sustainable packaging and design

Post on 08-Jul-2015






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Sustainability is an oft repeated phrase these days owing to the threat that our slowly depleting natural resources are facing. Flexible packaging designers are trying to use material which will be sustainable in the long run and will not be a hazard to the environment and will also look equally attractive. Uflex products are designed keeping in mind the sustainability of the packaging. We understand how hazardous plastics can spell for the earth and keeping this in mind we have constantly evolved ourselves and our produce. Along with the sustainability of our packaging we believe that design is an equally important component.


Sustainable Packaging and Design

Sustainability is an oft repeated phrase these days owing to the threat that our slowly depleting

natural resources are facing. Flexible packaging designers are trying to use material which will

be sustainable in the long run and will not be a hazard to the environment and will also look

equally attractive.

Uflex products are designed keeping in mind the sustainability of the packaging. We

understand how hazardous plastics can spell for the earth and keeping this in mind we have

constantly evolved ourselves and our produce. Along with the sustainability of our packaging

we believe that design is an equally important component.

If we look at sustainable packaging from a design perspective, design makes the packaging

better. An attractive design package was good for the customer earlier but with a sustainable

designed package, it will be good for the environment too.

How does one achieve a good design along with sustainability? There are roughly 3 principles

which we will share with you:

It’s all about the product

For a holistic design and sustainable packaging it would be sensible on the part of the product

manufacturer not to separate the product from the packaging design. In the short run it might

be good for the producers’ pockets but in the longer run it will have a negative impact on the

consumer as well as the environment thereby defeating the purpose of sustainable packaging.

Earlier the better

So now the question arises is how soon should a manufacturer involve designing the

packaging? We say the sooner the better. Most of the environmental impact of the product &

packaging is said to be determined in the early designing stages. To add sustainability factor at

a later stage is not only hard but also costly and less effective.

More with less

While the supply chain demands ‘less’ in cost saving, reductions, simplifications etc, the market

demands ‘more’ in terms of added value, benefits, new functions. Doing more with less is

sustainability prerequisite.

Sometimes in providing ‘more’, more materials is used which in turn spells higher carbon

footprints and is tricky to square off with sustainability. Ultimately it’s about ‘less is best’ for

consumers& our customers. Sometimes striking a balance between them can be a challenge in

sustainable packaging.

Sustainability challenges are linked with design challenges. Yet, creative and attractive

designing is the only thing that can ultimately get a product noticed.

At Uflex Ltd., India’s largest flexible packaging company, the health and safety of our clients

and our environment is paramount. All regulations regarding the preservation of the

environment are met. Keeping in mind the evolving socio-cultural trends and environment

conscious customers, Uflex has come up with sustainable packaging options accompanied by

attractive designs to appeal to the customers. With experience and expertise in all spheres of

packaging Uflex keeps a track of all the latest developments and innovations that are taking

place around the world. This helps us to be in tandem with the needs of our customers and

constantly upgrade our quality concerns.

Along with sustainable packaging options and striking design options, Uflex is committed to

prevent the wastage of natural resources and minimize any hazardous impact on the

environment during the stages of development, production, use and disposal.


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