subject list

Post on 08-Nov-2015






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B.Sc.ITSemester I ( Five Papers )1.1 Professional Communication Skills1.2 Applied Mathematics I1.3 Electronics and Communication Technology1.4 Fundamentals of Digital Computing1.5 Introduction to C++ Programming

Semester II ( Five Papers )2.1 Web Designing and Programming2.2 Applied Mathematics II2.3 Microprocessor and Microcontrollers2.4 Database Management Systems (DBMS)2.5 Data Communication and Networking StandardSemester III ( Five Papers )3.1 Logic, Discrete Mathematical Structures3.2 Computer Graphics3.3 Advanced SQL3.4 Object Oriented Programming with C++3.5 Modern Operating Systems

Semester IV ( Five Papers )4.1 Software Engineering4.2 Embedded Systems4.3 Multimedia4.4 Java and Data Structures4.5 Quantitative TechniquesSemester V ( Five Papers )5.1 Network Security5.2 Software Testing5.3 Linux Administration5.4 Advanced Java5.5 ASP.NET with C#

Semester VI ( Five Papers )6.1 Internet Technologies6.2 Data Warehousing6.3 Project Management6.4 Elective :i) IPR & Cyber Lawsii) Digital Signals & Systemsiii) Geographic Information Systems6.5 Project

Masters of Science (Information Technology)

First Semester (Four Papers)1.1 Data Mining 1.2 Distributed System 1.3 Data Analysis Tools1.4 Software Testing

Second Semester (Four Papers)2.1 Mobile Computing2.2 Advanced Computer Networks2.3 Cloud Computing and Ubiquitous System2.4 Advanced Database Systems

Third Semester (Four Papers)3.1 Embedded Systems3.2 Information Security Management3.3 Elective I 1 Virtualization 2 Artificial Neutral Networks3.4 Elective II 1 Digital Image Processing 2 Ethical Hacking

Fourth Semester (Four Papers)4.1 Artificial Intelligence4.2 IT Infrastructure Management4.3 Elective I 1 Intelligent Systems2 Real Time Embedded Systems3 Computer Forensics4.4 Elective II 1 Design of Embedded Control Systems2 Advanced Image Processing3 Cloud Management4.5 Project

Bachelor of Arts (Film, Television & New Media Production) programme

First Semester (Six Papers)1.1 Initiation to Literature & Creative Writing1.2 Understanding Effective Communication1.3 Introductionto History of ArtI1.4 Basicsof Photography1.5 Introductionto Cinema & Film Appreciation1.6 Basics of Practical Film MakingI

Second Semester (Six Papers)2.1 Writing for Visual Media2.2 Concept ofStory Boarding2.3 Introductionto History of Art II2.4 Basics of Cinematography I2.5 Understanding Television Formats & Genres2.6 Basics of Practical Film MakingII

Third Semester (Six Papers)3.1 Introductionto Direction for Television3.2 Importance of Sound & Sound Special Effects3.3 Current Affairs3.4 Concepts of Post Production & Computer GraphicsI3.5 Basics of Cinematography II3.6 Intermediate Practical Film MakingI

Fourth Semester (Six Papers)4.1 Introduction to Direction For Films4.2 Introduction to Media Theory4.3 Concepts of Post Production & Computer GraphicsII4.4 Basics ofVisual Special Effects & Compositing4.5 Understanding Advertisement Film Making4.6 Intermediate Practical Film MakingII

Fifth Semester (Six Papers)5.1 Media LawsAn Overview5.2 OverviewMedia Business5.3 Basics ofMarketing & Publicity Design5.4 Introductionto Trends and Technology in Film & Television5.5 Advanced Practical Film Making5.6 Introductionto Media Project Management

Fifth Semester (Project)6.1 Final Project [Portfolio & Thesis]

Master of Arts (Film, Television & New Media Production)

First Semester (Six Papers)1.1 Language Studies, Literature & Creative Writing1.2 History of Art & Civilizations (Music, Dance, Theatre, Paintings Sculptures & Architecture)1.3 Photography1.4 Film Theory Appreciation& Criticism1.5 Screen & Script Writing1.6 Practical Film MakingI

Second Semester (Six Papers)2.1 Story Boarding2.2 Direction for Television2.3 Cinematography I2.4 Post Production & Computer Graphics I2.5 Advertisement Film Making2.6 Practical Film MakingII

Third Semester (Six Papers)3.1 Sound & Sfx3.2 Post Production & Computer Graphics II3.3 Cinematography II3.4 Direction for Films3.5 VFX & Compositing3.6 Practical Film Making III

Fourth Semester (Six Papers)4.1 Media Theory & Criticism4.2 Business ethics and Legal environment4.3 Project Management4.4 Perspective Media Business4.5 Marketing & Publicity Design4.6 Practical Film Making IV

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