student analysis

Post on 22-Jul-2015






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Student analysis of my

chosen video

Sara-Lea Hirstwood

My chosen video is

The Awkward Life Of David

This video is a comedy and is about a boy

called david trying to get a girl that he

always sees in the morning. Trying to win

her over in the most stupidest ways, not

realising she was deaf. This video was

based over a period of a week.


C-Costume-David is wearing socks that say each day of the week this lets the audience

know what is going on. He is also wearing everyday clothes that a typical person

would wear to college and the girl is wearing everyday clothes. This shows us a

similarity between them both.

L-Lighting- The lighting in the bathroom looks like its meant to be high key lighting but

seems to be a little dark, on one main side of the face it is at the darkest so i can't

really see his facial features. In the street it is high key natural lighting is could

signify happiness.

A-Actors- The actor acts like a very silly boy bot noticing that the person he is trying to

talk to is deaf. He also seem to be acting like a simple guy that is trying to get a


M-Makeup- The only person wearing makeup is the girl this could signify dominance

over the boy. The boy may not be wearing makeup to show he is a stereotypical


P-Props- There are many props like all the things he tries to give her like the sweets,

flowers and sweets. He also uses props like his tie, toothbrush to show the

audience his daily routine. There is also his socks as they are a prop as they

purposely used them.

S-Setting- The setting is mainly the bathroom to show his routine and the bus stop as at

the bus stop there is the girl he sees everyday, and the one he is trying to win over

with his flirtatious ways.


There was a dissolve when the boy was doing his daily

routine in the morning this could signify his boredom

of the routine. It also dissolves out after a certain

scene in the film opening this could show the audience

it is a different scene.The titles slide on at the start

of the film letting the audience who are the main

people in the film opening. They also slide in a quick

and snappy in a fun may this could connote happiness

and it is also a generic convention of comedy this

shows us that they have tried stick to the conventions

of the genre.


See back to M-E-S


There is close ups on his face when he is doing his

morning routine. This is to show his facial features so

we know who the main character is straight away. Then

it goes to a long shot when he arrives at the bus stop. It

also shows us where the main setting is. There is a two

shot when they are both sat at the bus stop this is to

show us the two main characters in the film opening.

There is a close up on his socks when every morning to

show the days of the week. There is also a close up

when he hands her the love tape and then goes up to

his face to see his reaction. Then cuts to her reaction

which she was not pleased.


At the start there is non-diegetic music when

the titles come in, and carries on till he sits

on the bench and starts the narration over

the top. Then the diegetic sound comes in

with dialogue on the screen while he is

trying to grab the girls attention. The non-

diegetic music then comes in every so often

while the boy is doing his daily routine. This

is to keep the audience interested and not

get bored with what he is doing over and

over again.


Why is he trying to get this girl?

Why is she deaf?

How come he is so stupid?


I don't like the fact that

there isn't much enigma

as he is telling us most

things about himself.

I also don't like the sound

of the dialogue when he

is speaking on the side

of the road as his voice

is not really heard as

there are cars going by.


I do like the jokes that he says like 'I

like pigeons' this is funny as it is so

random and just makes him seem

simple. And when he gives the girl

sweets but he has a leaf and

wrapper with them.

I also like that they use of the socks

as it shows us that they are going

in a chronological order, day by


Finally i like the simpleness of that

they have made the character as it

makes it more funnier for the



The End

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