ten questions every intelligent christian must answer a point-by-point response to the video for god...

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Ten Questions Every Intelligent Christian Must Answer

A point-by-point response to the video for God is Imaginary.com

By Cory TucholskiCopyright © 2008 Josiah Concept Ministries.

All Rights Reserved.

Why Won't God Heal Amputees?

This puts two constraints on God The prayer must be answered immediately The only possible answer to the prayer is

spontaneous regeneration of the severed limb When the faithful person reaches heaven, his

limb will be restored when he receives his glorified body

In any case, this question assumes that life on earth is all that there is. The framework doesn't allow for God to work in eternity.

Why are There so Many Starving People in the World?

God created a world with limited resources. Those limited resources must be distributed.

Humans are supposed to distribute those resources, and in so doing show good stewardship.

Humans are greedy and selfish at their core. Therefore, the resources don't get distributed to

those in dire need. Humans, ultimately, are the reason that there

are so many starving people.

Why Does God Demand the Death of so Many Innocent People?

According to the Bible, “... all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23).

Ephesians 2:1-3: “And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience—among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind.”

Why Does God Demand the Death of so Many Innocent People?

The Bible clearly teaches that humans are sinful and “by nature children of wrath.”

Therefore, God did not demand the death of innocent people.

God judged a guilty people.

Why Does the Bible Contain so Much Anti-Scientific Nonsense?

This question assumes that science, not the Bible, is truth.

The Bible is truth, not science. So why do people deny “anti-scientific” truths,

like Noah's flood? Because the average human rejects God's

truth: For they deliberately overlook this fact, that the heavens existed long

ago, and the earth was formed out of water and through water by the word of God, and that by means of these the world that then existed was deluged with water and perished. (2 Pet 3:5-6)

Why is God such a Huge Proponent of Slavery?

In the Old Testament, slavery was a form of indentured servitude

Slaves were freed every seven years Foreigners were slaves for life, but they took an

equal share in the covenant that God made with Israel

Slavery, like divorce, was granted as a necessary evil. The law points to no slavery as the ideal condition

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

As imperfect creatures, we couldn't bear the resplendence of a perfect world, therefore the world around us must be imperfect as well

As such, bad things sometimes happen God shows no partiality Therefore, bad things will happen to good

people—this is unavoidable

Why Didn't Any of Jesus' Miracles Leave Behind any Evidence?

Aside from the eyewitness testimony of the gospels, what sort of evidence is requested?

How Do We Explain the Fact that Jesus Never Appeared to You?

Jesus has appeared to many people since the New Testament was written

The problem with this question is that the asker won't be satisfied until Jesus appears to him

That makes this question quite absurd

Why Would Jesus Want You to Eat His Body and Drink His Blood?

This question is a reference to John 6, which is meant to be a spiritual teaching, not a literal teaching (see Jn 6:63)

In Jewish thought, you really were what you ate Jesus is exhorting us to be like him in this

teaching, to do as he does and to think as he does

Why Do Christians Get Divorced at the Same Rate as Non-Christians?

This question assumes that faith in God is a magic talisman that wards off bad things

The Bible exhorts us to work through hardship, it never promises to protect us from it

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