stats and facts back pain

Post on 18-Jul-2015






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Stats and Facts

Back Pain

Back pain is the leading cause of disability world wide. It is estimated that approximately 4 out of 5 people with suffer from back problems at least once in their life

The spine is divided into 5 sections.

Cervical – Responsible for upper extremity symptoms, as well as posterior headaches

Thoracic – Contains nerves that run around to the chest and abdominal walls

Lumbar – Nerves that involve the lower extremities

Sacrum – the posterior aspect of the pelvis

Coccyx – tail bone

Half of all American workers have experienced back pain symptoms at least once annually making back pain one of the most common causes of missed work days

Back pain currently ranks as the second most common cause for an individual to seek medical attention

Over 180,000 work place injuries involving back pain reported in the

United States in 2010

It is estimated that Americans spend over $25 billion annuallyfor treatment of back pain

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