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Post on 15-Apr-2020






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Legal Notice Legal Notice STATE OF NEW YORK, MONT­

GOMERY COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE. Amsterdam, X.y. - WHEREAS, arrears of taxes levied tn the year 1963. charged and im­posed, pursuant to ijivv. remain due and unpaid on the several tract*, lots, pieces or parcels of land des­cribed In the following list, viz:

(The names given being those of the owners or occupants as the same appear on the assessment rolls for laid year and the amount*, includ­ing the taxes, interest, expenses and other charges against the properties lor such year).

TOWN OF AMSTERDAM ' Leo and Pauline Antos. Residence

and Gar«ger-100 \ 700 feet. Bound­aries: North. Norther/i Boulevard: south. Fisher: east, Strack; west Krieger. $367.92.

Amsterdam Federal Savings and Loan Association. Commercial 175 x 50 feet. Boundaries: fiiorth. Creek: •outh. William Street: east Kulpa; west, Montgomery County. J '6S0<.

Isabella Avery. Vacant lot. Sn x 100 feet. Boundaries: North. Mc-Caffery: south. Sokalski: east. Ire­land: west. Jacobson. $6.15.

Albert and Freda Baum. Resi­dence. 100 x ,150 feet. Boundaries: North. Auriema: south. Auriema; east. Auriema: west. Fountain Ave. $4:15.76.

William E. Benn and Wife. Vacant lot. 45 x 125 feet. Boundaries: North. Smitka: south. Hammond: east. Oak Street: west. Taylor. $5 36.

Lawrence Curran. Vacant lot. 100 x 150 feet. Boundaries: North. Craig: j Boundaries

Donald C. Hadsell. Residence. W x 60 feet. Boundaries: North-Creek; south. Short: east. Highway: west. Highway. $11952.

Donald W. Johnson and Mary W. Residence. 50 x 100 feet. Boundaries: North. Corse: south. Wiers: east. Whitbeck: west. Walnut $1SS.67

Francis and Susan Jones. Resi­dence, 'r Acre. Boundaries: North. Highway: south Priddle: east. Prid-dle: west. Priddle. $16.19.

Kenneth Jones. Residence. JLs_Acre. Boundaries: North. Highway; south. Creek: east. Maclntyre; west. Jones. $161 33.

Kathrxn Undeinann. Trailer. SUM x 400 feet. Boundaries: North. Irons: south. Irons: east. Irons: west. High-way. $63. JS.

Montgomery County Treasurer (Beverly Horning>. Residence. 90x 100 feet Boundaries: North. Hughes; south. Schultze: east. Saum: west. Hiller. $210.01.

Patrick J. O'Connor. Residence. 10 Acres. Boundaries: North. Mingst: south. Jennings: east. Highway; west. Barshied. $76 40

Alfred G. Pellegrini. Residence. 80 x 120 feet Boundaries: North, Mohawk: south. Failing; east, Po-lenski: west. Gotti. $154.21.

Stephen S. Tamsett. Residence. 100 x 100 feet. Boundaries: North. Mover: south. Floral Ave * east. Finster: west. Cumnungs. $120.4S.

Joseph Terranova. Residence. 48 x 80 feet. Boundaries: North. Mohawk:

, south. Rose: east. Paluzza: west, Nolli $206.89.

Herbert Voght. Farm. 24 Acres

Legal Notice Legal Notice

south. Swart Hill Road: east. Blo-Xlecis: west. Twardowski. $7.64.

Gino and Dorothy Caprara. Resi­dence. 100 x 250 feet Boundaries: North. Telford: south. Turnpike: east. Doak Ave.: west, Leone. $106 34.

Victor A. Coons and Charlotte. Residence. 100 x 150 feet. Bound­aries: North. Reese: south' Reese: easj. Chuctanunda Street: west. Creek. $135 79.

Cecelia Choinackl. Vacant lot. 50 X 125 feet. Block F. Lot No. 14. Greenwlvh Park. $5 47.

Robert H. and Helen Chriss. Farm. 83 Acres. Boundaries: North. Dick: louth, Patton Hill Road; east. Bull; west. Vachula. $24.56.

Theodore and Katherlne Domblevv-sk Farm. 155 Acres Boundaries: North. Michalskl: south. Turnpike: east. Curran: west Bennett.' $313.06.

Anthony DUello. Residence and ^Garage^ 100-x 200 feet. Boundaries:

NorthT^Jackdvvski: south. Snowitz: east. Jackowski: west, Jackowskl PI. $222.11.

- Anthony DUello. Vacant lot. 52x125 feet. Boundaries,; -North. GormanV-lAcreT south. Montgomery' County: east, Choinackl: west Beech St. $5.20.

Bernard Elwood Sr. Farm. 90 Acres. Boundaries: North. Dunne: south, Krutz: east. Arnold; west. Robb Road. $125.41. ,

Patsy Farone. Residence. 16 Acres. Boundaries: North. Balfanz; south. Vitas: east. Belfanz: west. Cranes Hollow Road. $177.86.

Donald and Cecelia Foss. Resi­dence. 100 x 75 feet. Boundaries:

North. Bishop: south. Town Line;- west. Iron Regal: east.

Wells. $8.23. Donald Windeler. Residence. 125 x

100 feet. Boundaries: North. Mill; south. Appell: east. Yerdon; west. Highway. $119.01.

'^Koad^'east .- Log LfConte. $189.61.

Robert and Ruth Johnson. Resi­dence. 1 Acre. Boundaries: North. Bennett: south. Grange Hall: east. Pawling St.: west. Bennett. $96.16.

John Jackowski. Residence. 150 x 150 feet Boundaries: North. Jackow­ski: south, Snowitz: east Jackowski Dr.: west. Jackowski. $344.66.

Mary Jackowski. Buildines. 13 • Acres. Boundaries: North. Saldas: south. No. Blvd. and Land: east. Kubas: west. Kriger. $352.80.

Joseph F. Johin. Residence. 80 x 225 feet. Boundaries: North. Jobin: south. Brant Ave.: east. Brant Ave.; west. Marshall. $148.84.

Beatrice Krutz. Farm. 20 Acres. Boundaries: North. Swart Hill Rd.: south. Murphv: east. Sleverdin: west. Murphv. $262.49.

William Miller. Commercial. 88 Acres. Boundaries: North. Mannys Rd.: south. Montenaro: east. Bel­fanz Rd. :.west. Sidlowskl. $348.57.

William P. S. Merz and Agda. Vai-ant lot. 60 x 75 feet. Boundaries: North. Morties: south. Turnoike: east. Newland: west. Morties. $5.28.

William Miller. Farm Land. 30 Acres. Boundaries: North. Metz: south. Route 67: east Gade: west M-Mz. 549.11.

Montgomery County Trust 'Co.* Residence and Garage. 60 x 150 feet. Boundaries: North. Van Alstine: south. Turnpike: east. De Sorbo: west. Fountain Ave. $284.66.

Orlando Mattloll. Commercial. 16 Acres. Boundaries: North. Waite Road: south. Willev: east Czaplm-sk5: west. Willey. $19.66.

Catherine R. Mason. Residence, 50 x 100 feet Boundaries: North, pioneer St.; south. Creek: east, Arndt: west. Latza. $146.52.

Mrs. Clifford Murphy. Residence, 155 x 215 feet Boundaries: North. Quinn: south. Newldrk: east. Fort Johnson Ave.: west Kraft. $128.73.

Bernard and Virginia McNamee. Residence and Garage. 50 x 100 feet Boundaries: North. Rochester St.: south. . Sarnowicz: east. McNamee: west. Sarnowicz. $237.85.

Bernard and Virginia* McNamee. Vacant lot. 10 x 100 feet. Bound­aries: North. Rochester St.: south. Hawker: east. Lepper Road: west M'Namee. $11.92.

Joseph Puglisi Jr. and Arlene. Residence. 43 x 200 feet Boundaries: North. Row: south: Banta: east Harrower: west Church St. $126.16. . Florence Paro. Vacant land. 30

Acres. Boundaries: North. Paro: south. Kubran: east Clark: west

~ KrtbTHn—$25:66." — • — — Dorothy and Walter Pine. Farm.

133 Acres. Boundaries: North Mc­Laughlin Road: south. Rostowskt; east. Sefcik: west Krawczyk $534.49.

Francis Rogers. Residence. 100 x 200 feet Boundaries: North. Stevans: south. Opalka: east. Stevans; west, T-ppper Rn»rt tT7S 64.

Edith Reksc. Residence. 8 Acres. Boundaries: North. Clark: south, Bahr; east Mergner Road: west Bahr. $351.65.

Mrs. Jean Sieper. Residence and Garage. 10 Acres. Boundaries: North: Michalskl: south. Turnpike: east. Domblewski; west, Cranes Hol­low Road. $570.90.

Thomas E. and NatAlie Sefcik. Farm. 150 Acres. Boundaries: North. Vachula: south. Rutkowski: east. Robb R d : west Rankie. $802.15.

Anna_Sokalsky. Vacant lot. 200 5 100 feet. Boundaries: North. Ireland: south. Shuttleworth Ave.: east Knupells: west. Gieb. $10.32.

Francis and. Caroline Smith. Resi­dence and Garage. 50 x 150 feet Boundaries: North, Fick: south. Brown: east Fort Johnson Ave.: west Creek. $257.02.

Robert F. Turo and Susie. Resi­dence and-Garage. 200 x 100 feet. Boundaries: North. Chuctanunda St.: south , Turo; east. Librace; west Curtanundat St $84.73.

Fred J. and Joan WolcioW. Resl-dence. 60 x 200 feet. Boundaries: North. Wojclcki: south. Ilnlcki: east Hagaman Ave.; west. Szurek. $29n 19 »

Thomas and Jeanlnne Wilev. Resi­dence and Garage. SO x 50 feet Boundaries: North. Creek: south. Main S t : east; Chuctanunda St.: west. Buchanan. $174.45.

Thomas and Jeaninne Wilev. Va-. cant lot. 50 x 100 feet. Boundaries:

North. Wiley; south. Creek: east. Chuctanunda- St.; west, Buchanan. $14 46

Winston P. Wells, Residence. lOOx North. 1'Hra

TOWN OF CHARLESTON Justine Fuller. Farm. 128 Acres.

Boundaries: North. State: south. Road: east. Parker; west. State. $46 25.

William R. Frey. Vacant land. \ Acre. Boundaries: North. Maloney; south. Rickard: east. Road: west. Malonev. $13.80.

Charles Geahr. Vacant land. 2 Acres. Boundaries: North. State; south. State: east Road; west State. $9.98.

Robert and Eunice Hall. Resi­dence. li Acre. Boundaries: North. Bell: south. Bell: east. Highway; west Montanye. $168.51.

Curry Hardin. Vacant land. 44 Acres. Boundaries: North. Gordon: south. Road: east. Einseidel; west Gordon. $20.35.

I.O.R.M. Hall. Commercial. \i Soundaries;:~.North.—Road:

south. Davis: east, Davis; west J. Kanavic. $139.85. • Anthony Kiskis and Evan Humph­rey. Farm. 84 Acres. Boundaries; North." Ecker; south. Frey; east. Road: west. Spencer. $24.39.

Longin Keller. Farm. 45 Acres. Boundaries: North. Hanson: south. Road: east State: west. Ecker. $185.70.

Stanley and Charlotte Korona. Farm. 160 Acres. Boundaries: North

TOH> OF GLEN Morris Abranis. Industrial. 150 x

175 feet Boundaries: North, Erie St.: south. Railroad: east. 'Phil-brook: west. Purdv. $44.73

Hariej Brookv Vacant lot. 50 x 250 feet. Boundaries: North. Kruger; south. Rickard: east. H i g h w a y ; west Rickard. 56 45. ",

Committee of Explorer Scouts. First Methodist Church Residence. 70 \ lOU feet. Boundaries: North. Highway: sOuth Hall: east. Hall: west. Hail. $13.06.

John W. Craver. Residence. 4 Acres. Boundaries: North. Highway; south. Beyer; east. Vunck; west Lusso $66.68.

P S Dubrey Trucking Co inc. Industrial. 2'-.. Acres. Boundaries: North. Highway; south. Thruway; east Vrooman; west. Lane. $19.04.

Ruth E. Frasier Farm. 185 Acres. Boundaries: North. Van E p p s : south. Hermes: east. Highway: west, Highway. $:«J3.45.

Edward J. Fisher. Farm. 4 Acres. Boundaries: North. A u r i e s v l l l e Creek: south. Pierce: east Spencer; west. Pierce. $168 27.

Glen and Mohawk Milk Association Inc. Vacant lot. 1-3 acre. Bounda­ries: North. E>ie St.; south. West Shore Railroad; east. Purdy: west Mohawk St. $17 75.

Thomas 'and Ann Mahon. Farm, 217 Acres. Boundaries: North Squil-lace: south. Highway: east. Van Av­ery: west. Mazur. $387.82.

Axel Svenson. Farm. 120 Acres. Boundaries: North. Svenson; south. Bellinger; east. Road; west, Moore. $153.83.

Raymond Svenson.' Farm. 120 Acres. Boundaries: North. Van Al­stine;' south. Moore: east. Road; west. Van Alstine. $282.34.

Ernest Reynolds. Farm. 130 Acres, j Boundaries: North. Raym; south, | Highway : east. Highway; west. Car- t penter„ $330.30.

William Schuyler and Wife. Res- j Idence. 15S\15i feet. Boundaries: North, Mitchell: south. Harris: east. Main St.; west Mitchell. $178.00.

Helene Ann Van Alstyne. Resi­dence. 65x70 feet. Boundaries: North. Smith: south, Washington St.; east. Franklin St.; west, Lath­ers. $115.59.

TOWN OF MINDEN Glenn Bruce and Frances. Resi­

dence. *i "Acre. Boundaries: North, Railroad; south. Bellinger: east.

•Triumpho: west. Road, $122.59. Esther_BxQwn^-Residefice4y'.F"AxrK"

Boundaries: North. Van Slyke: south. Cemetery, east Road: west Tinker. $100.68.

Gordon Borst. Farm. 10 Acres. Boundaries: North. Darling: south,

LDar4ing;-east - Darling :-vvest Road. $12.62.

George Blakeslee Jr. and Wife. Residence, l ' j 'Acres. Boundaries: North. Road: south, Reese; east, Byers: west Reese. $190.64.

Richard Carter. Residence. 56x128 feet. Boundaries: North. Carter: south. Geweye; east School; west. Street. $112.32. «tson. $79.1

Richard Carter. Garage. 40x150 | Willard feet. Boundaries: North. Carpenter south. Carter: east School: west

Legal Notice

North .Tendr/ilci: south. Log City New York Povyer:. south, .Qzug: east.--f-Strpf-f~$S1.4a. " . . '„. ' . J. .^nrrn , • ' • " ^ w y . a g K i t t f t g f f l ^ ^ ResldcnCer 60x100

North. Creek:

Mrs. Acres, south. Town

$277.37. Stanley and Charlotte'Korona. Va­

cant land. 1S5 Acres. Boundaries: .Creek: south. Korona; east, west. Korona. $52.00. Celia A. Naum. Farm. 139 Boundaries: North. Herrick:

Road: east Town Line; west Line. $162.77.

Millard Rickard. Farm. 190 Acres. Boundaries: North. Becker-Ecker; south. Road: east Rowe: west. Becker. $97.83.

Edward and Hilda Stack. J"arm. 5 Acres. Boundaries: North; Road; south. Horton: east. Perruggi: west, Johns. $48.17.

Henry and Schweizer and Anna Schweizer. Commericial. 3 Acres. Boundaries: North. Highway: south. Luft: east, Putman; west. Moss. $113.44.

TOWN OF • FLORIDA Lester and Nina Bellinger. Camp.

60 x 90 feet. Boundaries: North, Turner: south. Road: east. Anthony; west. Richards. $32.53.

Arthur and Delia Cooper. Farm. 55 Acres. Boundaries: North, Buhr-master: south. Road: east, Buhr-master: west Krutz. $77.91.

Arthur and Delia Cooper. Farm, 5 Acres. Boundaries: North. Nelson: south. Luke: east, Neznek: west Buhrmaster. $6.24.

Gerald Gardiner. Residence, lQQx 150 feet. Boundaries: North. Fitz.-dam: south, Firehouse: east Street: west, Hitchcock. $205.89.

Peter E. Gibson. Farm. 38 Acres. Boundaries: North. Phillips: south. Prirrt:etown: east, Princetown; west, Patterson. $35.50.

Evelyn Green. Residence. 4 Acres. Boundaries: North. Canal; south. W. S. R. R.: east. Crushed Rock: west, Van Voast $92.48.

Kenneth and Margaret Hamm. Residence, 50 x 100 feet. Boundaries: North, Barkelev. south. Cole: east. Road: west. Mount. $231.16.

Fred and Helen Holt-' Farm. 10 Acres. Boundaries: North. Road: south. Bellows: east Grav; west. Bellows. $304.48.

Martin C. Jones. Residence. 1 Acre. Boundaries: North. O'Keefe: south. Road: east, O'Keefe; west. O'Keefe. $366.61.

Fred. Walter and Veronica Joralei mon. Farm. 155 Acres. Boundaries: North. Paro: south. Joralemon: east. Francisco: west. Paro. $241.28.

Fred. Walter and Veronica Jorale­mon. Farm. 156 Acres. Boundaries: North. Belfance: south. Road: east, Belfancej-westr-Taylor-$549.01—

William and Helen Kildovle. Farm. 87 Acres. Boundaries: North. Tuft: South. Joralemon; east. Road; west Belfance. $222.76. Wtonald Lawton. Residence. 200 x 200 feet. Boundaries: North. McKay: south. Beyer; east Road; west Bey­er. $627.71.

John and Marcella McPherson. Residence. 1 Acre. Boundaries: North, Rubv: south. Road; east. Ri­ley; west, Riley. $172.68.

Cprnellus and'Eiieen Miller. Resi­dence. 1 Acre. Boundaries: North. Beyer: south. Road; east. Beyer; west. Zilles. $648.31.

Peter Millet. Camp. 60 x 120 feet Boundaries: North'. Turner: south. Road: east, Richards: west Turner. $58.32.

Leo Acres, vich; west


south, Fonda: east. Schlotte:'west Campbell Road. $31.62,

Floyd Francisco. Farm. 25 Acres. Boundaries: North. Town Line; south, Browncll: east. Aldrlch: west. Plants Rond. $39 93.

Jantes Geary. Farm. 69 Acres. Boundaries: North. Switzer Hill Road: south. River: east. Bates: west. De Graff. $290.76. .

Tremaine and Evelyn Gardner. Farm. 98 Acres. Boundaries: North. Sammons: south. Persse: east Highway; west. Wemple. $278.01.

William G. Halgas and Anna M. Residence. 4'* Acres. Boundaries: North. Wemple: south. River; east, Nare: west Fax. $140 81. . Eugene and Katherine James.

Residence. 262x164 feet. Boundaries: North. Sager: south. County Road: east. Sager: west. James. $106.11.

Dorothy I. Jones. Residence. 50x 250 feet. Boundaries: North. Wilder: south. Wilder; east. Cayadutta Creek: w e s t Berryville Road. $131.58.

Anna Krutz. Farm. 30 Acres. Boundaries: North. Joyce; south, Armstrong: east. Armstrong: west. Joyce. $21.17.

Stephen E. Leonard and Mary J. Residence. 50x175 feet Boundaries: North. Upper Prospect: south. Montgomery Terrace: east Bulger: west. Fonda. $97.37.

Henry Leltt. Vacant lot. 150x150 feet. Boundaries: North. Sargalls: south. Highway: east Sargalls: west. Sarealis. $44.04.

Mary Murphy. Residence. 50x150 feet. Boundaries: North. Prospect

I St.: south. Mont. Terrace: east. Bridce St.+ west. Deckro. $95.21.

Peter Morford. Commercial. 35.x ! 100 feet. Boundaries: North. Main i St. :• s o u t h . N.Y.C.R.R.: east.

Thome: west' F.J. and G. $149 76. Viola Palmateer Residence. 300x

50 feet. Boundaries: North. Cal­houn: south. Mohawk Drive: east. Calhoun: west. Calhoun. *98 16.

Grace Poultney. Residence. 2 Acres. Boundaries North. S. F. Co., Inc.: south. Rond: fa<=t'. S. F. Co.. Inc.: west. Mil'er. $7 71. . Louis Rossi: Residence and 2 lots.

50 x 150 feet. Boundaries: North. Rossi: south. Dufel: e»st Rossi: west. Howlan Ave. $374 09.

Louis Rossi. Vacant lot. 50 v i.SO feet Boundaries: North. Rossi: south. Dufe': east. Rossi: west How­lan Ave. $19 04.

John H. Stcenburgh. Farm. 100 Bnund»r4e* North.— Fnr— south. Cayadutta Creek: east. Van Antwerp: west. Berrvville Road. $282 70.

Leona Swart/. Residence. 50 \ 150 feet. Boundaries: North. Suart7: south. Route 5- ea<tt. Grade School: west. Swartz. $16 IS

Mrs Leona Swartz. Commercial. Gas Station. 250 \ 150 fe*t. Boun­daries: North. Hiehwav 5: south. N. Y. C. R. R.: *a«t. Brown: west N Y. C. R. R. $29 73,

Wil'ard and Leona Sw»rtz. Farm. 30 Acres. Boundaries: North. Suits: River: east. Barclav: west Fergu-


Legal Notice south. N.Y.C.rt.R^ west. Nellls: $10.72.

Eva C. Barnes.' Farm, 30 Acres. Boundaries: North. Highway: south. Kruppenbecker: east. Kruppenbeck-er: west Collins. .$103.26.

Addison J. Chase Jr. and Mae. Farm. 140 Acres. Boundaries: North. Kennedy: , south. Williams: . east. , , Lilly: west Rickard. $651.53. » } ' * *<-*re

U l . ., , • „ ,, - I south. Highway: east rrank rarm 100 west. Highway. $32.30.

Acres. Boundaries: North. Svozllt ' - -south. Highway: east Highway; west. Estes. $186.58. .

Clarence Elmore. Residence. 1 Acre. Boundaries: North. Shoenburg; south. Bullock: east Highway: west Elmore. $66.57. -a

Herman Edwardsen. Farm. 171 Acres. Boundaries: North, Rouse: south. Highway: east Dean: west. Smith. $517.06.

Wilfred and Alma Fudger. Farm.

east. Nellls:

James Shorie. Vacant lot 50 x 100 i feet Boundaries:- North. Shannon; south, Lull: east'Allen Road: west, Groff. $8.80.

i Lee and "Jean Sanders. Residence. 1 J» acre. Boundaries: North. Wilbur;

Highway; __.. - „hway. S32.3U. Stanley and Jeanenne Shuster.

Farm. 100 Acres. Boundaries: North, \ Highway; south. Highway; east, Got-rung: west. Don. $313.ft).

Vacant land. '4

Acres. south,


Acres, south.

feet. Boundaries: North. Abel: south. Rufenacht: east. Street; west. Swarts. $224.27.

Madeline E. Cook. Residence, l ' i Acre. Boundaries: North. Kornetz: south. Waffle: east, Road: west. Waffle. $7.85.

Mrs. Irene Dillenback. Farm. 225 Acres. Boundaries: Vorth. Kemp: south. Kofal: east Cronkhite: west, Koval. $724.74. 4

Glen J. Dillenbeck. Wetterau and Bruschelli.' Farm. 17. Acres. Boun­daries: North. Ward: south. Sinner; east. Road: west. Green. $8.43.

Lincoln Frallck Jr. Vacant lot. V-j Acres. Boundaries: North. Dy-gert; south. Stahler; east Dygert: west. Street. $8.12.

Charles C. Gee and Wife. Farm. 48 Acres. Boundaries: North. Mass); south. Walrath: east Massl: west, Loren. $12.62.

Charles C. Gee and Wife. Farm. 238 Acres. Boundaries: North. Road: south. Walrath: east. El­wood:-west. Graudon. $333.47.

Richard and Ina Jane Herb Com­mercial. 30x100 feet. Boundaries: North. Reinhart: south. Street: east. Bauder: west. Marosek. $151.83.

Robert Hudson. Farm. 4'2 Acres. Boundaries: North, Road: south. Wood: east Hudson: west Mowers. $100.48. ' " ' '•

Mrs. Catherine Kretser. Resi­dence. 3 Acres. Boundaries: North. Bluvas: south. Road; east. Road; west Road. $142.49.

Mamie Lawson. Residence. 46x49 feet. Boundaries: North. Stewart: south. Street: east, Kimball: west Street. $137.41.

Donald and Helen LaComb. Res­idence. 75x150 feet. Boundaries: North. Reese: south. Reese: east. Reese: west. Road. $29.33.

Robert W. MacKenzie. Commer­cial. 25.\54 feet. Boundaries: North. MacKenzie: south.. Sticht: east Park: west. Street. $514.91.

Robert W MacKenzie. Commer­cial. 45\64 feet. Boundaries: North. ! vate Forest. Street; south. F. P. H. Co.: east, j North." Grav Street: west. Street. $807.05.

Robert W. MacKenzie. Residenre Acre Boundaries: North. Road

and Lpona Swartz. Farm. 116 Acres. Boundaries: North Suits: south: N. Y. C. R R : east. Bauder:

WP<L artiru;$i39 M; „::r-.:v^ i' Francis and Katherlne Vender.

Farm.-30 Acres. Boundaries: North. N. Y. C. R R.T south. Barg^dt ; east. River: west. Vedder., $<M 08.

Francis and Katherine Vedder. Farm. 66 Acres. Boundaries: North. Brower: south. River: east. De-Graff: west. Calhoun. $270.85.

Sarah Van Alstyne and Georgia Fox. Farm. 25 Acres. Boundaries: North. Wemple: south. Evr«nn: east. Robie: west Everson $14 20.

Willie Martina Vallieu. Residence. 105 x 150 feet. Boundaries: North. Colson: south. Rood: east. Adabahr: west Benedict $87.03.

Kenneth Wilder. Residence. 1 Acre. Boundaries: North. Creek: south. Creek: east. Creek: west. Scabo. $105.20.

\ south. Suits: east. Creek: west. Schradrr. $256.06.

Donald Nelson and Wifp. Resi­dence. 50x100 feet. Boundaries: North. Muehlheck: south. Steffancl: east. Street: west. Hill. $139.33.


TOWN OF PALATINE Roy and Emma Benton. Farm. 10

Acres. Boundaries: North. Road: south. Road: east. Spraker; west. Coiburn. $143.92.

Delbert and Elizabeth Becker. Va­cant land. 160 Acres. Boundaries: North. Joyce: south. County Farm: past Joyc*; west. County Farm. $78 44. '

Delbert and Elizabeth Beckpr. Va­cant land. 32 Acres. Boundaries; North. Road: south. Bradshaw: east. Loucks: west. I'tzig. $39 17.

Sam De Gristina. Vacant Land. 12 Acres. Boundaries: North. Mueller: south. Mueller: east. Road: west. Mueller. $28.19.

Howard and Leona Eckler. Resi­dence. 50 x 125 -feet Boundaries: North. Danforth: south. Lasher: east. Nellis: west. Street $272.60.

Leona Marv Eckler. Residence. 60 x 111 feet Boundaries: North. Tis-dale: south. Lane: east. Tisdale: west Street $79.72.

Leona Mary Eckler. Farm. 120 Acrps. Boundaries: _North. Murphy: south. Baer: east, lis. $214.57.

Beverly Freday. feet. Boundaries: south. Street: east. Street: west. Scarrone. $291.45.

Frank and Hazel Frederick. Pri-15 Acres. Boundaries:

south. Cramer: east. Brower: west. Van Patten. $10.79.

Frank Frederick. Private Forest 15 Acres. Boundaries: North. Wat­son: south- Watson: east. Jonker: west. Road. $17.35.

Frank Frederick. Farm. 22 Acres. Boundaries: North. Handy: south. Road: east. Frederick: west. Fred-.erick. $156.99.

167 Acres. Boundaries< North. Wll- I liams: south. Mover: east, Darrow; west. Hlghwav. $505.67.

Alvin Hoyt. Farm. 85 Boundaries: North. Lenz; Self; east. Highway; west $109 10.

Alvin Hoyt Farm. 147 Boundaries: North. Hoyt; . Avers; east. Highway; west. Pulver. $289 87

Albert F. Hernlgle. Residence. 4-5 Acre. Boundaries: North, Hernlgle; south, Highway: east. Hernlgle; west. Hernlgle. $204.84.

Harold and Mary Johnson. Resi­dence, 1 Acre. Boundaries: North, Ryan; south. Ryan: east. Ryan; west Highway. $111.65.

Stephen ana Lenora Krutz. Resi­dence. 1 Acre. Boundaries: North, Highway; south. Highway: east. Quackenbush; west. H i g h w a y . $120.49.

Harry. Edwin and Sarah Lyons. Residence. 1 Acre. Boundaries: North. Smith; south. Highway; east. Highway; west. Campbell. $171.79.

Leonard Lilly. Farm. 180 Acres. Boundaries: North. Kennedy; south. Darrow : east. Coolev; west Klem-mp>. $225.31.

Robert L. and Mary E. Miller. Residence. 2 Acres. Boundaries: North. Delia: south. Highway; east. Delia: west. Hurley. $146.00.

Herbert Parslow. Residence. 1 Ajre. Boundaries: North. Highway, south. Parslow; east. State: west. State. $58 95.

Delbert S. Pterce. Farm. 40 Acres. Boundaries: North. Highway; south, S*t^t^la«je-i—east—Town-Line: west

Lyle Thompson acre. Boundaries: North, Klock; south. Thompson: east Ba|tistl; west N. Division St. $5.10.

Seward Walrath Est. Comm. Store 20 x 100 feet. Boundaries: North, Main St.: south. IO.O.F.: east. Lurie: west Huff. $148 50.

Acres. North. Route 5:. south, Hoag; west. Jackson.

Darrow. $42.92. Weslev and Rose Quackenbush.

Farni. 40 Acres. Boundaries: North. N.Y.C.R.R.: south. Highway: east. Ruggerio: west. Hayes. $175.19.

Dora Ryder. Abandoned Farm. 94 Acres. Boundaries: North,-Herman: south. Highway: east . Highway; west. Hunt. $106.82.

Stanley Reese. Residence. 1 Acre. Boundaries: North. Highway: south, i Gigandet: east, Gigandet Metzger. $79.56

Ruth Warner. Residence. 5 Boundaries: Hoag: east, $126.88.

James and Edna Yauncy. Resi­dence. *» Acre. Boundaries: North. Hlnes: south. Batte: cast. Center St.; west. Robinson. $69.59.

NOW THEREFORE, notice Is here­by given that. In pursuance of the powers vested In me by law, I shall, on Monday, the 2Sth day of Decem­ber. 1964. at eleven o'clock In the forenoon, at the Old Court House In the Village of Fonda. N.Y. com­mence selling at public auction, so much of each of the said several and respective lots, tracts, pieces or parcels of land, as shall be suf­ficient to pay all State. County, High­way. School or other taxes assessed thereon In the year 1963. that may then remain due on each thereof, respectively, together with .the In­terest, costs and charges which have arisen or accured or that may arise or ^accrue thereon, and shall sell, and continue from day to day to sell, until the said sale shall be com­pleted. The purchasers at such sale shall pay the amount of their res­pective bids to the County Treasurer within forty-eight hours after the lands purchased, the sums paid, and the time when the purchasers will be entitled to deeds, and after the expiration of one-year from the last day of such sale, they shall be en­titled to receive conveyances of the lands so purchased by them, res­pectively, (or at their option may foreclose the lien as provided by law), unless said lands shall have been previously redeemed pursuant to law.

• HOMER L. VAN- AKEN. County Treasurer.


SALE OF DECEMBER 20, 1963 Notice Is hereby given that unless

west! i the following described parcels of i land sold for arrears ot taxes as-

J. Azariah and Margaret Saltsman. sessed and now unredeemed, shall Residence. 160 x 80 feet. Boundaries: .be redeemed on or before the 20th North. Rvan: south. Miller: east. I day of December, 1964. by payment Rvan: west. Highwav. $182.55. i to the Treasurer of this County for

Foster Siets. Residence. 1 Acre. I the use of the purchasers thereof,

FUN AFTER FISHING — After catching a sallflsh, Vice President-elect Hubert H. Humphrey Jokes with his «on, Bob, for the benefit of a friend with a camera. Humphrey and bis family are spending a two-week post-election vacation at a resort on St. John Island in the Virgin Islands.

How fo

Stop Killing Yourself By DR. PETER J. 8TEINCROHN

Baer: west. Nel-

Block. 40 x 100 North. Boslet:

Acre. ia_Newcombr-Resl-4—Frank-FTcrieiickr-VaraTit land. 10 North—Emoryt-south:-N> Boundaries: North. Acres. Boundariesi North., Calbet: E. Main St.: west. Bowers. $20.58

east. Hill: dence Street: south. Street west .Hoffman. $175.86.

Bertie Riebel. Residence. *4 Acre. Boundaries: North. .Smith: south. Road: east Gottung: west Brado. $71.27.

Paul Smith and Wife. Residence. -50*440 feet: Boundaries-:—pNorth: Hoffman: s o u t h. Fahey: east.

Residence. 2'? North. Miiono-east Langley;

Actes. south. west.

Milonovlch. Boundaries:

south. Fahey Road. $245.15 Milonovlch. Farm. 10

Boundaries: North. Palmer; Langley: east, Milonovlch: Road. $31.40. .

Kenneth and Ix>rraine Minch. Resi­dence, 50 x. 100 feet. Boundaries: North. Road: south. W.S.R.R : east, Cherinch; west Albrecht. $205.88.

Frank and Shirley Myers. Resi­dence. 2 Acres. Boundaries: North. O. S. .S: south. _Road;-ea*t Road: west. O. S. S. $76.63.

Stanley and Catherine Ogden. Va­cant lot. 100x472 feet. Boundaries: North. Road: south. Sleiger; east. Stelgers west. Staley. $16.74.

Stanley and Lauren Ogden Land. 73 Acres. Boundaries: Staley: south. Buhrmaster; Paro; west Staley. $25.04.

Douglas and Doris Ostrander. Residence. 67 x 150 feet. Boundaries: North. Street: south. Hitchcock; east. Simons: west Moran. $219 70.

Sara l«ou Perretta. Residence, 5 ! j Acres. Boundaries: North. O Sulli­van; south, Fusco: cast. Road: west.

125 feet. Boundaries: North. Utira | Francisco. $702 17. St.: south. Wells: cast. {-•'Pper i Caroline Perretta Farm. 106

Hlchland Ave $249,3jr. lucres. B

Farm North.



\Kr •


i . .

,Rond: west .. Winston P. Welis. Vacant lot. 50

x ion feet. Boundaries: North. Wells: south. Brvant: east Lepper Road; west Bn\le $10 37.

Edward and ,'osephin* Zabo Resi­dence. 49 .x 131 feet. Boundaries: North. Oarr; south.'Turnpike; east Lutheran Church Road; west. Intel-

•llssano. $87.11 TOWN OF CANAJOHARIF.

Wallace Burbridgc. Residence. J Acres. Boundaries: North. Highway; south. Creek: * east. Fredenburg: west. Highway. $202.15.

GcorRe and Wanda Bukovsky. . Residence. 70 x 100 feet. Boundaries:

North. .Meln: south. Shech\; cast Otsego: west VdVifta. $97.30.

Rocco Conte Residence. 20$ x 117 feet. Boundaries: ' North.. Baker; south. Abeling St.: - east. Baker:

. west. Levey. $282.22. * Raymond and Mildred Chest Res­

idence. 60x117 feet Boundaries: North. Baker; south; Abrllns: east

.Kaiser: west Conrad. 1216.51 • Mary Herlehy. Residence, SO x loo

feet. Boundaries:* North. Hughes:

South, Folan: - east Walnut: west falls. 1199.63. ,Robert Hoke. Residence. 38 x 50

feet.. Boundaries: North. W. Main; •outh. Gordon and. Buddies: cast

*Yflcohuccl: west Donatuccl. $56.57. James R. Hubschmltt Farm. 35

Acres. Boundaries: North. Barshied:

Kith. Baker: east, Barshied: west, wnt*. *117.71 * ' l

k „ .

Boundaries: North. Nadler; south. Tallmadge; east. Road; west. Hartley. $44789.

Robert and Ruth Pelers. Farm. 10 Acres. Boundaries. North. Road: south. Langley: east. Kazalla: west. Karalla $146 43 . Robert and Ruth Peter,*. Farm. 50 Acres. Boundaries: North. Road-Geiser: south. Lanwley Cuppolo; east. Road: west. Road. $29.1.1

George Pilicki. Farm. 85 Acres. Boundaries: North. Schoharie: south. McDuffec: east Plllckl: west. Van Home. $299.48.

George Pillckl. * Farm. 62 "Acres. Boundaries: North. Herrick: south. Van Home:' east. Herrick-Qulri; west. Pilicki. $55.34

George Pilicki. Farm. S4 Acres. Boundaries: North. Schoharie Creek; south. Van Home: east Pilicki; west Pilicki. $121 04

•George Pilicki. Farm 78 Aires. Boundaries: North. Schoharie Creek; south. "McDuffee: east. Pilicki: west. Creek. $179 44

Vincent SHdonc. Vacant land I'j Acres. Boundaries: North. tRoad: south. Road: east, Cline: west. Sic-vers. $24.26.

Ida Maa» Warner. Residence. 7 Acres. Boundaries: North. Road; south. Rhode.- east S. P. C. A.; west. Rhode. $340 98. . , Robert Wittemeier. Residence. IV) x 160 . feet. Boundaries: North P. B. B. Co.: south. Tiemann: east, Becker; west. Street $104.78.

south. Road: east. Hertlng: west. Pimkowskl. $30.44.

Frank Frederick. Vacant land. 60 Acres. Boundaries: North. Road: south. Winsman: east. Pimkowskl: west. Douglass. $67 53.

Frank Frederick and Hazel. Farm. 112"Acres. Boundaries: North. Aus-'


Boundaries: North, Creek: south. Peterson: east. Waltz;. weat-Mor4at. iy? $97,717'-" "••"•"' .— —=-—=__

Herbert Stretmover Jr. .and Ber­tha. Abandoned Farm, 117 .Acres. Boundaries: North.—Schmidt-*-' southr-Lambert: east, Highway: west Mos-ca. $159.24.

Herbert Stretmoyer Jr.. Residence. 15 Acres. Boundaries: North, Mosca; south. Huber: east. Highway; west Mosca. $104.55.

C. E. Thompkins. Residence. 1 Acre. Boundaries: North. Highway; south. Herman; east, Herman: west, Lyker. $84.74.

Raymond Van Alstine. Residence, 75 x 50 feet. Boundaries: North. Highway: south. Highway: east. Greco: west. Ruggerio. $31.60.

Leonard James Van €chalck. Resi­dence. .1 Acre. Boundaries: North. Brvant: south. Church: east, Feti-ger: west. Highway. $109.10.

Leonard James van Schaick. Com­mercial. »i acre. Boundaries: North. Highwav; south. Brvant: east. Hig-gins: west. Highway. $40.72.

Henry and Kathleen Williams. Residence. 1 Acre.* Boundaries: North. D.elia: south. Highway: east, Young: west, Fonda. $111.65.

Carmen Grantier. Farm. 67 Acres, Boundaries: North, Highway: south, Town Line: east, Mueller: west Kile. $195.70.

Arthur Reynolds Jr. and Margaret. Residence, ' i Acre. Boundaries: North. Parlow. south. Highwav: east. Highwav; west. Oeser. $122.16.

TOWN OF ST\ JOHNSVILLE Joseph Battisti and Violet Farm,

78 Acres. Boundaries: North, Route 5: south. Mohawk River and Canal: east. Wagner: west. Smith. $199.57.

Joseph Battisti and -Violet. Farm, 49 Acres. Boundaries: North. Spon-able: south. Carter; east. Sponable: west Hoag. $283.59.

Helena Celuh. Residence. H acre. Boundaries: North. Monroe St.; south. Feldsteln; east. Singer: west, Mulr. $124.74.

Anthony Circhrillo and Wife. Va­cant land. 2 Acres. Boundaries: North. Gee: south. Hayes and Gia-quinto; ea/t. Lion Ave.: west, Gla-quinto. $351.17.

Adam and Lorraine Crouse. Resi­dence, 53 x 75 feet. Boundaries: North. Ruller: south. Weir: east. Schoenfeld: west. Washington St $115.42.

Ferris Gabriel and" Wife. Resi­dence. J» acre. Boundaries: North, Smdici: south. Macci; east Sindici: west. Pohlevan: $171.58.

Joseph Iaccobucci and Wife. Va-acre. Boundaries:

th-—Nagelet-east cant land.' '-i


Vacant North.


Acres. : south.


Acres. Boundaries: .tin: south. Winsman: east

Street: west. Walrath $218.46. ! erlck: west Young. $303 22. William A. Smith. Residence. 60x ! Frank Frederick. Trailer. 20'i

60 feet. Boundaries: North. Street: , Acres. Boundaries: North. Crane: south. Dygert: east Wilber: west south. Douglass: east. Frederick: Martyniuk. $168.29. ! west. Frederick. $91 54.

Theron Smith and Wife. Vacant , William and Vivian Holtz. Resl-land. 1 Acre Boundaries1 North, i dence. 61 x 337 feet Boundaries: Byer: south Street: ea*t. Manclow; North. Street: south. Street: east west. Fox $1584. Bleekman: west. McFee. $291.13.

Josiah and Doris Shlbley. Farm. Harold and Orva Kilmartin. Resl-12 Acres Boundaries: North. Schuy. dp n r e i 53 x $j fCPt. Boundaries: ler: south. Rond: east. Road: west. North. Voshurgh: south. Street: east Grbh-»rt. $125.73. Quackenbush: west. Fowler. $153 68.

Lester Spauldinjr Farm. 88 Acres. Albert Keck. Trailer and lot 100 x Boundaries: North. Road: south. 176.9 fePt. Boundaries: North. Keck Gebhardt: east. .Road: west. Geb- south. Youngs: east Street hnrdt. Si7.5fi. Coso $165 67

Lester Spaulding. Farm. I"}1? : Edmund and Marv Lvnch. Acres. Boundaries: Nortlv Craig: ianr1i 6 6 Acres. Boundaries, south. Geesler: east Trumbull: willms: south. Burbridgc: west Road $351.93 Road: west N.Y.C. $27.lf

Ruth Williams Farm. 7 Acres. | Tav Nellls Farm *>00 Boundaries: North. Road: south • Boundaries: North. Voorhees Merdon: east Bowers: west Stone- j C o n b o v ; e a s t < Eckler: west, house $121.53. I $586 09'

Barney E. Williams Jr.. R M | - Raymond and Elinor Patrie. Resl-d.MnvP< T A r r ' , i . B m {? .m 1

r i M ; North. ! d p n r P 1 0 0 x 200 f p p t Boundaries: • ; « ! \ l « l

l , h n J J l , , ? « m « e a , t - i North. Road: south. Nestle: cast. Williams: west. Road. $59 65. Ncsller west-Nestle. $237.75 — TOWN OF MOHAWK Lloyd Rush. Trailer. 60 x 150 feet

Fred P. Adams Jr. and Anna M. ! Boundaries: North. Austin: south. Residence. 100x100 feet. Boundaries: • Street: east Manclnl; west Hebl-North. Highway; south. Marshall: ! R<?f- $126.45. east. Marshall: west. Woodhead | Alfred Scarrone. Trailer. 2 Acres. j97••> 39 i Boundaries": North, Hall; south.

Donald Bowler and Karla. Rest- Road: east. Hall; west Raasen. dence. 100x150 feet. Boundaries: $91.53. North. Broadwav: south. Shiblev; Alfred and Sophia Scarrone. Corn-east. Sherman and Jackson: west, merclal - Rest. 2 Acres. Bounda-Shiblev. $186.13. ries: North. Hall: south. Road: east,

Irene Conte and Mrs." Pasquale. Hall: west, Raasch. $477.82. Commercial. 63x115 feel. Bound- Joseph and Barbara Stetln Resl-aries: North. Allev: south. Main dence. 65 x. 96 feet Boundaries: Strecf: ea't. Frothingham: west I North. Lane: south. Street: east Fabo77i. $755.05. Kilts', west. Spaulding. $192 92

Rocco Conte and Anna. Comniert! Jay C. Settle. Farm. 140 Aires, cial. 70\72 feet Boundaries: North. ; Boundaries: North. Shaver: south. Al!e\: south. Main St.: east Broad- j Road: east. Settle: west. Nellls. wav: west t.otridge $673 56. | $236.62.

Milton and Rita Cassldy, Vacant 1 Donald V. Shiblev. Two Cottages, lot 50\112 feet. Boundaries: North, j 1 3-5 Acres Boundaries: North. Ga-Cunniff: south - Cunnlff: cast Cun-|mann: south. Road: east Conbov; nlff: west. Second Ave. $3199 j west. Road. $259.88.

Michael Cralr. Allen and. Elaine. Ronald Weber. Residence and Vacant lot. 60x180 feet. Boundaries: Barn. 3 Acres. Boundaries: North. Noith. Bower: south. Moore:- east. Creek: south. Creek: east. Creek: Roberts: .west Relsicle. $30.88. west Road. $13.82.

Emery L Carpenter. Farm. 40 Ronald and Elizabeth Weber. Res-Acres. Boundaries: North. Yellow- Idence. 12 Acres. Boundaries: North, vllle Road: south. Wemnle: east. Nudson: south. Hornbeck: east Wemple Rd : we«t Wemple. $171.38. 1 Saltsman: west Shaver. $226 92

Renedkt Chorrelewski Farm. Mi Paul Walter and Charlenc. Resi-

Joseph Iaccobucci and Wife: Resi­dence. 80 x 100 feet Boundaries: North. Bauer: south. E. Main S t : east. Davis: west. Wier. $166.18.

Chester Jarosienski. Private For­est. 20 acres. Boundaries: North. Christman: south. Blencoe and Holt; eastr—Ghrlstman-;—west,—Blencot,

Acres. Boundaries: North. N.Y.C. R R : south. River:, east. N.Y.C. Land: west River. $40 $6 .,

Renedict Chnnelewtki. Farm." 125 Acres. Boundaries: North. Flint: south. Adams: east. Gunnerson: west. Reservoir. $319 41.

Arthur Calhoun Farm 3:?o Acres. Boundaries': Norlh. Steffeck: south, Rrower: east Benedict: west High-WSU -$427.64.

MelvinAlmyer. Residence. 90x100 feet. Boundaries: North.. Sager: south. Gravel Road: east Sager; west.. Sager. $93.40.

Walter C. Frlsch Sr5 and Mary. Residence. 50x125 feet Boundaries: North. Wilder: sodth. • WVrt: .east

iCavadutta: west Berrvville. $172 97.

dence. 3 Acres. Boundaries: North Voorhees: south. Voorhees: east Road: west. Voorhees. $232 46.

Lloyd Yager Sr. and Ethel. Resi­dence. 50 x 78 feet Boundaries:

Yager; -south. Llsco; east west N.Y.C. $83 92.

T0.WN OF ROOT and Vclma Albrect Resl-

150 x 150 |oe». Boundaries: North. Pollock: south. Pollock: east. Pollock; west Highway. $111.35.

E. G. Bartlett and Myrtle. Farm. 95 Acres. Boundaries: North. Mahr; south. Weber:1 east, Lyker; west} Byurlk. $277.75.

Florence E. Bryant. Residence. 1 Acre. Boundaries: N o r t h . Van

I North (Street:

Karl dence.

$11 07. Chester Jarosienski. Residence. 3

Acres. Boundaries: North. Gilbert; south. Blencoe; east, Highway; west, Gilbert. $45.14.

Chester Jarosienski. Farm. 116 Acres. Boundaries: North, Highwav: south. N.Y.C.R.R.: east Colorito; west. Nagel. $368.90.

William and Joan Keha. Resi­dence, 1 acre. Boundaries: North, Matls: south. Vedder Rd.; east, Matis: west. Matis. $127.25.

Joseph LaCoppola and Anna. Resi­dence. 50 x 100 feet. Boundaries: North. LaCoppola: south. LaCoppola: east. Mechanic St.; west Jarowski. $138.94. >

Joseph and Anna LaCoppola. Va­cant lot, 50 x 100 feet. Boundaries: North. LaCoppola: , south. Croce; east. Mechanic St.; west Jarowski. $16.50.

Joseph and Anna LaCoppola. Va­cant lot. 50x150 feet Boundaries: North. Hough; south. Jarowski: east LaCoppola: west S. Division St $16 50.

Joseph and Anna LaCoppola. Va­cant land, J i Acre.—Boundaries:

south, LaCoppola: St.: west Houfh.

the amounts mentioned In "their certificates ot purchase, together wUh-the^m^rest'trreceorr-at-the^rate^ of ten percent, per annum from the date of such certificate to the date -oJLpa vrnent,_ and any tax with In­terest which the "Holder or sUchr c e r -

tificate shall have paid between the days of the sale and redemption, together with the share of the ex­pense of publlcatlort of notices to redeem, the lands so sold and re­maining unredeemed, will be con­vened to the purchaser thereof.

The amount mentioned in the cer­tificate of sale of each parcel with the interest carges thereon calcu­lated to the last day In which re­demption can be made, together with the cost of publication, is the sum set opposite each parcel .

HOMER L. VAN AKEN Montgomery County Treasurer

TOWN OF AMSTERDAM Floyd Bryant Residence, 10 acres.

Boundaries: North. Lincoln: south. Filbeck: east. Truax Road; west. DeGraff $155.54.

William Ellis. Cabin. 100x395 feet Boundaries: North. Lot 19; south, Lot 16; east, Broadway; west,

j Crane Ave. $24.17. I Monica Hawker. Vacant lot. 50x-

150 feet. Boundaries: North, Hukey; south. Lot 9: east Hukey: west. Eleanor St $10.98.

Eugene Lewis and Stanley Ratajc-zak Jr Farm. 51 acres Boundaries: North.. County Line: south. Wojclc­ki; east. Amsterdam Water Works: west, Perth Rd.. $233.84.

Herbert C. and Margaret Matte-son. Residence, 1 acre. Boundaries: North. Hagan: south, F.J.&G. r.r.: east. Hall: west Hall. $188.20.

Anthony Novak. Residence. l,4 acre. Boundaries: North, Vitas: south. Spring Rd.; east, Novak: west. Novak. $91.27.

Verney and Beatrice Vogel. Resi­dence. 2V4 acres. Boundaries: North, Thomas: south, Powerhouse: east, Piurowskl: west, Thomas. $64 57.

Wilson-Palmer. Vacant lot 60x126 feet. Boundaries: North. Niagara-Mohawk: south. Lot 6: east. Cool-man: west Regfna Lane. $20.28.

TOWN* OF CANAJOHARIE Stephen and Charles Mykel. Trail­

er on Property of Chas. Mykel 1.8 acre farm. Boundaries: North. High­way; south. Rinker: east, Highway: west. Rinker. $19.49. *•'

Kenneth Putman. Residence. 60x-150 feet Boundaries: North. Mo­hawk: south. Cliff: east Palm: west. Chest $155.51.

TOWN OF CHARLESTON . gene—and —Kather inn—Bnnmle.

Farm. 97 acres. Boundaries: North. Road: south. Ferguson: east. Bell: west. Moltrup Rd. $149.74.

Peter William'Bopp. Vacant land. -30 acres. Boundaries: North. Bar^ rup: south. County Line: Eastr Bar-rub: west Tobac. $21.63r-"~

Vernon R. • and Eleanor Gasner. Residence. 4 acres. Boundaries: North

, I have betn reading of a new machine that records the num­ber of heart beats during the day. It is pocket-sized, as big as a package of cigarettes, and is connected with wires to small electrodes attached to the chest. According to the University of UnleTIo~"scTeTitists who studied 100' normal men, the average heart-beaLs-in 24 hours -number about 100,000.

You do not have to be an Einstein to doublecheck on that result. At an average beat of 72 per minute times 60 miputes per hour times 24 hours a day, I come up with a total of 103,-680 beats in 24 hours. Give or take a few beats and there's your 100,000.

What is significant to me, and I hope to you, is the sturdiness and dependability of the heart. I won't go into how many thou­sands of gallons it pumps, or that it exerts enough energy in pumping over a year to lift a battleship quite a few inches out of the water. Its staunchness is almost beyond belief.

Depending upon urgent need the blood must get to certain organs firstest with the mostest. If you must run for your life, the heart's beat may double -within seconds so it can pump enough blood to the muscles of

Legal Notice

North. Dodson; cast. Mechanic $20.58.

Edward and Residence. »i North. Battisti

Pauline Lampman. Acre. Boundaries: south. Devcndorf;

S t west. Battisti.

Scott W. Fonda. Est Residence-. Schaick: south. Van Schaick': east I

east. Averlll $216 84.

Joseph LaCoppola. Residence. 50 x 160 feet_-Bounoarles: North. Hough:' south. Jarowski; cast. LaCoppola: west. S Div. St. $698.06.

Joseph LaCoppola and Anna. Va­cant land. 4 Acres. Boundaries: North. New Turnpike: south. Route 5: east. Weaver: west Hoag. $413.10.

Joseph LaCoppola and Anna. Va­cant land. *4 acre. Boundaries: North. Hoag: south. Weaver: east Turnpike: west. LaCoppola. $22.42.

Paul Matis Jr. Farm. 3$ Acres. Boundaries: North. Edwards; south, Gottung: east. Kanuck; west Nellls. $72 37,

Paul Matis Jr. Vacant land. 40 Acres. Boundaries: North. Highway: south. Smith: east. Shuster: west, Hoag. $2696.

Paul Matis Jr. Farm. 40 Boundaries* North, Johnson: Gottung: cast. Baum; west ranskl. $49.67.

Thomas Mowrey and Wife. Resi­dence. •» Acre. Boundaries: North. Monroe: .south, Feldsteln: Celuh; west, Nellls. $87.41.

Paul Matis Jr. Farm. 125 Boundaries { North. Finch: Nellls: east. Falling: west Highway. $19048* • .

Paul Mails Jr. Farm. 40 Boundaries: North. Johnson: Gottung: cast. Baum: west, ranskl. $263.16.

Paul Mails Jr. Farm. 150 Acres. Boundaries: North, Highway; south. Foss: east Don;- west Highway. $181.40., .

Paul Matls Jr. Farm. 150 Acres. Boundaries: Nor\h. Highway; south. Foss: east. Highway; west. Battisti. $21319 • ". TF *

Howard Neljls Sr._Vacant_land. U

Acres, south,



Acres, south.

Acres. south,


west Nellls. $109.19. Byron Wolcott and wife, Resi­

dence. \4 Acre. Boundaries: North, 5 I^»". n'/v.,*>:wl,..*Mr i:'v»irrii:VL«.'liir»^«y.' w:«i""ui;v'...^."°«,;v»«ic*,ul .",,"",<* ««»{• =»»"• vacant iana. tiinev; west. SWitier. $46.91. | Bellinger; touth. Smith: east, Hllh* 2 Acm. Boundarjei: North, Willard;'HIggini; wtrt. Highway. $327.61. Kcrt. Boundarte*: North. Rout- I; | fcdw, T. and Ethel Calhoun. FarmJwayj weit, SntlL • "

Lansin: south. Ferguson east. Road: west Horton. $59.60.

Frank Campana. Farm 50 aeres. Boundaries: North. Gordon: south, Grove: east, Road: west Chur"h. $135.96.

Alvin Hoyt Vacant land. 11 acres. Boundaries: North, Germaife; south, Ragam; east Hoyt: west. State. $20.50.

Albert Hernlgle and James. Va­cant land. 65 Acres. Boundaries: North. Gordon: south. Putman: east. Pover: west. Road. $64.24.

Albert Hernlgle and James. Va­cant land. 85 Acres. Boundaries: North. Varln: southv Putman: east. Bolster: west. Road. $37.61.

John Jacobs. Vacant land. 15 Acres. Boundaries: • North, Jacobs: south, Baum: east Howard: west State. $14.57.

• Lester Shaw Sr. and Beverly H. Farm, 56 Acres. Boundaries: North. Baehr: south. Road: east Begley: west. Bowdlsh.,467.12.

Nicholas—and Mary Vogllo. Va-cant'land. 3 1-3 acres. Boundaries: North, Highway: south. S n y d e r : east lorln: west. Creek. $16.44.

TOWN OF FLORIDA Leland Bramer. Residence. 190x200

feet. Boundaries: North, R o a d ; south, Schaufelberg: east Bramer: west. School. $245.46.

Carl and Marlene Chichester. Resi­dence. 80x125 feet B o u n d a r i e s : North. Mount; south. Street; east Church: west. Road. $198.29.

Floyd Hitchcock. Jr. and Mildred. Resldertce. 100 x 100 feet Bounda­ries: North. Downing; south, Mor­an; east Street; west Mount $224-.58.

Joseph, and Agnes Plllckl. Farm. 150 acres. Boundaries: North. Fus­co; south. Hlllman: east Road: west Fusco. $434.27.

Henry Szevvczyk. Vacant land. 1 acre. Boundaries: North. Lang: south. Hlrschfleld: east Hlrsch-field: west Road. $14.68.

John P. Sampson. Vacant land. 3 acres. Boundaries: North, Nicho­las; south. Wolpcrt: east Terwllll-ter: westiRoad. $15 27.

TOWN OF GLEN -Arthur Anderson and wife. Trailer.

150 x 150. Boundaries: North. High­ways south. Beyers: t a s t Beyers: west Beyers. $141.53.

John Jacobs Jr. Farm land. 85 acres. Boundaries: North, Jacobs: south, Carron; east Baumes: west. State. $47 10.

TOWN OF ftftXDEN " "* Luglno Darcangells. Residence,

50 x 100 feet Boundaries: North. Ott; south'. Street} east Wtlrhtr: west Waters. $125 02.

Glen and Lois Dillenbeck. Farm. 6 Acres. Boundaries: North. Rail­road: south, Shnlts: t a s t Shults: west, ShulU. $187.55.

Christopher Kloch and wife. Farm. 115 acres. Boundaries: North, Tryon; south. Majewskl: east, Crapier: west. Chrls,tt $294.77.

' TOWN OF MOHAWK Cecil Aldnch. Residence, g.acres.

Boundaries: North, S. F. Farms; south. Sand Flats Road: east, Poult-

iney: west Swlttcr. S4S.91

47 Acres. Boundaries: North. Gravel Rd.: south. 67: east. Dufel: west, Hibbard. $90.39.

Fonda Bakery, Inc. Commercial, 30 x 130 feet. Boundaries: North, Alley: south, Main St.; east Hand; west. Collins. $212.98.

Louie and Norma Meyers. Resi­dence. 150 x 125 feet. Boundaries: North, Price; south, Stone Arabia Road: east, Price; west Davis Road. $203.80.

EdwardjRipley. Colonial Restaur­ant. 50 x 5)0 feet. Boundaries: North. Halg: south. N.Y.C: east Broad­way: west. Halg. $737.66.

Barney Wemple. Vacant land. 12 AcresT'BouridaTtes-rNortlTrTrat.'y and' Lewis: south. Hayes: .east Sponen-berg: west. Dockstader. $11.32

Barney Wemple. Farm Land. 45 Acres. Boundaries: North, Nare; south. Halgas; east Nare; west Fox. $29.61.

Andrew Wichowsky and wife. Pri­vate Forest. 5 Acres. Boundaries: North, Joyce-;—south^-Joyxe-;—east-LA "• ' west SnelT$26\95.

your legs to get you out of there fast. If you eat a nine-course dinner, It is your heart that is called on. to get enough blood to the ^stomach and liver and pancreas and the rest of the "digestive group" to deliver the blood-nourishment these organs nejd_Jrj^J$§L. .iP._fim^Upn_rjroji. perly.

Accelerates Quickly ~Months-before-you-were"bom-the heart began its beating, and it will continue so to that distant day when it stops, after having faithfully beat 2J4 to 3 billion times. Beating quietly when you are relaxed and when asleep, it whips up its momentum when­ever you become emotionally involved: in fear, in love, in hate, in battle! in hard work, in anxiety, in active play.

As your heart' goes, so do your muscles, lungs, brain and other organs. If your heart stops four to five minutes, a part of the brain dies, because it fs very sensitive to oxygen lack; and when the heart stops the Iungi cease to function.

I have been speaking of the healthy heart's dedication to the rest of the body. But even more marvelous is its work when*dir-abled.

Consider that when a part of the heart muscle dies due to a coronary thrombosis attack, it heals and the rest of the heart muscle takes over the job for many years. When the heart is" subjected to abnormally high systolic and diastolic -Wood pres­sures, the heart does not give up right away; in many cases it beats and functions right into old age well because it has en­larged sufficiently to meet the added load it has to perform.

Think of the heart deformed by injury to its heart valves themselves (for example, by a ,



Leon Brunell. Vacant land, 7 acres. Boundaries: North, Baer: s o u t h Street; east Esdom; we»t Baer. $79.69.

Jean and Henrietta DIncauze. Residence, 1 Acre. Boundaries: North, Nare: south. Road; east Nare: west Road. $47.47.

James Peters and Edith Selsel-moyer. Trailer on Farm, 10 Acres. Boundaries: North. Road: south. Pe­ Ehle: west'Street $79.01.

Alfred and Sophie Scarrone. Resi­dence, 60 x 14.T feet. Boundaries: North. Van Alstine: south. Street; east. Boslet: west, Bowman $216 40.

Clarence G. .Schuyler. Residence, 142 x 274 feet Boundaries: North, Street: south. N.Y.C: east Mem-rick: west. Jones. $246.28. _——1

Vivian Sltterly. Vacant lindT 21 Acres. Boundariesr~~North, Road: south. Ehle; east Village Lot: west Gould. $62.02.

Harvey Weaver. Residence, 75 x-150 feet Boundaries: North, Burns; south. Burns; east Burns; west Road.. $161.56.

TOWN OF R4DOT Katherine Bain. Private Forest, 60

Acres. Boundaries: North, Darrow; south. KunUsch: east Ku'nUsch; west, Spencer. $39.34.

Nellie Bcman. Vacant land. 8 Acres. Boundaries: North, German; south, German: cast Squilllce; west. German. $10.22.

Nellie Bcman. Farm, ,2g Acres. Boundaries: North, Highway; south, t en / : east German; west, Lenx. $37.0J. '

Nellie Bcman. Farm. 89 Acres. Boundaries: North. Lenz; south, State: east German: west Highway. $322 50.

Eva C. Barnes. Farm. 30 Acres. Boundaries: North. Highway: south, Kruppenbackcr; east Kruppenhack-er: west. Collins. $109.66.

Harrison ' C. Beyer. Farm. 80 Acres. Boundaries: North, Aiken-burg; south. Lambert: east Town Line; west, Wcatherwax. $43.60.

Frank and Agnes Case. Farm. 1S5 Acres. Boundaries: North. • Lilly: south. Dlevcndorf: east Kltmmt: west Darrow. $430.15.

Frank Campagna. Farm, 120 Acres. Boundaries: North. Highway; south. Racing: east Ch. Land of R. G.: west Highway. $26«.3J. •

Sadie Reynolds. Residence, 1 Acre. Boundaries: North. Highway; south,

I Highway; cast Quackenbush: west 1 Highway. $128.2*. Albert Rouse. Farm. 78 Acres.

Boundaries; North. Highway; south. Van Schaick: east. Rlvcnhurgh; west. Van Schaick. W7.84.

TOWN OF ST. JOHNSVILLE Charles Get. Vacant Land. • a

Acres. Boundaries:'North. Chlrchlr-iilo; south, Get; east. Lion Ave.; west Chlrchlrlllo. $179.60.

John Wollnskl. Residence, U Acre. Boundaries: North, Spring St; south. Fredericks'east Warcexak:

fever); yet it 'continues to beat second after second for years in spite of inefficiency caused by valve leaks.

Whatever the nature of its re-*»ll-in>

the body supplied with blood and oxygen, this wonderful and amazing organ deserves the trite tribute: "the heart's got heart."


Vets to Receive Annual Income Questionnaires ; . Leonard A. Wojcik, counselor of the New York State Division of Veterans' Affairs, today re« minded veterans and survivors receiving a nqn • service • con­nected pension that they will receive t h e i r annual income questionnaire form .with their next pension check.

"Veterans and their Surviv­ors receiving pensions under the law prior to July i, I960, the veterans' official said, need report only their Income.

However, he added, "persong added to the pension rolls since July I960 must also fill out a net worth statement. Laws govern* Ing non-servlce-cdnnected dis­ability pension payments re­quire, that this income informa­tion be submitted each year. Payment of a pension depends upon the' individual's need as determined by the amount of income received annually from sources other than pension."

Commenting on the- import­ance of the questionnaires, Wo-Jlck emphasized the advisability of completing these forms as goon as possible after receipt.

Veterans and their survivors may receive assistance in prop­erly completing t h e - income * questionnaires . by contacting their local office of the New . York State Division of Veter­ans' Affairs at 45 Division fit

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