ten reasons to walk

Post on 29-Mar-2016






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Hope and Homes for Children is a company limited by guarantee (registered in England, number 4193179) and a registered charity (number 1089490)

10 Kilometres • 10 Stores

10 Reasons to Walk

Master reference drawn 07.05.08

1When she arrived she had worms and was raw with nappy rash. She was very aggressive. She had no words. Was this a result of living in the institution? Of course.

Foster Mother of a 2 year old who was living in a baby institution, Moldova.

UNICEF estimates

around the world are growing up in institutions.

Sorin aged 1, Moldova


With few exceptions, children growing up in poor quality institutions

Alexei was abandoned at just 1 week old


There is

if no one ever comes.

One of an estimated two thousand children growing up in institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina


Siblings are

when they are placed in institutions.

We always work to ensure brothers and sisters are able to stay together.

Latifa who has been reunited with her siblings, as a result of our work in Rwanda

5 In the orphanages where we work,

of the children are

Most people do not abandon their children because they don’t love them - quite the opposite. Poverty, illness or discrimination often lie at the root of why parents take the desperate step of placing their children in institutions.

A family we have supported to stay together


in distress and we reunite children with their parents.

When it is not safe to return a child to their own parents we match children to a loving family through fostering or adoption, and when this is not possible we create small family type homes.

Cousins Artur and Yuliana were kept together by our work in Moldova


Our model of working is recognised as

by UNICEF and The World

Health Organisation.

Ana Marie is now in a loving family after four years in an institution

Our model of working is recognised as

by UNICEF and The World

Health Organisation.


We are influencing governments through advocacy. We are building capacity through training. We are leveraging funding from the EU.

And we are creating sustainable

child-care systems to ensure

that all children receive the

A reason to celebrate


Join us. Walk with us.

Help us change the way the world thinks.

Orphanages are not the answer. Families are.

Walk with us


when she was reunited with her extended family.

We first met Honorine when she was living in an institution with 500 other children. She was malnourished, withdrawn, and couldn’t look anybody in the eye. Today, Honorine is a completely different little girl; happy and healthy, and she tells us that one day she would like to be a nurse.

Honorine, aged 3, Rwanda

Master reference drawn 07.05.08

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