st john’s primary school, jayne st, frankston east, … john’s primary school, jayne st,...

Post on 21-Apr-2018






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St John’s Primary School, Jayne St, Frankston East, 3199 TEL 03 9789 9794 / FAX 03 9776 7499 EMAIL:

Dear Parents,

This is the last regular newsletter for 2013 but there will be a condensed

newsletter or Monday 16th with important news about the 2014 school



Sunday was the start of the Churches Advent season which prepares us

for the feast of Christmas. Traditionally a feature of Advent is Kris

Krindl or as it is more commonly known KK. Each child chose a name

from a hat or box on Monday and the selected name is their KK. Our

tradition is that we secretly do nice things for our KK and then on Mon-

day, 16th December we present them with a card and present to the

value of $5.

Helping Others

For many years St. John’s community has donated children’s presents to

St. Vincent de Paul (Vinnies) for the children of Frankston whose fami-

lies are struggling financially. If you would like to donate a gift then

they can be left under the Christmas tree in the school office. Please

indicate on the present if it is for a boy or girl and the approximate age.

Vinnies will collect the gifts on the last day of school, Tuesday, 17th



Two long term members of St. John’s community will be leaving us at

the end of the school year. Michelle O’Connor has been our Religious

Education co-ordinator and classroom teacher for many years and has

been an outstanding contributor to our school and Parish community.

Michelle will be R.E.C. and classroom teacher at O.L.A. in Cheltenham

next year and we wish her every happiness. Also leaving will be Rosa

Sinopoli who has been part of St. John’s since her own children attended

the school. For several years Rosa was our cleaner then she became the

school canteen manager. Rosa plans to spend more time with her grand-

children next year and is looking forward to a more relaxed lifestyle.

To both Michelle and Rosa ‘thank you’ from the community of St.

John’s for all you have done for our children - you will be missed.

End of Year Mass

Parents are invited to join us this Friday (6/12) at 9am for the end of the

school year Mass.


5/12 Cricket Day


6/12 End of School Year Mass 9am

9/12 Assembly - Middle School -


10/12 Orientation Day Yr 6 &


Choir performing at St. John of


12/12 Reports Sent Home

Christmas Concert 7pm.

13/12 Year 6 at Mother’s Beach

16/12 Assembly - Advent

17/12 Orientation Day Years P-5



Grade 6 Graduation Mass 7pm


29/1 Book Collection Day

30/1 Start of school year for

Grades 1-6

31/1 Start of school year for


11/3 Grade 5/6 camp to Phillip


12/11 Grade 3/4 camp at The Briars


The last two assemblies will be held in the Church with the focus on Advent and our preparation

for Christmas. Assemblies will start at 2.15pm.

Christmas Concert

All families are invited to attend that St. John’s Christmas concert in the Performance Centre on

Thursday, 12th December starting at 7pm. The children will be supervised by the staff until their

item is completed. Refreshments will be available from the school canteen on the night.

Grade 6 Graduation

Our grade 6 students will have their Orientation day on Tuesday 10th December then a special

celebration at Mornington on Friday, 13th December. The Graduation Mass is Tuesday, 17th De-

cember at 7pm in St. John’s Church.


Our new preps/foundation grade for 2014 will attend school on Tuesday, 10th December for ori-

entation day from 9.30-10.30am. Parents are invited to attend morning tea in the staffroom once

they have taken their child to the classroom. The uniform shop will be open during orientation.

The current Prep - Year 5 will have their orientation on Tuesday, 17th December from 10.15am.

During this time the children will visit their 2014 classroom and meet their new teachers.

SJFM Launch

On Wednesday our latest project was launched - SJFM. A studio has been set up in the office area

and the following grade 5/6 children applied and have been appointed to the radio station -

Station Managers: Sarah Rose, Jenna Sykes and Blake Shaw

Music Managers: Sean Deng and Nadia Karaan

Announcers (D.J.’s): Zarn Green, Roo Gambiza and Ally Webber

News Readers: Peter Mackey and Janae Chew

Sports Reporters: Trent Kniese and Kaela Oakley

Interviewers: Malachy Lewis and Chelsea Bailey

Roving Reporters: Nick Sugden and Caitlyn Edwards

Our station will be know as SJFM ‘The Voice of St. John’s’.

As you would expect there was great excitement amongst the children on Wednesday however,

with any launch there were a few teething problems to be sorted. What is already evident is the

rich language activities and skill development that the children have been engaged in.

End of Term

School officially finishes on Tuesday, 17th December at 3.15pm for all grades (P-6). Please

encourage your children to bring home their books before the last day to avoid the heavy weight.

Have a good week and enjoy your children.

Paul Hartin



This week we begin the Advent Season. It is a season of hope and great expectation.

It is the time to think of what gift to give others this Christmas.

May we be inspired to find new ways of living in the love of Jesus Christ.

Each class has begun their Kriskindl. This means that each child will have another

child to think of over the coming weeks. They will perform acts of kindness for their

K.K. during Advent. On Monday 16th December they will give their K.K a small

present. This present will be to the value of $5.00 and should be brought to school

before the 16th December.

Once again we also ask the St. John’s community to make donations to the St. Vin-

cent De Paul Christmas Appeal. The donations will help make Christmas special for

the children in our local community.

It would be lovely if each family could buy a suitable gift or toy, wrap it and label it

to indicate the age and if it is for a girl or boy. Presents can be left under our Christ-

mas tree in the office. We know the St. John’s families will give generously to this


On Monday 9th December the Middle school will be presenting an Advent assembly

focusing on the themes of waiting and preparing the way of the Lord.

On Monday the 16th December the Junior school will present the following 2 weeks

of Advent, focusing on the themes of peace and friendship and Good News of the

Birth of Jesus.

All families are welcome to join us for these Advent Assembly prayer celebrations,

held in the church at 2.15pm.

We would also like all families to celebrate our End of Year Mass with us on Friday

6th December at 9.00am.

Michelle O’Connor

Advent Season

How Do We Keep the Christ in Christmas?

In a world where the emphasis is on commercialism, many of us find ourselves travelling,

shopping, planning decorating, wrapping and cooking and it is easy to forget the true

meaning of Christmas in our hearts and minds.

As adults we have the great joy and responsibility to keep our faith alive in our children,

and that includes remembering Advent as time of preparation as we await Jesus’ birth.

Advent is a season of hope and great expectation.

Our whole school Advent focus is - How Do We Keep the Christ in Christmas? Each

week during Advent we will be reminded of the importance to prepare our hearts for the

great feast of Christmas. It is a time to think of what gift we can be for others this Christ-

mas. We will also reflect on people from the Old Testament who inspired us to find new

ways of living in the way of Jesus Christ. It is a time to when we should allow God to en-

ter into our lives by reaching out and become for others a symbol of God’s love.

True Christian Christmas Christmas isn’t showy gifts

Or glittering decorations;

It’s honouring our Saviour, Jesus Christ

In humble adoration.

It's serving those less fortunate,

Meeting their needs before our own;

It’s making sure at Christmas time

That no one is alone.

It’s taking what we would have spent

On things that no one needs,

And using it to help someone

With service and good deeds.

Our Savior showed how to live

With charity, faith and service.

It makes the holidays a joy,

More peaceful, and less nervous.

So let’s remember Christmas is About our Saviour's birth;

That’s the way to happiness,

The way to peace on earth.

By Joanna Fuchs

Cultural Day

I would like to thank all staff and parents who assisted with the Cultural Day on November 22nd.

The children had the opportunity to learn about other countries and cultures and parents had the

opportunity to share their valuable knowledge with the students. It was a fabulous celebration of

our community and highlights the importance of parent involvement in our school. When we all

work in partnership together our children are the beneficiaries of our success. Below is a list of all

the parents who assisted with the day. Our school community thanks you for your valuable skills

and support and making the day so successful for our children.

The African drumming was a huge success and it was pleasing to see how well our year 6 students

could play the drums and perform for us on the day. This was the first time playing the drums for

most of our year 6 students and I was amazed at how well they were able to play the drums and

perform for the rest of the school.

Parents who assisted:

Ran Activity: Ruth Estelles

Yanti Corcoran

Seamus Walsh

Greta Wardley

Sinead Parker

Penny Hammet

Lisa Gray

Helped with preparation (all of the names above along with) Sarah Cross

Burnetta Greelish

Donna Curran

Amanda Lane

Fiona Trott

Anna Stephenson

Nhung Evans

Helped on day Nhung Evans

Bianca Rickard

Amanda Lane

Jo Bacher

Annelise Calderwood

Anna Stephenson

Ath Vass

Each grade will present an item for your enjoyment.

There will be no cost for the concert.

Refreshments will be available for purchase at interval.

Thursday, December 12th

St John’s Performance Centre



Malachy & Kyle

Prep Wade Matida Gambiza & Charlee Bruguera

Prep Wise Matilda Coy & Taj Dicounzo

1/2M Indi Cross & Darcy Johnston

1/2C Liam Beech & Isabelle Pearson

1/2F Sarah Lewis & Jacob Matthews

3OG Jay Dicounzo & Oliver Brewer

3/4B Kayla Curran & Keani Gibson-McConnell

4T Isabella Calderwood & Rebekah Stephenson

5/6S Nicholas Andrews & Rachael Shawcroft

5/6G Tom Dickinson & Josh McGuire

5/6L Sammy Martin & Paris Bevis


Laine Oakley

Bianca Mannix

Matilda Coy

Kai Miles

With our term two tablet device roll-out growing closer, our E-Learning team at St

John’s is currently reviewing a variety of software options for use on the iPad. We

are thoroughly researching all possibilities in order to ensure that the children will

gain maximum benefit and that the iPad is used as a learning tool that enhances

our current learning and teaching program. We are trialing apps and software

products and investigating ‘cloud’ based options. A prescribed app list will be re-

leased towards the end of term one, along with the announcement of selected soft-


Members of our E-Learning team regularly meet with our e-learning cluster team,

comprising of principals and e-learning leaders from local Catholic schools. This

communication between schools is invaluable as it allows us to liaise with John Paul

College as a collective group, present research and findings and to share profes-

sional learning. By combining the purchasing power of all schools involved, we are

able to secure the best prices possible for our children.

Whilst teachers and staff are undergoing professional learning, a series of work-

shops will be offered to parents in early 2014. During term one, parents will receive

a schedule of workshops and information sessions that outline basic iPad skills, set-

ting up an iTunes account, the prescribed app list for students, cybersafety and use

of the iPad at home and at school.

During 2014, additional school resources will be allocated to the area of e-learning

as adequate support for teachers and students is recognised as essential to the

success of our 1:1 iPad program.

Since our initial information night, we have received much input from our parent

community. We thank you for your ongoing support through this exciting change.

E-Learning Team

Learning with Technology @ St John’s


The book sales days for 2014 will be on Wednesday, 29th January. The books will be sold in

full sets only for each child so there is no need to place an order before hand.

If you do not require a book pack please advise the office by Wednesday, 11th Decem-


The Subject and Excursion Levy of $290 per student must be paid before the books can be col-

lected. You can start paying for this now or you can pay it on the day. You can pay for both the

levies and books with cash, cheque, credit card or eftpos.

The uniform shop will be open on this day from 9.30am to 1pm.

We have Direct Debit facilities available for families who may want to pay their fees by

regular weekly, fortnightly or monthly payments. Direct Debit forms are available from

the school office.

Contact the office to work out a payment plan if required.



LEVY PER CHILD $220 Subject Levy $70 Excursion Levy $30 Grades 5 & 6 - Interschool Sport BOOKS $80 GRADES PREP/FOUNDATION - 2 $50 GRADES 3 - 6 IPAD PAYABLE BY THE START OF TERM 2 $260 (1ST INSTALMENT) GRADES 3 - 5 $520 GRADE 6 WORKING BEE LEVY $120 PER FAMILY

(Rebated if you attend one of the 4 working bees for the year)



Plastic Pockets Marbig Copysafe Economy A4 Clear Pk 10 1

Read It Home Reading Book Yellow Level Junior 1

Document Wallet Marbig Slimpick Red 1

Whiteboard Marker Bullet Sharpie Asst Pkt4 1

Scrapbook 100gsm 335x245mm 64 pages 8

Glue Stick Bostik 35gm 6

Exercise Book A4 25mm Ruled 48 Pages 1

Pencils Columbia Formative Triangular 2B 10

Display Book Refillable Red Clearfront 20 Pocket 1

Targeting Handwriting Student Book Prep Vic 1

Scissors Celco School 135mm 1

Marker Crayola 7808 Washable Broadline Classic Pkt 8 1

Pencils Columbia Formative Triangle 4mm Lead Asst Pkt10

Crayons Large Crayola School Pkt 10

Sharpener Pencil Maped 2 Hole Barrel 1



Document Wallet Marbig Slimpick Yellow 1

Scissors Celco School 135mm 1

Exercise Book 8mm Ruled 225mmx175mm 48 Pages 1

Read It Home Reading Book Yellow Level Junior 1

Document Wallet Marbig Slimpick Red 1

Writing Book 330x245mm 24mm Dotted Thirds 64 Pgs 11

Eraser Plastic Large with Sleeve 1

Whiteboard Marker Bullet Sharpie Asst Pkt4 1

Scrapbook 100gsm 335x245mm 64 pages 3

Glue Stick Bostik 35gm 6

Pencils Columbia Formative Triangular 2B 12

Pencils Columbia Formative Triangle 4mm Lead Asst Pkt10 1

Sharpener Pencil Maped 2 Hole Barrel 1

Colour Pencils Texta Triangular Asst Pkt 12 1

Markers Texta Smarttip Asst Pkt 10 1

Targeting Handwriting Student Book 1 Vic 1

Crayons Texta Erasable Plastic Asst Pkt 12 1

Display Book Refillable Black Clearfront 20 Pocket 1

Ruler Plastic 30cm Clear 1

Booklist 2014



Document Wallet Marbig Slimpick Blue 1

Document Wallet Marbig Slimpick Yellow 1

Scissors Celco Blue School 152mm Blue 1

Ruler Plastic 30cm Clear 1

Pencil Economy HB 10

Pencil Economy Red 3

Read It Home Reading Book Green Level Middle 1

Document Wallet Marbig Slimpick Red 1

Graph Book Premium 70gsm A4 10mm 48 pages 3

Eraser Plastic Large with Sleeve 2

Glue Stick Bostik 35gm 4

Binder Book A4 18mm Dotted Thirds 64 Pages 11

Sharpener Pencil Maped 2 Hole Barrel 1

Colour Pencils Texta Triangular Asst Pkt 12 1

Display Book Refillable Red Clearfront 20 Pocket 1

Targeting Handwriting Student Book 3 Vic 1

Scrapbook 100gsm 335x245mm 64 pages 1



Display Book Refillable Black Clearfront 20 Pocket 1

Document Wallet Marbig Slimpick Yellow 1

Scissors Celco Blue School 152mm Blue 1

Ruler Plastic 30cm Clear 1

Pencil Staedtler Tradition Graphite HB 10

Pencil Economy Red 6

Exercise Book 8mm Ruled 225mmx175mm 48 Pages 2

Document Wallet Marbig Slimpick Red 1

Exercise Book Premium 70gsm A4 18mm Dotted Thirds 64 pages 5

Writing Book 330x245mm 18mm Dotted Thirds 64 Pgs 6

Eraser Plastic Large with Sleeve 1

Whiteboard Marker Bullet Sharpie Asst Pkt4 1

Scrapbook 100gsm 335x245mm 64 pages 3

Glue Stick Bostik 35gm 6

Markers Texta Smarttip Asst Pkt 10 1

Targeting Handwriting Student Book 2 Vic 1

Colour Pencils Faber Tri-Grip Asst Pkt 24 1

Crayons Texta Erasable Plastic Asst Pkt 12 1

Read It Home Reading Book Yellow Level Junior 1

Sharpener Pencil Maped 2 Hole Barrel 1



Document Wallet Marbig Slimpick Blue 1

Document Wallet Marbig Slimpick Yellow 1

Ruler Plastic 30cm Clear 2

Pencil Economy HB 10

Pencil Economy Red 1

Document Wallet Marbig Slimpick Red 1

Graph Book Premium 70gsm A4 10mm 48 pages 4

Eraser Plastic Large with Sleeve 2

Glue Stick Bostik 35gm 4

Binder Book A4 14mm Dotted Thirds 64 Pages 11

Sharpener Pencil Maped 2 Hole Barrel 1

Colour Pencils Texta Triangular Asst Pkt 12 1

Display Book Refillable Red Clearfront 20 Pocket 1

Targeting Handwriting Student Book 4 Vic 1

Ballpoint Pen Artline 8210 BPP Medium Blue 5

Ballpoint Pen Artline 8210 BPP Medium Red 5

Scissors Celco Home/Office 216mm Orange 1

Scrapbook 100gsm 335x245mm 64 pages 1

Read It Home Reading Book Green Level Middle 1



Note Book 200x127mm top open 100 page 1

Document Wallet Marbig Slimpick Blue 1

Pencil Economy HB 8

Protractor Celco 10cm 180 Deg Clear 1

Document Wallet Marbig Slimpick Red 1

Rollerball Pen Uniball UB103 Black 1

Ruler Unpolished Wooden 30cm cm & mm 1

Pastels Oil Micador Pkt 12 1

Graph Book Premium 70gsm A4 10mm 48 pages 6

Binder Book A4 8mm Ruled 64 Pages 14

Compass Celco C100 Self Centering Plastic 1

Notes Marbig Repositionable 75x75mm Yellow 100 Shts 1

Eraser Plastic Large with Sleeve 1

Whiteboard Marker Bullet Sharpie Asst Pkt4 1

Glue Stick Bostik 35gm 4

Colour Pencils Texta Triangular Asst Pkt 12 1

Display Book Refillable Red Clearfront 20 Pocket 2

Sharpener Pencil Maped 2 Hole Barrel 1

Ballpoint Pen Artline 8210 BPP Medium Black 2

Ballpoint Pen Artline 8210 BPP Medium Blue 3

Ballpoint Pen Artline 8210 BPP Medium Red 3

Scissors Celco Home/Office 216mm Orange 1

Document Wallet Marbig Slimpick Yellow 1


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Advertising is now available on the St John’s App. The cost of advertising will be $100 plus GST

for the 2013 year.

If you have a business and are interested in advertising on our App and in our newsletter please

contact the office for further information.

BEGBIE PLUMBING Begbie Plumbing offers a quick-response general plumbing service, performing all

types of emergency work.

0427 549 548

JUMA SIGNS Serving the community and businesses for

nearly 40 years.

9781 3873


Full accredited Medical Centre providing comprehensive medical/dental service for

over 30 years. All private funds accepted. Bulk billing for

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