target markets

Post on 21-Mar-2016






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A look at the variety of target markets



Marketing: The act of buying or selling in a market.

Target Market: The audience you are trying to reach/target

when selling a product to a consumer. For example, teens!

Merchandise: The manufactured goods/products bought and

sold in a business.

Teens: Humans between the ages of 13-18 who are very

social. Influenced easily, usually by piers and the media, and

love to consume!

One of the most popular restaurant

business in the world is McDonalds.

McDonalds is found all over the world,

and the media advertising for this

company is almost endless. We have a

McDonalds right in Welland, and the

biggest target market are teens who

need a fast, delicious, cheap meal. The

food is greasy and good, and teens are

not health conscience. McDonalds is

also a hangout spot for many teens,

where they can socialize and enjoy



Shown above: Teens buy their favourite meal

at a local McDonalds. These kids are also

known as “McTeens”.


Teens love to have the latest styles and coolest clothes. Clothing retailers are a

huge part of the retail world, especially in teen’s eyes. One of the largest clothing

retailers that appeal to teens is Forever 21. This store mainly targets females,

although there is a small section for men as well. The store is moderately priced,

which allows teens to use their own money when purchasing products from the

store. The store creates a “hipster-grunge” look for teens to wear. Because of the

society we live in, Forever 21 is constantly updating their new fashions, with tons

of advertising. Their models, like every other store, are thin and beautiful, which

give the females especially, the idea that if they wear the clothes from Forever 21,

they can look like them too. There is a new Forever 21 being put in the Pen


Right: Thin models

are shown on a

Forever 21 ad.

Left: The largest Forever 21

store in the World is found

at Times Square in New

York City.

Without technology , the World would be much less advanced. One of the most

technology-savy social groups are teens. Teens are the future, therefore they need and want to know

about the latest technology (whether that be laptops or cell phones) and how to use it. A huge

company, possibly the largest in the world, is Apple. Apple produces everything from I -Pods, to I-

Phones, to Macs. Teens love how fast Apple technology works, and they cannot get enough of it.

Apple produces more products in a year then most people can keep up with. For teens, it seems as if

there is always a new and improved Apple product out. Teens are pushed to buy these products by all

the advertisements, social pressure, and media advertisements. Apple is by far, a huge magnet for

teens and their consumerism. Apple products can be found locally at Wal-Mart or The Source, so

perhaps those stores can put ads in our yearbook with the main focus of Apple.


Just some of the many

Apple products.


Beverages are a pretty standard product, but teens love sugar

and energy drinks. One of the most popular beverages is Coca-Cola,

because of it’s reputation and sugary taste. There has always been a

rivalry between Coke and Pepsi, but statistics show that teens prefer

Coke. Coke sponsors the Olympics and many concerts, events, sports

games, and is found all over the media. The classic Coke jingle is easily

identifiable, and the cartoon Artic animals are always a crowd pleaser.

Locally, Coke can be found in almost any store that sells food (for

example, Wal-Mart, corner stores, Sobey’s, and many restaurants).

The Coca-Cola

famous logo and

cartoons attract

teens everywhere. It

is easily identifiable,

and a famous media



Lastly, the last type of business I believe

teens are a huge target market for is make-

up. It only applies to females, but females in

their teen years buy a lot of makeup

because they want to look “easy and

breezy”. This is the message that a main

makeup business puts across. It is called,

Covergirl. With huge celebrity

endorsements, this company reaches out to

girls everywhere, of all ethnicities. Their

products can be found almost everywhere

(locally, at Shoppers Drug Mart or Wal-Mart

to be specific), and offer a variety of make-

up types, such as blush, foundation, mascara,

eye shadows, and eyeliner. When the teen

girls see these ads, especially those that

include their favourite celebrity, it makes

them want the products even more.

Shown above: Taylor Swift and

Rhianna are shown on Covergirl


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