student to professional - the characteristics of a professional explain the importance...

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Student to ProfessionalVisit https://grandemareopenseatoknowledge.wordpress

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Course Objectives

Explain the Various Phases of Reality Shock

Describe the Characteristics of a Professional

Explain the Importance of Communication

Explain How to Write Effective Emails

List the Do’s and Don’ts of Email Etiquette

Explain Telephone Etiquette

Explain Meeting Etiquette

Describe the Common Signs of Body Language

Describe How to be Open to Feedback

Explain the Various Questioning Techniques

Describe the Key Elements of Active Listening

List the Characteristics of a Good Team Player

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So, when it is time for a

student to make a transition from the college to the corporate world,

it is a huge change for him

It is important that a student should prepare himself well for

this transition, so that the change

happens smoothly and


Let us learn about the various aspects involved that help in the transition from a student to a professional

A student’s life in the college, his behavior, attire,

attitude, mannerisms and communication

style is quite different from

that of a professional

working in the corporate world

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Mind MapYou will learn about several aspects that are important in the transition from student to a professional. Some of the aspects of transition from student to a professional that you will learn in this module are as follows:

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Explain the Various Phases of Reality Shock

Describe the Characteristics of a Professional

Explain the Importance of Communication

Explain How to Write Effective Emails

List the Do’s and Don’ts of Email Etiquette

Explain Telephone Etiquette

Explain Meeting Etiquette

Describe the Common Signs of Body Language

Describe How to be Open to Feedback

Explain the Various Questioning Techniques

Describe the Key Elements of Active Listening

List the Characteristics of a Good Team Player

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Reality Shock

Reality Shock for a student transitioning into a professional is the inconsistency he faces between the academic world and the corporate world.

This usually occurs in fresh graduates who enter their first job and they discover a work environment toward which they worked for several years and suddenly realize that they are not prepared

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Phases of Reality Shock

The various phases of reality shock are as follows:

Let us look at each in detail

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Honeymoon Phase

Honeymoon Phase:

• Everything in the work world is just as the new graduate imagined

• This phase most often occurs during the orientation period

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Shock (Rejection) Phase

Shock (Rejection) Phase:

The new employee comes into contact with the following:• Conflicting viewpoints• Different ways of performing skills• Lack of security of an expert available as a resource• The new employee may feel frightened or may react

by forming a cold, hard shell

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Inappropriate Approaches for Dealing with the Shock Phase

Inappropriate Approaches for Dealing with the Shock Phase

• Native — The new employee adopts ways of least resistance and mimics other employees

• Runaway — The new employee finds the real world too difficult and leaves the profession

• Rutter — The new employee considers his job unimportant

• Burned out — The new employee bottles up conflict and is fatigued, depressed or angry

• Loner — The new employee adopts the attitude to “just do the job and keep your mouth shut”

• New employee on the block — The employee changes jobs frequently and is always the “new” employee who has to be taught

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Recovery Phase

Recovery Phase:

• Novice employee begins to understand the new culture

• Novice employee experiences less anxiety, and healing begins

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Resolution Phase

Resolution Phase:

• Novice employee adjusts to the new environment• Work expectations are more easily met• The employee has developed the ability to elicit


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Explain the Various Phases of Reality Shock

Describe the Characteristics of a Professional

Explain the Importance of Communication

Explain How to Write Effective Emails

List the Do’s and Don’ts of Email Etiquette

Explain Telephone Etiquette

Explain Meeting Etiquette

Describe the Common Signs of Body Language

Describe How to be Open to Feedback

Explain the Various Questioning Techniques

Describe the Key Elements of Active Listening

List the Characteristics of a Good Team Player

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Characteristics of a Professional

A good professional is one who:









Let’s look at each in detail

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Characteristics of a Professional


Has a good image:

Image is the way a person presents his physical self to the others. A good image helps the professional to portray confidence and positive attitude

The key aspects of image are:o Clothing: An employee must wear clean, well-

ironed formal or semi-formal clotheso Footwear: Shoes should be coordinated with

clothingo Accessories: Should be minimalo Hair and Nail: Should be clean and trimmedo Makeup and Perfume: Should be lighto Everything else from head to toe: Should be

appropriate for corporate environment

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Characteristics of a Professional


Has a good attitude:

• Respect supervisor and seniors• Be friendly with all colleagues• Have a ‘win-win’ approach• Work hard, work smart

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Characteristics of a Professional


Takes ownership and responsibility:

• Meet Deadlines• Complete work effectively and efficiently• Accept your faults and be open to learning• Be open to taking more responsibilities

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Characteristics of a Professional


Is prompt and orderly:

• Keep office space clean and hygienic• Respond to meeting requests, emails, calls promptly• Respect other’s as well as your time• Organize tasks , events and manage work in a calm and

orderly way

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Characteristics of a Professional


Uses proper speech:

• Avoid abusive, defamatory, offensive or obscene language

• Avoid informal abbreviations, language• Avoid sensitive and racist comments• Respect others and be courteous

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Characteristics of a Professional


Follows office etiquette, rules and policies:

• Smile and greet others• Follow queue system• Do not fight in work floor• Do not speak loudly• Rise up when a senior comes to your desk• Understand company policies and procedures and follow

them at all times• Be respectful to women

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Characteristics of a Professional


Has Integrity and honesty:

• Do not steal or misuse office resources.• Do not participate in any dealings which compromise

your honesty and integrity• Report any issues that are questionable to HR or

Supervisor• Do not indulge in any malicious actions that can risk

company’s or your credibility

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Characteristics of a Professional


Is a good Communicator:

• Follow etiquette for verbal communication(email, telephone, meeting)

• Be aware of Non-Verbal communication and Body language

• Be an active listener

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Explain the Various Phases of Reality Shock

Describe the Characteristics of a Professional

Explain the Importance of Communication

Explain How to Write Effective Emails

List the Do’s and Don’ts of Email Etiquette

Explain Telephone Etiquette

Explain Meeting Etiquette

Describe the Common Signs of Body Language

Describe How to be Open to Feedback

Explain the Various Questioning Techniques

Describe the Key Elements of Active Listening

List the Characteristics of a Good Team Player

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Importance of Communication

Communication is important because:

• It is about how information is sent and received within firms

• It is crucial for working successfully with others• It enables to maintain relationships• It allows to accomplish tasks while working with both

individuals and groups• It motivates • It helps to overcome obstacles• It creates a comfortable, trustful and psychologically

safe feeling

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Levels of Communication

Level 1: Intrapersonal communication or the experience of the individual

Level 2:Interpersonal communication

Level 3: Group communication

Level 4: Organisational communication - internal & external

Level 5: Mass communication

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7Cs for Effective Business Communication

Guidelines for Effective Business Communication








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7Cs for Effective Business Communication

Guidelines for Effective Business Communication







1 - Clarity

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7Cs for Effective Business Communication

Guidelines for Effective Business Communication







1 - Clarity

- Completeness

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7Cs for Effective Business Communication

Guidelines for Effective Business Communication






- Clarity

2 - Completeness

- Conciseness

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7Cs for Effective Business Communication

Guidelines for Effective Business Communication





- Clarity

- Completeness

- Conciseness3

- Consideration (The 'You' Attitude)

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7Cs for Effective Business Communication

Guidelines for Effective Business Communication




- Clarity

- Completeness

- Conciseness

4 - Consideration (The 'You' Attitude)

- Correctness (Accuracy)

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7Cs for Effective Business Communication

Guidelines for Effective Business Communication



- Clarity

- Completeness

- Conciseness

- Consideration (The 'You' Attitude)

- Correctness (Accuracy)5

- Concreteness

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7Cs for Effective Business Communication

Guidelines for Effective Business Communication


- Clarity

- Completeness

- Conciseness

- Consideration (The 'You' Attitude)

- Correctness (Accuracy)

- Concreteness6

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Channels of Communication

In organizations, communication follows paths or channels


The communication between managers and subordinates is known as vertical communication because the information flows up or down the hierarchy


Channels between departments or functions involve lateral communication


Apart from the formal channels of communication, information also passes through an organisation informally


Communication is not complete until feedback has been received

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Vertical/Lateral Communication

Look at the given organization chart. It shows the vertical communication through red arrows and lateral communication through blue arrows. Organisation chart shows vertical and lateral communication

FinanceFinance MarketingMarketing

Finance OfficersFinance Officers

Marketing AssistantsMarketing Assistants

Board of DirectorsBoard of Directors



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Barriers of Effective Communication

Inaccurate Interpretation: Ignoring or misunderstanding non-verbal signals or implicit messages

Selective Perception: Selecting only certain elements from a message, hearing an expected message

Linguistic Impact on Language: Style, tone, speed

Semantics: Different perceptions, meanings that different people attach to the same word

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Barriers of Effective Communication

Physical: Tiredness, hearing, sight or speech problems , environment, technical problems, grammar, spelling, punctuation and sentence structure

Emotional & Psychological: Expressing emotions, being defensive, negative, assertive, conflict religion, politics and values, personality, experiences, lack of confidence

Gender: Roles, expectations and traditions associated with either gender

Culture: Cultural differences, use of jargons, culture related idioms and expressions

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Overcoming Barriers to Communication

By speaking louder and reducing background noise

By listening actively

By asking for clarifications instead of assuming By thinking rationally

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Overcoming Barriers to Communication

By eliminating perceptions

By asking valid questions

By using sign language or written communication By being mature

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Communication at Workplace



CVs, Resumes

Email, Web site, FAQs

Letters, Newsletters, Brochures, Articles, Catalogs

Advertisements, Notice Board, Pamphlets, Signs, Press Release

Presentations, multimedia, talks, meetings

• Reports, Manuals, Proposals, Books

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Verbal Communication

Let’s look at each in detail

There are three main aspects of verbal communication that need to be taken care of while communicating in a corporate environment. They are:

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Explain the Various Phases of Reality Shock

Describe the Characteristics of a Professional

Explain the Importance of Communication

Explain How to Write Effective Emails

List the Do’s and Don’ts of Email Etiquette

Explain Telephone Etiquette

Explain Meeting Etiquette

Describe the Common Signs of Body Language

Describe How to be Open to Feedback

Explain the Various Questioning Techniques

Describe the Key Elements of Active Listening

List the Characteristics of a Good Team Player

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Writing Effective EmailsThe following are a few points to be considered to write effective emails:• Use Subject Lines as Headlines – Write a subject that grabs the reader’s

attention, and it tells you what the email is about, so that the reader may want to open and read your email.

• Write One Point per Email - If you need to communicate with someone about a number of different things, consider writing a separate email on each subject.

• Specify the Response You Want - Make sure to include in your email, any call to action you want, such as a phone call or follow-up appointment. Then, make sure you include your contact information, including your name, title, and phone numbers.

• Using EOM Headlines - In order to convey a very short message to convey, you can use the EOM, or End Of Message, technique. You can put all the relevant information in the subject line, followed by the letters "EOM". This lets the recipient know that he or she doesn't even have to open the email; all the information is right there. The subject line is the message.

• Internal Email - Internal emails, just like other emails, should not be too informal. Always use your spell checker, and avoid slang

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Explain the Various Phases of Reality Shock

Describe the Characteristics of a Professional

Explain the Importance of Communication

Explain How to Write Effective Emails

List the Do’s and Don’ts of Email Etiquette

Explain Telephone Etiquette

Explain Meeting Etiquette

Describe the Common Signs of Body Language

Describe How to be Open to Feedback

Explain the Various Questioning Techniques

Describe the Key Elements of Active Listening

List the Characteristics of a Good Team Player

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Do’s and Don’ts of Email Etiquette

Do’s of Email Etiquette Do’s of Email Etiquette

Understand the general format – ‘To’ is for receiver(s), ‘CC’ is for those who need to be aware of the communication, ‘Subject’ should give an indication of contents of email, ‘BCC’ is for hiding the recipient from others on the email trail, usually avoided

Use appropriate greeting and conclusion.

Body of the email should not be beyond the screen space.

Language must be appropriate and easily understandable.

Use lists and bullets instead of lengthy paragraphs

Respond to emails the same day.

Email Etiquette is important because written communication can be misinterpreted easily.

Check spelling, grammar and content before sending the email.

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Do’s and Don’ts of Email Etiquette

Dont’s of Email Etiquette Dont’s of Email Etiquette

Avoid excessive much use of emoticons(, , etc).

Avoid negative words ( useless, undecided, etc).

Avoid discussing sensitive issues through emails

Avoid using red and capitals as it indicates anger

Avoid heavy attachments especially if it is personal

Email Etiquette is important because written communication can be misinterpreted easily.

Avoid long sentences and complicated words.

Avoid sending forwards and spamming.

Avoid fancy formatting of size, color and fonts.

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Explain the Various Phases of Reality Shock

Describe the Characteristics of a Professional

Explain the Importance of Communication

Explain How to Write Effective Emails

List the Do’s and Don’ts of Email Etiquette

Explain Telephone Etiquette

Explain Meeting Etiquette

Describe the Common Signs of Body Language

Describe How to be Open to Feedback

Explain the Various Questioning Techniques

Describe the Key Elements of Active Listening

List the Characteristics of a Good Team Player

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Telephone Etiquette

Telephone Etiquette is important because in the absence of expressions and actions, communication can be distorted







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Common Phrases to Use in Telephonic Conversations

Some common phrases that should be used while conversing on the telephone are:

“Hold on…”

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Common Phrases to Use in Telephonic Conversations

Some common phrases that should be used while conversing on the telephone are:

“Hold on…”

“Hi, My name is (caller’s name)…”

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Common Phrases to Use in Telephonic Conversations

Some common phrases that should be used while conversing on the telephone are:

“Hold on…”

“Hi, My name is (caller’s name)…”

“Hello, May I speak with (receiver’s name)…”

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Common Phrases to Use in Telephonic Conversations

Some common phrases that should be used while conversing on the telephone are:

“Hold on…”

“Hi, My name is (caller’s name)…”

“Hello, May I speak with (receiver’s name)…”

“Yes, This is (receiver's name)…”

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Common Phrases to Use in Telephonic Conversations

Some common phrases that should be used while conversing on the telephone are:

“Hold on…”

“Hi, My name is (caller’s name)…”

“Hello, May I speak with (receiver’s name)…”

“Yes, This is (receiver's name)…”

“Can I take a message for (name)…”

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Common Phrases to Use in Telephonic Conversations

Some common phrases that should be used while conversing on the telephone are:

“Thanks for calling…”

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Common Phrases to Use in Telephonic Conversations

Some common phrases that should be used while conversing on the telephone are:

“Thanks for calling…”

“Take care, bye…”

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Common Phrases to Use in Telephonic Conversations

Some common phrases that should be used while conversing on the telephone are:

“Thanks for calling…”

“Take care, bye…”

“Is there anything else I can help you with…”

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Common Phrases to Use in Telephonic Conversations

Some common phrases that should be used while conversing on the telephone are:

“Thanks for calling…”

“Take care, bye…”

“Is there anything else I can help you with…”

“Ok, Then…”

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Common Phrases to Use in Telephonic Conversations

Some common phrases that should be used while conversing on the telephone are:

“Thanks for calling…”

“Take care, bye…”

“Is there anything else I can help you with…”

“Ok, Then…”

“Could you pass on a message to (name)…”

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Explain the Various Phases of Reality Shock

Describe the Characteristics of a Professional

Explain the Importance of Communication

Explain How to Write Effective Emails

List the Do’s and Don’ts of Email Etiquette

Explain Telephone Etiquette

Explain Meeting Etiquette

Describe the Common Signs of Body Language

Describe How to be Open to Feedback

Explain the Various Questioning Techniques

Describe the Key Elements of Active Listening

List the Characteristics of a Good Team Player

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Meeting Etiquette

Do’s of Meeting EtiquetteDo’s of Meeting Etiquette

Respond to meeting requests

Ensure you have venue details and all things necessary to be carried to the meeting

Reach the venue on time

Greet everyone

Wait for your turn to speak and do not interrupt

Participate and show interest and enthusiasm

Take notes

Go through the minutes of the meeting sent

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Meeting Etiquette

Dont’s of Meeting EtiquetteDont’s of Meeting Etiquette

Respond to the meeting request even if you are unable to go to the meeting and inform the person conducting the meeting of the same

Avoid being late to the meeting.

Do not talk to your friend across the table in sign language while the meeting is on.

Do not rush out of the room when the meeting is done. Thank the person who conducted the meeting and then leave.

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Presentation Planning Checklist

Preparation• How much does the audience know about the subject?• Do you have enough knowledge about the topic of the presentation? • Does the presentation room have all the resources required such as

electrical supply, Internet access, projector screen etc.?• What do you want to achieve at the end of the presentation?

Content• Does your introduction grab your audience's attention?• Do you have the objectives clearly stated in your presentation?• Are the main points in a logical sequence?• Does the conclusion summarize the presentation clearly and

concisely?• Have you tried to avoid using jargons in your presentation?

Visual Aids• Are the visual aids easy to read/view and easy to understand?• Are all the slides consistent in looks?• Do all the slides use the same fonts? Are they easy to read?• Does each slide have optimum amount of text? • Do you have a contingency plan in case your visual aids fail?

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Presentation Planning Checklist

Practice the Presentation• Have you practiced your presentation standing or sitting, paying close

attention to your body language and posture?• Have you rehearsed often enough to be able to speak smoothly and

fluently?• Have you practiced your presentation in front of others?

After the Presentation• Have you ensured that your audience understands everything that in

the presentation? • Do you need to follow up with any of your audience?• Have you asked for feedback from your audience?• How can you improve your next presentation?

Presentation Day• Are you dressed and groomed appropriately? • Have you left enough time for travel and setting up?• Have you checked your visual aids to ensure that they're working?• Are your visual aids ordered in correct order?• During presentation, make & maintain eye contact with audience?

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Speaking to an Audience

• • •

Sometimes in our workplace or in personal situations, we may be required to speak to and address an audience

The norms of speaking to an audience are slightly different from when one is speaking to an individual

Effectively engaging an audience is dependent on the speaker's ability to sound interesting and convey a positive attitude

Developing good speaking skills involves an increased awareness of your voice, language, body language and tone while teaching

• •

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Speaking to an Audience


Your primary tool for instruction while speaking is your voice. When speaking to an audience, think about projection, pace and modulation.• Projection: The volume of your voice should be

loud enough that everyone can hear you. At the beginning of the session, ask the audience if they can hear you and adjust your volume accordingly.

• Pace: Make sure you are not going so fast that people cannot keep up, or so slow that people get bored and stop paying attention. You can also use strategic pauses, such as pausing just before an important point in order to emphasize it.

• Modulation: Varying your inflection and volume will keep your audience's attention, whether your natural speaking voice is high or low, loud or soft.

The following points should be considered while speaking to an audience:

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Speaking to an Audience


• Avoid using technical terms, explain the concept and difficult terms• Use analogies to describe difficult concepts

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Speaking to an Audience

Body Language

• Develop eye contact with your audience.• Use gestures to emphasize points and

keep your audience's attention. • Stand up. It keeps your audience's

attention.• Walk around to keep your audience's

attention. • Relax! Be conscious of your body posture

throughout the session. • Smile and laugh! It engages your

audience and makes you more approachable if the audience has any questions

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Speaking to an Audience

Tone and humor

• Use your tone to convey an infectious enthusiasm for the topic

• Be positive and upbeat and don't focus on negatives or difficulties

• Incorporate humor into your instruction

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Types of Reports

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5 Steps to Report Writing

Step 1:Define the problem

Step 2:Gather the necessary information

Step 3:Analyze the information

Step 4:Organize the information

Step 5:Write the report

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Anatomy of a Report

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Document Design

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AIDA: Attention-Interest-Desire-Action

Every kind of writing is written with one purpose in mind of the writer – to capture the audience’s or readers’ attention

Whether it is a report, a presentation, an advertisement, an email or any other form of writing, effective writing is the key to success

The acronym AIDA is a handy tool for ensuring that your copy, or other writing, grabs attention

Use the AIDA approach when you write a piece of text that has the ultimate objective of getting others to take action

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AIDA: Attention-Interest-Desire-Action

The acronym stands for:

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AIDA: Attention-Interest-Desire-Action

The acronym stands for:

Attention (or Attract): You can grab people's attention by using powerful words, or a picture that will catch the reader's eye and make them stop and read what you have to say next

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AIDA: Attention-Interest-Desire-Action

The acronym stands for:

Interest: Gaining the reader's interest is a deeper process than grabbing their attention. Help your readers to pick out the messages that are relevant to them quickly by using bullets and subheadings, and break up the text to make the points stand out

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AIDA: Attention-Interest-Desire-Action

The acronym stands for:Desire: The Interest and Desire parts of AIDA go hand-in-hand. Simulataneosly to building the reader’s interest, you have to also tell him how your message can help them. The main way of doing this is by appealing to their personal needs and wants

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AIDA: Attention-Interest-Desire-Action

The acronym stands for:

Action: Be very clear and specific about what action you want your readers to take. Give them specific information about the action to take rather than leaving it to them figure out what to do for themselves

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Explain the Various Phases of Reality Shock

Describe the Characteristics of a Professional

Explain the Importance of Communication

Explain How to Write Effective Emails

List the Do’s and Don’ts of Email Etiquette

Explain Telephone Etiquette

Explain Meeting Etiquette

Describe the Common Signs of Body Language

Describe How to be Open to Feedback

Explain the Various Questioning Techniques

Describe the Key Elements of Active Listening

List the Characteristics of a Good Team Player

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Body Language

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Common Signs of Body LanguageSome of the common signs of body language of a confident person are:

• • • • •

Posture Speech Eye contact Tone of voice Gestures with hands and arms

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Common Signs of Body Language

• • • • •

They stand tall with

shoulders back

The speech is slow and


Keep a solid eye contact

with a "smiling" face

The tone of voice is

moderate to low

The gestures are purposeful and


Posture Speech Eye contact Tone of voice Gestures

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Common Signs of Body LanguageSome of the common signs that the person you are speaking with may be feeling defensive are:

Facial expressions are minimal

Hand gestures are small and close to his or her body

Body is physically turned away from you

Eyes maintain little contact, or no contact

Arms are crossed in front of body

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Explain the Various Phases of Reality Shock

Describe the Characteristics of a Professional

Explain the Importance of Communication

Explain How to Write Effective Emails

List the Do’s and Don’ts of Email Etiquette

Explain Telephone Etiquette

Explain Meeting Etiquette

Describe the Common Signs of Body Language

Describe How to be Open to Feedback

Explain the Various Questioning Techniques

Describe the Key Elements of Active Listening

List the Characteristics of a Good Team Player

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Getting Feedback

Getting feedback from other people is as important as giving feedback

Some people accept feedback because they believe they can grow from it

Getting feedback helps us to learn about our ability, to communicate by verifying messages and determining if the objectives of communication are being met

•• •

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How to be Open to Feedback?

• • •

Be open to feedback:Be open and welcome peoples’ feedback/questions

Be aware of nonverbal communication: Make sure your nonverbal communication encourages feedback

Ask questions: Ask questions to get additional specific feedback

Paraphrase: Paraphrase the speaker to convey that you have listened and understood the speaker

• •

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Explain the Various Phases of Reality Shock

Describe the Characteristics of a Professional

Explain the Importance of Communication

Explain How to Write Effective Emails

List the Do’s and Don’ts of Email Etiquette

Explain Telephone Etiquette

Explain Meeting Etiquette

Describe the Common Signs of Body Language

Describe How to be Open to Feedback

Explain the Various Questioning Techniques

Describe the Key Elements of Active Listening

List the Characteristics of a Good Team PlayerVisit https://grandemareopenseatoknowledge.wordpress

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Questioning Techniques

It is crucial for effective communication to ask the right questions. Asking the right questions help to:

Gather better

information quickly


To learn more about a



To build stronger



To manage people more



To avoid mis-understandings

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Questioning Techniques

There are various questioning techniques that can be used in different situations. You have probably used all of these questioning techniques before but by consciously using the appropriate kind of questioning, you can gain the information, response or outcome that you want even more effectively.

Some of the questioning techniques are as follows.

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Open Questions

Open Questions:

Open questions evoke longer answers. Open questions usually begin with what, why, how. Such a question asks the respondent for his or her knowledge, opinion or feelings

When to Use:

• To develop an open frank conversation

• To find out more detail

• To learn about other person's opinion, feelings or issues


• Why did he react that way?

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Closed Questions

Closed Question:

Closed questions generally evoke a single word or very short, factual answer

When to Use:

• To test your understanding, or the other person's

• To conclude a discussion or making a decision

• To set a reference frame for the person within which to answer


• Are you hungry?

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Funnel Questions

Funnel Question:

Asking funnel questions involves starting with general questions, and then zooming in on a point in each answer. Then, you move on to asking more and more detail at each level. Hence, generally, when using funnel questioning, start with closed questions. As you progress through the funnel, start using more open questions

When to Use:

• To find out more detail about a specific point.

• To gain the interest or increase the confidence of the person you're speaking with


• "How many people were involved in the fight?"

• "About seven."

• "Were they kids or adults?"

• "Mostly adults”

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Probing Questions

Probing Question:

Probing questions are asked to find out more detail. In such questions, use questions that include the word "exactly" to probe further. An effective way of probing is to use the 5 Whys method, which can help you quickly get to the root of a problem

When to Use:

• To gain clarification

• To draw information out of people unwilling to give information Example:

• Who, exactly, wanted this report?

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Leading Questions

Leading Question:

Leading questions are asked to try to lead the respondent to your way of thinking. It is important to note here that leading questions tend to be closed

When to Use:

• To get the answer you want but letting the other person believe that they had a choice.

• To close a sale


• Option 2 is better, isn't it?

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Rhetorical Questions

Rhetorical Question:

Rhetorical questions aren't really questions at all. This is because they don't expect an answer. They are really just statements phrased in question form. Usually, such questions are used because they are engaging for the listener – as they are drawn into agreeing

When to Use:

• To engage the listener


• Isn't that a great display?

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Explain the Various Phases of Reality Shock

Describe the Characteristics of a Professional

Explain the Importance of Communication

Explain How to Write Effective Emails

List the Do’s and Don’ts of Email Etiquette

Explain Telephone Etiquette

Explain Meeting Etiquette

Describe the Common Signs of Body Language

Describe How to be Open to Feedback

Explain the Various Questioning Techniques

Describe the Key Elements of Active Listening

List the Characteristics of a Good Team Player

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Active Listening

One of the most important aspects of communication is listening. Listening well can have a major influence on your job effectiveness, and on the quality of your relationships with others

Listening is important as it helps us to:

Obtain information



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Active Listening

However, it has been found through various studies that we remember between 25% and 50% of what we hear

So, what is important is to become an “active listener”

"Active listening" involves making a conscious effort to hear not only the words of the speaker but also to try to understand the complete message being sent

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Key Elements of Active Listening

There are five key elements of active listening that help in actively listening to the speaker. They are:

Let’s look at each in detail

Show that you are listening

Provide feedback

Defer judgment

Pay attention

Respond Appropriately

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Key Elements of Active Listening

Show that you are listening

Pay attentionPay attentionPay attention:• Pay your complete attention to the

speaker and acknowledge the message

• Look at the speaker directly• Do not get distracted from listening

by environmental factors• "Listen" to the speaker's body

language• Refrain from side conversations

when listening in a group setting

Provide feedback

Defer judgment

Respond Appropriately

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Key Elements of Active Listening

Show that you are listening

Pay attention

Show that you are listening

Show that you are listening:• Show the speaker that you are

listening by using your own body language and gestures

• Nod occasionally• Smile and use other facial

expressions• Keep your posture open and inviting• Use small verbal comments like yes,

and uh huh to encourage the speaker to continue

Provide feedback

Defer judgment

Respond Appropriately

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Key Elements of Active Listening

Show that you are listening

Pay attention

Provide feedback:• Paraphrase what is being said to

reflect your understanding of what is being spoken

• Ask questions to clarify certain points

• Summarize the speaker's comments periodically

Provide feedback

Defer judgment

Respond Appropriately

Provide feedback

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Key Elements of Active Listening

Show that you are listening

Pay attention

Defer judgment:• Allow the speaker to finish• Do not interrupt the speaker with

counter arguments

Provide feedback

Defer judgment

Respond Appropriately

Defer judgment

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Key Elements of Active Listening

Show that you are listening

Pay attention

Respond Appropriately:• Be frank, open, and honest in your

response• Put forth your opinions respectfully• Treat the other person as you would

like yourself to be treated by others

Provide feedback

Defer judgment

Respond AppropriatelyRespond Appropriately

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Explain the Various Phases of Reality Shock

Describe the Characteristics of a Professional

Explain the Importance of Communication

Explain How to Write Effective Emails

List the Do’s and Don’ts of Email Etiquette

Explain Telephone Etiquette

Explain Meeting Etiquette

Describe the Common Signs of Body Language

Describe How to be Open to Feedback

Explain the Various Questioning Techniques

Describe the Key Elements of Active Listening

List the Characteristics of a Good Team Player

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Be a Team Player

A team is a small number of people with complementary skills who work towards a common goal.

It is important to be a good team player to become a good professional because:• A team helps in synergy; that is to attain a combined

result which is much more than individual result.• A person can face challenges better while working

together• An individual need not possess all the skills• Working in a team helps to divide the work and

responsibilities among team members, hence it reduces pressure on the individual

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Characteristics of a Good Team Player

The following are some of the characteristics of a good team player:

Having a positive attitude

Being open


Maintaining consistency

Focusing on “We” Instead of “I”

Showing empathy

Being assertive

Being committed to team goals

Being helpful, supportive and co-operative

Building trust and credibility

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Time Management

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Tips for Effective Time Management

Have a to-do list

Plan and organize

Prioritize and put first things


Estimate time for tasks

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Tips for Effective Time Management

Have clear objectives and set deadlines

Get clear instructions

and be focused

Avoid interruptions and idle-chit


Always keep additional time

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Time Management Matrix

For efficient time management, increase your Q-2 and ensure your tasks are important but not urgent

Urgent Non Urgent

Important Q-1 Quadrant of Necessity

Examples: Deadline-driven project, crisis, resolving immediate problems

Q-2Quadrant of Quality and Personal

LeadershipExamples: Problem prevention, relationship building, finding your life partner, building your dream career, personal development, improving your health.

Not Important

Q-3Quadrant of Deception

Examples: Interruptions, certain phone calls / emails / meetings / reports, certain pressing matters.

Q-4Quadrant of Waste

Examples: Time wasters, surfing TV channels, mindless web surfing/chatting, etc.

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Stress at Workplace

Stress is a state of mental or emotional strain. The major challenge that a student entering into the corporate environment faces is the high amount of stress that is a part of the corporate world. The stress in a corporate environment arises due to several factors such as: strict deadlines, targets, deliverables, competition from peers, high workload, boss’ expectations, performance pressures etc. It has been found that some amount of stress is essential for us to excel in life. This is good stress or “EUSTRESS”

However, when stress is too much then it reduces performance. This is bad stress or “DISTRESS”

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Tips for Stress Management• Learn to recognize when you are

feeling stressed and simple ways you can relax

• Take a break. Have a cold drink, get some fresh air, or close your eyes for a minute to refocus

• Let others know you're feeling overwhelmed and tell them how they can help

• Be prepared for unexpected problems• Prioritize. Take control of your "to do"

list by deciding what's really most important on your list

• Plan- not worry• Change perceptions and expectations• Break jobs/tasks into manageable parts• Set reasonable/realistic goals• Avoid procrastination• Set boundaries• Don’t compromise your values/beliefs• Schedule “me” time

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Professional Dress Code

Professional dress code standards are important in the corporate environment

It is important that you look and behave like a highly trained and well-groomed professional, in order to gain the respect and honor of seniors, peers and clients

The manner in which you dress plays a big role in your professional career

The dress code of its employees is the part of the culture of a company

Some companies prefer a business casual approach, while other companies require a business professional dress code

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Types of Business Attire

The type of dress code depends upon the culture of the company. So, it is important for you to find out, the preferred type of dress code of your company. The two types of dress codes which companies follow are:

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Types of Business Attire

Professional Dress:

This is the most conservative type of business wear. For women, this means a business suit or pants suit, or dress and jacket. For men, professional dress means a business suit or a blazer, dress pants and a tie

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Types of Business Attire

Business Casual: The ‘Business Casual’ is a more relaxed version of "Professional Dress". However, it does not mean that you can actually dress casually. Business casuals are the dress code of companies that have a semi-conservative workplace environment. Basically, business casual is a shirt with a collar and/or a sweater, khakis or dress pants and nice shoes for women. Women can also sometimes wear a moderate length dress or skirt which is knee-length or longer. For men, business casual is a polo shirt or shirt with a collar and/or sweater, khakis or dress pants and dress shoes. No tie is required in such a dress code

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Professional Attire for MenThe following key points should be kept in mind to dress appropriately in a corporate setting:

• Men should wear business suits; if possible

• Blazers can also be worn with dress slacks or nice khaki pants

• If your company follows a business professional dress code, then wearing a tie is a must

• Sweaters can also be worn with a shirt and a tie

• Wear "power" colors such as black, navy, dark gray and earth tones

• Men should wear dark-colored dress shoes

• Always practice good hygiene

• Facial hair should be either shaved off or well groomed

• Clothing should be neat and always pressedVisit https://grandemareopenseatoknowledge.wordpress

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Professional Attire for WomenThe following key points should be kept in mind to dress appropriately in a corporate setting:

• Women should wear business suits or skirt-and-blouse combinations

• If your company follows a business professional dress code, then women can wear slacks, shirts and other formal combinations

• Women can wear heels or flats

• For a business professional dress code, the clothing of women should be conservative and not revealing

• Avoid open-toe shoes and strapless shoes that expose the heel of the foot

• Women should avoid makeup that stands out in a distracting manner

• Jewelry should be conservative and tasteful

• Hair should be well-maintained

• Hair must present a natural color and styleVisit https://grandemareopenseatoknowledge.wordpress

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What Not to Wear

Never wear jeans, athletic apparel or athletic footwear

Avoid T-shirts with slogans or

Offensive T-shirts

Never wear distracting jewelry and ripped

clothing such as ripped jeans, faded clothes etc.

Women should avoid revealing clothing

and body art should be covered

All accessories such as belts, shoes, jewelry, and scarves must coordinate with the

business attire—no flashy or large jewelry pieces

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What Not to Wear

Avoid bright colors that attract attention

Do not wear head wear unless it is for

religious significance

Skirts should not be more than 2" above

the knee

Women should wear stockings so as not to

expose their bare legs

For women, maximum of one

visible piercing per ear

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What Not to Wear

Do not wear cargo pants or pants with

lettering or symbols of any kind

Do not wear any casual clothing

or shorts

Do not wear shorts, capri pants or cropped pants

No visible body piercings other than

ears or visible tattoos

Do not wear tank tops, T-shirts, shirts

with spaghetti

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What Not to Wear

Do not wear construction, industrial,

military, or cowboy boots

Do not wear Athletic or

casual socks

Do not wear Sunglasses

Do not wear hats or caps of any kind

Do not wear Denim (in any


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Learn the Culture

To survive and thrive in the corporate world, it is crucial that you should learn the culture of your company, understand it and blend into it. Hence, this means learning the subtle differences between policies and politics



Discuss with your boss about what his specific expectations are of you and exactly how meeting them translates into achieving your performance standards. Talk informally to your co-workers to understand your boss' work and management styles

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Learn the Culture


Policies are the written rules and standard procedures for getting things done. You can find your company policies by reading the employee handbook, company policies, standard operating procedures, organizational charts and annual reports. This material will educate you about the basics. By reading them, you'll gain useful knowledge about what you will do in your job. Keep them handy so that you may refer to them often

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Learn the Culture


Politics, on the other hand, refer to the unwritten rules of how things are done or not done, and understanding them could set you apart from your co-workers. You can become politically savvy by observing everyone around you, especially the top performers. Observe and learn how they interact with others, especially with the boss and how they communicate their ideas

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Find a Mentor

It is critical for new graduates that enter into the workplace, to read the unwritten signals or signs that constitute the organization's cultural code of conduct

This is important because each and everything about the company is not written in the induction booklet

The solution to this problem can be found by finding a respected and generous mentor

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Find a Mentor

You can learn from a mentor about how to build a corporate image, the relationships to maintain between work areas and levels, how to conduct

yourself socially, and what behaviors constitute a professional way of doing business

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Develop a Rapport with Boss

Understand what the boss’s role is

Learn what is required to support the boss

Learn what the boss expects

Identify how the boss wants you to interact with him/her

Learn the format and style of reports management expects

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Gain Initial Experience through Internship

One of the best techniques to adjust better when a student enters into the corporate world is by getting a first-hand experience and feel of the corporate world while still in college. This can be easily done by gaining experience through internships in companies

Internships help to give every student the practical and professional exposure and to put the theory that he has learnt in college into practice

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Gain Initial Experience through Internship

• • •

Internship provides students with corporate exposure

Also, most interns are placed directly under the supervision of a senior official, hence they profit from first hand information regarding practical situations and gain ‘on-the-job’ experience

Apart from the technical experience, an intern also benefits by learning about the work practices and ethics followed by companies

Internships also helps the student to learn the basics of professionalism as well as maintaining harmonious relations with colleagues

• •

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Factors for Success in the Corporate World

Planning and organizing

Knowledge and skills

Constant learning

Adaptability and flexibility

Good rapport with everyone

Awareness of self, relationship with colleagues and work environment


Be professional

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Case Study

David Boyle has recently joined an MNC as an intern in the final year of his college. He is yet to complete his graduation

David Boyle has recently joined an MNC as an intern in the final year of his college. He is yet to complete his graduation

1. What should David try to learn from his internship to help during the transition from student to professional life?

2. List the various aspects that he should observe carefully during his internship to get a feel of the corporate world

1. What should David try to learn from his internship to help during the transition from student to professional life?

2. List the various aspects that he should observe carefully during his internship to get a feel of the corporate world

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In this module, you learnt that:

A good professional is one who:• Has a good image • Has a good attitude: • Takes ownership and responsibility: • Is prompt and orderly• Uses proper speech• Follows office etiquette, rules and policies• Has Integrity and honesty• Is a good Communicator

There are three main aspects of verbal communication that need to be taken care of while communicating in a corporate environment. They are:• Email Etiquette• Meeting Etiquette• Telephone Etiquette

Professional dress code standards are important in the corporate environment. It is important that you look and behave like a highly trained and well-groomed professional, in order to gain the respect and honor of seniors, peers and clients.

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