spanish subjunctive

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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Spanish Subjunctive (Present Tense)

Regularyotl, Udnosotros ellos, Udsverb ending with ar = ehablehableshablehablemoshablenverb ending with er = avendavendasvendavendamosvendanverb ending with -ir = ieraescribaescribasescribaescribamosescriban

Irregular yotl, Udnosotros ellos, UdsEstar / jugar ar = eest - juegueests - jueguesest - juegueestemos - juguemosestn - jueguenSer / saber er = asea - sepaseas - sepassea - sepaseamos - sepamossean - sepanIr / mentir -ir = ieravaya - mientavayas - mientasvaya mienta vayamos - mintamosvayan - mientan

Spanish Imperfect Subjunctive

Regularyotl, Udnosotros ellos, Udsverb ending with ar = arahablarahablarashablarahablramoshablaranverb ending with er = ieravendieravendierasvendieravendiramosvendieranverb ending with -ir = ieraescribieraescribierasescribieraescribiramosescribiera

Spanish Perfect Subjunctive

Regularyotl, Udnosotros ellos, UdsAll verb (-ar, -er, -ir)hayahayashayahayamoshayan hablado+ comido He has spoken/eaten/lived vivido

Spanish Pluperfect Subjunctive

yo t l/ella/usted nosotros/vosotras vosotros/vosotras ellos/ellas/ustedes hubierahubierashubierahubiramoshubieraishubieranhabladocomidovividoI had spoken/eaten/lived

Subjunctive in Spanish

a menos que (unless)gustar que (to like that)

aconsejar(le) que (to advise that)gustara que (would like that)

alegrarse de que (to be happy that)hace falta que (to be necessary that)

antes (de) que (before)hasta que (until)

con tal (de) que (so that)importar(le) que (to matter)

conviene que (it is advisable that)insistir en que (to insist that)

cuando (when)mandar que (to order that)

dar(le) miedo de que (to be afraid that)ms vale que (it's better that)

decir(le) que (to tell someone to do something!)mientras que (while)

dejar que (to allow someone to do something)molestar(le) que (to bother)

despus (de) que (after)negar que (to deny that)

dudar que (to doubt that)no creer que (not to believe that)

en caso de que (in case)no es cierto que (it's not certain that)

en cuanto (as soon as)no es verdad que (it's not true that)

es (una) lstima que (it's a pity that)no estar convencido de que (not be convinced that)

es aconsejable que (it's advisable that)no estar de acuerdo con (to not agree with)

es bueno que (it's good that)no estar seguro de que (to not be sure that)

es difcil que (it's difficult for)no imaginarse que (to not imagine that)

es dudoso que (it is doubtful that)no parecer que (to not seem that)

es fcil que (it's easy for)no pensar que (to not think that)

es fantstico que (it's fantastic that)no suponer que (to not suppose that)

es importante que (it's important that)ojal que (if only he would)

es improbable que (it's unlikely that)para que (in order that)

es incierto que (it's uncertain that)parecer(le) bien/mal que (to seem right/wrong that)

es increble que (it's incredible that)pedir(le) que (to ask someone to do something!)

es malo que (it's bad that)perdonar que (to ask forgiveness for)

es mejor que (it's better that)preferir que (to prefer that)

es menester que (it's necessary that)prohibir que (to prohibit that)

es necesario que (it's necessary that)puede ser que (it may be that)

es posible que (it's possible that)querer que (imperative: to want that)

es preciso que (it's necessary that)recomendar(le) que (to recommend that)

es preferible que (it's preferable that)rogar que (to plead/ beg that)

es probable que (it's probable that)sentir que (to regret that)

es raro que (it's rare that)sin que (without)

es ridculo que (it's ridiculous that)sugerir que (to suggest that)

es terrible que (it's terrible that)tan pronto como (as soon as)

esperar que (to hope/hope that)temer que (to fear that)

estar contento que(to be happy that)tener miedo de que (to be afraid that)

estar en contra de que (to be against)vale/merece la pena que (to be worthwhile to)

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