super crowd preliminary project proposal

Post on 14-Jan-2015






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Research Commercialization Project:


NEED for better innovation processes and tools


Need for more efficient, cheaper and simplified processes and tools which enable them to discover innovative ideas about developing new products and services or identify possible opportunities for improving products and services in future.

Idea campaigns and entrepreneurship programmes

Need to improve the impact of their product (the pedagogical process) with new tools and methods.

Aid organizations in 3rd world countries

Need to improve the impact of their campaigns

Need to extend the dimension of their target audience


For Corporations Motivating and enriching open innovation process with

dynamic and scalable software tools using self-learning algorithms, statistical thinking and serious games

For Idea campaigns, entrepreneurship programmes and Aid organizations

Software tools to improve ready-made pedagogical and campaign formats using self-learning algorithms, statistical thinking, serious games and creativity techniques

Our Technology

Process Motivating and enriching open innovation process Facilitating innovation and creativity Enriching data analysis and decision making methods


Dynamic and scalable software tools using self-learning algorithms, statistical thinking and interactive serious games with the possibility of integration into other software development and management tools

List of Pilots

Global Mensa collective

Innovation Democracy Org, entrepreneurship programmes in 3rd world countries


Autodesk Corp.,



Dubai Start up incubator

GCE, Australia

University of Oulu, business opportunity creation -course

Yet to be defined based on Project Operations

We've got talent

Project Team is a well seasoned bunch of researchers engaged with

Innovation process and learning Design thinking Motivation and Incentives Software tools and requirements engineering Marketing and sales of crowdsourcing services

Benefits against competitors?

In-direct competitors Strategy consultants and excel sheets.

Direct competitors Getvetter, Ideascale, Spigit

Benefits With Freemium business model, the barrier of entry is

very low, we can also drive price competition Competitors don't use dynamic and enriching intelligent

algorithms for innovation process (elaboration and/or evaluation).

Harnessing Innovation - Project Main Aims

Exploring the most profitable market segments and method of sales

Starting off from before-mentioned segments and testing traction, earnings model and operation of marketing and sales network.

Productizing the Innovation Campaigns, Tools and Analytics -services to business units

Conceptualizing, product and service development through couple iterations

Prepare the establishment of offices in Oulu, Helsinki, San Francisco and Singapore

Core operations to be kept in Finland, US and Asian market presence is needed

Prepare the company ready for private funding

Valuation between 1-2 M€

Harnessing Innovation - Project Details

Duration 1.10.2012 – 31.9. 2013

Budget 590 000 €

Personnel 4 full time employees operating in Oulu, Helsinki, San

Francisco and Singapore

Harnessing Innovation - Project Personnel Details

Project Manager

Open position, Department of Information Processing Science

Project Leading Professor

Jouni Similä, Department of Information Processing Science

Project Productization leader

Open position, Department of Information Processing Science

Project Productization assistant

Open position, Department of Information Processing Science

Project Marketing and Sales lead

Open position, Oulu Business School

Harnessing Innovation - Project Key Partner Roles

InnoZed Corp.

Innovation Games Corp.

Finpeda Corp.

UC Berkeley, Haas School of Business

Key ReferencesIdeoista ratkaisuja Takomoturnauksessa. Aktuumi 2/2011.

Järvilehto, Mikko, InnoCoop – The Design and Implementation of Innovation Coopetitions a.k.a. Innovation Tournaments part II. Berkeley Institute of Design Seminar, Berkeley, Suomi. 30.08.2011.

Konseptiturnauksella ideoita maankäyttöön ja liikenteeseen. Kuntatekniikka 1/2012. Kuntalehti

Ready, Set, Innovate! Autodesk Tournament Tests Students’ Left and Right Brains. 19.3.2012. Haas in World, Web publication.

Järvilehto, Similä, Liukkunen and Morko. 2011. Innovation Tournaments - More Radical and Elaborated Ideas with Coopetition – Front-End Innovation Method Comparison Study - Proceedings of the 4th ISPIM Symposium.

Järvilehto, Morko and Beckman. Innovation Tournaments: Leveraging Gamification, Open Innovation and Co-Creation. California Management Review (Forthcoming)

Mäkinen, Crowdsourcing as an innovative sales growth tool. Masters Thesis. (Forthcoming)

Ghanbari, Innovation Games in Requirements Engineering. Masters Thesis. (Forthcoming)

ReferencesAaen, I. (2008). Essence: facilitating software innovation. European Journal of Information Systems, 17(5), 543-553.

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Braun, V., & Herstatt, C. (2008). the Freedom-Fighters: How Incumbent Corporations Are Attempting To Control User-Innovation. International Journal of Innovation Management, 12(03), 543.

Chesbrough, H. W. (2003). Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting from Technology. PERSPECTIVES ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT (Vol. 20, p. 227). Harvard Business Press.

Chirstel, M.G. & Kang, K.C. (1992). Issues in requirements elicitation. (Technical Report No. CMU/SEI-92-TR-012). Carnegie Mellon University: Software Engineering Institute.

Gulliksen, J., Goransson, B., Boivie, I., Blomkvist, S., Persson, J., & Cajander, Å. (2003). Key principles for user-centred systems design. (M. C. Desmarais, J. Gulliksen, & A. Seffah, Eds.). Behaviour Information Technology, 22(6), 397-409. Taylor & Francis.

Hohmann, L. (2006). Innovation Games: Creating Breakthrough Products Through Collaborative Play. HL Roediger Y Dudai and SM Fitzpatrick Science of memory Concepts (p. 192). Addison-Wesley Professional.

Holtzblatt, L. J. (2011). Measuring the Effectiveness of Social Media on an Innovation Process. Idea, 697-712. ACM.

Kauppinen, M., Savolainen, J., & Mannisto, T. (2007). Requirements Engineering as a Driver for Innovations. 15th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference RE 2007, 15-20. IEEE.

ReferencesKnauss, E., Schneider, K., & Stapel, K. (2008). A Game for Taking Requirements Engineering More Seriously.

Multimedia and Enjoyable Requirements Engineering Beyond Mere Descriptions and with More Fun and Games 2008 MERE 08 Third International Workshop on (pp. 22-26). IEEE

Maiden, N., & Robertson, S. (2005). Integrating Creativity into Requirements Processes: Experiences with an Air Traffic Management System. Europe, 105-114. IEEE.

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Sommerville, I. (2005). Integrated requirements engineering: a tutorial. IEEE Software. IEEE.

Tsumaki, T., & Tamai, T. (2006). Framework for matching requirements elicitation techniques to project characteristics. Software Process: Improvement and Practice, 11(5), 505–519. Wiley Online Library.

Tuunanen, T., Peffers, K., Gengler, C. E., Hui, W., & Virtanen, V. (2006). Developing Feature Sets for Geographically Diverse External End Users: A Call for Value-Based Preference Modeling. Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application JITTA.

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Zyda, M. (2005). From visual simulation to virtual reality to games. Computer, 38(9), 25-32. IEEE Computer Society.

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