start living pain free

Post on 08-Aug-2015






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Our Services

Chiropractic Mass therapy Diet Nutrition Schools and Sports Physicals

Conditions We Treat

Auto Accident Injuries Arthritis Back pain Neck Pain Pinched Nerve Headaches Sciatica High Blood Pressure

Auto Accident Injuries

One of the most effective treatments for whiplash and soft tissue injuries from automobile accidents is chiropractic care. Dr. Kaster suffered from a severe auto accident in 1994. He was seen by several physicians who did not help him; finally after being convinced to see a chiropractor he received the care and treatment he needed to recover.


Arthritis refers to a condition wherein inflammation of the joints occurs and may affect the hands, knees, hips, and spine.

The most common type of arthritis is Osteoarthritis. It’s often linked to the wear and tear of joint cartilage that develops as we age.

Another kind of arthritis is Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), an immune system disorder that may lead to the swelling of joints.

Back pain

Among people seeking back pain relief alternatives, most choose chiropractic treatment. About 22 million Americans visit chiropractors annually. Of these, 7.7 million, or 35%, are seeking relief from back pain from various causes, including accidents, sports injuries, and muscle strains.

The goals of chiropractic care include the restoration of function and prevention of injury in addition to back pain relief.

Neck pain

A conservative chiropractic treatment called ‘cervical manipulation‘ relaxes the joints in the neck. To be able to manipulate the cervical spine, chiropractors use their hands and apply force or pressure to the joints. This improves the neck’s range of motion and the flexibility of the muscles. The chiropractor’s goals include pain reduction, increase in movement, and regaining of the head and neck’s function.

Pinched Nerve

Nerves deliver signals from the brain to different areas of the body and vice versa. Our nerves are like communication wires inside our body.

The usual cause of a pinched nerve is from having too much pressure or compression applied on a nerve by bones, cartilage, muscles, or tendons. The pressure causes inflammation and disrupts the normal function of the affected nerves. Pain, weakness, tingling, and numbness are the results of this disruption in function.


Common accounts for 90% of migraine headaches-Classic 10%. Classic is a neurological migraine with aura. Aura is a disturbance of nervous function, such as: spots, waves, areas of incomplete vision. In addition these headaches are pulsitile and hemicranial or one sided. Common migraine typically is hemicranial without any aura.


Sciatica is a common term for any pain resulting from irritation of the sciatic nerve. The pain usually starts from the lower back or buttock and extends to one leg or both legs. The patient’s pain level may escalate from mild to moderate and severe, and could lead to one’s immobility.

High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure also referred to as hypertension, a blood pressure measurement that is above 140/98 mm Hg for at least two consecutive readings during one to several weeks of each other. The harder it is for blood to pass through your arteries, the more pressure is created, thus raising your blood pressure. If your blood pressure measures above 1 40/90 and stays there, you have hypertension.

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