some unusual and traditional things

Post on 22-Mar-2016






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Some unusual and traditional things. Merli Kasemets G1b. Pearly Kings and Queens. Pearly Kings and Queens, known as pearlies , are an organised charitable tradition of working class culture in London . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Some unusual and traditional things

Merli KasemetsG1b

Pearly Kings and Queens

• Pearly Kings and Queens, known as pearlies, are an organised charitable tradition of working class culture in London.

• Each London Borough has a King and Queen. It's a colourful London tradition and one that has been kept alive by a few dedicated people.

• The Pearly tradition has survived for over 125 years.

Pearly history• Began in 1875, by a small lad named Henry Croft.• Henry was born and raised in an orphanage.• At the age of 18 he had to leave the orphanage and make his

own way in life.• Henry decided to help those who were more unfortunate than

himself.• He needed to draw attention to himself. So Henry started to

collect all the pearl buttons he found that had fallen off of the clothes of people visiting the market, and when he had enough buttons he started to sew them on his cap and then continued until his entire suit was filled, the very first smother suit.

• Henry Croft's family still carries on the tradition with his Great-Grand-daughter wearing the title of 'Somers Town'.

Swan Upping• Swan Upping is the annual census of the swan population on

stretches of the Thames in the counties of Middlesex, Surrey, Buckinghamshire, Berkshire and Oxfordshire.

• This historic ceremony dates from the 12th century, when the Crown claimed ownership of all mute swans.

• At that time swans were regarded as a delicious dish at feasts.• Today, the Crown retains the right to ownership of all unmarked

mute swans in open water, but The Queen only exercises her ownership on certain stretches of the Thames and its surrounding tributaries.

• The Queen's Swan Uppers wear traditional scarlet uniforms and each boat flies appropriate flags and pennants.

• Swan Upping takes place every july.

Mazes crop circles• Hedge mazes have a long and indeed regal pedigree in British

gardens. • They began to appear towards the end of the 16th century and some

of the earliest were in the gardens of palaces, as overt symbols of kingly or lordly wealth and power.

The Hampton court• Britain's oldest surviving hedge maze is the maze at Hampton

Court Palace.• It was designed by George London and Henry Wise.• Nowadays it is the most visited and the most famous maze in the

history of the world. And it is delighting visitors since the 17th century.

• There used to be two trees in the centre and it was originally planted with hornbeam. Now it’s made of yew.

Blenheim Palace maze• The Marlborough Maze is the second largest symbolic hedge maze

in the world.• It has two high wooden bridges.• There is a model of a Woodstock street, giant chess and draughts

set.• At the centre 'Blenheim' is spelled out in low hedges.• It is the only maze its size which is designed as a picture.• The maze celebrates Duke's victory at Blenheim.• The Marlborough Maze takes about 25 minutes to solve.

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