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Post on 22-May-2020






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W a s h e d A w a y .

A U unobserved it started, drop by drop; Tho stream grew larger nod larger every

day;4 n d lol ita flooding w ater did not stop

Till i t had washed tlio bridge of lovo away.

Th* whole f uu-lntlon, founded on the rock U t faith, full swiftly down ward, atona by

a tona;Fell swiftly down bonaath the awful shock

Of wave* which U u t au cruelly uj on.I I . hydra head ft lifted a fe r high- r;

I t cuiiod IU alnuwy length ull through the day,

flooding the pleaaant patba where hud do- aire

W alked undisturbed upon her way And when the u lgh t tim e caiuo.un nweaome

aoauaWbowod whera tho hurtfu l flood tide hod

baeu aent.For deaolatlon reigned whore erat had been

A auulight path, and flower* of aweot con­tent.

Ab me! tbe auddrat nf and sigh t. It la,To aoe the wreak* of J y atrewn thick

ahead;T ha awaut, awoet honra of happlnoaa to inlaa,To mlaa, and ford they nre for o»or dead,

To know no more upon Joy'a plnaaont track. Our longing feel In ull thu ynora may

■ray;Maddest of all thorn la no going hack. .Because the bridge of lovo ia wuahed

•w ay

A M A S O N K M Y G T E R Y .T h e S t o r y of two S u r v i v i n g

W i t n e s s e s of M o r g a n ' s A b d u c ti o n .

Incidknth Connkotxu W ith tub A xduo TION Nrva.ll ItKKOHM l ’UHI.tatlKI) '1'llg I mtknmk Kxoitkmicnt it C hkatku.

Nour tho little village of Clarkson, In Mouroe Comity, there Uvea In day, aaya IV u th , tbo aole aurvlvlng actor In a tragedy which, half a century ugo, ebook the aom mon wealth to lt> political center uml th rea t sued the u tte r daatructlon on till* contlneul of the moat powerful uantoriu Older of mod •rn times Aud within tha waat. of a atone frotu him realdua Ida personal friend and atsooiate.but life long advuranry In pulltioa, who la trow tho only o ther living wllneaa to any p a rt of th a t annin tragedy. Tbe flrat le Captain Iaaac Allen, and the o ther l.eniuul Uaakell, both octoguiiarlana.

On tbe uvenlug of Heptaniber IU, P.'fl, Lemuel llaakcll, Dr. lialdwln,M ajor Marker, Hlmeon II. J ew e tt and olio other, whoao nam e la forgotten, uaaumliluil in a lltlla room over the village grocery III Clarkaon and paaaeil the n ight uutil uuur the break of day play lug a popular auelal gambling game of th e tim e with canla, known aa ” dlvlalou loo.” Jew ett waa u young and proiulalng law yor o f tha plane, a man of liamlaume build and a Kroomaaen. Ilaakell, the only •n rv ito r of the party , waa hie fi lend aud nu ontl Maaon.

A MVMTKUIOIIM HTIUNOBH A* the houra passed aw ay oame Ihe dark-

oat o f all, lliut Juat before the dawn, when a etrangar entered, and, taking the yoiiug law yer by the hand, whlvpured in lila ear. Aa unoaremuiiloualy lie he hud entered he th en withdrew. No aoaner had thu door oloaerl upon blui than young Jew ett drop- pod hlaourda, roan from the table, und witn out a word to h it frlemla left tho room.

Ills departure broke up tho curd party , and the o ther three loft for their lioiuna. Aa they oaiuo upon tho atreet a oloau carriage, an old 11 mu niall ooaeh, with aurtalna down, and draw n by a elngle p a ir of horaea, rolled by them , moving Iu tha diraotlon of the flue old Boulavcrd. There wna nothing ao slngu

,lar about tlila, however, aa to a t tra c t tludr spaotal a tten tion , and none of them gave It m ore tbau a m om entary theiight until the ■oehtl and political atnrni th a t aoon after aroee all around recalled It to their a tten ­tion.

Wbon the young lawyer, Jew ett, left Ida com panion! ha w ent directly to Ida real d tnoe and ordered Ida colored aurvant to pu t Ida horae to Ida aulky. Tlda dona, lie •prang to the eent of the light vehicle and waa aoon flying over Ihe lloulevard. Ily tble tim e day waa breaking.

ON Tim ItOAD.It Waa n o t long till he overtook the coach

'Wbtob h it ooinpauioua had aeon puaalng through the village, end upon the bo* he reoognlaed John W hitney, u brother Free maaon, whoae incaaeiigor It waa th a t found blni a t the game of carda, and whoae ro- q u e it ho bad Imatoiicd to uboy. Ilut w ithout • algn of reoogultlou he pnaaed the coach, whlob In • few inliiutoa wan far behind bim.

W hen ha readied the farm of Captain la •M A llen he eloppud. Tho aun wna already up, and young Allen waa In the Held behind jll* plow. Allen, too, waa a Maaon,of about Jew ett'* age, and aa Hue a apocimnr of loan hood m entally and phyelcally aa hi* friend.

'' Jew e tt bailed him and the tw o mot.T balr Interview waa brief aud a t ita cloae

th* law yer returned In Ida aulky to the v il­lage, w hile tbe farm er unhitched id* team and led it to hie barn. The inyaterloua co n ­ference waa aoou explained. The coach ro l­led up to Allou'e door, the tired horaea were taken from it, hla horaea put in tlndr place, »nd again the coach moved rapidly off.

A nother change waa made nt tbo stables o f Kllbu Mather, aoltie u Ilea further oh Kllhu Mather w a ith * uncle of Chief Juetlce Noah Pavla' wife, lle r father waa a w ealthy tann er of th* place, and bar uncle, Kllhu, the proprietor of a livery atablo there.

WII.MAM MOlUlAH.Finally the coach arrived a t Fo rt Niagara,

Whara It* myatcrioua occupant wna d e liver •d Into th* ouetody of other Free uinaona,

' and John W hitney who had brought him to tble deetluation, returned whence ho came,

Tba myeterloua occupant wna William Morgan, who bad recently cttubllahed a book purporting to bo an cxpoanre of h'rcc njaeonry

* There ware no railroads or telegraph* lo '-hose day*, but rum ors th a t a m an hud beeu

' abduoted by the raaaoua aoon Ailed the air. They gathered and came rushing tow ard tbe Canadian border with *ue force and

' apeed of a hurricane, whose rum bling aouud •-’waa heard In th e dlaUucc by M organ's keep ‘ ♦re a t the Port. I t ia allaged th a t the in ten ­

tion waa to curry Morgan out of the coun- ! try , and to Induce him to rem ain in obecur ’ Ity upon a small farm In Canada which they

intended to give him, a id where they prom ­ised him to bring hie wife. Tb* object of tbe m ystery with which they shrouded his departure wna to lrn| ress upon the c raft the danger of treachery t-> Its obligations by m aking II appear th a t Morgan bad suffered some terrib le penalty.


liilt before those Into whose custody John W hftiiey had delivered Morgan could dle- posa of him, according to their instructions, th* staim of popular Indignation broke u p ­on them, and for th e ir own safety they were compelled lo keep him In dose arid secret confinement. He was never after

| ward seen.Various stories are afloat as to the dispo­

sition th a t was made of him, umong tin in being Hie on* th a t in tbeir effort* to rid them selves of their dangerous prisoner, h it custodians se t ou t to convey him across the river In a row boat, Out being frightened from landing hy the flicker of torches on the Canadian aide, the hout* were pointed back to th* Am erican shore, and In turning It la said th a t the one containing Morgan ac-

i cldeully raptured, end he being iu Irons Im- ( m ediately sank, while his keeper swam to 1 the o ther bout.

'I he te rrib le popular ou tburst th a t sue- i ceedad this abduction Is m utter of history.

Il guve ull Im petus lu the anti masonry par | ty which no such party could otherwise

have received Iu lliut p e rt of the Htatu where It occured, a Frcennnum was almost mi outlaw , and any man m A v Maaon a im m entioned a sn lllaiy word iff defense of thu

! c raft was despised for his supposed servility and dubbed with the insulting epithet: "A Mason’s jack ," This sen tim ent spread like waves In a pond in all directions round about, but like the waves It became weaker in proportion to Its distance from the cen­ter.


“ All Masons are m urderers,” was u com ­m on charge Iu Monroe. And If liny one waa bold enough to any, 11 Well, Capt. Allen is a Mason, Hlmuon Jew ett Is a Mason, Col. Jam es Is • Mason, and you can 't make me boliovo th a t they are m urderer*;” lie was aura of tho reply, "O h , you are n Mneon'a Jack,” Aud then If the Mason's Jack hap­pened to he pnsaased of more muscle tliuu the alnudurer, the la tter was quite as sure to curry n bloody nose uwey from thu Inter view. The subject gave rise to more list lights among tho better clusee* of men than lias any other political w rangle since the

| formation of the governm ent.A t one election Tlmrlow Weed, then tho

editor of all anti Masonic paper a t Hocliea ter, brought ii Jackass to thu polls w ith a ticket lu hla m outh, saying aa he led him up, *' If the Mason’s Jacks ere allowed to vote, all Jacks ought to bo. this Jack vote, too l"

For this little burst nf hum or, Weed was well thrashed upon tlie spot hy nu indig­n an t " Mason's jack .”

INIllUTKI).As may ho expected, in such a statu of ux-

eltomnut the Urund Ju ry was not Inactive, and Indict m eets were presented among o th ­ers against Hlmeon II. Jew e tt und Klllm Mather for m urder aud abduction. Ilut aa thu body could not he found, no successful prosecution for m u rde r could be m aintain ed. Thu trials came off, however, beforu Judge M nrcy, afterw ard Hocrotury of State. Capt. Allen we* culled as a witness. A few questions worn asked and answered, but aa the exam ination seemed to him to he aimed ut a revelation of thu Internal workings of his order, lie suddenly stopped, und turning to the Judge ait lit

“ Your Honor, m y answer* to those ques­tions muat oome to all end somewhere. I t mny not be necessary th a t they should end here, hut I choose, as they must end aoon, to fix this as the point beyond w hich I will not go. W ithout Intending any disrespeot to the court 1 decline to answ er."

"T h e punishm ent for such conduct, s ir,” suld Judge Marcy, " I* very severe. Unless you answer 1 shall be compelled to Inflict it."

" Yes," tho witness replied, ” I know It ia auvero. 1 don 't know how severe It may be llojrond this |>otnt I muat decline to go. I cannot unsAor the question)”

Aud he did not.A BODY rot)Nil.

About a year after the disappearance of Morgan n body was fvtnul floating In Orcli ard Creek, Orleans County, ami being un known was burled. An exciting election, involving the Issue of Mnsoury versus unti .Masonry, was approaching, and Thurlow Weed caused thu body to he exhumed. W It nesses instilled th a t it was th* body of W illiam Morgan; but a dentist to whom Weed doecribedlt said tlm t he had tilled a tooth for Morgan,aud th a t lie had uo whisk or* o r uioh o f hair, us the body hud, but was sm ooth faced and bald.

When the body was again seen there wns no luilr ou the face and very little on the head. This Incident won for Weed the sou briquet of the “ Utica Darker," which thing to him for u long time.

Among ether wltnessess who hlviltiflod this us M organ’s body was hla wife,to whom It was afterw ard delivered, aud who caused It lo be burled as W illiam Morgan.

TIMOTHY MONHOK.A fter Ills lu te im out u wom an named Mon­

roe, whoso husband, a lum berm an, had been wrecked oil Hie luko, cam e forw ard and nsk ed to see the body. Her husband's com ­panion, Wlu> was wrecked w ith him, she said had escaped, but lie wax missing, and she thought the body Identified as Morgan's m ight be hla.

Moat Innocently, on her part, h r appear aiioe uml request rivaled a new excitem ent I t was Im m ediately charged by Weed’s oo- partisaus th a t tbe woman Monroe waa an emissary from the Masons, employed to break tbe furce of the charge th a t they had m urdered Morgan. But she saw the bAly, and alio ideutltled It as th a t of her husband, Tim othy Monroe. There was no t a button ou hi* coat, n patch on any of his clothe*, hardly a stltoU In any of bis raiuiout, th a t she could not |>oxltlvely identify. Ho con elusive was the proof th a t the body was de­livered to her, and no one has over since doubted th a t it win w hat reiuainodof Tim o th y Monroe, the lum berm an.

I t was in reference to this body th a t Thurlow Weed used hi* famous expression:

“ He was • good enough Morgan till after

election.”TflX ONLY HL'UVfVOM.

Thurlow Weed, who was prom inent In connection with the excitem ent about tbe abduction of William Morgan, still live*. Hut tbe only people living who have the slightest personal knowledge of atiy event connected with the abduction are I-eruuel llnskull and < eptaiu Isaac Allen, uf Clark­son, Ihe onn a t th a t tim e an anti-Mason aud th e other a Mason.

It waa from Haskell and bla o ther friends th a t young Jew ett separated to go upon hi* errand to Allen, and in Haskell’e presence John W hitney's Masonic message to tho young lawyer was delivered. Husk' ll, too, saw the roach containing Morgan pass through the village. Captain Allen, the o ther survivor, received from Juw utt the account of his part in the affair after leav­ing his friends a t the card table, and In obcdleuce to hls m-ssitge or it may have buen a Masonic com m and—put his horses to John W hitney’s coach as a relay. All otb ! urs who possusaed any p a rt of the secret of ! Morgan's abduction have passed away. These two old men, friends and neighbors, know ell the world can never know of Mor­gan's disappearance, and w hatever tbe se­cret Is, if It I* known a t all, is safely lodged in the breast of one w itb whom In a few years nt the furthest It will hu forever burled.

Tho only secret knowledge of any living being about thu disappearance of William Morgan Is possessed by C aptain Isaac Allen, of Clarkson.

I n g e n u i t y o f t h e T r u e P a t r i o t .A good story Is told oo an otflce seeker.

Kaid one of tb em : “ A man ca n 't stay long in W ashington w ithout becoming an Inven­to r.” “ Why, how do you make th a t o u tt You have been here over a m outh,” said somebody, " and you h a re not Invented anything.” "T h a t's all you know about It.” “ Well, I'd just like to have you tell me whut you have Invented.” “ Well, sir, I hadn 't been here a m onth before I invented a | leu for fastening a paper collar to au un­dersh irt.”

A Ho u se ho ld N e ce ss it y -A article th a t will till th e g reatest want,

I s a necessity, such Is ltoger’s Grapoline, for Headache, Hour o r Hick Htomacb, Indl-

! gestfou. Constipation, I'itnple* or Hlotches ] on the face and for creating a complete i change In tbe lllood is has no equal.

Hecommeuded aud sold bp N. D. Haskell.A B o o ’s W o r k i n g T o o l s .

T h e M y s t e r y S o l v e d .It Ims always been understood th a t Con-

sum ption was incurable, but it u n - recently beeu discovered th a t Kemp's llalsam for tbe Throat and Lungs is giving m ore relief than any known remedy. It is guaranteed to re ­lieve und cure Asthma, Dronclntls and Coughs. Call on N. D. Ilnskcll and gut a trial bottle free of cost. I -urge sire 60 cents und VI.

A P o i n t In A d v e r t i s i n g .“ To advertise successfully one must a d ­

vertise righ t along,” suld u prom inent New York m erchant. "W e once h it upou a novel expedient, however, of nscertulning over wlmt area our advertisem ents were read We published a couple of half-column ‘ ads.' in which wo purposely misstated half a-doaeti historical facts." “ Did you get any replies)” ” I should say we d d In less then a week we received between three nml four hundred letters from all parts of the country from people wishing to know why on ear'll wo kept *uch a consum m ate fool who knew so little about A m erican history. Tho letters kept pouring In for th reoor four weeks. It was one of the beKt paying ‘ads.’ we ever prin ted Our le tters ciiiue from school boys, girls, professors, clergymen, school teachers, und In tw o Instances from em inent men who have a world-wide repu- tullon. I was more impressed w ith the value of advertising from those tw o adver­tisem ents than I should Have been by vol­umes of theories.”

T h o E x c i t e m e n t N o t O v o r ,The rush a t N. D. Haskell’s d ru g sto re still

continues on account of persons alllietcd with Coughs, Colds, Asthma, llrouchltls und l oiniim ptli.n, to procure n bottle of Kemp's Dulsam for the T hroat and Lungs, which is sold on a giinrunteu and Is giving euttro satisfaction. I t is a standard fam ily rem ­edy. Price AU cents and $1. JWctl a i x t f n t . |

E n g l i s h m e n S o o k A m e r i c a n W iv i .

Thu popular teste over on tho o ther sido j of tho w ater appears to bo grow ing more I and more warm tow ard America and Americans. The wealthy and titled men of the Old World uie seeking with Increased j carnet)ness American brides, and it is er- j m ucous to suppose th a t ell they lire a fte r Is ; the parental boodlo. There is a charm uhout American girls that tho English do no t have. The women of (Ircut ilritaiu aru brought up from their curliest infancy to umlntuin u submissive and meek regard for thu o ther sex. They are taught th a t tho { only thing lu life for them is to m arry com- j fortubly and go into a sort of a serfdom for thu rest of their lives. No American girl goes in to m atrim ony with any such hica. | Hlio Is bound to get the upper hand If she can, and she has u sw eet aud brisk indepen­dence about her tlm t is most attractive to men who have m et with nothing hut thu o th er so it of thing. Bo (t is th a t American girl), who a t first shocked foreign society, nre In great dem and in Europe nowadays as ornam ents in salons and draw ing rooms und us prospective wives to nabob natives.

N aturalists say th a t tbe feet of tbe com ­mon working boa exbihit tbe combination o f a basket, a brush and n pair of pincers. The brush, tbe hair* of which are arranged in sym m etrical rows, are only to be aeen w ith tbe microscope. Wilb th is brush of fairy delicacy the bee brushes its velvet robe to remove the pollen dust witb which It becomes loaded while sucking up the nee tnr. A nother article, hollowed like a spoon, receives all tho gleanings which the Inaect

! carries to tbe hive. Finally, by opening them, one upon another, by m eam of a

j hinge, these two pieces hecoino a pair of pin i curs, w hich render im portant service in thu

construction of combs.Tbe eighth w onder of tb e world. -A be­

nighted man limping with rheum atism who I bad never heaid of Halvutlort Oil. I'rloo 25 cents a bottle.

A n E x a m p l e o f W o m a n ’s D e v o t i o n .

” No, John, doer" she said, “ I cannot go to tbe theatre with you th is evening. I'm roul sorry to disappoint you a fte r you have secured seats und engaged a carriage, but I m ust really stay a t hom e.''

“ Are you ill?” ho anxiously asked."N o , I ’m not 111, b u t poor Fido is. The

housekeeper, who has lisil considerable ex perlencu with sickness, says she thinks ho has either the measles or mumps. Dogs do get measles end luumps, don’t they, dear) i ’m really sorry to disappoint you, door John, blit It would really seem sacrlliglous for;mu to be enjoying myself a t thu theatre while perhaps poor Fido m ight be dying.

"The moon of M ahomet arose, and It ahull eel," says Hholly; hut if you will set a boltlu o t Dr. Hull's (Jouffli Syrup in Horn© Imtnly place you » ill have n quick cur© of croup, coughn, and coldrt.

B i t t e r s . N o t B u r g l a r s ." M ary,” tnid a Philadelphia husband, a*

they were about retiring, *• Mury, 1 think 1 hour burglars try ing to break In. I will go down stulrs and investigate ."

*• No, John, you needn 't go.”•'O h, but, M ary, 1 m ust!”” John, now I any you neodu’t go . The

o th er night, when you thought you heard burglHis and went down stairs, you d idn 't And any, did you!'"

No."" Well, th a t was l.ocausc you d idn 't lo- k

for burglars.”Yea. I did."

" No, you didn 't, John. Y ou d id n 't know I sneaked down sta irs a f te r you. 1 saw you go Into tlio sitting room, open your desk, take ou t n little t-lnck bottle, p u t It to your Ups and take u hearty swig. John, there was w hiskey In th a t bottle. No doubt, John , you are very dry, bu t your trick w on't work to night. I t 's bitters you are after, not burglars.’’

To Ignore the w arnings of approaching bilious affection Is foolhardy. Dr. Hull’s Halt I more l ’ills should bo taken nt one* as the best preventive.

W h a t R u i n e d T h o S o u t h .

H A S K E L L ’S .A t spring approach** every Indy la desir­

ous o f knowing tbe latest styles in all classes of goods which go to make up her apparel. Tbe m erchant, a t be be* the ladies to please, is making the same enquiry. We have re­cently visited the citiea cf New York, Ho- ton and Philadelphia, going through all the principal Im porting and Retail House*, to learn, if possible, a b e t the m arket afford* in novelties, and w hat wes m eeting with the moat favor. A fter tb it research we have made our purchase* and ere prepai ed to answ er the above questions intelligently. Wash Fabifca, such as Hatines, und Crink- ley (Seersuckers a re in g rea t demand In the Eastern m arket and undoubtedly will meet w ith favor In this county. (Bend your ad­dress and ask for sample*.) In w ors’cd Dres* Goods there is an eudless variety, liobblut of wool, bunches of wool, flakes of silk, in m ixtures, stripes luvtsible checks, self color*, these are wholly new Camels H air aud Homespuns will be extensively worn. Most tex tu res are ap t to be worn, but tom e are smooth. Herg -s, D iarrltr,< aehmere, C ut Cashmere, are the lelieide*. (Send for samples). We cannot begin to mention tbe endless variety of New Goods which we are now placing on our shelves

The new cat pete for th is spring have ncv. er been equalled for artistic perfection as regard* colorings and designs, low, medium and high grades ure alike iu this respect.O ur Inventory shows our stock to be low er tlmn for four years, which enables us to exhibit alm ost entirely new stock this | spring E arly orders will receive the best of attention . Our prices are righ t and guaranteed as low as any house in tills part ' of the state Special bargains offered each week in different departm ents.


72 and 74 Midii St., Lockport, N.Y.

#rA SAMPLE Packageinc.

-OK- A TLI'.K *:

LONDON REMEDIEScontain* ft bninplu bottle* of tiiri llftlm, thu woBfc tflVutuul « A T A H K I I C U K K ever AHtitnpie bottie of hi* 8y- ru p ,'l in t < uru Coufthn. Gold*, Afath on, nml

_ |.r*’veutH C on su m p tio n .A hhhi|>I<* liT.x of hi* O intm ont.ft po-uivt* Umi- «a«|y for I ’n I! I Nf* P IL 1 > . A mm in pic 'd tnii P e lle ts , f**rnil dcriniKfinciiia <»*,|M S tom nch & L i v e r . TIicnc ItciwWicM arc l*rr cnptio i an E m in e n t P h y sic ian . nre P rom pt, uml Hurt*. I ull direction* fflv« it. nml all i>h n - nut to who, aud a sufficient quan tity **f *■•««•.!» HMinph' l«» r.oii vi nre any one of th r ir w ondri f 111 rnrativoH p ro p rrtirs . I'hia Pa* ka» c is-o ld for 1(1 CtM., f*»r the purposi* <<f in troducing the reg­ular hi/.rH, and any one of I ho mini pics ih «; i' a k- ANTi J i i i to la* w or.h the p rice chartfud for the whole. F o r uni© by

X. I). JIhkf.m ., Priifrpri'd.\ o i u i t f N t o w i i . N . Y .


FOR SALE OR TO REITPromineH in tbo Villa*/© of Youngstown, form erly oconpicd by Mih. DovU*. Powten

hIo u K iv o n A p r i l In t. AddieHHD o YLE HliOB., Lewi* Block, Idetroifc, MicbiKQii.

HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.On Second street, in the village of Young iiLuwn. A good houH© und lot with barti, well, and plenty fruit. Liberal termn to purcbnner. Inquire of,

N. D. H a s k e l l .

n T p o r t e r ,Buyer and Hhippcr of

R A W F U R S .YO U N G STO W N , N.Y. dltio

" T o f T s a T e ”All of th a t finely located mid desirable pro­

perty , owned hy the heir of Donald CMirphch, dece«**ed, oittiHte a t the uppot* cod «>f Main utrcct. In the v illapeof Vouii^dtow'n, X.Y., con- •ialtiiK of al-ont two nrrcB of land on the miat side of tlio s tree t, and t wo cottage# on the went M«le "f the h-reet, in offered for sal© n p o n n a- uonabJc torum. For particular*! inquire of

S . P 11K B K Fit,1 tf , Y oinitftxtown, N .Y .


H a v e y o u T r i e d it.If not, don’t delay when you m il procure

a free sample of N. D. Haskell of Rogers' Grapoliiio tlis t will erndicate lleakaclies, H eartburn, Dyspepsia, Hour or Hick Htomach Constipation,eto. Doing a product of F ru it it is harmless and children will take It w ith pleasure.

A F r o o Gi f t .Hy a special arrangem ent w ith the pub

Ushers of f i l m iiikI Eirejule we can for a sh o rt Urn* offer a free gift, in connection with N ia o a u a C ounty Nswh, to every sub­scriber. It is n inagntflcflit engraving, en­titled "T h e Morning G reeting.” Our offer Is: N iaoaua C ounty Nkwm one year, t 'a r m mi I ( l a n l t n one year, both together for only one dollar and foity cunts, ami tbe bountiful engraving free. The else of the engraving is 19 by '.'1 inches, and is n choice specimen of the engravers' and artis ts’ Work. The Form an d F ir ts id c is a large lfl page, .-I column Journal, published tw ice a m onth, a t HprlngfleUl, Chin. It is the hand­somest. best and cheapest agricultural and home journal in tlie United States. In o r ­der to introduce it where not known, the piibllslicis allow us to make the above liber­al offer. If you have nlrcudy renewed your subscription to tha Nkwh for Ibis year,'you can secure Farm ami Fireside one year Olid the engraving by handing ID cents into this office, or paying the same to any one of our ageuts.

—At tb lrty tlve the average American dis­covers th a t lie bus an •• infernal stom ach,” aud so goes into the hands of the doctors for the rem nant of his life. Prevention i» better than cure, but Dit VYaukkr's C ai.i - niUNiA VlNOGAR Hiitkhn will both cure ami prevent dyspepsia, disease of the skiu, liver, kidneys, and all disorders arising from bed blood.

Tho South wus led to destruction iu ltiflfl- | hi by ignorance more than uuythlug else,

unless it was blind leadership. A fter the w ar one of tlie bravest of the hrav r, a South Curolitm (len d u l, w ent to New Yolk for thu (list tim e. He ascended to thu top of T rini­ty church steeple and looked around upon th a t m ighty spectacle o t Northern wealth and power,by sea und laud. He suid: "Hud 1 known this u fow years ago 1 would have either advised my people ogalnst tlie war or entered the conflict w ith despair.’’ Au- othor Houth Cnroliiiniuii in ’07 journeyed to | tlio West. Ho suid: ” 1 saw millions of J acres of land us level us a floor, as black as : soot, and as rich as tb e G arden of Eden. Alongside this fertility 1 beheld vast cities, j teem ing w ith population and throbbing ! w ith m anufactures. Had I known in INfll wl.nt wro had to ootitcml with, I would have felt the doom of conquest in advance. W e ) were led to slaughter by visionaries, and I were punished for ignorauco.”—A u t/u s la ((-’a.) C hron ic le .

—To mothers. Should the baby be suffer­ing with colic use Dr. Hull’s llaby Syrup a t once U.S cents.T h o Doctor B i u t f o d tlio Widow.

A bachelor physician, of C incinnati, w as once called to see a young widow “ You are lonesome,” said the doctor. ” Your hu- band has been dead three years. I’d advise you to m arry again.”

“ Oh, doctor, I’ll m arry you to-morrow, if j you will have me.”

"A h ! ah! Well!" m uttered tbe doctor, stepping back and blushing, •• you know, madam, tlmt physicians never take their own prescriptions."

S h e N e e d e d It B a d l y .—............... i

" Papa," said a delicatedooking belle," give roe #.Vt in small bills."

“ Good gracious, child! W hat do w ant with nil that m oney?”

" Tho doctor said 1 m u tt havo ft, papa.” "But, my child, 1 alw ays pay the ductor.'i •• Y es,paps: hut he said I needed change."— Day's Horse Pow der is a sure proven- i

t i »e of bog cholera, and cures cough, and j measles.

C O B B LIN G ! COBBLING !N eatly nr.d quickly done.

Very f ln o pat -hiug a specialty.Rubber Boots Topped nml Patched.f -c f W ork ntteiiilcil to tlio day it is brought.

- Y e w W o r l t l o O r « l « ‘ E* !On S hort Notice.

Work room n t N. D. H a s k e l l ' s Brick Store, Y oungstow n, w here all orders should b© left. 2t» tf

SVIEIyIA QUICK. PFRMAN MT. CERTAIN CURE FOR L u st ■ i ’. i t l l u n JM:.ii hood. N urvousi W e a k n e s s , I-ac li o f S t r e n g th , V ig o r o r U n v c lo jro i- 'u t,CbubM bjtndliinrMloni. mcdh*****. «*to aday; Our«« tMunlly w ith m it m onth . No I>vc< pti. n n iryuflfk iT f. Fosii ivo Proof*, fu ll lUitlo f fwlripo In j.ln ln h«h1**4 fim*lot'<\ fr«*».fcU lli M EUICAbCC?.. l ’.o . lira * - r i : x l?utt*lo,N .T

Are you t • ; «r.'=u-/h to t* m r rr- ♦ If so s»-ndtwooeoU »*i: i M iA : I'ubU thm gO o..6MH and p ' rone of tt> i t t xxi u:tn t Vr ‘ i .■.•tj *• VutCl left* IIU O hH ." A i t . . lug work to ev«rtry perwon o t refinem ent On receipt o f ton oast* in Kiau;i - ©end j>os! {>ui'l a I nil act of tbeir taun bold Kiuui \ t r b a .Kor u-.Jit* u n y will ^oeci^iabo

con 11 ligtt wool* ctf *‘ TLi mnLebrun ftouds.


QUINEPTUS!JiQlE *iu- m i l r D l l■ *1 ijj't* Fi


i rA T»'ry pl< barm!- oorupxtiud lur dlffgatoh :: n other bitter dru^*, f i ther a Cent# |i< r I'm t fUsttie* Pwpljjfliclaurt in j£ttrO|[ie aud - compiuiicii every T *r n . |y ^ r j* 5 wu.

J to u fad nretl I tyThe Academic Phfirm-..fletTtic Co.,

I.OX bOk . JO j SD I 101: K.S32-536 WASHIIIGTOk 3T-, NEW VORK CITY.

E L IX IR .A n olejfftnt K n g lish p h a rm a c e u t ic p r e p a ra t io n f o r b ilio u s, m a la r iu i a m i lilood tn m i-ien ; t h e re-

m ilt o f ov tir tw e n ty -fiv e y e a r s o f m o a t e m in e n t sc ie n tif ic r e s e a rc h .A p p ro v e d by th© h ig h e s t m e d ic a l a u th o r i t i e s .lu u se in th e nonpitojs In ev ery part- o f Europe.E sp e c ia lly h e lp fu l to liuliew, c h ild re n a n d poo- p le o f s e d e n ta r y h a b its .E n t i r e ly v e g e ta b le ; f re e f ro m h a r m f u l d ru g s .In Handsome Packages, Price 5 0 Cts.

P r e p a r e d so le ly b yf ^ o y i t l (1 ^hTmJwicutid C o .

LONDON AND NEW YORK, C h e m is ix b y a p p o in tm e n t l-i H e r M aju a ty tb a

Q u e e n a u d to th o l to y a l F a m ily .NEW Y O R K B R A N C H :

1 3 0 , 1 3 2 , 1 3 4 Charlton S L

ROYAL PILLS.Kamo m e d ic in a l p ro p e r t ie s a s R o y a l E l i x u l to

bojccH, UO p i l ls to b o x , f o r 2 5 c e n ts .F O R S A L E B Y A L L D R U G G IS T S .

REMEMBER THE BIG FOUR!Vinegar Bittera CORDIAL, j } fiOe.Vinegar Blttora POWDERS, 60 doi**, 6 0 c . Vinegar B itters, new style, | ’ 11 $ 1 .0 0

Viuegar f i t te r s , old style, b i t t e r tueW, $ 1 .0 0T h e W o r ld ’s C r o a t B lo o d P u r i f i e r

a n d L ife G iv in g P r in c ip le .Only Tomperanco Bitters Known.

The pn**f flfili o f n O o tn n r tho Londlun F a m i l y M c d lc iu o o f t h e \ \ u r l d .

V IN E C A R B I T T E R SR. H. McDonald Drug Co., Proprietors,


’M W f f l l

Is a new rcn-.i j recently d isc

/ )>,

iyof in* cd . It ithousands of tim es by th

en t m edical au tho rities o I whose rep ea t' d i ;ii w

now to the publii su ffering hum anity .

Ich tb . matism and K!.inJi-«a-.«- the lungs) w hi. 'i ->fts;. n sum ption , I':.

^ stoni.u il and I !:t- .In flam m ations, Yi’rn ta I 'ilcs, B leedin;; of :! e lu: in g s, e tc . I t o p era :es b! and re g u la tin g W e reft i n ien d a tio n so t '.lie f flute: l>r. F.ngti lf tin ii s; I . Dr. K lo n k , all o f II n r i F .dlefsen, K ie l; I ’m f. Halle; i f. Dr. - .D r. v. H eb ra , N i.-nnn, ar

l iu t th e h ig h es t rci ,;r from h is H ig h n e ss , l ’ut- an d h is ce leb ra ted l ’hy .ic 1 f. Schw eninger, w ho v.

I h titf ( re n t rl« RMirt? to I llitbl'csa I

value 1 s been tested

;• p r o m in - j ' J iu r o p e . u p o n , ,c in troduce it 1

it ofenei

T i l■ Ar«*osrl■ tc H \Vom«n.■ m h m IB money(fell ■ •m H

r>f th e•ions,

U o tte and i:r<t; I rof. l ) r . D r. K ussner,

B o rn ; I ro f . nd m any m ore, nit ion w e had * e Bismarck,

d a n , l ‘rof. D r. tile s to us thus:

iiml«l(U| lv* ( r» iap<-k tlmt t U|»- t l r diet. !

il l i« n , o r ( M h r rh m d « 4 . Don't wami* money on wofI1»I«mu no flin im i. T ry l«mi*4y first. HgIiI by all l>ru|qctstA, ornMhl]«d to any ad<lr»wa. H«*nd 4 oenu fbr p&rtloulAraw u v o x f i P B c t n o u i H r h u u * . , r e .

rr.ii« v>II!Im«I. ____ . . _ ..Ivhth.vol bu d »;<** tft.i-i fn v o f _____"« hlM «»»4 tl. .i »• il. I I- OII«* of Mio»t tn l i iu h le om4 1 n.iIisjk.-t.•»,- »<• r iTlio orlRliml* of tlictv IcStllnODtRIfl van b«

men nt our oltU't;.JAMES WHITE & C9., S .e A-at frr tLe Ii. J.

7 Uibio H oorn. I * i0 . B o x N E I V Y O R K .

ANSY PILLSAr® iH*rftH7tJ y Mnf® and alwmy® KITfcIoM. U in to-day r®#fnlarly by 10,000 American Wom«n. «Ju«n»ni®<*(l an p ® rlor to a l l



an file*in riilladclphla .'1m.* Adv»rr*m _ ... lu*r Airvncy of M^ttrs.W . AYER A SON ,

you Frailnii Dealers & UufleMers2 2 u n d 2 2 J l a l n S l r e e l .

L O C K P O R T , J S T . Y .

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