stop fighting diet

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Stop Fighting Diet to lose 10 pounds fast. Stop Fighting your food cravings on this scientifically proven weight loss program.


Stop Fighting DietEnd the War and Food and Eating

and lose 10 pounds in 10 days!

By Felecia RoseAuthor of the Feast & Fast Nutrition Cycle

Stop Fighting DietEnd the War on Food and Eating

A program of Managed Indulgence

Through Managed Indulgence you can confidently expect to:

Lose 10 pounds in 10 days And up to 40 pounds in three months Eating indulgently of all the foods you love

By Felecia Rose

Author of the Feast and Fast Nutrition Cycle

Copyright January 2010 by Felecia Rose

First Printing – January

This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproducedin any form without written permission.


I owe a debt of gratitude to Stop Fighting dieters worldwide who’ve faithfully

kept me posted with their dieting experiences to help me optimize Stop

Fighting. All of us are especially thankful to Dr. Christian Walker whose

research and development of medical concepts core to Stop Fighting enables

anyone to achieve and maintain their goal weight. And special thanks to Jan

Snellman whose insane schedule was my inspiration to make sure Stop

Fighting enhances our lifestyles, rather than fight them.

Felecia Rose

Geneva, Switzerland

January, 2009

Table of Contents

Forward: Cartoon Dedication: Rodney Dangerfield 1

Chapter 1: Stop Fighting Your Eating Urges 2

Chapter 2: From Binge-Diet to Stop Fighting Diet 13

Chapter 3: From Deprivation Diet to Managed Indulgence 19

Chapter 4: About Your Genetically Encoded Eating Program 24

Chapter 5: How Stop Fighting Gets with the Program 29

Chapter 6: A Couple of “Buts” 33

Chapter 7: Stop Fighting Overview 37

Chapter 8: Finding Hidden Fats 42

Chapter 9: Fats: the Good and the Bad 51

Chapter 10: Re-Cap 61

Chapter 11: Exercise and the Stop Fighting Diet 65

Chapter 12: Stop Fighting Reference Guides 67

Chapter 13: Phase One – The Reboot! 69

Chapter 14: Phase Two – The Upgrade! 84

Chapter 15: Phase Three – The Installation! 96

Chapter 16: Lifetime Maintenance Diet 106

Chapter 17: Useful Tips to Reduce Fat/ Fill Your Tummy 112

Chapter 18: Frequently Asked Questions 122

Chapter 19: Good-Bye-for-Now Words 129

About the Author 132

Appendix One: Meal Planner for Phase One 133

Appendix Two: Fat Content Table of Common Foods 138-168

Cartoon Dedication□ □ □

ello and welcome to my diet book! I love a hearty

laugh as much as I do a cheese Danish, so I decided

to make fun of myself loving cheese Danish! Enjoy

my cartoons – they’re dedicated to Rodney Dangerfield:

H“I’m at the age where food has taken the place of

my sex life . . . In fact, I just put a mirror over my

kitchen table!”


Chapter One□ □ □

Stop Fighting Your Eating Urges

reetings, and again welcome to Stop Fighting. As

you read this book, you’ll learn how and why to eat

the way Nature intends (which is to respect your

urges) and in the process shed up to 40 pounds in three months.

You won’t sacrifice or go hungry because you’re supposed to

eat until satisfied and you’re supposed to eat rich foods. You’ll

make one adjustment, and that’s to schedule a special time to

eat all you want of your favorite high calorie/fatty foods and

mange your intake of them during other times. That’s all you

need to do to maintain your goal weight for a lifetime. It’s a

simple program of Managed Indulgence.


On a personal note, I’m truly happy for this opportunity to help

make your life gentler and happier. Life is often a painful

struggle and I aspire to help improve conditions. Some people

would scoff at the thought of a diet book serving such an

elevated purpose – but that doesn’t change the fact that weight

loss is one of life’s most emotional battles. With this book, I’m


able to show you how to end your war on food and eating, and

that most certainly improves conditions!

Plus you’ll enjoy your meals more than ever once you learn the

proper way to Stop Fighting. There’s a short learning curve

involved, and as soon as you understand the common sense

concepts defining Managed Indulgence, you’ll find it natural to

stick by the rules. Even more pleasurably, you’ll never feel

guilty about indulging your food cravings again.

Please heed my advice and read this book in the order it’s

written because each page builds on the last. If you do this, then

the logic builds upon itself to better assure your success.

Besides, it’s a quick read and the cartoons make it funny.

How much weight do you want to lose? How much of your day

do you spend concerned about it? How long have you been

battling weight gain? How does being overweight leave you

feeling about yourself? How does it make you feel that

mealtime is your favorite part of the day? The turmoil goes on

and on, and in addition to these questions; you have issues

unique to your circumstances. It’s crazy how much energy we


spend dealing with this one concern. It’s an all-out war on food

and eating and it’s absolutely unnecessary.

Think for a moment about it’s a war. Could it be because your

attitude and dieting tactics oppose something unrecognized -

something that can’t be successfully opposed; something that’s

a mistake for you to attempt to fight?

Of course those are leading questions and I ask them

purposefully. As you read on, you’ll discover you’ve been

misled by “dieting experts” and the truth is powerful enough to

change your entire attitude toward eating. The old-style dieting

mindset is one of deprivation and denial. The one I’m

introducing you to is of Managed Indulgence and it is a faithful

duplication of the eating style Mother Nature designed us to

follow. Current research proves the old-style diets fight our

innate eating program and explains their persistent failure. It’s

important for you to be open minded not only to the new

perspective, but also to current dieting research proving old-

style diets and diet aids are damaging to your health and

actually cause weight gain!


I hope to shake you up enough that you’ll drop conventional

dieting tactics like a hot potato. These tactics are hugely

problematic and when you spend money on such advice you’re

wrongly enriching someone or something. I won’t elaborate

because this isn’t the proper forum, but it deeply angers me that

marketing companies capitalize on our emotional insecurities

and sell us diet aids with a blind eye to the harm they cause.

The realities disclosed by current research demonstrate that the

most popular diets in the world are health hazards and

contribute to the obesity epidemic. Use these facts as your

starting point and the shift from the old to this new dieting

paradigm will happen quickly. It’s easy to stop believing in an

old-style of dieting that’s proven to make people heavier and

less healthy. The shift actually becomes a pleasure in light of

the fact you really will be able to eat all you want of whatever

you want by doing it on a schedule of Managed Indulgence.

Specifically, when I use the term “old-style” I’m referring to

deprivation diets and the deprivation mindset. You deprive or

deny yourself something in order to lose weight. It could be

fats, carbohydrates, calories, proteins, sugar or whatever.


Deprivation diets force you to fight a craving, and the fact it’s a

fight predicts failure and guarantees damage.

Are you a yo-yo dieter? If so, you’d be distressed to find out

how hard the weight shifts are on your body. Documented

health hazards include heart problems and compromised

immune systems. Deprivation diets almost guarantee you’ll

become a yo-yo dieter because they cause weight gain. They

produce the conditions under which your body will aim to store

more pounds in fat than was lost by deprivation. It’s an

evolutionary program than can’t and shouldn’t be fought. The

constant onslaught against this program is what damages your

health and causes most to gain back more weight than was

originally lost.

Relax with the knowledge that your food cravings are natural

expressions of your innate biological eating program. Accept

them and learn how to stop fighting them so they help you just

like Nature intends. Cravings are your allies, not your enemies!

They need to be managed, not denied. How many times do we

have to learn that fighting Mother Nature is a dead end street?


Deprivation fights Human Nature as well as Mother Nature. As

soon as we’re told we can’t have something we want, we want it

even more. Deprivation also assaults our lifestyle by insisting

we eliminate some aspect of it without any regard for its role in

helping us to maintain balance. Our lifestyles reflect adaptations

we’ve made to Society to help us manage its demands.

Deprivation can make matters worse by imposing yet another

demand causing us to abandon important coping mechanisms –

like comfort food. We call it “comfort food” because sometimes

it can mean the difference between “losing it” or not.

In the final analysis, old-style dieting is a battle against Mother

Nature, Human Nature, and comfort food! It’s an all-out and

utterly unwinnable war. But you don’t have to participate. You

can gently and easily guide your body back to a natural state in

which your natural eating behaviors work for you rather than

against you.

The moral of the story is Stop Fighting. Instead of battling

you’ll be shown how and why to indulge your cravings. The

war is officially over and it’s better than a truce because your

eating desires and weight loss goals now belong to the same


side. Weight loss and maintenance is an unexpected pleasure

when you Stop Fighting.

Are you new to dieting? If so, then you’ve got a distinct edge

over those of us who are veteran dieters. Your body hasn’t

suffered the side effects of repeated weight loss and gain. These

include cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes and altered

immune function. It’s also a great thing that you found this book

because a consistent predictor of future weight gain is having

been on a deprivation diet in the first place. So you’ve got a

clean slate and that’s wonderful.

Are you a veteran dieter? Terrific because this diet is not only

going to put an end to your weight problems, but also improve

your health! How can I express how grateful I am to be helping

you make such important improvements? I can’t put it in

concise words– so I hope my inability does it for me.

All Stop Fighting dieters experience unexpected physical

improvements. One of the most startling is that about half-way

through the program, people will notice that your skin starts

glowing! Not just your face, but your whole body. Energy levels

increase and you come to crave the foods your body runs


optimally on and in the quantities on which it runs best. Six

months down the road you won’t have to think about Managed

Indulgence because your body will do the management on its

own, not unlike it breathes on its own.

Understanding and eating the way Nature programmed you to

eat is a simple, powerful step producing a lifestyle enhancement

that strengthens your body and helps keep your mind sharp.

While I won’t claim Stop Fighting is an anti-aging diet, medical

science has proven eating in accordance with this program is

restorative. Stop Fighting is like a huge sigh of relief. You’ll

look forward to your meals and satisfy every hunger pang. Be

secure in the knowledge you’ll lose the weight you want and

become healthier and sexier in the process.

There is a “but” . . .

Actually it’s a bonus of the Stop Fighting Diet but you need to

be open minded so I think it’s best to ease you into it. Please

don’t get uptight because everyone ends up loving this aspect of

the diet, and it’s the key to Managed Indulgence. Here goes:


Mother Nature hardwired your eating program to ensure

you’ll periodically binge-eat fatty foods so to keep her happy,

you’ll guiltlessly savor your favorites (mine are cheese Danish

and fried jalapeño cheese balls) on a schedule you decide. Yes,

you read correctly. You’re going to be able to wantonly indulge

yourself in your favorite high fat/high calorie foods

(occasionally) as an important and necessary feature of your

weight loss program.

Of course wanton indulgence is blatantly counter to “expert”

and popular diet wisdom. But peer-reviewed, academic journals

have published research disclosing the folly of following such

advice. I urge you to read reports on these subjects at I decided to publish the research

on the web site rather than in this book because not everyone is

interested in the details. Most people simply want to read about

how to lose weight safely and permanently.

Nonetheless I will not diminish the importance of the research

because that’s what prompted me to publish Stop Fighting. I

consider this book a public service and I’m a whistle-blower on

the Diet Industry so I hope this information spreads like

wildfire. In a nutshell, the Diet Industry exploits our


vulnerabilities to the tune of $40 billion every year. That’s a lot

of financial incentive to ignore the fact the diet aids they sell us

end-up making us unhealthy and fatter. The people we are

enriching are doing worse than making matters worse and I

can’t imagine they’re doing it out of ignorance. Anyone can

read the science.

When I read the science I was living and working in Geneva,

Switzerland. My apartment was located a couple of miles from

a wonderful small town in France named Ferney-Voltaire. The

town’s namesake is the philosopher Voltaire who made Ferney

his home during the 18th century. His statute stands in the town

center and one day I’d taken a bus to visit Voltaire for the last

time before heading home to America. I stood gazing at the

statue and daydreamed about his quotation that “the best idea is

one whose time has come.” Well, I thought: the time for Stop

Fighting is now.



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