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"Quick, effective marketing, motivational & mystical

training sessions driving you to success"

Performing Alongside

Others Who Had To Drag

Themselves Out Of Bed

Vol. 31 In The Sub 4 Minute Extra Mile Series


Ted Ciuba, Ph.D.

Performing Alongside Others Who Had To Drag

Themselves Out Of Bed Vol. 31 In The Sub 4 Minute Extra Mile Series

ISBN: 978-1494909864

by Ted Ciuba

© MMXIIII PTIPTrust, all rights reserved

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Sampling of Sub 4 Minute Extra Mile Series volumes…

Vol: Title

002: Know Your Purpose, Embrace Adventure 005: Same Winds, Different Direction 006: The Day Superman Died 010: His New Business Called Him On The Phone 011: The Mind-Environment Connection 013: "Use my time! Use my time! USE my time!!" 014: The Price Of The Holy Grail 015: What Do People Want Bad

Enough They're Willing To Pay For It?

016: The Power In Calm Aggressiveness

017: Intention Trumps Time 018: Defy Reality, Re-Define

Possibility 019: Sell Your Soul For Security 021: These Are The Prayers

Napoleon Hill Prayed 024: The Law Of Action Triggers The Law Of Attraction 027: Tomorrow When Opportunity Comes Knocking 028: Over The Double Rainbow 029: Carpe Diem Responsibly 030: What If Elvis Said That? 031: Performing Alongside Others Who Had To Drag Themselves Out Of Bed

All titles available at…


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Finally Discovered!

Suppressed Bible Secrets Laid Bare

The John Gospel Code Unveiling The Contraband Message

by Ted Ciuba

To sum up John’s problem and his charge…

John is the only person on Earth in possession of the illumined words Jesus spoke to his initiatic inner circle that fateful final evening…

John wanted to effectively transmit the mystic message of Jesus to a future epoch of humanity through a present age of mistrust and intrigue…

He did what he was inspired to do. He coded it into his mysterious story about the Christ, which became the anchor gospel of the Biblical canon, awaiting the magic day it could breathe again.

The Original Message Unveiled!

Today we find ourselves with the code – given us in recent

years by quantum physics – which allows us to unveil the

contraband message John coded into his ununderstandable but

politically correct words.

It tells a different, far more glorious story than you’ve been led

to believe.


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Relevant conversations for today.

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In bluntest contradiction to the mis-guided thesis

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Peter is psychic.

The Bible, Genesis through

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Vol. 31 In The Sub 4 Minute Extra Mile Series

Performing Alongside

Others Who Had To Drag

Themselves Out Of Bed


Ted Ciuba, Ph.D.


1. Don’t They Say You Can’t Say Anything New Exquisitely Well? .......... 7

2. At The Altar Of Your Divinity ............................................................. 11

3. Performing Alongside Others Who Had To Drag Themselves Out Of Bed.... 13

4. President John F. Kennedy, Wordgician ............................................ 15

5. What Is Today A Programming Statement ........................................ 17

6. The Hard Job Of Rebuilding Miseducation – Profile On Malcolm X .. 21

7. Get Up And Take Action .................................................................... 25

8. Ye Shal Recognize Mee .................................................................... 27

9. “I Will Love One Woman Only” ................................................... 29

10. The High Cost Of The Truth ............................................................... 31

11. Poverty Can Be A Profound Blessing ................................................. 35

12. The Quantum Leap Only Happens When You’re Being You .............. 37

13. Napoleon Hill On The Best Profession For Big Success ..................... 39

14. Don’t Choose Your Dreams By What You Know You Can Bridge To . 43

15. Make Opportunity Happen ............................................................... 47

16. A Connect-The-Dots Story With You As Lead Character ................... 49

17. What Blossoms Into World-Class Excellence In Your Own Backyard 53

18. The Problem With Setting Your Sights Too High ............................... 59

19. That’s What It’s Costing You If You Don’t Act ................................... 61


As an achiever, would you agree with me that you must go the

extra mile? I thought so…

Surely you know if you do what average people do, you'll get

the same kind of average results they do. And you want more!

And it's actually quite easy to stand out, because most people

wouldn't dream of going the extra mile. But for you and me, while,

yes, it takes something extra, yes, it takes drive and discipline….

The amazing thing is, it takes so little to excel!

After all, it's called the extra mile,

not the extra 100 miles!

Be that as it may, we're talking

about the positive rewards that come

to you in any economy by going the

extra mile.

It was Roger Bannister who defied

and redefined history by running the

sub 4 minute mile.

And the amazing thing is that

Bannister did NOT spend the countless

hours and hours practicing that

conventional training would guide him to. He gave it what he

could... In his busy pre-med Oxford schedule he took a mere 30

minutes out of his daily lunch hour to train and run. And with that

he set a world record that had towered 3,000 years!

He ushered in a new era of possibility. Though no one had ever

broken it, within 2 1/2 years time of Bannister's record-breaking,

seemingly unachievable sub 4 minute mile, 18 others were doing it.

And how did he do it?... It wasn't a function of time.

It was intention. Roger Bannister, in the short, focused, regular,

intense, intended few minutes per day he wrested from his busy

Oxford pre-med studies was throwing himself into the sport. He

Roger Bannister

Runs Sub 4 Minute Mile

6 The Sub 4 Minute Extra Mile Series

Free Quantum Transmutation gifts at ThinkRich.com

gave it everything he could, as an additional interest and pursuit in

his life...

You see, when Roger Bannister suffered the ignominious defeat

of coming in 5th place in the 1952 Olympics, right then and there,

he determined to be the first human to run the sub 4 minute mile!

It was just a "thought". It's just another instance and

undisputable illustration, my friend, of the power of intention

powered by determination.

Moments before 6 pm on 6 May 1954, he takes a breath of

vision and determination. He feels it! He confides to his

pacemakers "The sub 4 minute attempt is on!"

Short moments later the shot is fired... The runners are off!!

Roger Bannister breaks the string at the end of the mile in 3

minutes, 59 seconds, and 4/10's, trailblazing into the sub 4 minute

mile age!

Recognition Point!! - This was NOT an unintended event!

Recognition point!! Little efforts, little accomplishments - short,

focused, regular, intense, intended training sessions - gear into

colossal events!

This didn't happen by good luck or timing... Roger Bannister

didn't "drift" over the finish line into the annals of history... It was

the thing he geared all his intentions to accomplish, even though he

didn't spend hours and hours a day in the quest to achieve it.

Which names this series, The Sub 4 Minute Extra Mile…

Now you, honoring Roger Bannister's history-setting

accomplishments and methods, can make the same kind of

history-breaking progress in sub 4 minutes a day!

Now you can defy your own status quo in short, focused,

regular, intense, intended training sessions and redefine

your personal possibilities!

Don’t They Say You Can’t Say Anything

New Exquisitely Well?

The remark the man made really wasn’t offensive in anyway,

because it’s a common conception. You’ve heard, no doubt, of the

starving artist? A writer is an artist in that sense. He said, “Oh,

you’re a writer? That’s a useless profession! There’s nothing new

that can be said.”

I’m sure I wouldn’t agree with the useless part, but that one

can’t say anything new, in some respects (not counting technical

writing, as in, for instance, no one in Solomon’s age wrote about

how to fly an airplane), I must agree. As far back as human history

goes, the greatest writers among us have said such.

Here’s one of the ancients. This writing has been attributed to

Solomon, one of the other kings of the Jews:

The eye is not satisfied with seeing,

nor the ear filled with hearing.

What has been is what will be,

and what has been done is what will be done;

and there is nothing new under the sun.

Is there a thing of which it is said,

“See, this is new”?

It has been already,

in the ages before us.

8 The Sub 4 Minute Extra Mile Series

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There is no remembrance of former things,

nor will there be any remembrance

of later things yet to happen among those who

come after.

(Eccl. 1.8-11)

From the ancient world, we travel forward on the reel of time to

the modern world, citing John Lennon and Paul McCartney singing

the same theme:

There’s nothing you can do that can’t be done.

Nothing you can sing that can’t be sung.

Nothing you can say, but you can learn how to

play the game.

It’s eeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaasy.

All you need is love.

And then they transmute and extend it the next time they come

into the refrain:

Nothing you can do, but you can learn how to be

you in time,

It’s eeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaasy.

All you need is love.

Solomon’s passage points out that, even though it can’t be new,

you need to say it anyway, because, “The eye is not satisfied with

seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing.” In other words there’s

always a call for more.

Further, since people have no awareness what the writer says is

not new, it will sound new and amazing. Say it. People do not

Performing Alongside Others Who Had To Drag Themselves Out Of Bed 9

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remember what has been said, and though there is nothing new

under the sun no matter when or where you live (do note, we are

living in the future Solomon was pointing toward), people won’t

remember then, either.

The obvious conclusion is… Get out there and write.

Isn’t that what both writers, Solomon and the Lennon and

McCartney team are saying?

The formula, the way out is “you can learn how to be you in

time.” That doesn’t mean just necessarily in “time” since you’re an

incarnate being living in “time.” That means in rhythm. With a

groove. It means feeling good, bringing your gift, your joy, your

way, your spirit to the world.

Say it. And don’t they say you can’t say anything new

exquisitely well?

At The Altar Of Your Divinity

Though my professional orientation frequently slams

conventional education and training, there is a lot of it that is good,

useful, and necessary. It serves a vital and civilizing role in society.

That being said, to be outstanding, you still have to come to a

place where you intervene and start to think for yourself.

The only way you can do that is by coming to know the God of

your understanding in prayer and meditation. They don’t and can’t

teach that at school. They go more for conformity than for

developing one’s uniqueness and potential contributions.

And when you do tune in, which process develops your capacity

to think for yourself, you discover that trying to be a carbon copy

or a modified version of somebody else is not what is intended for

you at all. That’s probably, as well, why you haven’t had any great

success at it so far…

There’s your own song inside of you. Tune in and hear not only

that song, but receive the guidance and the courage you need to

sing it out loud, as well.

We are creatures of spirit. Though most in Western society have

forgotten about it, we have the ability to make contact. We can live

and die herding like glorified animals… Most do.

But we are E.T.s. We are of the spirit, and we are given

something to do for spirit, and we’ll never be truly happy or

fulfilled unless we are engaged in that activity.

12 The Sub 4 Minute Extra Mile Series

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They call what they do in school “norming” the populace. They

call people like you and me, “troublemakers.” It’s just the way it is.

Tune in, and discover that what you’re supposed to do doesn’t

have anything to do with any comparison to anybody else. Listen to

that voice of being that ever burns at the altar of your Divinity.

Performing Alongside Others Who Had

To Drag Themselves Out Of Bed

This is another one of those discoveries proven in a university

that makes such common sense that we didn’t need a study to prove

it. And that is, your daily dedicated effort is what propels you to

the big time. It’s your daily passion in what you are doing that

drives you to put in more than anybody else would do, that drives

you to do the things that others flat will not and do not do. That

orients you not only to do them and not to suffer, but also to gear

passionately in doing them passionately well.

For instance, if you’re a swimmer, you’re up at 5:30 am. And

that’s not waking up; that’s you’re at the pool laughing and jostling

with your buddies, joking about other people who won’t make it up

until a couple hours later, after you’ve been stroking the pool for

ninety solid minutes. That’s in addition to the technique specific

practice you did.

Then you went to work and school feeling fit, trim, vital, and

energized. And you’re performing alongside others who had to

drag themselves out of bed.

So that you turn into an achiever is not surprising. Other people

say, “Are you kidding me?!” These are the ones who show up once

to that morning practice and swear, “I’m not going to screw up my

life for this!”

You, of course, don’t view it as screwing up your life. You

embrace good solid sleeping patterns. You willingly moderate your

activities, as, for instance, when you do imbibe, you do so in

14 The Sub 4 Minute Extra Mile Series

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moderation. Neither drinking, nor drinking to excess are part of

your life style. And you’re feeling good at 5:30 in the morning.

There’s a distinct inversion of attitudes from what could be and

what you willingly embrace.

Added up, these different attitudes, approaches, and activities

make you exceptional.

What makes you exceptional is loving your daily dedicated

effort. Like the musician who plays scales. One says she plays

scales ad infinitum. Another, ad nauseam. Is it surprising that the

one who views it ad nauseam never develops to concert pitch?

Those who enjoy scales, too, labeling the exercise ad infinitum,

get lost in the scales. That they develop and turn into super

musicians happens by itself. Truth is, they’re loving what they

should do every day along the way.

The study affirms that kind of daily dedicated effort makes you


President John F. Kennedy, Wordgician

President John F. Kennedy, many acclaim, gave the greatest

speech ever given, his Moon Speech at Rice University, 12

September 1962, delivered less than three months before he was


The space race was on between the superpowers, and Russia

was in the lead, not only into space, but with Yuri Gagarin as pilot,

launching the first human in space, too. President Kennedy was

determined to right that wrong by putting a human being with the

American flag on the moon before the Russians, before the decade

of the sixties ended.

That decision was made and activated in 1961, and now it’s

September 1962. People are complaining about the high cost of the

space program. In part to address that. he goes to Rice University,

amongst the brains making it happen.

Comparison and contrast is a staple in the persuasive arts,

because it can make one thing clear when juxtaposed beside

another. I do recommend you listen to or read the entire speech,

because today we delight from just a single instance of comparison

and contrast.

“To be sure, this costs us all a good deal of money. This

year’s space budget is three times what it was in 1961. And

it is greater than the space budget of the previous eight

years combined. That budget now stands at $5.4 billion a

year, a staggering sum! though somewhat less than we pay

for cigarettes and cigars every year.”

16 The Sub 4 Minute Extra Mile Series

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Did you catch that? The space budget is three times what it was

the previous year. He acknowledges that fact. That’s what he’s on

the carpet for, after all. Then he builds the intensity, pointing out

further, it exceeds the combined budget of the previous eight years

added together! And he rightly calls that - remember that’s what

the criticism is coming at – “a staggering sum.”

And then, in one humorous aside he whittles it down and carries

on, capping it with, “though somewhat less than we pay for

cigarettes and cigars every year.”

Pure brilliance! He’s talking about the money it’s costing, and

he’s even acknowledging it’s going to continue to rise.

Then the phrase he carries on with is, “Even though I realize

this is in some measure an act of faith and vision…” He doesn’t say

it is an act of faith and vision. It is in some measure, which is a

presupposition built in that actually builds the value he’s making,

concluding with another point the critics are charging, “for we do

not now know what benefits await us.”

And, the way it comes off, people now view this as a weighty

thing we must do. They are ready to march!

He effectively sells the people on the massive budget, even in

the face of not knowing exactly what we can expect to get out of

the investment.

Brilliant wordgician this man, John F. Kennedy, was, sleighting

agreement on the big contentions from the entire nation of two-

hundred million people in fewer than eighteen minutes of talk time.

The rest of the story?

Mission accomplished at 02:56 UTC on 21 July 1969.

What Is Today A Programming


Though it seems abstruse and recondite, there’s a very clear

science behind making effective affirmations, just as there is a very

clear science behind the harmony in music that makes something

pleasing versus discordant. Or the harmony in colors a visual artist

mixes that satisfies the human spirit versus causing disjointedness

and alienation.

Let’s take an affirmation for an example and look at it with a

quantum lens to “see” the science. Ostensibly, the reason for this

exercise is so that we can then consciously evaluate, construct, and

deploy our own powerful affirmations.

Here’s the sample affirmation:

“I love my work, the rewards it provides, and I profit

handsomely thereby.”

We sound a warning before you smart guys in the back go


“Yuck! I don’t love my job, I don’t even like it, it

doesn’t provide any rewards, and I’m noooottt profiting

handsomely thereby!”

Remember, there is a science to affirmations, and it works in

reverse, too. Is that what you want??

18 The Sub 4 Minute Extra Mile Series

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Science isn’t science if it’s conjecture. Science means we have

found the structure and we have acquired the capability to comply

our ways so we benefit from the phenomena under study, just like

we found the structure of the wind, and now we can set our sails

and use the wind to get us whichever direction we’re going on the

surface or above the surface of the globe. It will work for anybody

who complies with the phenomena involved.

However, let’s assume you’re sincere, and the sample

affirmation affirms a condition that isn’t your current actual

experience to help us determine the science in play. You say, “I

love my work, the rewards it provides, and I profit handsomely

thereby!” and you feel cognitive dissonance.

Cognitive dissonance, combined of two separate words, relates

to the mind or mental component with cognitive, and the fact of

being out of harmony with the dissonance word.

Therein is part of the unseen science of affirmations. Assuming

you neither discount nor compartmentalize the concept because of

its “unreality,” which is precisely the point so many rationalists

blow it, the cognitive dissonance you feel births two things.

One, it triggers the self-fulfilling prophecy. You start realizing,

“I don’t love my work, but other people do. I don’t love my work,

but I would like to do “x,” and I know I would love that, and I

know I would love the rewards it provides.” Your mind moves

along those lines, and, motivated by the contrast between the

actuality of your current situation and the felicity of the ideal you

envision, begins further to say, “And I’ll figure out a way…”

Your cognitive dissonance, compelled from the affirmation,

opens up possibility and drives you to creativity. In other words,

you being unhappy causes the same thing as you having a headache

causes you to go to the medicine chest. You being uneasy when

you engage this affirmation causes your mind to say, “Something’s

Performing Alongside Others Who Had To Drag Themselves Out Of Bed 19

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not right,” and that motivates you into action solving it. That’s one

of the two things that happens.

The second phenomenon cognitive dissonance births relates

more to the channel of the law of attraction. The quantum nature of

reality is a vibrating holographic world. Everything structures in

octaves. There’re harmonies within harmonies, and cycles within

and without, above and below. There are higher vibrations, higher

frequencies, as well as lower frequencies sounding at all times –

none of which you are consciously aware of. This used to be hard

sell, but in today’s scientific age it’s as common as radio.

Further, quantum physics tells us everything is connected, all

space. Of course, space becomes a funny term when you

understand it’s really not empty at all… That conscious

electromagnetic energy connecting everything, that is everything,

facilitates the working of the law of attraction.

You start saying, “I don’t love my work, but I want to…” And

your heart creates a moving vision of that work you do love… And

you reflect on it more. It grows, and it takes on an existence of its

own. And as you develop and apply the laundry list of your ideal

work situation, the image – which is itself a thought, an

electromagnetic field – becomes clearer and stronger.

You know how magnetism works. That electromagnetic form-

field then attracts from the world at large, which is just more of the

web of the one electromagnetic field with rhythms and fields within

rhythms and fields, the counterpart form of it to move toward the

source of the magnetic energy, you.

There’s vastly more to the subject, of course, but this is enough

to counter the unreasoned argument against affirmations that they

obviously aren’t true. That’s arguing from a faulty premise…

The purpose of an affirmation is NOT that it currently be true;

the purpose of an affirmation is to create the situation you want.

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When you understand the science behind affirmations you can

create them to fulfill their time to come into season. You get these,

popularly called “untrue” affirmations working for you, instead of

discounting them and continuing on your unmerry way.

Electromagnetic quantum says everything is connected, every

effect has a cause, everything affects everything else, and the law

of attraction works. When you say what is today a programming

statement, tomorrow you’ll marvel in good feelings realizing it has

become your current circumstance.

I know, as a writer on quantum empowerment themes,

associating with the brightest minds planet Earth produces, both in

the flesh and in the quantum realms, I’m sure happy I began saying

this very affirmation when I was throwing chains amongst the

crushing individuals on that East Texas drilling rig floor…

“I love my work, the rewards it provides, and I profit handsomely


Therein you have laid bare the unseen science behind “untrue”

affirmations. Pay attention, get conscious, engineer and cause the

personal and professional life you choose. While all things fulfill

their seed time, it’s easier than you dream.

The Hard Job Of Rebuilding

Miseducation – Profile On Malcolm X

I got the request, so I extended my hand, and the young man

expressed a sincere desire for my assistance, so I began to counsel

him. The short story is, he had run his life into the ground,

primarily due to addictions at a young, young age and a bad family

environment. By the time he’s 27 he’s got a kid, no job, and he’s

institutionalized occasionally so he can dry out. Catch my drift?

He’s worthless. He’s feeling that. AND I know what he doesn’t

know: without course correction death isn’t far away - or insanity.

I know of one person who went insane, and for all the burden it

caused her family, she stayed in that insane asylum for 26 years—

until she died. She was the mother of Malcolm X, whose husband,

Malcolm’s father, was murdered. Which is not the story we’re

talking about here... Or is it?

Malcolm X has a story very similar to this young man's. You

see, this boy’s going to jail. He’s got four months to serve. He

enters in five days as I record this. I’m not going to see him; I’m

not even local, but I've got to try to give him some help.

And so I look at his situation and think, “What can I do for him

by way of heroes? How can I offer a good role model for him to

take up?” I go into meditation with these thoughts, and then I drift

off to sleep. When I wake up in the morning, Malcolm X has been

presented to me as the solution—not only the solution for the hero

question, but for the whole premise, everything that’s involved.

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The problem with this young man is not that he’s inherently

bad. His problem is a critical lack of education, a lack few people

have even got close enough to so they understand it. He can’t even

make basic decisions.

And then it dawned on me, “Bing, wait a minute!” That’s not a

lack of education, although he does have a serious lack there, too,

as did the famous Malcolm X. You know what’s going to happen if

you drop out of school at 13-15 years of age… But what they really

had was miseducation.

One cannot grow up without being educated in some way.

Those are formative years. The problem is they both did get an

education from their environments, through the way in which they

grew up and the things that were presented to them. The problem is

their education was terrible. If the choices they made were not

good, they were just living out the ways they were educated.

They got miseducated!

So I’m telling this young man, “The people you’re going to be

spending your time with for the next four months are not the people

you really want to associate with in your life.” He knows that; he’s

bright. I told him, “You need a hero.” And then I unveiled Malcolm


Here’s what happened to Malcolm. His father was murdered,

they think by a white man. They did have to move several times,

and they did have the Ku Klux Klan burn down one of their houses

and threaten them in others. Plus, three of his four uncles were

murdered by white people.

He lived through all that in poverty; his mother went crazy. In

time, he ended up with a prison sentence because of burglary, petty

crimes and larcenies. We’re not talking about big crimes like

selling shiploads of marijuana, we’re talking about selling

individual joints. Some hero, huh?

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When he was in jail, of all places, he finally realized he was so

much more than what he had been living out, and that he had been

misusing his talent. An awareness and a light dawned on him as he

realized that he was miseducated.

He realized, finally, that he had a whole lot of problems, yet he

was the one who was creating them. Whether it was by

miseducation or not, the results were the same. Blame, anger,

resentment served no benefit. The thing that distinguished Malcolm

X from hundreds of thousands of other incarcerated American

citizens that year was that he then mustered the courage and

strength to act on that realization.

He couldn’t put the blame on his environment, because what

good could that do? He still would have acted the way he had

acted, based on the way he was raised. If he didn't put a stop to it,

he was going to keep getting the same results. Prison is not a good

place for an alert intellect. His whole life could’ve gone that way.

He was petty, as they are in Nowhere Land; he was just another

gigolo. He was doing that, too, baby.

He saw it. He realized he needed to re-build and reconstruct

himself. He needed to re-educate himself, if he was going to be

somebody - if he was going to be able to say things in society and

have people listen to him. Because they didn’t pay much attention

to him as he was. Being incarcerated, by any standards, is worse

than being a zero.

You already know about the Malcolm X who rose from those

ashes, a major societal influence in his own time. He was educated

and articulate in every sense of the word. But he made himself that

way. He followed up with the limited resources he had inside

prison by doing a thing you have probably considered before.

Nearly every person I’ve ever mentioned it to has at one time or

another said, "Gee, I’d be really smart if I started at the beginning

24 The Sub 4 Minute Extra Mile Series

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of the dictionary and read right through till the end. If I read every

word, I’ll be brilliant!"

I know of some people who have even started the project, and

read over a hundred entries before they let it fall away.

But I know of one guy who started it and finished it: Malcolm

X, the guy who was labeled a juvenile delinquent at age 13, and

dropped out of school at 15. He started with the word aardvark,

which is still the first real word in the dictionary.

You already know the results.

If you’re going into jail, if you live in a hostile environment,

then you’re obviously getting circumstances and results you don’t

like. You either get yourself straight, or you’re going to go back

eventually by the pronto route.

“You have an opportunity here,” I told the young man, “like the

great Malcolm X did.” I say he was great because, as a human

individual, he was able to see what was going on, analyze it, put the

brakes on, and pick up the hard work of building a new temple -

starting anew from the very first brick.

He knew that was what he had to do, and he did it.

You have an opportunity here.

Get Up And Take Action

One day Dr. Maxwell Maltz is out for a walk. He encounters an

individual he’s known some years, down and out, bankrupt, ruined,

disgraced. Maltz listens to this for a bit; obviously he’s a cultured

man. Then he got a chance to give his conclusion. And his

conclusion was very succinct, very to the point, very humorous.

And I submit part of that humor is because it is so true and

everybody can identify with this.

What did he say? He said “My friend, the fact is you’re

bankrupt. It’s only your opinion that you’re ruined and disgraced.”

Good one! Disempowered or empowered thinking, what is your

view? The event just is. And a bad event, when it’s used as a

motivator is, in fact, a good event.

Juman nature being what it is it is, we – whether as an

individual, family unit, company, country, or world – tend to put

off addressing things until we are forced to.

So, going bankrupt is definitely an event. Bankruptcy is a result.

It’s certainly an event with a number of hard bumps, and it

certainly would send anybody scrambling.

But ruined and disgraced? There have been other people who

used it. Finally let go, free, and educated, they rebuilt a new life, a

new way, the proper way, something more in line with their


You can be a victim of your own invention. What is actually

happening is not the important thing. The “actually happening” in

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this event is a bankruptcy. The down and out, the being disgraced,

is her interpretation of that occurrence.

And she’s using it to disempower herself at that point in the

story, when in fact the suggestion, of course, is it’s a point of view.

It’s pretty easy to see, from the observer’s spot, the different

levels of energy and resourcefulness the two different states will


Beat up? Perhaps… Beat? No. Educated, if you choose.

Lick your wounds. Convalesce a spell. And get up and take


Ye Shal Recognize Mee

Faire Ladie, aye, we shal meet another dai,

Farre, farre frome this merrie olde Inglande,

Some thousands moones times XXVIII sonnes awai;

In a newe worlde I shal offer ye myne hande.

No falcone shal I flie for playe and sporte,

Tho ye shal stil your love for horses shew.

And chilvarie may not so common bee in that dai’s court,

Or sweete language – these counted may bee that ages’ woe.

Some things changeth, and some things never,

And some there bee better growth – lyke your beautie muche!

And Wisedome telleth true love’s forever…

So, departing embraced in thine sweete armes, I sayeth suche:

Ye shal recognize mee, the wai I seeketh to win

Your love that dai with poesie agayne.

“I Will Love One Woman Only”

Though we dispersed a thousand years ago,

I was one of the blessed select

Pledging my honour and my life

To Arthur and the Table Round.

And so meaningful was it

That yet today I enshrine these standards

Imposed by that inspired King

And his high ideals – beacons both of a New Age.

And though I'm not free to share the contents

Of that solemn oath we sware,

Know that a part of it pertains to womankind....

And seeing you, portions of the oath return:

“And I will love one woman only, and serve her,

For years, if necessary, to win her love;

Ever the same, won or delayed,

From youth to age I dedicate my days.”

The High Cost Of The Truth

What is a rising, young, career-driven man do when he gets the

opportunity to go to work for NSA? Or, if it happens to be 1500

CE, Rome? He would sideline a lot of other things for the

opportunity of a lifetime.

When you look closer, Nicolaus Copernicus might have sold

out. He certainly stressed over it. He was a brainiac, the kind NSA

hires. The ultra-smart kid who was in your school, who you knew,

but you didn’t hang with. He got the prestigious job with the big

salary everybody would die for.

Yet he had this idea, this theory he’d been playing with that was

inconsistent with the doctrinal position of his employer, the church.

And you know how terrible that could be.

Only thing is, it wasn’t just a theory, in the sense of being an

untried, untested, solely based on opinion type of thing. A simple

analysis of the facts – do remember, that’s simple for him –

answered every possible objection.

Many years he agonized with the truth boiling inside him, and

the ignorance and deception being perpetrated around him. Several

dozens of years.

Finally, in gingerly terms, he began to talk. You might call him

the original whistle blower. He posited the revolution of the Earth

around the sun and the revolution of Earth on its own axis, and

thereby explained the rising and setting sun, moon and stars, the

seasons, the morning and the evening star, and dispensed with the

childish epicycles that gave a reverse orbit to certain planets at

32 The Sub 4 Minute Extra Mile Series

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certain times. All neatly explained and provable by observing

phenomena with a different, deeper eye.

Indeed, it was a revolutionary change in outlook. It revealed that

Earth was not the center of the universe, rather, something

“contained” in the Universe. This position was untenable.

It starts at the top, and when the powers that be unleash their

machinery, the gullible, believing the powers have their best

interests at heart, like they’ve been brainwashed from the cradle to

believe, rise to the call. In addition to the threats of

excommunication, damning him to eternal perdition for speaking

out, it meant public disgrace, ridicule, poverty, and the polar

opposite of all the good gifts they had showered on this chosen

child on Earth.

Perhaps the behavior from the ignorant populace is

understandable. Their opinion is certainly unexamined, and

involves no such thing as evaluation of evidence and truth. Witness

the millions who still today pay fraudulent television psychics

countless millions of dollars annually.

Certainly, any fool could see the sun goes round the Earth.

“You’ve got eyes! Use them!” you might hear the pontiff rallying.

The church was protecting their hegemony. The absolute last thing

the church wanted was honest inquiry and truth.

And, though there were some silent holdouts, even the scientific

community ridiculed and excoriated him. Of course, they received

their pay from the church, so genuine investigation and truth had to

be a secondary concern. But as a body of elite scholars, their

opinion and their ridicule surely won out over reason. In the eyes of

the ignorant, it was reason.

Yet he couldn’t hold back, cost what it may. Finally he moved

to speak to a larger audience, publishing De revolutionibus orbium

coelestium (On The Revolutions Of The Celestial Spheres). On the

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eve of publication, suffering calumny and the threat of

excommunication, his heart freezes and he dies.

In the end, Copernicus gave his life for truth, the logical

discoveries of science, and doing so, impulsed a quantum leap in

the evolution of humanity.

Christianity did interdict his work, for 200 years. He was right.

Celebrate the high cost that heroes are willing to pay to

publicize the truth and the progress they bequeath to humanity.

Poverty Can Be A Profound Blessing

“Poverty can be a profound blessing,” Napoleon Hill writes in

the mature days of his activities.

Let’s go with the facts. Napoleon Hill transitioned 8 November

1970 from a heart attack while working in his home in Charleston,

South Carolina, USA 13h days after celebrating his 87

th birthday.

The 13 day thing, since he is forever identified with the 13

principles of personal achievement he laid out in Think And Grow

Rich, might be a holomagic coda to a life well lived.

The book he writes these words in is You Can Work Your Own

Miracles. The copyright date is 1971. Published posthumously. The

complete passage is:

Poverty can be a profound blessing. it can also be a life-

long curse. The determining factor as to which it shall be

consists in one’s mental attitude toward it. If it is accepted

as a challenge to greater effort it is a blessing, if it is

accepted as an unavoidable handicap, then it is an enduring


It all relates to the factor of control. Your destiny is seldom

controlled by the circumstance, so seldom so that with the slight

disclaimer of some natural disasters and acts of nations, we can

safely say it’s never in the circumstance.

It’s not the fact the mother-in-law is meddlesome; it’s not the

fact an employee stole money. it’s not the fact you lost your

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number one client to a competitor. There’s a lot of thousand things

it’s not.

However, losing your number one client could be, and should

be the stimulus you need to get your ship in order and create some

new precision in your market. What a time to take stock, evaluate,

and make determinations that align with your purposes, rather than

the carelessness you might have let yourself drift into. Consider

your unique selling proposition. Inject new horsepower into your

selling with a new differentiation, new messages, and energetic

new salespeople on the street.

You’ve just got market feedback to get yourself back in place,

and that’s it.

Poverty is the same way. Poverty is a passage, a fleeting


Say you’re slack on cash and bills are piling up?.. You may not

be feeling peaceful in these circumstances. Maybe that’s the way

Nature intends it… You get feedback from the environment when

you’re screwing up.

But there are other perspectives. I know one guy who says the

day he was “just” broke was such a relief, because ALL he was was

broke. Before he went to bankruptcy court and got exonerated, he

was $50 million in debt! Now, to him, being broke was pretty

doggone good!

And so it is. He re-built his career.

Poverty can be a blessing, or if you let that strike you out and

you live with it, then, of course, it’s a curse. But it’s not a curse

some outside witch or capricious God has cast on you. It’s a curse

you decided to create by the way you decided to embrace the

condition. Everything is what you make it. And we start tomorrow


The Quantum Leap Only Happens

When You’re Being You

The quantum leap only happens when you’re being you. If

you’re trying to do what you think you should, trying to beat and be

like others in your profession, and you’ve been wondering why you

haven’t been making that quantum career leap, your answer may be

revealed right there.

The world only rewards things that are new, unique, different,

better, bigger, bolder, time-saving, of more interest and intrigue.

The world does not reward copycats and look-alikes. They even

have an expression that goes, “The same old same old.” Does being

normal, or worse, being boring appeal to you? Does it make you

stand out to anyone? Do you really expect to stand out following

the rutted path?

But, being just one of billions of humans on this planet, you

might ask how you can really be unique.

Uniqueness should not be a big order for you, because if you

will tune into who you really are, the universal mind flowing

outward through you, as it does in a plant, coming in through the

roots, up and outward, expressing as growth in the plant, will

express creativity and uniquely in you.

I once knew a gardener who tended a large rose garden of

several hundred bushes. He had a love affair with each one, spoke

of their unique histories, beauties, and enjoyed each one

ecstatically. He could point out nuances of color, leaf, perfume, and

growth with every single plant. What could look like a field of

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roses to the casual eye, clumping them all together, was a universe

of distinct beauties and contributions to the heart of any who

looked more deeply.

Indeed, each was distinctly different.

When you slow down, tune into your heart, and remove yourself

from the “more of” commodity class, that’s when you yourself will

be unique. Becoming yourself, you will be different. If you’re

looking for success, that’s joyful news.

Uniqueness is a requirement for true success, and there’s where

you find self-actualization, as well. The quantum leap only happens

when you’re being YOU.

Napoleon Hill On The Best Profession

For Big Success

I use the quote frequently in our training events…

Napoleon Hill said,

“It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by

helping others succeed.”

When I first bring it out a lot of people ask, “What does that


Let’s dissect it, looking at each phrase, and you’ll find there’s

no dissimulation, but that it’s a very direct statement.

“It is literally true”

o It is true. This is not allegory or symbolic, but

direct, practical truth

“that you can succeed”

o He establishes the subject, success. Remember,

there’s no figurative language; we’re talking

about success in the sense you understand it as

in getting ahead in life and on your career path

“best and quickest”

o Now we’ve got a modifier, refining the

previous identification of succeeding, by

revealing the best and quickest way, and that


“by helping others succeed”

40 The Sub 4 Minute Extra Mile Series

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o Which identifies the specific profession you can

most easily achieve success in

Napoleon Hill was a man who gathered insights, not only from

the incredible, profound depths of research and interview, but he

was simultaneously living his life, creating his life. He’s talking

about getting in the right kind of profession.

Remember he is a consultant, he is an information marketer, he

is a guru. Put him in the right place; make him equivalent to how

you would see him today. He is a Tony Robbins, a T. Harv Eker, a

Ted Ciuba, a Brian Tracy.

He’s saying get into the consulting field. Not only that, make

your clients business clients. Not only that, get into the aspect of

business consulting that works on the income side of the equation.

It’s not a complicated idea, and the statement is intended to

present the best monetary career advice Hill has garnered in a

single summing statement.

You want to get rich? You want 50% of all the gross profit

that’s in a product, gross profit being defined as what’s left over

after the cost of production and shipping? You can have it all day

long. The way you get that juicy deal, even though someone else is

paying for the inventory and overhead, is to sell the stuff. That’s


What he’s saying is, “Go where the money is!” People always

have and always will gladly share huge amounts of money with

those who create money. There is no other point in the process of

raw material to counting year-end profits where you’ll find such


Napoleon Hill clearly is speaking to you as an insider. He’s no

longer talking to the masses, and he’s no longer talking in the

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general concept of “What you think about you bring about” and

“You’ve got to go after what you want with passion.”

He’s saying if you want the most highly leveraged occupation

you can go into, one in which you can make the kind of income

people dream of, go into marketing consulting, because they’ll pay

you for bringing income in the door!

It’s a good profession.

Don’t Choose Your Dreams By What

You Know You Can Bridge To

There’s a fundamental error most people and businesses make

when they start looking at what they want out of life. When they

start looking to plan their future and start setting goals, they tend to

look at what they know they can do, and then make that their goal.

The concept of incremental thinking is logical, and it’s certainly

culturally engrained, so it seems right, right?

The only issue is that approach automatically rules out the

possibility of a quantum leap.

On the other hand, high velocity achievers, people used to

creating a quantum leap, upping their performance level by 300% -

600%, don’t see their current position or activity as any large


Note duly, that’s not 3% - 6%, figures which, to incrementalists,

are quite respectable.

However, quantum achievers respect and expect those high

numbers, because they know two things sheeple and

incrementalists don’t know. They know there are causes to every

event. Look around you at an overweight, underachieving, sickly

population. They go to the doctor complaining of fatigue, who

prescribes something big pharma is making money on. They get

worse, not better. It’s obvious they don’t know. High achievers

generally enjoy good health, too, because they know. So they focus

in on the high leverage pivot or quantum points for exponential

returns in their pursuits.

44 The Sub 4 Minute Extra Mile Series

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And they also know holomagic happens only when conditions

are right. Lethargic, apathetic people looking for a lucky break

don’t get visits by the angel…

All this while they’re likely sitting on enough untapped assets to

keep them going for a lifetime. There are systems they can install,

ads that can be rewritten, and whole new visions and missions

adopted. There are leverage points which multiply things. And

we’re not talking about creating a world with more money and

rewards, but less freedom, but more, more, and more! Delegation is

certainly one of the high leverage systems achievers’ get

comfortable with.

What you want to do is learn from and model achievers.

Intervene in your own self. Identify and break free from what

you’ve accepted as your paradigm level of what’s normal and


Because the problem with what’s normal and possible - unless

you come from a very exceptional family and culture – is that

you’ve got a lot of bad, erroneous training, not only from your

parents, who were beginners at life and child-rearing themselves

when they raised you, but from a society with its school system,

religions, workforce and regulations designed to norm the

population for easy management.

And, by the way, unless you get conscious promptly, the same

carry-forward unquestioned assumptions forming your world will

be assimilated by your children. As the saying goes, the sins of the

people endure even to their children’s children’s children…

So much for the causes. They’re only important as they help

you understand where, why, and how you went wrong. Now it’s up

to you to re-educate and empower yourself. Blame cannot exist, not

only because it’s useless, but it will hold you back. The reality is

that you, at some point, decided to do what society told you to do,

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and you, albeit unconsciously, chose to see the world foursquare,

believing it is the real world. The spell is cast early.

As the saying goes, “Salvation is an individual affair.” When

you get enough of an intimation to know there’s a whole lot more

available, and that it could be your own limiting outlooks and

beliefs getting you what you do not want, then it’s up to you to

change things.

When you wake to your true self you set what you want as your

goal. Your present condition serves as a splendid starting point.

If you go for the quantum leap, your present is your starting

point. And if you go just for the incremental, what you think you

can achieve playing it safe returns (by the way, most metros will

bury the indigent for free – and you won’t have to think about

anything along the way, either), the present is also your starting


So what concerns us more is where we’ll end up following the

two different routes, the incremental or the quantum. That exercise

should solve every consideration… Do you really want to continue

struggling along, barely breaking even in the midst of inflation,

currency devaluations, and rising taxes?

It’s not necessary. Don’t choose your wants, dreams, and,

destinations by what you know you can bridge to! Be bold! Be

audacious. Trust in the magical power of pursuit.

Trust in yourself. Trust in your ability to find the resources and

contacts you need, trust in the energy and insight to put it all

together. Choose what you really want, the quantum leap.

Don’t choose your dreams by what you know you can bridge to.

Go for the quantum leap!

Make Opportunity Happen

For many the best that we can hope for and try to guide them to

accomplish is just getting by. Whether they know it or not, that’s

what they want.

For certain other people, like you and me, we realize we have a

unique, one-time, non-repeatable opportunity to contribute, to add

value to this life, to this world, and to the lives of other people. We

have an opportunity. We can create a reason to wake up, a reason

to feel joy.

AND in our case, talk about an attitude inversion! Things are

different for people like you. Turns out, good is within our power.

It goes further than that. To not do the good you may so easily

do, to not bring the value that is you and share it with others is evil.

It’s a bad choice. It’s even in the word! “Evil” is “live” spelled


Joy in what you have to share, value it, and make the

opportunity happen. You will be rewarded. Every seed bears its

unique fruit.

A Connect-The-Dots Story With You As

Lead Character

Do you ever wonder where those kids who get sorted into shop

end up after high school? In the high school I went to, that’s where

they sorted the ones who didn’t have much of a future ahead of


And then last night I’m out on the town in Nashville, and I

come across a display on Taylor guitars,. Since 1833 Martin guitars

has played the place of the best guitar available. It’s been Martin,

with everything below it. Seems this Taylor is an upstart, born just

in 1977. Today, just a few decades later, they’re competing with

Martin in the league that couldn’t be challenged.

There’s a back story, of course. And I want to lean this one

towards you. Consider, one of the things I guide people on is

finding their strengths. When people come to me asking what they

should or could do, I say, “You’ve already told yourself, you just

have to pull it out of yourself.”

Then we do a little investigative consideration… We start with a

few very simple questions, looking around for what’s happening in

their life… “Where is your greatest strength?” “What things do you

excel at?” “Where is your passion?” Other questions develop.

We’re looking for their unique opportunity where they’ve already

laid traces of something that can be developed into exchange value.

The video that was looping on the big screen of Bob Taylor

being interviewed, guitar in hand, told the story superbly well. He

was one of those guys who got shuttled off to shop class.

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Then comes the time he realizes he’d like to play guitar. So he

goes looking around. Mind you, he’s good in shop. Finally he

realizes, “I can make a better guitar than I can buy!” And he does.

His first guitar was so well done he’s still got it thirty-five years

later. One thing I noticed immediately was the fancy fretboard. I’m

sure you’ve seen those little dots or stars in between frets, common

on guitars. His fretboard had ebony inlay. And this was his first


He then made himself another one. Then he started getting

requests from friends. That’s how Taylor started. And today Taylor

Guitars is in the untouchable class with Martin. Taylor just

developed on his natural abilities and interests.

Today he’s selling 500 guitars a day. And that doesn’t say

anything about the incidentals that go with it, like strings, lessons,

other instruments, and the things that make a full business, like the

financing and insurance plans. And he did it following his

strengths. Just the way we always say you should do.

Back to you… When you’re going to go into a field, investigate

the field. Find out where the weaknesses are, and fix them. That’s

what Taylor did. Though the props, activities and characters will

certainly be slightly different for you, the storyline won’t vary


He found a lot of guitar construction substandard. Normal stuff,

even the best, he knew to be “like a patch along job.” And he

thought, “With today’s precision machinery, it doesn’t have to be

that way.”

And then he wasn’t satisfied with the pick-ups, the electrical

component that amplifies the sound. He looked at the market that

was still using – and trying to optimize– the design that came into

vogue in the 1930’s.

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Then, instead of trying to improve what would be impossible to

improve substantially anymore – and still wouldn’t be satisfactory

for him - he set himself up for the quantum leap by asking how he

could formulate an entirely new basis for an electronic pick-up.

Results speak for themselves.

Everybody wants a Taylor guitar.

What should you do? Follow Taylor’s story like it’s a connect-

the-dots story with you as lead character. Where are your strengths?

What things do you do excellently that others don’t do and can’t

do? Start by looking at your life.

It’s there you’ll find the answers. Your self already knows

where your opportunities for greatest contribution and security lie.

Now just unwrap it, and give others the opportunity to share in

your unique value. That’s what Taylor did.

What Blossoms Into World-Class

Excellence In Your Own Backyard

Excellence ultimately is extraordinary, but it’s accomplished

merely by doing ordinary things the way everyone could and

should, but don’t do. Extraordinary people do not do extraordinary

things to become that way.

Let’s talk about three swimmers at the 1984 Summer Olympics

in Los Angeles: Greg Louganis, Mary T. Meagher, and Steve

Lundquist. What we find when we examine these three case studies

is that superlative performance is a coming together and an

orchestration of small decisions and their applications in activities.

Each of these activities, learned or stumbled upon, result from

decisions carefully drilled and disciplined into an enjoyable habit,

integrated together in a synthesized, empowering, moving, fluid

whole. This is what excellence is… Ordinary stuff.

It turns out the stars aren’t made of anything different than the


To wit, it’s not what you do because there’s only so many

things you can do. Whatever your profession or interest is, there is

nothing extraordinary in the things one can do, nothing that others

couldn’t do. It’s in the way you do things. It starts in your mindset,

in how you approach things. It’s doing them correctly, consistently,

and orchestrating them together. That’s when excellence happens.

Truly, excellence is made of things anyone could choose to do.

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Case study #1: diver, Greg Louganis, two gold medals.

Louganis proves, by the way, time is not the determining factor, in

that he practiced fewer than three hours a day, divided up into two

or three sessions. Now, that’s not much when competing at the

Olympic level. Mind you, that would be excellent for a recreational

swimmer, or someone at the Country Club, or even the someone

serious in high school, but that’s not your ordinary Olympics

training regimen.

But this man is never sloppy in practice, and, consequently, he’s

never sloppy in meets. That’s it! That’s his secret – disciplined

practice to high standards. That same approach to the ordinary

things of one’s area of pursuit is what makes a few concert pianists

out of the countless thousands of people who begin every year.

Things that anyone in the game should do.

Want a quantum leap in your special gift? Decide to always be

technically correct and disciplined, and let the spirit flow from


Case study #2: swimmer, Mary T. Meagher, three gold medals.

It really kicked off for her, she has said in interviews looking back,

when she was 13 years old. She’d qualified for the national

championships, and upon receiving that news she decided to go for

the world record. Thirteen years old, but not so dumb, she knew

she was going to have to do something different.

She decided on and followed out two things. That’s all. And this

is what she herself attributes her success to. First, she decided to be

on time to practice, every practice, every time. Reflecting back, she

said that made her put a new value on the importance of practice

time. It became really meaningful.

And she decided one other thing, and that was to do every stroke

right every time.

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You see, most people, most athletes, even in training, don’t do

every stroke right. They don’t even pretend at it. In her sport, for

instance, it’s very common that swimmers go lazy and not always

touch the wall with both hands when they do a turnaround.

Interesting thing, however, is they’ll be judged on it in competition.

Why they don’t do it right every time in practice is a mystery.

Meagher did. She became exceptional doing what she should.

She decided to do it right every time and she said that it

accustomed her to doing things at least one step better than

everybody else, all the time. She made being better habitual. She

wasn’t stuck striving to come from behind during competition.

Consider the significance of three words here: decision, discipline

and technique.

The point is she made two changes: 1) to always be on time and

2) to do every stroke properly every time. Anybody could’ve made

those changes. The point is excellence in your field takes no extra

qualifying talents or abilities. These were merely decisions any

competitive person should make, followed through with disciplined


The Olympic gold wasn’t on her mind at the time. She won that

world record she went after in the 200-meter butterfly race. But

with increased abilities and performance, come increased


Case study #3: swimmer, Steve Lundquist, two gold medals. By

now this is going to sound familiar. He attributes his success to a

decision he made early in his career to win every swim, every day

in practice.

This was so early on he was only thinking about practice.

That’s all there was at that time. It’s not like he was thinking of

winning the Olympics at that time. It never entered his head. He

decided to win every swim every day right where he was.

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Later that evolved into win every race, every stroke, every time,

everywhere! Of course it evolved to that.

Being like or liked by others, who viewed him as unfittingly

competitive, didn’t matter to him. He wanted to win. That’s what

he went out there to do. The others had ulterior goals mixed in the

bag, like fitting in with the club crowd.

His short term goal of winning this race, this swim, this

workout, translated into bigger and bigger races, and bigger and

bigger opportunities. And guess what? Competition, when the day

arrived for a meet, was no shocker. It was nothing out of the

ordinary for him. He was a champ, used to going all out. They

weren’t. He made history. They didn’t.

They were faced with the monumental and urgent need to

desperately do something different. Not only different, but better.

They were hoping and praying something good would happen. He

went out and did what he did every day in practice.

It was not his superior ability that made him superior. It’s an

illustration of the folk saying, “It’s not the size of the dog in the

fight; it’s the size of the fight in the dog.”

Steve Lundquist wins every race, every day, every where.

Talking about excellence and extraordinary performance, de

facto, makes it seem like it’s something almost unachievable,

bequeathed upon the blessed select. But it’s nothing of the sort.

Excellence happens as a consequence of a person making key

performance-oriented decisions they follow through on with

engaged discipline.

And though it’s true excellence results from ordinary things, it’s

not doing more of the ordinary things the ordinary way. The

ordinary way is to add repetitions or more time. But more imperfect

practice does not make perfect, it merely makes imperfect

technique more firmly entrained.

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Excellence has its genesis in the micro volts of brain electricity

flashed when a person decides to apply themselves in integrity to

the ordinary skills and demands of the game. Things like being on

time, valuing your engagement, exercising discipline ensuring your

technique is technically correct every time. Habitually.

No analysis has ever uncovered anything extraordinary,

superhuman, or godlike in any one of the individual decisions or

actions that make champions.

Excellence results only in that one decides to do things they

should do with heart, spirit, and discipline.

Though they would much like it, they’ve never found any way

to identify the six-seven year old future Olympian. If they could,

they could start attention and training earlier, and make the athlete

even more superior in performance. They can’t find it, because it

doesn’t exist. Excellence is not the result of some innate talent or

lucky gift granted by Jupiter on some few, fortunate individuals,

but rather is forged by the individual themselves.

Excellence, in the end, is extraordinary, yet it is generated

merely by extra attention to the ordinary things of the sport. The

studies affirm it can be developed by anyone with basic core

competencies who wills it so.

And they don’t have to – and don’t in fact – start with way out

goals like winning Olympic gold. It starts very close to home. You

nurture and develop what blossoms into world class excellence in

your own backyard.

The Problem With Setting Your Sights

Too High

Have you ever noticed how particularly insightful observations

show up again and again from different people in different

circumstances conversing in subjects of different domains? The

Michelangelo everybody knows, who certainly was a quantum

performer, didn’t just get lucky. He made it the focus and intention

of his life.

Yet everywhere one turns people are cautioning others not to

think they can be special. What is this achiever’s opinion?

Michelangelo says,

“The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our

aim too high and falling short, but setting our aim too low,

and achieving our mark. “

If you don’t go after much, that’s rather easy to achieve. But

what value do you get? Where’s the fulfillment? What value do

you create? And will you ever be happy knowing you sold out to

conform to the herd?

Which weighs into what Frank Maguire, co-founder of FedEx,

said when accosted for his motivational speeches. The bureaucratic

mind said he should not be allowed to speak to young people,

because he was doing them a disservice by encouraging them to

dream big, because they would only end up disappointed.

A disservice?!!

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Their numbers prove it. It seems, however, their job and the

mentality that becomes them busily norming the populace into

easily manageable shades of yellow and brown makes them blind

to the fact that Maguire himself was living testimony that great

innovations and their consequent rewards can come to those who

dream outside the gray and blue.

And they continue to assert and structure things behind the

scenes so that young people are discouraged from dreaming big.

True, with no big dream, Maguire himself would have

succumbed to the futility of working to manifest that big dream. He

would not have accomplished what he did. He would have shut

himself, his vision, and his bold and courageous actions in the face

of monolithic challenges and uncertainties down. And the world

would be worse off for it.

Maguire responded with,

“The problem with setting your sights too high is far

outweighed by the chance of underachievement that comes

from setting your sights too low.”

Sure, every person attempting great things encounters

challenges. But so do those who crunge away in mediocrity. The

difference is, those with the hero’s heart have the vision, drive,

energy, and compulsion to meet with, grapple, and take on those

challenges. Win or lose, they are a hero.

Nobody bests every challenge, wiener or winner. Certainly,

setting your sights too low is a travesty of potential, because it

guarantees you’ll never be who you might be.

And not coincidentally, human culture affirms both

Michelangelo and Frank Maguire made the wiser choice. It’s your

turn now.

That’s What It’s Costing You If You

Don’t Act

How much does taking action cost you? I can tell you this: it

costs a whole lot less than you’re paying now by not having this

knowledge, these attitudes, skills, and abilities.

This is something a lot of people don’t understand about life:

there’s a price any way you go.

Sure, if you’re going to get involved there’s an investment;

every business has an investment. People go to school for four

years and spend a hundred grand, or rack up a hundred grand in

student loans - which will take them 20 years to pay back - to get a

neater job.

This is an opportunity to own your own business and become a

person who makes more in a single week than normal people make

in an entire year. Is it possible? Yes.

That’s what it’s costing you if you don’t act on this opportunity.



A Connect-The-Dots Story With You As Lead Character

At The Altar Of Your Divinity

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Get Up And Take Action

I Will Love One Woman Only

Make Opportunity Happen

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Performing Alongside Others Who Had To Drag Themselves Out Of Bed

Poverty Can Be A Profound Blessing

President John F. Kennedy, Wordgician

That’s What It’s Costing You If You Don’t Act

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The High Cost Of The Truth

The Problem With Setting Your Sights Too High

The Quantum Leap Only Happens When You’re Being You

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