st paul's 2010 agm booklet

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St Paul's 2010 AGM Booklet



PCC Agenda


Annual Meeting of Parishioners (Vestry Meeting)1. Minutes of last meeting (Monday 16th March 2009)2. Matters Arising3. Election of Churchwardens

AGM Agenda1. Apologies2. Notification of Matters of Any Other Business3. Minutes of last AGM (16th March 2009)4. Matters arising from same5. Treasurer's Report and Accounts6. Appointment of Auditor7. Election of PCC 8. Chairman's Report9. Any Other Business10. Questions11. Prayers & Worship

Mark Melluish Chairman’s Report

Balancing the BooksTreasurer’s Report

Maintenance & DevelopmentFabric Report

PCCPCC Report Church AttendanceMinutes of Annual Meeting held on Monday 16th March 2009

Chairman’s Report Mark Melluish, Vicar

This past year we have carried out some research in the church through our Life Group Structure to ask what it was people most hoped for through St Paul’s. Seven key things that you asked for:

1. A deeper, more challenging understanding of the Bible.2. Every member ministry.3. Pastoral help.4. To be a welcoming church of all people, races, cultures, class and background.5. Prayer and fasting.6. Friendship opportunities. 7. Reaching the youth/using more youth in worship.

Some of these we have already started work on such as our welcome and pastoral work and already this is bearing good fruit.

However there are six areas that we want to continue to develop out of the feedback which I hope will form the basis of our life together as a church over the coming year.

1. Prayer. It’s interesting that this is probably one of the key areas in church life that we need to have in place if we are to know something of the growth of the Kingdom of God in our own lives and growth of the Kingdom out into our wider community.

This coming year we are reintroducing the monthly prayer meeting which is currently being run on a Friday Night from 8.15 - 10pm, where we can gather and pray for the church and its ministries as well as praying for the needs of the world and the community we are part of. Our community prayers will also focus on London, praying for our capital city, our government and all that is going on in and around so that we will be part of a chorus of prayer that lifts its voice from the Christian community in this country up to God.

2. Every member ministry.

There is a danger, at St Paul’s that people can turn up and think that we are a well oiled machine with everything working really well. The truth is, and I probably haven’t made this obvious enough to everybody, that there is plenty of room for everybody on almost every team that we have. We have a need of more volunteers in all of the following ministriesBesom, Choices, CAP, Soup Kitchen, Prison Ministry, Children’s Ministry, Youth Work, Welcome team, PCC, Skylight Church, AV Team, Sound Team, Great and Small and so many more.

3. Young people and young adults and reaching the youth.

Obviously, the key thing we have done is that we have advertised for a new Youth Pastor. This is really important and I am hoping that the new appointment will be someone who will continue to build on the good work that Laura has done and Lucy and Stu Plumb before her.

I am so enormously grateful to the huge team of volunteers who come and help us manage the youth work here at St Paul’s and, in a sense, we want to capture the youth. What Simon is doing with the children is providing a place of momentum where we are getting significant numbers of children, both from the church and community, coming along right through from Tiny Little Me to Breakout and Massive celebrations.

We want to capture the energy of these young people coming through and not lose them when they are 11 or 12 but provide something for them that will draw them into an ongoing relationship with the Lord. So imagine a growing community of young people, eager to share the gospel with their peers. Imagine a dedicated, and godly, team of youth leaders who are committed to the spiritual growth and maturity of our young people.

Imagine our teenagers becoming role models for other young people locally and being sent out, as highly influential Christian adults, with a thorough Biblical understanding of the world view. Our goal really is to equip and encourage every one of our young people to share the gospel.

I hope that the teaching curriculum, within the church, will be structured in such a way that we will equip them to live godly lives rooted in Christ. This ministry will be so exciting that we will have leaders eager to join and be part of this vibrant community within the life of St Paul’s and for us to put resources into place to enable this to happen.

4 Worship

You will have noticed that we began involving young people in the worship team, probably six or seven months ago now, and have continued to develop that over the time and, in so doing, we have begun to see young people stepping up to the plate and leading us in worship. This is really exciting to see and something that we hope to continue to develop in the life of the church.

This will be done taking small steps and we are not about to release a rock band onto the church. But we do want to equip our young people to be worship leaders both for now and in the future.

I’m so pleased that Lekai Lee has stepped in to help us in this area and he is drawing together a youth band. Lekai was one of the worship leaders at St Aldates Oxford before joining us here and will be great at bringing out the best from our young people in this area.We really want to empower the young people in our church and believe that one of the roles we have, as Christians, is to pass the baton on to the younger generation. In church life we very much reproduce who we are and not necessarily what we say.

5 Discipleship and Deeper Teaching

We would very much like to be part of the New Wine training partnership that offers the opportunity for people to do a degree in theology. This is something that was launched a year ago and has had a terrific response from those who have been in the first phase and batch of people coming through.

In order to be a hub, that would enable us to run one of these, we have to have somewhere between 12 and 20 people signed up to do it. It is a course that is validated by the University of Wales. The course is done through DVD lectures as well as live discussion over the internet with the pastors and lecturers who are involved in running it. There will be quite a lot of working out for us to do as a church family, and a cost involved in setting it up, but we would very much like to be part of this and, with your permission, we would like to explore what this would mean for us as a church family should we run this from September. There will be a cost to those participating in the course.

As well as this we want to make something available that is far more accessible locally so I have asked Barry Hingston to begin to put together two four week teaching series on discipleship looking at aspects of our faith or looking at a particular book of the Bible. Barry is going to be recorded doing this and is producing the DVD shortly. By producing this on DVD it means that the Life Groups can study it together if and when they want to. We will begin to create a library of resources for the Life Groups to use.

6 Cluster Nights.

One of the things that you asked for was friendship opportunities. As a church family we have a huge front door with lots of people who come in and we work really hard on the welcome, hospitality and the opportunity to discuss and embrace those who come along as part of the church family.

We also need to work on the staying power (or joining power) that we have as a church and part of this will be the unique opportunity to provide a place where people can find friendship with those around them. The monthly Cluster nights are ideal for this and we really want to give these a high profile within the church.

Obviously these won’t be the only way to see friendships built and already there are some extra events for some of the men in the church to gather and we have some events planned for the whole church such as a Hog Roast and Barn Dance and a World Cup Event for all the family

Future DevelopmentsFinally we have some developments planned for the church building.As you know we have just had a move around of the children’s groups the reason being that the groups have begun to outgrow the space that they’re in and we would like to create a larger space for children’s work.

We need to do something with the church kitchen, which is heavily used. The current kitchen is 18 years old and we have patched it but it is now falling apart.We also don’t have any disabled access to the upstairs. We are using the Balcony Room more and more now that it has become a usable space with the double glazed screen over the window. We haven’t quite got everything right up there but we are getting there so we need to make the area fully accessible to the disabled if at all possible.

So, we have a plan in mind. It’s a five year plan which is not going to happen tomorrow. We are not planning any major financial outlay this year but just going to tighten our belts and prepare for what God might do with us during this year as we dig deeper into Him.From 2011 onwards we hope to move the kitchen into the Beamer’s room, which would allow us to install, in the current kitchen, a lift to go straight upstairs giving disabled access to the Balcony Room. The rest of the kitchen will then be converted into extra toilets, probably for the women and the disabled to give us a greater number of toilets in the building.

The new kitchen over the other side, in the current Beamer’s room, will be far more user friendly for the demands of ministry that we have, and for our output, as a church. Next we would like to move one of the children’s groups into what is currently the downstairs church office where there is a kitchenette and a toilet. It is a much larger area where we can create more storage space. It is a warm, double glazed, comfortable room to have for children’s groups on Sundays.

This room would also double up as a meeting room/counselling room/relaxation room throughout the week. It is on the same heating system as the current offices so is heated during the winter months and the staff often have nowhere to go for a key meeting or we sit in a room and get quite cold. This would then create a space for staff to meet together or for the individuals who come and see us.

Obviously that means that we would need to move the staff from there to a new room we are going to create up above the Chancel area. We will put a window, with opaque glass in the first level, so that no desks or anything would be seen from the church but would not stop much needed light coming in. A window will be created to allow outside light into the Chancel Room on the ground floor.

We will reproduce the double glazed window that we have in the Balcony Room at the moment in the west window to make it warm and create an office space up there. This would use the same stairway that we have up into the current office in the old organ loft.The PCC have talked about this, it has been in the thinking, creating and planning for some time, and we are hoping that this is something we will be able to do, as a church family, over the coming years. It is not something that we want to have a gift day for or that we are looking to do all at once.

We will do it in stages and then I think that the church will probably be developed as much as it can be and our only opportunity, and place for expansion, would be by planting into another church somewhere else should our numbers continue to grow as we pray they will do. To that end I am already in conversation with Bishop Pete to look at possibilities for the future for us as a church family.

Balancing the Books Vicky Read

Treasurer’s Report on 2009

2009 has been a challenging year economically which has had an impact on St Paul’s and particularly on some of its members. A substantial reduction in income meant that we needed to review and closely manage the expenditure of the church while not having a detrimental effect on its ministries.

During the year, it was necessary for us to raise £60k to ensure that we had the financial reserves to comply with charity legislation (St Paul’s has been registered as a charity since September 2009). This was achieved thanks to the generosity of the church family on the Gift Day when £64k was given. We were also blessed with a one-off gift from the Playschool of £10k - this was from a surplus they had accumulated during recent years partly due to the favourable rent which we charge them.

We started the year with a deficit of £27k but ended with a surplus of £12k, which increases to £86k when the Gift Day income and Playschool gift are included. This surplus will be held as a reserve going forwards.

IncomePlanned giving decreased by 11% over last year due to several families moving away from St Paul’s in the year as well as some ceasing for economic reasons, though we have seen new members joining the scheme.

Collections and one off gifts were £63k above the budget set which was a result of the gift day in October. which also led to tax recovery being above budget. During the year our charity collections raised £17k for Zambia, Zane, Bihar and Starfish Clinic.

Rent for the halls fell by 15% over last year as New Wine’s rent has decreased following completion of the building work which they funded.


Staff salaries and expenses overall were £19k below budget which was due to careful planning and management of costs by staff.

The children’s and youth leaders provided a huge amount for our children and young people with the budgets they had. Our other ministries continued to develop and support other activities in the community within their budgets including

the return of the £100 projects for Life Groups. Skylight café was also sold at the start of the year though we continue to operate several ministries from there with support from the new owners.

Whilst the proportion of income given directly to missions work was reduced from 15% to 11% during the year due to the financial challenge the church faced, when one-off charity collections are included 16% of our income was given away.

The repairs and maintenance of the church and hall was overspent by £12k due to the installation of the secondary glazing in the balcony room. During the year, work on the bookstall was completed, two heaters in church replaced as well as general repairs to the buildings.

Fuel costs were £8k below budget due to lower than expected prices and usage and an unbudgeted contribution from New Wine.

St Paul's 2009 Budget2009 2009 2010

Budget Actuals BudgetIncome

Planned Giving 320,000 295,611 280,000All Collections 35,000 60,689 40,000Tax Recovery 80,000 85,698 75,000Fees 500 723 500Church Rent 6,000 5,161 6,200Hall Rent 26,950 26,805 26,000Unspecified Gifts 20,000 56,791 20,000Bookstall 0 151 0Interest on current a/c 1,700 0 0Conferences 0 978 0Tithed income 490,150 532,606 447,700

Income from Skylight 0 4,976 0Rent for YW house 9,600 9,600 8,000Standing orders for YW House 4,140 3,283 2,100Gift from Playschool 0 10,000 0Charity Collections 0 17,641Total Income 503,890 578,105 457,800


Salaries, N.I., Tax and Pension 180,432 174,687 164,500Vicar's and Assistant Pastor's Expenses 3,500 1,091 2,000Vicar's Discretionary Fund 2,000 1,276 2,000Vicarage Maintenance 2,000 641 1,500Curate's Exps Barry 1,500 412 1,000

Curate's Expenses Tim 1,500 856 1,000Erlesmere Gdns R & M 3,500 3,420 3,500Littlewood Close 8,000 8,819 8,000Y W House expenses 2,400 920 2,400Y W House loan repayment 18,294 18,580 18,661Youth Dept Expenses 2,500 1,661 1,000Children's pastors expns 1,500 1,042 1,000Worship/prayer pastors expns 1,500 232 1,000Year Team 3,840 429 0Staff Conference Expenses 4,000 928 0Cleaning 7,725 8,382 7,800

Church Activities

Under 8's events 400 443 250Great & Small 250 109 200Beamers 250 0 200Sparklers 250 60 200Shiners 250 251 200Crackers 250 172 200Krafty Kids 300 64 2508-11's MinistryLasers 200 200 200Breakout 350 291 250Schools Ministry 100 0 100Massive 500 367 250

11-14's MinistryExalt 500 358 500Transform 500 500 50014-19's ministry Fusion 500 500 500Sports 100 0 100Youth Outreach 250 0 100

SP3 100 0 0Connect 600 476 600Women's Ministry 200 (322) 200Men's Ministry 250 (1,496) 250Wednesday Circle 250 102 250Flat rental 0 0 0Operational subsidy 0 0 0Closure compensation 0 0 0Skylight subsidy 5000 4,176 0Skylight evening rent 2080 0 0Life Groups 3,500 735 2,500

Ministry Team 200 0 100Young Adult Ministry 300 0 50Visiting Preachers 1,500 1,025 1,500Worship Group 2,500 1,524 2,500Missions 73,523 58,693 47,850U.K. Missions 1,000 841 1,000Charity Collections Given 0 0 0Evangelism 4,500 2,283 3,500Skylight Lounge 1,000 629 1,000Literacy Ministry 0 0 0Alpha 1,000 766 1,000Discipleship 500 0 100Besom Foundation 2,500 2,628 2,500Events 750 2,189 750Prison Ministry 1,000 315 750

Church Management

London Diocesan FundDiocesan Contribution 47,250 47,250 64,256Support for other churches 36,750 36,750 20,744Area & Deanery 25 15 20Church Repairs & Maintenance 20,000 31,970 20,000Hall Repairs & Maintenance 10,000 10,000 10,000Insurance 8,778 8,766 9,028Fuel 21,000 12,800 17,000Water Rates 1,300 190 300Telephones 2,000 1,560 2,000Office Expenses 11,000 8,388 10,000Capital Items 2,500 2,493 2,500Communion Wine 400 311 100Church Flowers 800 166 300Refreshments 6,000 4,936 5,000Advertising 5,500 1,363 5,500Printing 5,000 3,718 6,000PCC Bank charges 1,700 2,013 2,000Charity 0 17,641 0TOTAL 531,396 491,588 460,509

(27,506) 86,518 (2,709)

Money held on account for various projects

Family Time Development 2,928Skylight contingency 2,000

Besom 6,464Besom Furniture 3,543Signage 579Worship Development 3,000Skylight evening rent (from Bishop's fund) 3,600Literacy Ministry 4,331Advertising 2,399Prison ministry 833Staff conferences 2,585Women's ministry 1,186Church/Hall R&M 3,175Capital Items 2,000Tax deferred into 2010 (24,000)Vicar's discretionary 1,000


General reserves 11,094

Maintenance (Fabric) & Development Report Aaron Lawler

During the summer of 2009 our Architect Steve Palmer of NBF Partnership carried out the Quinquennel surveys to 23 Littlewood Close and to the church.

The Electrical Insurance for the church buildings stipulated that we issue Test Certificates for the electrical installations. We had these tests carried out in August 2009 and these highlighted several areas where updating/remedial work is necessary. The wiring in the basement has not been updated since the original installation and work has now commenced there with completion envisaged during the next half term holiday (electrical shutdown needed).

The back of church sub distribution dates back to 1990 and requires updating to the new regulation. This work is scheduled for August 2010 as it also requires an electrical shutdown.

The report also listed that Littlewood Close needed its electrics updating and this has been carried out.

We have also upgraded the electrical distribution at 16 Studley Grange Road.

As part of our Landlord responsibilities we have carried out gas installation inspections at 23 Littlewood Close, 16 Studley Grange Road, 2 Nightingale Road and 15a Erlesmere Gardens.

In the autumn we repaired and reglazed the entrance door at Erlesmere Gardens and carried out some roof repairs there.

We have now completed the new Book Shop and Welcome Area in the Lower Church Hall.

A further cupboard has been built under the window in the Beamers Room to store toys etc enabling the removal of the large Toy Box which took valuable floor space.

The West End Gable window has been secondary glazed and the plaster around and above have been removed and replastered and decorated all as detailed in the Quinquennial Report.

The focus for the coming year will be the completion of the planning and the application for a Faculty for the commission of the 5 year plan.

Also progressing works detailed in the quinquennial report.

PCC Report and Church Attendance

What is the process for making sure the Church budget is managed effectively? The answer is the PCC. If you have an eye for finance or a heart for ministry – get involved. Either sign up for the committee or find a PCC member and ask questions, we all have a responsibility to make sure God’s money is well managed.

The PCC is a group of 15 church members, plus Mark, the Church Wardens, the Treasurer and the PCC Secretary. The PCC meets 6 times a year and has an Away Day in September. Our aim is to ensure that money is prioritised so that all the ministries can continue and that the church stays on track to deliver the vision.

The PCC has two sub committees – the Standing Committee responsible for Finance and the Fabric Committee responsible for the building.

During the last year Two new interns, Erina and Sam have joined the St Paul’s Staff. Ed Stokes left us at the end of July. Laura, our Youth Worker, left us to get

married in March 2010. St Paul’s Community Playschool has continued to grow and thrive under

Adaleine’s leadership. We registered St Paul’s Church as a charity due to the changes in the rules

governing charities. We carried out Maintenance and Repairs to the Church (see Fabric Report)

and had our Quinquennial Inspection. We held our PCC away day here at St Paul’s in the Balcony Room. It was a

very positive day. We discussed how we could tighten our budget and began discussions regarding our Five Year Plan.

2010/2011 will have new challenges and the PCC would very much value your support and prayers. We would encourage you to consider praying for one or more specific individuals, read the minutes of the meetings (they are put on display) and please feel free to pass your comments/suggestions on to any PCC member.

Church AttendanceDuring the last year we have welcomed new members to our church. On an average Sunday our total worshipping numbers are approximately 745 - 750 including our children and youth groups.

The Electoral Roll number is 802.


AGM 2009Minutes of AGM

Monday 16 th March 2009

Mark opened the meeting in prayer and then welcomed everyone to the meeting. The meeting was attended by approximately 50 people.

Apologies were received from: Brad & Liz Brooks, Ruth Dales, Barry and Val Denham, Alastair Graham, Joy Hetherington, Tom Hewson, Matt Hudson, Eileen Lawler, Hilary Phillips, Jo Reed and Jenny Saunders. Annual Meeting of Parishioners (Vestry Meeting)

Minutes of last meeting (Monday 10th March 2008) The Minutes were approved as a true and correct record. All those who attended the meeting were in favour.

Matters Arising. There were no matters arising. Election of Churchwardens

Aaron Lawler and Debbie Worthington were duly elected as Churchwardens.

Signed……………………………………………………….. Date………………………………………………

Annual General Meeting1. Notification of Matters of Any Other Business. There were no matters for Any Other


2. Minutes of last AGM (10th March 2008)The Minutes were approved as a true and correct record. All those who attended the meeting were in favour.

3. Matters arising from same. There were no matters arising.

4. Treasurer's Report and Accounts 2008(Given by Cathy Webber on behalf of the Treasurer, Vicky Read.)

2008 was a busy year in the life of St Paul’s with the arrival of a new youth worker, two new curates, building work in the church hall and buying a new house. Through all of this, God has clearly been at work and for yet another year. We started with a budgeted deficit of £21k and have finished with a small surplus of £3k. This has been

achieved through the regular support from the church family and gifts and loans towards the new house.

IncomePlanned giving rose by 8% over last year which shows that new people joining the church have made financial commitments as several families have also left in the year.

Collections continue to fall year on year and were 21 % below the budget but this has been outweighed by the increase seen in planned giving and one off gifts where we have received just over £24000 in addition to the money given for the new house. During the year our charity collections raised just under £10k for Walking with Maasai and Burma.

Rent for the halls was £6k below budget which was mainly due to an invoice which was not paid before the end of the year and small amount of income lost due to the building work in Main Hall where groups could not be relocated.


Staff expenditure was mostly within budget. We had lower salary costs due to vacancies at the start of the year but had additional costs due to the youth worker house purchase and loan repayments and the bathroom being refitted at Erlesmere Gardens. The house itself was paid for through a combination of gifts and loans from church members as well as from the roof account. We will start to replenish this account as soon as possible.

The children’s and youth leaders delivered a huge amount for our young people with the budgets they had. The youth work was slightly overspent due to a weekend away to Fort Rocky.

Our other ministries continued to develop and support other activities in the community within their budgets including Skylight which required £4k less than was allocated for its support.

Missions continued to receive 15% of our income for work here and overseas, supporting both short term and long term projects. By the end of the year, all the money had been allocated except for £1,806 (due to gifts received in December) which was sent in early 2009 to support the Bible Society.


Collectionsand gifts12%





London Diocese16%


Church costs20%


Ray Elliott has continued to oversee the repairs and maintenance of the church and hall and due to his careful management we have been able to set aside £6k for further work in 2009 as well as repay £10k to the roof account. During the year, we fitted the new windows for the church office, replaced the flat roofs on the church office and baptistery, improved the lighting in the balcony room and started work on bookstall.

Fuel costs were £4k over budget due to significant price rises during the year and increased usage as the church has been heated during the week for groups while the building work has been taking place. Capital expenditure was slightly over budget but this includes a long needed upgrade to the church computer network.

St Paul's 2008 Budget2008 2008 2009

Budget Actuals BudgetIncome

Planned Giving 303,720 331,195 320,000All Collections 46,000 36,392 35,000Tax Recovery 77,960 70,305 80,000Fees 500 756 500Church Rent 5,900 7,106 6,000Hall Rent 36,415 30,537 26,950Unspecified Gifts 20,000 24,504 20,000Bookstall 1,000 236 0Interest on current a/c 1,700 1,696 1,700Tithed income 502,727 490,150

Rental income from Skylight 4,000Rent for YW house 430 9,600Standing orders for YW House 2,265 4,140Charity Collections 9,686Total Income 493,195 519,107 503,890

ExpenditureStaffSalaries, N.I., Tax and Pension 173,555 156,467 180,432Vicar's Expenses 3,500 2,013 3,500Vicar's Discretionary Fund 2,000 2,325 2,000Vicarage Maintenance 2,000 1,967 2,000Curate's Exps Barry 1,500 1,306 1,500Erlesmere Gdns R & M 3,500 6,674 3,500Littlewood Close 7,000 7,566 8,000Y W House expenses 9,834 2,400Y W House loan repayment 3,192 18,294Youth Dept Expenses 2,500 2,006 2,500Curate's Expenses Tim 1,500 2,054 1,500Children's pastors expns 1,500 1,574 1,500Worship/prayer pastors expns 1,500 1,139 1,500Year Team 3,840 2,874 3,840Staff Conference Expenses 4,000 4,000 4,000Cleaning 7,500 7,213 7,725

Church ActivitiesUnder 8's events 250 246 400Great & Small 250 247 250Beamers 250 246 250Sparklers 250 250 250Shiners 250 238 250Crackers 350 350 250Krafty Kids 300 296 3008-11's MinistryLasers 250 250 200Breakout 250 351 350Schools Ministry 250 15 100Massive 500 530 50011-14's MinistryExalt 500 1,610 500Transform 500 224 50014-19's ministry Fusion 500 191 500Sports 100 495 100Youth Outreach 250 64 250SP3 100 0 100Connect 800 325 600Women's Ministry (0) 200Men's Ministry 250 (186) 250Wednesday Circle 250 0 250Skylight flat rental 9,600 9,600Skylight operational subsidy 6,000 2,000 7,080Skylight closure compensation 5,000 5,000Small Groups 1000 599 3,500Ministry Team 200 0 200Young Adult Ministry 300 14 300Visiting Preachers 1,500 775 1,500Worship Group 2,500 2,944 2,500Missions 72,850 75,409 73,523U.K. Missions 1,000 675 1,000Charity Collections Given 9,686Evangelism 4,500 2,795 4,500Skylight Lounge 1,000 409 1,000Literacy Ministry 1,000 (0) 0Alpha 1,000 941 1,000Discipleship 500 0 500Besom Foundation 2,500 2,500 2,500Events 750 624 750Prison Ministry 1,000 1,000 1,000

Church ManagementLondon Diocesan FundDiocesan Contribution 45,000 45,000 47,250Support for other churches 35,000 35,000 36,750Area & Deanery 25 0 25Church Repairs & Maintenance 30,000 30,000 20,000

Hall Repairs & Maintenance 10,000 10,000 10,000Insurance 8,360 8,249 8,778Fuel 15,500 19,034 21,000Water Rates 1,300 181 1,300Telephones 2,000 2,120 2,000Office Expenses 11,000 10,570 11,000Capital Items 2,500 3,611 2,500Communion Wine 400 368 400Church Flowers 800 391 800Refreshments 6,000 6,820 6,000Advertising 5,500 5,500 5,500Printing 5,000 4,520 5,000PCC Bank charges 1,700 1,877 1,700

TOTAL 514,080 516,158 531,396

(20,885) 2,949 (27,506)Money held on account for various projects At 31 December

Skylight frontage 4,500Besom 6,464Besom Furniture 3,543Fielding Walk 579Worship Development 3,000Skylight 8,000Language School 2,682Missions 1,806Bookstall Redevelopment 1,718Advertising 4,063Prison ministry 583Staff conferences 3,815Women's ministry 1,186Church/Hall R&M 6,240

48,178Roof Account 11,094

Questions:How many properties do the church own? Three – Erlesmere Gardens, Nightingale Road and Studley Grange Road. We rent Littlewood Close from the Diocese.Skylight. The lease for Skylight has been sold to a Christian couple who will be running it as a Christian shop. We would continue to use it for our different ministries.

6. Appointment of AuditorMarcelo Negro-Chacon proposed that Richard Hopper be appointed as our Auditor.

Seconded by Gerald Newns Those present at the meeting all in favour of the appointment.

7. Election of PCC Mark read out the list of those who had put their names forward for PCC membership

Name MinistryDanny Anterkyi 11 O’clock CongregationMadeleine Kolorz Playschool Gerald Newns BuildingsHilary Phillips Missions workVicky Read FinanceAdam Shaw Hospitality and Fabric

The above were duly elected as PCC Members, proposed by Cathy Webber and seconded by Ray Elliott . Other members co-opted onto PCC are Mark (Chair), Barry (Pastoral Assistant), Tim (Pastoral Assistant), Churchwardens and PCC Secretary.

8. Chairman's ReportReflections from the last year. Our vision was about five key ministries of a healthy church.

Lost people get foundPeople find friendsA place where people mature in faithA place where people serve GodA place where people can give to God

This coming yearLook to grow in our faithRestructuring our Life GroupsRunning an eight week course on DVD – an intense look at scripture and then discussion.CAP – appointment of a new CAP staff member – Azniv Pambakian. Ealing Churches to come together to look at ways of growing God’s Kingdom in our community. Themes for these meetings are:

CAP Back to RealityEaling Soup KitchenWord for Weapons. Bins to be provided for weapons to go in and there be no repercussions, a project taken on by a local policeman.

Fabric and Maintenance. We have achieved so much over the last year. It is important to maintain the church every year to improve it. We also will be developing the book shop area. The balcony windows need to be secondary double glazed in keeping with the church design. PCC will have discussions regarding changing the reredos.

This year we will be continuing in discussions with the Bishop on the possibility of taking on another church in the area, this will be a big project.

9. Questions

What was the possibility of installing a lift up to the balcony room?

This had been looked into but if would be very difficult due to the different levels going up to the room.Ventilation in the Beamers A and B Room. There is a window in Beamers A and Ray would look into the Beamers B room.Finances. Do we have the finances in place to cover the works to be carried out? Work would only be carried out if there were the finances in place.Tough Questions. Would another course be running? Tough Questions were being discussed at Skylight Lounge.

Mark thanked everyone for attending this important meeting and then the meeting closed in worship and prayer.



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