te whare ariki rangatira Ārunga o te whakaputanga o te whakaminenga o nga hapu o aotearoa

Post on 26-Jan-2016






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This seT of 4 bound documenTs conTaining

(i) covering leTTer.

(ii) ProclamaTion.

(iii) addendum no 1.

(iv) sovereign Penal redress,

Was delivered 15Th /16Th augusT 2011 To:

* nZ Prime minisTer rT. hon. John Key.

* nZ governor general his excellency rT. hon. sir

anand saTyananad,

c/ -office of The execuTive council, ParliamenT

buildings, WellingTon.

* nZ dePuTy Prime minisTer rT. hon. bill english.

* nZ sPeaKer of The house of rePresenTaTives rT. hon.

locKWood smiTh.

noTe: The bound documenTs as delivered To The above

reciPianTs as a gesTure of courTesy, from The suPreme uPPer

house of chiefs of The confederaTion of uniTed Tribes of

aoTearoa, did noT include The addiTional 5 Pages rear of

The bound documenT, WiTh no malice or ill Will inTended.


Offshore Interests Have Been Running New Zealand Since

Ego Overwhelmed Righteousness. [These 5 pages following have not been endorsed by the Supreme Upper House Of The Confederation Of United Tribes

of Aotearoa, but have been included here at the last minute, by a panel of researchers who believe the information

disclosed below is in the public interest. Readers are free to disregard the following. No malice or ill will is intended and

all rights are reserved. ]

At the close of WWII, the United Nations, was formed as a vehicle for running hidden

agendas behind it’s front window. It has continued to serve as a smokescreen for the banksters’

ambitious plans to privatise the world ‘generation by generation.’ Real pressure began to be

applied from the 1970’s onwards. Norman Kirk was the last NZ Prime Minister who resisted it for

the greater good, but was poisoned with sodium morphate in 1974.

The takeover through corporate businesses, of the NZ Government is explained in the DVD

called “Someone Else’s Country.” The DVD highlights the roles of people such as Roger Kerr,

Alan Gibbs, Roger Douglas, Don Brash, and their links to NZ’s Reserve Bank, > the International

Monetary Fund, > Rothschild’s World Bank.

In reality, NZ’ers saw the ‘generation by generation’ transition plan take place with the

birth of Housing Corporation NZ’s scheme of 1986-1992 called The Papakainga Project. The

scheme provided unsecured finance to Tangata Whenua of Aotearoa to build dwellings on native

collective lands. It was first set up in 1972 - 1974 under the Kirk and Rowling Labour


State Owned Enterprises (SOE’s) were later set up by NZ’s Lange / Douglas, Geoffrey

Palmer, and Michael Moore Labour Governments between 1984 to 1990 put things in place to sell

Government assets to private incorporations after another half generation of ‘dumbing’ the electors


The Papakainga scheme was revitalised but with an invisible twist, during the National

Governments of Jim Bolger and Jenny Shipley 1991 to 1999 (one generation after the stage was set

in 1974).

Robotic natural persons employed by Housing Corporation of New Zealand, were then

instructed to sell it’s mortgages to a new entity / person called Housing New Zealand Corporation

half a generation after acquiring the mortgages. The borrowers were NOT invited to sign new

agreements with the new lender.

During 1999 the housing mortgages were again re-assigned without consulting the

borrowers, (mortgage discounting) this time to a privately owned subsidiary of Westpac Banking


Corporation. That private entity driven by robotically compliant natural persons was named The

Home Mortgage Company Limited.

By the start of Helen Clark’s Labour Government, 1999, The Home Mortgage Company

Limited had legally gained unlawful control of dwellings on multiple Native Lands, a half

generation after uninformed innocent natives signed contracts in good faith. Those contracts

provided that half a generation further down the track, lenders were free to demand unlimited

interest rates. The Home Mortgage Company Limited had unlawfully acquired control of

borrowers’ destinies.

By 2011, or one generation after originally signing contracts in good faith, native borrowers

throughout New Zealand, are being ordered by District Courts to stand aside whilst human robots

come onto their lands and remove family dwellings despite families having paid in interest alone,

roughly twice the values of the original mortgages. Is this how cricket was intended to be played?

Now is John Key unlawfully setting the stage for the last rip-off of all mineral resources

including coal, oil and gas as well as gold, silver, and rare titanium? Are we to believe without

question, that John Key is a patriot who won election on his own merits alone?

Since the robbing by Bush junior and his minders, of Al Gore’s USA Presidency we have

learnt that elections are decided at enrolment time, NOT on polling day. The designer of the

electoral software has admitted that 51 / 49 outcomes can be keyed in so the published results are in

fact 51 / 49. What were the results when NZ’s National Party narrowly squeezed out Helen Clark’s


These days, selected people are groomed by banksters to occupy key positions.1

Q. Was John Key firstly identified and secondly then groomed to be the minder of NZ in the

interests of the Banking elite (Rothschilds)?

A. Yes he was.

Q. How do we know?

A1. He has quietly sacked the democratically elected Councillors of Christchurch AND

Auckland and replaced them with selected “consultants.”

A2. When America was first bankrupted in 1933 The Glass-Steagall Act was put in place after

the Rothschilds caused the first “Great” depression for their self gain. The Glass-Steagall Act

prevented investment banks and Commercial banks from merging. From 1987 until 1998 banks

spent between $100 to $200 million to lobby the US Government to repeal the Act. It was finally

repealed in 1998 and officially signed away in 1999. Thus all barriers were removed for the

1 ref; The Omega Plan - Ch 12 Truth Can Set Us Free.


merging of the two types of banks thus allowing speculative investment banks to once again gain

full control over the financial world.

In late 1987 Andrew Krieger attacked the New Zealand dollar. He earned for The Bankers

Trust Bank the sum of $338 million in just a few days. It was around 1987 – 88 that John Key

learned the secrets of dealing in derivatives from Andy Krieger.

What did the investment bankers do?

They bought the mortgages of their newly acquired commercial banks thus eliminating risk for their

commercial banking departments. This meant that commercial banks were in the black straight

away again and therefore had no reason to be prudent anymore. Valuers who took a percentage of

the houses they valued had every reason to hype the prices of the houses and since banks no longer

had incentive to be prudent, banks began to loan to people without properly assessing the capability

of borrowers to pay back the loan. In fact mortgage brokers went as far as encouraging people to lie

about their income so the broker could get paid a higher commission.

What happened with those mortgages?

They were bundled and sold on to pension funds and other investment companies as Asset Backed

Securities. Promoted as low risk savings investments, they were bought by the millions by

unsuspecting naïve and ignorant investors looking to buy long term investments to protect pensions

and other retirement plans.

Why is there a crisis?

In 2007 Deutche bank tried to foreclose on some of the mortgages they thought they owned only to

find the Judge making a determination in favour of the defendants. They were not the principal

lenders and holders of the mortgages and therefore they were not entitled to foreclose. This caused

a wave of panic and loss of confidence in the product that had been sold all over the world and the

result was the subprime crisis.

John Key was the Global head of Foreign Exchange and European head for Bonds and

Derivatives for Merrill Lynch at the time the Glass-Steagall act was repealed 1998. He had an

office and a flat in New York and was a Wall Street investment banker. He is introduced as the

Managing Director of debt (Bonds and Derivatives) in an online interview in November 1999. This

means that he was in the right place at the right time to be running the subprime scam for Merrill

Lynch, perhaps even before it was legalised in 1999. Merrill Lynch was one of the most aggressive


banks dealing in the products now devastating the Financial World. According to John Key himself

he headed the department responsible for all these exotic new products. John Key was a master in

the Derivatives trade, a trade he learned in 1987-‘88 from another master Andrew Krieger. It

is impossible for John Key not to have known that eventually the subprime crisis would happen

because it was under his leadership in 1998-1999 Merrill Lynch produced and sold the Derivatives

now causing the collapse of our entire financial system.

In several interviews John Key has mentioned how Merrill Lynch stood to lose $1 to 1.5

billion US dollars with the demise of the Long Term Credit Management (LTCM) fund in the late

1990’s. In the wake of the LTCM collapse John Key had to fire hundreds of people. It earned him

the nickname of “The Smiling Assassin.” It is safe to conclude that John Key knew about the fund

and was involved at a minimum, with the cleanup after the debacle.

In 1999 John Key was invited to join the Foreign Exchange Committee of the Federal

Reserve Bank of New York, (the same banksters who have controlled the Reserve Bank of NZ

since Brierley, Jones, and Fay Richwhite stole it from under Robert Muldoon’s leadership). On two

occasions John Key undertook management studies at Harvard University2 in Boston. In 2001, he

headed back to New Zealand to fulfil a long held ambition to stand for Parliament for the National

Party. He became leader in 2006 – 5 years after arriving back in NZ, and Prime Minister 7 years

after arriving back in NZ.

It is reliably reported that five years before he became Prime Minister, he got drunk and

gloated that he had been chosen to be a Prime Minister of NZ and would be groomed and steered

into place.

When he became Prime Minister he was an investor in Mining shares and a major

shareholder in Transit NZ which has been known to provide a cover for CIA operatives on


John Key’s background IS merchant banking. The day after his party’s election wherein

politicians got a pay rise, he publicly vowed to pass his increase onto charity. What he didn’t say

was that income (and profits) for Transit NZ was going to increase soon after the election.

Motorcycle registrations skyrocketed and fees for cars roughly doubled, so Transit NZ shareholders

could afford to give away a 5% government salary increase yes?

Was John Key involved in the LTCM financial disaster which we are all now expected to pay

for through increased consumer costs and increased taxes to replace the bank bail-outs.?

2 Harvard University is renowned as a Rockefeller / New World Order mind training / indoctrinating institution.


It is safe to conclude that John Key knew full well that his bank was involved in irresponsible and

reckless speculative behaviour well before the “subprime” crisis erupted.

Links to check:









The above was compiled from a number of reputable researchers.

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