st. vincent de · pdf file8:30 am ann parazzelli wednesday september 14 8:30 am joseph nappo...

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St. Vincent de Paul Roman Catholic Church

1500 DePaul Street

Elmont, N.Y. 11003

“A Parish with Heart”

Pastoral Staff Rev. Msgr. Richard M. Figliozzi Administrator

(516) 352-2127

Parish Social Ministry Monday, Wednesday and Thursday

9:00 am to 1:00 pm

(516) 354-4976

From Msgr. Figliozzi:

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

September 11, 2016

Last Weekend’s Collection and Attendance Parish: $3,387.00 Attendance: 4:00pm —137 8:30am —127 10:00am —120 Total: 384

Thank you for your support.

Scriptural Reflection for the Week “While [the son] was still a long way off, his father caught sight of him, and was filled with compas-sion.” (see Luke 15:1-32) Even without checking this Scripture citation you know it is from the Parable of the Prodigal Son so familiar and dear to us is this teaching of our Lord. These words, and indeed the whole para-ble, never stops touching us and penetrates our hearts so much we need to hear its words and experience its truth. We are the son who squandered our inheritance. The father is the God who is so merciful to us wayward children. Why does Jesus include the detail in the par-able that when the son “was still a long way off, his father caught sight of him”? Because this is where the attention of the parable shifts from the hard hearted-ness of the son to the open heartedness of the father. Yes, it is true, even when we are far, far away from God, even hiding from Him at times; the Heavenly Fa-ther is forever wide awake so as to catch any glimpse of our desire to return to Him. To be “Merciful as the Father” is the theme of this year’s Extra-ordinary Jubi-lee Year of Mercy. Why? Because once we experience this merciful Father’s forgiveness and welcome of us, so are we to be towards one another!

Mass for Parents Who Have Lost Children at St. Catherine’s Thursday, Sept.15th is the Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows. All parents and grandparents who have suf-fered the loss of their child are invited to attend a spe-cial Mass that day at 7:30pm in the church. All are wel-come to attend. 9/11 Memorial Service in Franklin Square TODAY, Sunday, at 6:00pm at Rath Park. Join us in remembering our fellow citizens who were the target of those terrorist attacks and the First Responders who rushed to save whomever they could that day 15 years ago.

Adult Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion Those desiring to receive these Sacraments are invited to our first preparation session this Wednesday even-ing at 7:15pm in the Sienna Center. Call me at 352-0146 for more information.

One Final Thought “Holiness is the greatest gift that God can give us because for that reason He created us..”

— Saint Teresa of Calcutta

Mark Your Calendar ! at St. Catherine’s October 16-19, Father Ambrose of the Missionaries of the Poor will offer our Parish Fall Retreat. He will preach at a special 12:15pm Mass Monday to Wednes-day of that week as well as the main retreat service at 7:30pm each of those evenings. So, clear your calendar in order to give some of your precious time to God who deserves it before anyone and anything else.

Stewardship Reflection

We can hear God speaking to us today in the words of the father to his elder son:

“You are with me always, and everything I have is yours.” What is my response to such remarkable generosity? Do I give joyfully and generously as

God gives to me?

Living Stewardship: We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish

who give not because they possess a lot and can afford it, but rather a desire to share what they

have with others.


As members of St. Vincent de Paul Roman Catholic Parish we are

committed to assisting our members in both the spiritual and temporal needs of life. We are a

parish with heart who are committed to “Let all things be done with charity” and show we are disciples of Christ by

our love for one another.

Saturday September 10 4:00 pm For the Priests of the Parish Sunday September 11 8:30 am Dario Perciballi 10:00 am

SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time; Patriot Day; Grandparents Day Monday: The Most Holy Name of Mary Tuesday: St. John Chrysostom Wednesday: The Exaltation of the Holy Cross Thursday: Our Lady of Sorrows Friday: Ss. Cornelius and Cyprian Saturday: St. Robert Bellarmine; Blessed Virgin Mary

Monday September 12 8:30 am Beatrice Howfield Tuesday September 13 8:30 am Ann Parazzelli Wednesday September 14 8:30 am Joseph Nappo Thursday September 15 8:30 am People of the Parish Friday September 16 8:30 am Saturday September 17 4:00 pm Sunday September 18 8:30 am Claudine Deverson 10:00 am Luigi, Angela, Vito, Giacomo Mastroserio

There are still many current dates available for Altar Candles as well as the Wine and Host.

Please consider this special way to honor a loved one, living or deceased.


For the week of September 11 thru September 17 Is in Loving Memory of Thomas Cusack Sr.

As requested by the Cusack Family

Special Needs Mass in St. Catherine’s Chapel, Sienna Center Saturday, September 17th at 3pm

Please join us the third Saturday of each month (September through June) at 3:00 PM for Mass with the Special Needs community in mind. The Sienna Center is equipped with a ramp and an automatic door at the entrance on New Hyde Park Road. There is an elevator available from the Holzheimer Street entrance. For information call our Parish Office at (516) 352-0146.

St. Vincent De Paul Society

& Parish Social Ministry


In today’s Gospel, Jesus says that the shep-

herd rejoices when he finds one lost sheep.

This tells us that nothing and no one is in-

significant to God. God desires that no one

be lost. For this we rejoice. If God is so

compassionate and loving with us, than we

must risk being compassionate and loving

with others. First of all, this means that we

don’t judge whether the other is worth our

compassion. Our contributions to the Poor

Box and the food pantry show that we

strive to be disciples and do what the Lord

would want us to do.

This week the pantry

is in need of juices,

soups, pancake mixes,

canned vegetables,

beans, and canned

tomatoes. As usual all

non-perishable food

items will be gratefully

received and put to good use.

Your help is needed in another way. Each

year the Society of St. Vincent De Paul

holds a Friend of the Poor Walk. This year

the walk will be held on Saturday, Septem-

ber 24, at the Bethpage Community Park.

All the money raised by our parishioners

will be returned to our food pantry. Any-

one may register for the Walk at If you cannot join the

walk, you may make a donation at that site

or put a donation in a marked envelope in

the collection. We do hope to have a group

of walkers from our parish too.


by Fr. Johnny R. Mendonca

September 15th we remember the Sorrowful Mother. This feast was introduced by the Servites in order to intensify devotion to Our Lady's Sorrows. In 1817 Pius VII extended the feast to the universal Church. Devotion to the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady has its roots in Sacred Scripture and in Christian piety, which always associates the Blessed Mother with her suffering Son. This feast dates back to the 12th century. It was especially promoted by the Cistercians and the Servites, so much so that in the 14th and 15th centuries it was widely celebrated through-out the Catholic Church. In 1482 the feast was added to the Missal under the title of "Our Lady of Compassion." Pope Benedict XIII added it to the Roman Calendar in 1727 on the Friday before Palm Sunday. In 1913, Pope Pius X fixed the date on September 15. The title "Our Lady of Sorrows" focuses on Mary's intense suffering during the passion and death of Christ. "The Seven Dolors," the title by which it was celebrated in the 17th century, referred to the seven swords that pierced the Heart of Mary. The feast is like an octave for the birth-day of Our Lady on September 8th. As Mary stood at the foot of the Cross on which Jesus hung, the sword of sorrow Simeon had foretold pierced her soul. The seven sorrows of Mary: The prophecy of Simeon (Luke 2:25-35) The flight into Egypt (Matthew 2:13-15) Loss of the Child Jesus for three days (Luke 2:41-50) Mary meets Jesus on his way to Calvary (Luke 23:27-31; John 19:17) Crucifixion and Death of Jesus (John 19:25-30) The body of Jesus being taken from the Cross (Luke 23:50-54; John 19:31-37) The burial of Jesus (Isaiah 53:8; Luke 23:50-56; John 19:38-42; Mark 15:40-47) Focusing on the compassion of our Blessed Mother, our Holy Father, Pope St. John Paul II, reminded the faithful, Mary Most Holy goes on being the loving consoler of those touched by the many physical and moral sorrows which afflict and torment humanity. She knows our sorrows and our pains, because she too suffered, from Bethlehem to Calvary. 'And your soul too a sword shall pierce.' Mary is our Spiritual Mother, and the mother always under-stands her children and consoles them in their troubles. Then, she has that specific mission to love us, received from Jesus on the Cross, to love us only and always, so as to save us! Mary consoles us above all by pointing out the Crucified One and Paradise to us! (1980). Therefore, as we honor our Blessed Mother, our Lady of Sorrows, we honor her as the faithful disciple and exemplar of faith. Let us pray as we do in the opening prayer of the Mass for this feast day: Father, as your Son was raised on the cross, His Mother Mary stood by Him, sharing His sufferings. May your Church be united with Christ in His suffering and death and so come to share in His rising to new life. Looking to the example of Mary, may we too unite our sufferings to our Lord, facing them with courage, love, and trust. Mary as the Mother of God suffered tremendous spiritual sufferings. The most notable one of the Seven Sorrows of Mary was the Passion and Death of her son Jesus. For many centuries the faithful have been devoted to these sorrows of our Spiritual Mother Mary, and have meditated on her tremendous sufferings. She teaches us that our sufferings, united to Christ’s through her sorrowful heart, can become bearable. This coming Thursday, September 15th, our parish will celebrate a Mass at 7 PM to pray in a special way with all parents suffering the loss of a child and all others struggling with the loss of a loved one. We pray as a parish family for all those who suffer their tremendous loss, through the intercession of the Sorrowful Mother standing at the foot of the Cross and offering our pain and sorrow to the Lord. Prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows by St. Bridget: O Blessed Virgin Mary, Immaculate Mother of God, who did endure a martyrdom of love and grief, beholding the sufferings and sorrows of Jesus! You did co-operate in the benefit of my redemption by thy innumerable afflictions and by offering to the Eternal Father His only-begotten Son as a holocaust and victim of propitiation for my sins. I thank thee for the unspeakable love which led you to deprive thyself of the Fruit of thy womb, Jesus, true God and true Man, to save me, a sinner. Oh! make use of the unfailing intercession of thy sorrows with the Father and the Son, that I may steadfastly amend my life and never again crucify my loving Redeemer by new sins; and that, persevering till death in His grace, I may obtain eternal life through the merits of His Cross and Passion. Amen.

Mother of love, of sorrow, and of mercy, pray for us.

Mother Teresa’s canonization portrait – and what the artist thought of her

Washington D.C., Sep 1, 2016 / 07:07 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- The canonization portrait of Bl. Mother Teresa, a copy of which will hang from St. Peter’s Basilica on Sunday, is meant to reflect her joy and her selflessness, said the artist. “The credit lies more with the subject of the paint-ing than with the painter,” artist Chas Fagan said in a press conference introducing the portrait. “That picture will bring lots of people closer to God,” Sister Tanya, M.C., the superior at the Mis-sionaries of Charity Gift of Peace house in Wash-ington, D.C., said of the portrait. She knew Bl. Mother Teresa from having lived in the same building with her as a novice. Bl. Mother Teresa, foundress of the Missionaries of Charity, will be canonized on Sunday, Sept. 4 in St. Peter’s Square. An enlarged copy of her por-trait will hang from St. Peter’s Basilica, and the Knights of Columbus will have one million prayer cards with the portrait on them available for pil-grims in Rome. Her official canonization portrait was unveiled Thursday at the Saint John Paul II National Shrine in Washington, D.C. It was “commissioned out of the love and high esteem that the Knights of Co-lumbus has for Mother Teresa and the Missionar-ies of Charity,” Pat Kelly, executive director of the shrine, stated at the unveiling. The Knights “worked with her for over two dec-ades, beginning in the 1970’s,” he noted. “Since

her death, the Knights of Columbus has honored Mother Teresa through its continuing support of the Missionaries of Charity.” Fagan, who has painted portraits of all the U.S. presidents and whose work has appeared in the U.S. Capitol rotunda and National Cathedral, was commissioned by the Knights to paint Bl. Mother Teresa’s portrait after he had done previous work for them, includ-ing a statue of Pope St. John Paul II. His “immediate answer was yes” when the Knights asked him to do the portrait, but he had “no idea” it would be the official one hanging in St. Peter’s. Fagan submitted initial sketches and the whole process “took at least a month” before he could even begin painting, which then took six weeks. The “hook” for the painting, he said, was Mother Teresa’s quote that “joy is strength.” She was a “diminutive, yet somehow earth-shaking figure,” he added, and others who had met her told him that “somehow when she looked at you she was glowing, she was radiant.” So he tried to make that come through in the picture. “If you want to make something glow, you have to surround it with darkness,” he said of the painting. What also struck Fagan about Mother Teresa’s life was her “selflessness,” he said. “There’s a theme that came about from a mentor I had as a boy in high school,” he said, where “if you just start helping someone else, whatever your problems are will start to disappear.” Mother Teresa lived this out, he said. “And so learning of her life, and see-ing how she lived it every single day, that’s just so humbling. And we can all aspire to it, but it’s a big leap,” he added. Fagan was actually able to feel the saint’s presence in his studio while painting the portrait, he explained. “When you have a portrait in the studio, you kind of get to live with it,” he said, especially toward the end of the painting when it really starts to come to life and when the lights are dim, you can see them there.” “And having to say goodbye is the worst,” he said. “In the end, Mother Theresa brought joy to my studio, to my home, and now I will miss her company.” The picture is “superb,” Sister Tanya said. She noted the portrayal of Mother’s “penetrating eyes,” serenity, and her “focusing on the person that she’s looking at.” “If someone looks at her, they would lift up their eyes to heaven, I would say, because she’s not focusing on herself,” Sister Tanya said. “The person who looks at her would be focusing on God.”

The shocking prayer of a young Iraqi: 'Have mercy on ISIS' Krakow, Poland, Aug 7, 2016 / 04:02 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- (Editor's note: This article includes explicit descriptions of violence. Reader discre-tion is advised.) Christina Shabo was born under a tree in a refugee camp after her family fled bombing in their Iraqi hometown in 1991. Several of her relatives have been killed by the Islamic State – one who's body was chopped up and delivered to the family in pieces – and some continue to fight for their lives after suffering vicious attacks. However, rather than harboring an understandable hatred toward those persecuting her family and her people, she has decided instead to pray for ISIS and their conversion. “I asked Jesus for the grace to forgive every time I would pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet. But instead of praying 'For the sake of his sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world,' I pray 'have mercy on ISIS and on the whole world.'” This is what Shabo, 25, said she has decided to pray as a means of helping learn how to forgive the terrorists who are slaughtering her people. She gave her testimony to fellow youth July 29 as part of a catechesis session for WYD in Krakow, detailing the painful events that led her family to flee Iraq in the first place, as well as the horrors that have taken place after the rise of ISIS in 2014. In an interview with CNA after her testimony, Sabo explained that the decision for her to speak during WYD was last minute, and she was asked to incorporate forgiveness into her talk. However, upon hearing this request, Shabo's first thought was “I don't forgive ISIS.” “I’ve struggled with it, because I haven’t gotten there yet. It’s a daily reminder,” she said, explaining that she still harbors anger and resentment, so the path to forgiveness has been a difficult, everyday task. Admittedly, after hearing Shabo's story, it’s easy to understand where these feelings come from. “I was a miracle baby. I really, truly was,” she said, explaining that her mother was 8 months pregnant when her family made the difficult decision to leave Iraq in 1991 due to the threat of bombing in their hometown during the Gulf War. They were among the thousands of others who decided to make the dangerous trek through the steep mountains in order to pass into Turkey, with bombs falling nearby. She noted how many people died along the way, including her 8-year-old cousin Rita. Shabo said that when Rita died, her uncle didn’t “have it in his heart” to bury her in the mountains, so he carried her body the rest of the way into Turkey. Once the family made it across the border, they buried Rita under a tree in the camp. Then, “it gets even crazier,” Shabo said, explaining that just a month later her mother’s water broke near the same tree, “and my mom delivered me right then and there.” While Shabo and her family gained religious asylum in Detroit two years later, many of their relatives are still living in Iraq where the violence hasn’t ended, but instead has reached a fever pitch with the spread of the Islamic State. The world of violence Shabo was born into “was reincarnated” June 20, 2014, when ISIS militants stormed Mosul, either slaughtering Christians and moderate Muslims who don’t share their extreme ideologies, forcing them to pay a high tax, or flee the city. Shabo said that during the attack, one of her relatives was “violently murdered…He was chopped up in a dozen pieces” and delivered to his fami-ly in a bag. “Imagine someone that you love being delivered to you in a bag in pieces. It’s insane. So when I hear stories like that, how could I not be angry?” she said. One of her cousins was also killed the series of bombings in Baghdad which claimed the lives of some 400 people July alone. Her cousin’s mother is still in the hospital “fighting for her life.” However, as hard as it was to think about forgiveness, Shebo said that throughout her life whenever she has felt anguish, anger, frustration or numbness, “I go to adoration. I take it to Him.” It was through adoration that the idea to pray for ISIS came to her mind, she said, explaining that as she was praying one day she kept repeating the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, “it just kind of came to me: pray for them. Use that as a way to kind of think about them, but think about them in a more positive way.” Though she didn’t mean it at first, Shebo said the idiom “fake it till you make it” eventually worked, and that slowly she was able to open her heart letting go of her anger. “Anger just makes you angry and bitter, and nothing good comes out of it. But when you take that and you turn it into mer-cy and forgiveness, and you see how fruitful that can be, even for yourself, aside from anyone else, you can’t stop doing it.” Shebo noted how her father is a deacon at their Chaldean parish in Detroit, and that as their family marched through the mountains to Turkey, it was he who kept their faith strong. “As they march they prayed. That’s all they had. They left with nothing,” she said, explaining that her father kept reminding the others that “it’s okay. Even despite all of this, we have him with us. And we need to hold on tight to that.” This, she said, “is how they got through that, and that’s how we continue to get through it.” However, it hasn’t always been easy. Shabo said while she has been “blessed” to live have her family, to live in Detroit and go to school like “a normal person,” she also feels a great sense of guilt. None of my other family survived. There’s a sense of guilt that I survived and they didn’t,” she said, explaining that she also feels a deep connec-tion with the Christians in Iraq, and desperately wants to go back, but is unable to given the precariousness of the current situation. When asked why she feels ashamed of not being able to return, Shebo said it’s because the stories of all the refugees currently fleeing Iraq and Syria “are the same as mine.” She pointed to the September 2015 photo of Aylan Al-Kurdi, three-years-old, which captured the reality of many refugees. The photo, which gripped the heart and conscience of those all over the world, showed the tiny body of Al-Kurdi washed up on the shore of Turkey after drowning along with his mother and older brother in a failed attempt to reach the nearby Greek island of Kos from Bodrum, their most direct passage into the European Union.

“When I saw that image, I absolutely broke down…I did not see that child, I saw myself,” she said, explaining that after everything she’s gone through, she “vividly” relates to what these families are experiencing. “There’s thousands of Iraqi Christians in the northern Erbil that are living in the same situation I was. It’s hard not to feel that connection, to feel that that’s me,” she said, adding that there’s also the aspect “that I survived, but that child died.” Shebo said she wants to take “all the goodness” she has received through God and her faith “and to give it back to the peo-ple” in difficulty, as well as those still living in Iraq. In fact, she’s already jumped in, and has started working in crisis intervention and volunteers on a help line for suicide. She also started an or-ganization called the “Shlama Foundation” with a group of other people to find out the concrete needs of those in Iraq and raise money to fund specific projects on the ground. She explained that for a long time she was “ashamed” of her story, and didn’t want to tell people the conditions of her birth, but it was her parents who insisted “this is who you are, and you’re going to keep it alive.” “It’s so hard to do that in the secular world of America or a lot of these other countries,” Shebo said, noting that in Iraq “it was easy” since many come from similar situations, but that many she knows in the U.S., including her nieces and nephews, are struggling to hold on to their heritage. Even keeping the Chaldean language of Aramaic – an ancient language dating back to the time of Christ – is a challenge. Aramaic “was the language that Jesus Christ spoke,” she said, explaining that the prospect of a Middle East without Christians is “a tragedy, because that’s where Jesus is from.” “That can’t happen. I don’t want to see that happen. I don’t want to live in that world,” she said, cautioning that “if we don’t do something about it, then unfortunately that will be our reality.” While she wants Christianity in Iraq and the Middle East to live on, Shebo admitted that the uncertainty of the situation is hard for many to deal with, and that even she and her family have a hard time accepting the decision of their relatives who have decided to stay. She said that after the Baghdad bombing that claimed her cousin’s life, her family called “and were yelling at them: ‘Why did you stay? Why did-n’t you go to Erbil? Why are you still there? Get out! Your son just died and you’re in a hospital.’” “I don’t know that I’ll ever be able to go back into the same world that it was,” she said, but noted that despite Iraq’s bloody history of violence and persecution “our people have stood their ground.” “That gives me hope, and I feel like if we hold on to that hope and hold on to that faith, that there will be a world where I can return to and it will still continue.” Shebo explained that events like WYD can help serve as catalysts for those who want to do something to help, thanks to the glob-al representation of youth as well as the connections people are able to make. “As powerless as you feel as an individual, when you connect with other people who have that same passion that have that same desire, God works wonders,” she said, explaining that through WYD she was able to meet people she had been corresponding with in Iraq, but had never met in person. She was also able to meet the group of 300 Chaldean youth who traveled from Iraq to Krakow for the July 26-31 event, one of whom was from her hometown. When Shebo asked the group for some-thing from Iraq, they gave her a scarf with the Iraq flag on it. In return, when the group asked her for something from the U.S., Shebo gave them her necklace and bracelets. “It’s such a blessing” to be at WYD, she said, explaining that a cousin whom she had never met before was also there, and she was trying to find a time to meet him. “It’s good to know that other people are listening and connecting with the story,” she said. “There’s no words to describe that, when you feel that, because that comes from God. We are truly one Body in Christ. It’s amazing I can’t put it into words.”

Catholics For Freedom of Religion "Free to Speak" - What the U.S. Department of Education says about public school students' religious liberties: * You can organize prayer groups and religious clubs, and announce your meetings. Two years ago, Liz Loverde, a L.I., NY high school student, submitted an application requesting the school recognize the "Dare To Believe" after-school club she wanted to form using school facilities just as 30 other school clubs did. The stated purpose of "Dare To Believe" was: - "To strengthen one another as believers in Christ - To study God's Word, the Bible, and apply it in your life - To serve the community as the hands and feet of Jesus" But the school refused to recognize the club simply because of its religious nature. First Liberty Institute intervened on Liz's behalf, and school officials then complied with federal law and officially recognized "Dare To Believe." As students prepare to go back to school for the 2016-17 school year, they may think there is nothing they can do to make a positive change in the world and protect their freedom of religion. But as one Long Island girl proved, when one person dared to believe, that's enough. (, 8/5/16) "We are free because of Christ and (kids) shouldn't waste an incredible gift." - Liz Loverde, H.S. student

Pray, Learn and Act to preserve religious liberty. Visit

Please Pray for our sick

Relatives & Friends:

Rev. Msgr. William Jablonski ♦ Abigail Budram ♦ Albert Bartlett ♦ Amanda Rose Augello ♦ Angelo DiGrigoli ♦ Ann Donahue ♦ Ann Mitarotonda ♦ Anna Christina Diaz ♦ Anthony Gangemella ♦ Arlindo Marcelino ♦ Barbara Dailey ♦ Barbara Ostipwko ♦ Betey Bomilla ♦ Bob Soveign ♦ Bridget Corrigan-Brassel ♦ Brittany Wilson ♦ Carlos Mackey ♦ Charlotte Orlando ♦ Diane Drescher ♦ Diane Wilson ♦ Dominick Consolazio ♦ Dorie Harbin ♦ Dorothy Mink Honald ♦ Eugenia Lane ♦ Fran Roberts ♦ Frances Oliva ♦ Francine Lupo ♦ Frank Saccone ♦ Garrett Fitzgerald ♦ George McAuliffe ♦ Helen Strohm ♦ Howard Wirth ♦ Jack Musolino ♦ Janet Falco ♦ Jeanette Longobardi ♦ John Ciotti ♦ John Corrigan Jr.

♦ John Cusack ♦ John White ♦ Kaelyn Judith Donlon ♦ Karen Baez ♦ Karen Carlucci ♦ Karen Hoffmeyer ♦ Madeline Corrigan ♦ Madelyn Kushner ♦ Maria Rossi Pashayen ♦ Mary Italo ♦ Matthew Noah ♦ Michael O’Malley ♦ Raul Matos ♦ Shane Harbin ♦ Theresa Chevalier ♦ Theresa Porri ♦ Thomas Fagan ♦ Tom Camberiarti ♦ Tommy Lannan ♦ Vincente Mejias ♦ William Ross Please call the office to update names on the lists@ 352-2127.

Please Pray for our Women & Men

in the U.S. Armed Forces:

• Aaron J. Shattuck

• Arlindo Almida

• Brian Kevin Corrigan

• Carlos Felix

• Christopher Messano

• Diane Rosemary Patrick

• Frankie Umile

• James E. Allen

• Jimmy Bustamante

• John Marco Militano

• Joseph A. Galante

• Joseph Giordano

• Latasha Coward

• Max Haerter

• Michael Arana

• Michael Borg

• Nicholas Russo

• Peter Dilos

• Rev. David Kruse (Chaplain)

• Thomas Bradshaw

• Thomas Lainis

Welcome to St. Vincent de Paul Parish

Parish Office – (516) 352-2127 - 1510 DePaul Street Hours: Monday thru Thursday - 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Saturday - 9:00 am to 2:00 pm Friday and Sunday – Closed

Fax – (516) 305-5474 Email: Web:

We Celebrate the Eucharist Saturday Vigil – 4:00 pm Sunday – 8:30 am & 10:00 am Weekdays: Monday thru Friday 8:30 am Holy Day Mass Schedules will be announced in the Bulletin on the prior Sunday.

We Celebrate the Sacraments Sacrament of Reconcilia on – Saturdays immediately after celebration of the Vigil Mass, or by calling the Parish Office for an appointment with a Priest. Sacrament of Bap sm – call the Parish Office to arrange for an interview. This should be done while awaiting the birth of your child. Sacrament of Marriage – call the Parish Office to make an appointment with a priest before making social arrangements.

Visitation of the Sick and Homebound call the Parish Office to arrange for a visit by a Priest to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, and also to receive Holy Communion.

Holy Hour – on the first Friday of the month after the 8:30 am Mass with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and concluding with Benediction.

Devotions The Rosary– is recited daily before the 8:30 am Weekday Masses. Miraculous Medal Novena and Special Prayers to St. Anthony are said on Thursdays after the 8:30 am Mass.

The Clergy from St. Catherine of Sienna who assist here at St. Vincent de Paul are as follows:

Pastor/Administrator Rev. Msgr. Richard M. Figliozzi

Associate Pastors Rev. Allan Arneaud

Rev. Johnny Mendonca

Deacons Joseph Benincasa Frank Gonzalez


We have started this center for seniors, veterans, those in need

and for anyone wishing to share a simple meal. It is open on

Saturdays from 9:30am to 1:00pm. The Center meets in the school cafeteria.

1510 DePaul Street, Elmont All are welcome!



Sunday, September 25, 2016 – 6:00 p.m.

Saint Catherine of Sienna Parish Auditorium

990 Holzheimer Street Franklin Square NY 11010

Admission: $15 Adults, $10 Youth ages 12 & under

Suitable for All Ages

516-352-0146 Tickets will be on sale after all the

Masses this weekend

On the Memorial day of Our Lady of Sorrows We invite all families who have

lost children, to a special Mass Celebrated on:

THURSDAY, September 15, 2016 7:30PM

In Saint Catherine of Sienna Church

Until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand

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