steven walker, groupon warm gun 2010

Post on 10-Jun-2015






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Steven Walker, Lead Designer at


Steven Walker – Lead Designer at Groupon


Disclaimer: This equation makes no sense.

Smart tests = Smart converters

Smart tests = Smart converters

If you test smart, you'll convert the users you are looking for. The best ones for your business.

Smart tests = Smart converters

If you test smart, you'll convert the users you are looking for. The best ones for your business. Test dumb, you'll get dumb users that are worthless. Like your piece-of-shit ex-husband.

Small, Simple and Plentiful

Small, Simple and Plentiful

Sweeping changes are useless

Small, Simple and Plentiful

Sweeping changes are useless Tiny tests eliminates guessing in post

Small, Simple and Plentiful

Sweeping changes are useless Tiny tests eliminates guessing in post Quickly iterating, more tests

Small, Simple and Plentiful

Sweeping changes are useless Tiny tests eliminates guessing in post Quickly iterating, more tests Iterate into complexity

Twice as many conversions doesn't mean twice the cheese

Twice as many conversions doesn't mean twice the cheese

Know when you trust your tests, they will lie to you!

Twice as many conversions doesn't mean twice the cheese

Know when you trust your tests, they will lie to you! What is post experience? Do users know what just happened? Have you already lost them?

Twice as many conversions doesn't mean twice the cheese

Know when you trust your tests, they will lie to you! What is post experience? Do users know what just happened? Have you already lost them? Try to understand the value of a customer?

Acting rash will cost you cash

Acting rash will cost you cash

I just wanted to make a cheesy, rhyming slide

Acting rash will cost you cash

I just wanted to make a cheesy, rhyming slide “Holy shit, #24 is converting at 50%. Stop all tests and point everything at that one!! We found the perfect design!”

Acting rash will cost you cash

I just wanted to make a cheesy, rhyming slide “Holy shit, #24 is converting at 50%. Stop all tests and point everything at that one!! We found the perfect design!” It's your job NOT to be this person

Let “dummies” inform your decisions

“We are the designers, why don't they let us do our job?”

Let “dummies” inform your decisions

“We are the designers, why don't they let us do our job?” Leave your ego and preferences at the door

Let “dummies” inform your decisions

“We are the designers, why don't they let us do our job?” Leave your ego and preferences at the door YOU ARE NEVER GOING TO USE THIS

You won't understand until the test is done.

You won't understand until the test is done.

Operate like this and you'll learn more in the process

You won't understand until the test is done.

Operate like this and you'll learn more in the process Speed is imperative, cut time in half

You won't understand until the test is done.

Operate like this and you'll learn more in the process Speed is imperative, cut time in half Wild card bitches

Groupon's Revenue #'s and Test Results


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