stone fox ch 1 molly,johannes ch 2 lucas,maria ch 3 harry,lauryn ch 4 kevin lily tripp, kit ch 5...

Post on 20-Jan-2016






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Stone Fox






By: Johannes and Molly

Grandfather doesn't get out of bed. Little Willy thinks he is pulling a trick but he really isn’t.

Little Willy gets Doc. Smith to came over to Grandfather’s house and she examines him and says he’s given up, and is ready to die. Then Little Willy wonders why grandfather has given up.

1.little willy 2.grandfather 3.doc smith 4.clifferd snyder 5.dusty 6.lester 7.searchlight

Grandfather doesn't want to live anymore. Doc Smith tells Little Willy Grandfather doesn’t want to live anymore. It took Little Willy and searchlight 10 days to complete the harvest and sell the crops.

Ch 3This is grand father sick in bed!

This is search light!

This is willy

Ch 3

this is willy and searchlights sled

This is the farm house_

By: Lily, Kit and Kevin

chapter 4

In chapter 4 little Willy and Searchlight find Clifford Snyder the city slicker ( the tax man) at home . Clifford says that little Willy has to sell the farm to get the money to pay the taxes!

Chapter 4 pictures

Chapter 5

The WayBy: Emily Hirsch and Owen Cross

500 dollars

• Willy has to pay 500 dollars. That’s also why grandfather is sick. Willy finds out that Grandfather is getting sick not because his crops are dying but because he didn’t pay his taxes. Willy must find a way to help. Willy talks to his friends about selling the farm. They say to sell.

• Willy goes to the bank to ask to borrow 500 dollar’s. They say no. While he’s in Lester's general store he saw a poster about a dog race. So he gets his college money and enters the race. Willy is really determined to win the race.

The Race

Willy enters a dog sled race with his fifty dollars in college money. If he wins the race he will get five hundred dollars !!! That would be enough money to pay the taxes. At first Mayor Smiley thinks Willy is entering for the kid race. Mayor Smiley is surprised when he learns that he’s wants to enter the real thing. Willy is determined to win. He will do anything to win. Even when Stone Fox enters. Stone Fox has never lost a race in his life.

Five Samoyeds that resemble Stone Fox’s five Samoyeds.

Stone Fox is introduced in this chapter. He enters in the same race as Willy. Stone Fox is an Indian. He doesn’t talk to white people because they took away his tribe’s land. Stone Fox does sled dog races and uses the money he wins to buy his land back. There are many rumors buzzing around about Stone Fox, some are true and some are not. Many people did not enter because they were afraid of Stone Fox and they didn’t want to waste their fifty dollars.

This is a picture of a different version of the cover of the book.

Chapter 7

ByLilly Trinch

AndBobby Kunz

Grandfather ran out of medicine and little willy went downtown to get more.

On the way back little willy hears barking from inside a barn. He walkes in and sees stone fox and his white husky dogs

Stone Fox

This is a picture of someone racing in a dog sled.

There is also a picture of searchlight.


The characters in Stone Fox chapter 8 are.

Little Willy


Mayor Smiley

Doc Smith

Stone Fox

Stone Fox This is a picture of of little Willy preparing for the

race. This is a picture of the book Stone Fox, by John Reynolds

Gardiner. s st

On chapter 8 the race started.

Chapter 9The race has started and little Willy is in the lead. During the race little Willy saw his grandfather out of bed witch gave searchlight motivation, but little Willy didn’t want her to waste her energy.

Chapter 9Chapter 9Little Willy takes a shortcut across the lake, and stone fox is starting to pass people. He saw grandfather waving in the window. Little was so happy that he was alive!

By Liam and Elena

The big race day! At the beginning of this chapter something

very sad happens… while racing searchlights heart bursts 10 feet from the finish line and she dies instantly . It is very sad… but there is a good part. Stone Fox helps Little Willy win the race by stopping the other racers in their tracks.

Finish Line excitement!The crowd cheered madly when they saw

little Willy and Stone Fox neck and neck charging to the finish line. When Searchlight was charging Stone Fox was still gaining up to little Willy and Searchlight with his Samoyeds.

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