surveillance camera decree (notification by pictogram) of 10 february 2008

Post on 08-May-2015






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Unofficial, consolidated translation of the Royal Decree of 10 February 2008 (notification of surveillance cameras by pictogram)


Royal Decree of 10 February 2008 establishing the manner in which camera surveillance

must be notified

Unofficial English translation – Consolidated version1

Translated by Johan Vandendriessche2


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Article 1.

The pictograms, referred to in article 5, § 3, third section of the Act governing the installation and the

use of surveillance cameras, hereafter “the Act”, as well as the pictograms referred to in article 6, § 2,

third section of the Act, placed at the entrance of an enclosed area accessible to the public, the entrance

of which is not demarcated by an immovable edifice, meet the following requirements:

1° they are the size 0,60 x 0,40 m;

2° they meet the requirements of the model and the colours of the model enclosed as annex to this

Royal Decree;

3° they consist of one single aluminium plate at least 1,5 mm thick.

If the entrances cannot be distinguished in an unenclosed area, the data controller shall determine the

places where the pictograms referred to in article 5, §3, third section of the Act, shall be fixed in order

to ensure a degree of accessibility to the information.

Article 2.

The pictograms referred to in article 6, § 2, third section of the Act, placed at the entrance of an enclosed

area accessible to the public, the entrance of which is demarcated by an immovable edifice, meet the

requirements referred to in article 1 of this Royal Decree or the following requirements:

1° they are the size 0,297 x 0,21 m or 0,15 x 0,10 m;

2° they meet the requirements of the model and the colours of the model enclosed as annex to this

Royal Decree;

3° they consist of one single aluminium plate at least 1,5 mm thick or of a plasticized sticker.

The data controller must ensure that the chosen model of pictogram conveys with certainty the

information in a visible manner, taking into account amongst other things the width and the size of the

entrance and, possibly, the number of affixed pictograms.

Article 3.

1 This version is consolidated to 1 June 2013. Bibliographical information can be found at the end of this document. 2 Johan Vandendriessche is a lawyer at the Bar of Brussels (crosslaw – The author would appreciate receiving

comments or remarks in view of improving this translation at the following address: The author would like to express his thanks to Stephen Mason for the assistance in this translation.

The pictograms referred to in article 7, §2, fourth section of the Act meet the requirements referred to in

articles 1 or 2 of this Royal Decree, or the following requirements

1° they are the size 0,15 x 0,10 m;

2° they meet the requirements of the model and the colours of the model enclosed as an annex to this

Royal Decree;

3° they consist of one single aluminium plate at least 1,5 mm thick or of a plasticized sticker.

The data controller must ensure that the chosen model of pictogram conveys with certainty the

information in a visible manner, taking into account, amongst others, the width and the form of the

entrance and possibly, the number of affixed pictograms.

Article 4.

Moreover, on the pictograms referred to in the article 1 to 3 of this Royal Decree, or on an affixed support,

the following text must be mentioned in a visible and legible manner:

1° "Camera Surveillance – Act of 21 March 2007";

2° the name of the physical person or the legal entity that is the data controller and, as the case may

be, his/her representative with whom the data subjects can exercise the rights referred to in the articles

10 and 12 of the Act of 8 December 1992 on the protection of privacy in relation to the processing of

personal data;

3° the postal address and, as the case may be, the e-mail address where the data controller or his

representative may be reached.

If this information is drafted in several languages, they may be mentioned in several unilingual

pictograms or affixed support.

Article 5.

Our Minister of Interior Affairs is charged with the execution of this Royal Decree.

Done at Brussels on 10 February 2008.


On the King’s behalf

The Minister of Interior Affairs



Bibliographical information3

Royal Decree of 10 February 2008 establishing the manner in which camera surveillance must be

notified (Belgian State Gazette of 21 February 2008).

Royal Decree of 21 August 2009 modifying the Royal Decree of 10 February 2008 establishing the

manner in which camera surveillance must be notified (Belgian State Gazette of 25 September 2009).

An official, non-consolidated German translation of the Royal Decree of 10 February 2008 was published

in the Belgian State Gazette on 24 November 2008 (corrigendum published in the Belgian State Gazette

of 15 December 2008). This text can also be consulted on the website of the Central Service for German

Translation – Commission for German legal terminology (Ministry of Internal Affairs)


3 This chapter provides an overview of the acts that are incorporated in this consolidated version. Reference is made to the official

title of the act and its publication date.

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