important to ask your friends to stick closer and help. You

should be assertive and tell the bully to stop bothering you. Other teenagers believe

that bullies can be dangerous especially if they are involved in gangs. As a result,

they may seriously hurt you. It is better to report the abuse if it continues and

becomes dangerous for your life. The victim should tell a teacher or trusted adult

so that they can help.

The problem of bullying is not easy to deal with. A lot of teenagers are

drawn to the excitement of misbehaving. They usually find targets who are weaker

and don't have friends standing up for them. Then, teasing and bulling start.

Teasing and bullying can be harmful and very dangerous. In this case the victim

must stop the abuse and tell any trusted adult about the bully. Adults must help and

do everything to stop bullying. But most teenagers believe that reporting is wrong.

They don't like people who tell teachers or parents about misbehaving of their

classmates. Moreover, there are pupils who prefer to get hurt rather than tell

teachers about bullying.

(From: English № 3, 2008, p. 16)

Card 20.2

The importance of family In Western Europe and the USA, family life has changed dramatically over

the last forty years. The number of families that depend on both parents going out

to work, or where there is one parent raising the children alone, is much greater

than it used to be. Also, many more people move away from their families than

ever before. Despite these changes, most people still think of their family as one

of the most significant parts of their lives.

A recent American survey showed that many people think that spending time

at home is more important than earning a high salary or having a challenging job.

The majority of young people surveyed said that they would be happy to earn less

money if they had more time to spend with their loved ones. Older people also

commented that they had worked too hard in the past when they should have been

with their families. Even if the typical family doesn't follow the traditional model

today, it is still a vital part of our lives.

(From: Upstream Intermediate. Student’s Book, p. 27)

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