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Book Industry Study Group (Grupo de Estudio de la Industria del Libro) Student Attitudes Toward Content in Higher Education. Associación Nacional de Editores de Libros y Material de Enseñanza Madrid, España , 25 Octubre , 2011. Standards and Best Practices. Education and Events. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc

Book Industry Study Group(Grupo de Estudio de la Industria del Libro)

Student Attitudes TowardContent in Higher Education

© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc

Associación Nacional de Editores de Libros y Material de EnseñanzaMadrid, España, 25 Octubre, 2011

© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc Slide 2© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc

Standards and Best Practices


Education and Events

© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc Slide 3© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc

© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc Slide 4© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc

• Tracking publisher net sales and units going back 3 years (2008, 2009, 2010)

• $14.8 billion in source data

• 1,963 publisher participants from all publishing sectors


© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc Slide 5© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc

BookStats Data Cube

© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc Slide 6© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc

Total Market Results

© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc Slide 7© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc

Education Results

© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc Slide 8© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc

Higher Ed Results

© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc Slide 9© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc

© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc Slide 10© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc

•Student Buying Behavior

• Content, Formats, Platforms

• Student Value Proposition

• Illicit Textbook Acquisition Behaviors

Key Findings

© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc Slide 11© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc

Student Demographics

Gender Male 43.70%Female 56.30%

Age Under 25 70.30%25 to 33 12.20%34 to 42 8.30%43 to 51 5.50%52 and over 3.60%

What type of school are you attending? 4-year college or university 61.40%2-year college or university 29.90%Career school, or voc-tech 3.90%Private, for-profit school* 4.80%

What is your year in college? Freshman / 1st year 26.90%Sophomore / 2nd year 29.20%Junior / 3rd year 19.30%Senior / 4th year 20.10%MBA program 4.60%

Are you a full-time or part-time student? Full-time 73.00%Part-time 27.00%

Who pays for your course materials? I do 43.90%Financial aid 33.10%Parents 20.10%

How are you attending school? Boarder: live on or near campus 35.40%Commuting to campus from home 52.70%Distance Ed (taking courses online) 11.90%

© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc Slide 12© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc

Course Demographics

Into which discipline area does this course best fit? Natural sciences, medical/health 21.00%Social sciences, education 27.60%Humanities, fine arts 11.20%Business, vocational studies 18.50%Engineering, mathematics 13.80%Foreign language 3.40%English and literature 9.30%

Is this a course in your intended major or minor? Yes, intended major or minor 60.40%No 33.60%Don’t know (major undecided) 6.00%

Is this course required or an elective? Required 79.10%Elective 20.90%

How is this course being offered? In person / on campus class 82.80%Distance education / online class 12.80%

Mostly online, with periodic in-person meetings 3.70%

Which is most true about this course up to this point in the semester?

There is a textbook assigned for this course and it is used extensively 62.50%

There is a textbook recommended but it is not core or used extensively 22.80%The instructor doesn’t use any textbook, but instead uses content he/she has compiled 8.10%There is no formal content assigned 4.30%

© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc Slide 13© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc

•Student Buying Behavior

• Content, Formats, Platforms

• Student Value Proposition

• Illicit Textbook Acquisition Behaviors

Key Findings

© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc Slide 14© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc

Student Buying Behavior

How did you get the course material/textbook for this course?

© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc Slide 15© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc

Student Buying Behavior

If you bought the textbook, where did you purchase it from?

© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc Slide 16© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc

Student Buying Behavior

Asked about rental preference and actual behavior.

© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc Slide 17© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc

•Student Buying Behavior

• Content, Formats, Platforms

• Student Value Proposition

• Illicit Textbook Acquisition Behaviors

Key Findings

© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc Slide 18© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc

Content, Formats, Platforms

In what format was the textbook you purchased?

© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc Slide 19© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc

Content, Formats, Platforms

Was the selected resource tool helpful?

© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc Slide 20© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc

Content, Formats, Platforms

Why might you prefer an e-textbook over a printed book?

© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc Slide 21© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc

Content, Formats, Platforms

Why might you prefer a print textbook over an e-textbook?

© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc Slide 22© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc

Content, Formats, Platforms

What device have your primarily used to read e-textbooks?

© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc Slide 23© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc

•Student Buying Behavior

• Content, Formats, Platforms

• Student Value Proposition

• Illicit Textbook Acquisition Behaviors

Key Findings

© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc Slide 24© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc

Student Value Proposition

How important were each of the following factors in your textbook acquisition process?

© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc Slide 25© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc

Student Value Proposition

For those items below with which you’re familiar, how valuable are they to you in learning the content for your course?

© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc Slide 26© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc

•Student Buying Behavior

• Content, Formats, Platforms

• Student Value Proposition

• Illicit Textbook Acquisition Behaviors

Key Findings

© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc Slide 27© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc

Illicit Acquisitions

Which of the following have you ever done while in college?

© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc Slide 28© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc

Illicit Acquisitions

© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc Slide 29© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc

Illicit Acquisitions

© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc Slide 30© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc

•Student Buying Behavior

• Content, Formats, Platforms

• Student Value Proposition

• Illicit Textbook Acquisition Behaviors

Key Findings

© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc

15% descuento asistentes #Anele

Slide 31

© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc Slide 32© 2011, the Book Industry Study Group, Inc

Gracias por su atención

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