starchart_edld 5352_miriam kline

Post on 25-Dec-2014






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Presented By: Mitzi Kline

GT/Advanced Academics District Coordinator

Dayton Independent School District

AgendaThe Texas STaR Chart allows our district and campuses to get a

better idea of how we are progressing technologically.

Today, we will discuss:

What is the STaR Chart

What are my campus results?

How does this information apply to me?

“Never be satisfied with even a good job, because good is not

good enough. You need to be

brilliant, to excel, to go

beyond, to be preeminent.”

(Wong, and Wong, 1998)

Why are we here? What is the big deal about the Star chart?

The STaR chart is required by all campuses in the state of Texas to assess their readiness to improve

student learning through the use of technology ("2010 progress report," 2010).

So, what??

As we prepare students for 21st century learning expectations, we must integrate more technology into the classroom. The STaR chart allows us to see where each campus has strengths and weaknesses. This knowledge helps us complete technology planning, budgeting for resources, and evaluate program progress with technology projects ("2010 progress report," 2010).

STaR Chart…• The Texas Campus STaR Chart produces a profile of the campus’ status

toward reaching the goals of the Long-Range Plan for Technology (LRPT) and No Child Left Behind.

• The profile indicators place a campus at one of four levels of progress in each key area of the LRPT: Early Tech, Developing Tech, Advanced Tech, or Target Tech.

• The key four areas include: Teaching and Learning; Educator Preparation and Development; Leadership, Administration and Instructional Support; and Infrastructure for Technology. ("2010 progress report," 2010)

4 Key Areas Of STaR…

Key Area I = Teaching and Learning Key Area II = Educator Preparation and

DevelopmentKey Area III = Leadership, Administration and

Instructional SupportKey Area IV = Infrastructure for Technology

So, how is KMB doing technologically?

I still don’t get it

As you can see from the graph, for 2009-2011, we increased in most

areas. However, the part that stands out most to me is how in 2009-2010 we were much higher in Teaching and Learning. Why is

this?? What happened??

Our strongest areas are Leadership, Administration and

Instructional Support and Infrastructure.

To see more results for DISD go to…

StarChart Public Access


The STaR Chart allows us to view our

campus progress in technology and

areas to improve in.

Kimmie M. Brown is an Advanced Tech in 3 out of 4 areas. We need to work on Teaching and Learning. In this area

we are classified as Developing Tech.

Works Cited

Texas Education Agency, (2010). 2010 progress report on the long-range plan for technology 2006-2020. Austin: TEA.

Go out and BE GREAT!!!

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