taq e bostan3

Post on 24-Jun-2015






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YOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE: http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/michaelasanda-1450027-taq-e-bostan3/ Please see also : http://www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda/taq-e-bostan1 http://www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda/taq-e-bostan2 http://www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda/taq-e-bostan4-8514085 Thank you la Taq-e Bostan se află o serie de reliefuri şi inscripţii din epoca Imperiului Sassanid, dinastie iraniană care a condus Asia de Vest de la anul 226 la 650 d.Ch. muzeu. Ṭāq-e Bostān, village in western Iran, just northeast of Kermānshāh city. It is known for its rock carvings (bas-reliefs) of Sāsānid origin (3rd to 7th century ad). The carvings, some of the finest and best-preserved examples of Persian sculpture under the Sāsānians, include representations of the investitures of Ardashīr II (reigned ad 379–383) and of Shāpūr III (383–388), the latter in a man-made cave carved in the form of an iwan (three-sided, barrel-vaulted hall, open at one end). Museum.



Taq-e Bostan is a series of large rock relief from the era of Sassanid Empire of Persia, the Iranian dynasty which ruled western Asia from 226 to 650 AD.

La Taq-e Bostan se află o serie de reliefuri şi inscripţii din epoca Imperiului Sassanid, dinastie iraniană care a condus Asia de Vest între anii 226 – 650 d.Ch

This example of Sassanid art is located 5 km from the city center of Kermanshah in western Iran. It is located in the heart of the Zagros mountains

Acest complex de artă Sassanidă se află la doar 5 km de centrul oraşului Kermanshah, în inima Munţilor Zagros.

Regii Sassanizi au ales aşezarea acestor monumente în locul de popas al caravanelor pe Drumul Mătăsii. Alături se află izvorul sacru care se varsă în lacul ce oglindeşte crestele munţilor.

Sassanid kings chose a beautiful setting for their rock reliefs along an historic Silk Road caravan route waypoint and campground. The reliefs are adjacent a sacred spring that empties into a large reflecting pool at the base of a mountain cliff.

Arthur Pope, fondatorul Institutului de Artă şi Arheologie Iraniană din SUA spunea „arta a fost caracteristica poporului iranian şi darul cu care a înzestrat el lumea”

According to Arthur Pope, the founder of Iranian art and archeology Institute in the USA, "art was characteristic of the Iranian people and the gift which they endowed the world with.”

Capital of a Sasanian column in Taq-e Bostan complex with geometrical designCapiteliu de coloană Sassanidă la complexul arheologic Taq-e Bostan

Basorelief regele Khosrow II 590-628 d.Ch. Descoperit 1993Bas relife of Khosrow II 590-628 A.D. on column capital

Basorelief regele Khosrow II 590-628 d.ChBas relife of Khosrow II 590-628 A.D. on column capital

Gold coin with the image Khosrow II

Monedă de aur cu imaginea regelui Khosrow II

Imagini Internet

În timpul „anilor negri” ai domniei lui Khosrow II Parvez (590-628) Imperiul Sassanid s-a extins spre vest, cucerind Anatolia şi chiar Egiptul de Sud. Aceste victorii militare i-au procurat regelui suficiente fonduri pentru ca să comande o vastă gamă de lucrări de artă care să-l reprezinte

During the “dark ages” under Khosrow II Parvez (590-628) expanded the Sassanian empire west towards Anatolia and even southern Egypt. These military exploits provided the king with enough money to create vast amounts of depictions of the king.

Setar (from seh, meaning "three" and tār, meaning "string") is a Persian musical instrument. It is a member of the lute family. Two and a half centuries ago, a fourth string was added to the setar, which has 25 - 27 moveable frets. It originated in Persia before the spread of Islam

Setar (de la seh, care înseamnă „trei" şi tār, însemnând „coardă") este un instrument muzical persan, din aceeaşi familie cu lăuta. Acum două secole şi jumătate s-a adăugat a patra coardă la setar, care are 25-27 de taste mobile. Setarul a fost folosit în Persia mult înaintea expansiunii islamului

Imagini Internet

Sound: Hossein Alizadeh –Setar

Text: Internet

Pictures: Sanda Foişoreanu

Nicoleta Leu

Arangement: Sanda Foişoreanu


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