solution manager 7.1 firsts configurations

Post on 06-Jul-2018






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If the Solution “SAP Solution” already exists, this step is deactivated.


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It is highly recommended to use the standard SAP Solution Manager BW

environment which sets up the BW in the same client as SAP Solution


If you do not use client 001 as Solution Manager client make sure you set

the BW client in table RSADMINA to the current Solution Manager client.This is done using the function module RS_MANDT_UNIQUE_SET. To

check f the client was set successfully please check the field BWMANDT

in table RSADMINA. The BW can only be activated in this client!

If you use another BW systems as SAP Solution Manager BW system,

please ensure that the software components BI_CONT and ST-BCO are

always on exact the same level as Solution Manager’s. Do never mix up

your business BW with the SAP Solution Manager BW.


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In this step users are created for the further Basic Configuration. The

users are created in Solution Manager and if a separate BW is used in

the BW as well. The column “System” tells you in which system the user

is created.

The following users are created: The user SAPSUPPORT is the support user for E2E tools. Instead of creating the

default users and generating password you can also specify password or specify

an existing user and password. It is recommended to specify the password for the


The SMD_RFC user is user for RFC communication between the ABAP and Java

stack of SAP Solution Manager.

The user CONTENTSERV is the user for HTTP services like Webdynpro and BSP.

The SM_EFWK starts the program E2E_EFWK_RESOURCE_MGR in the

background job EFWK RESOURCE MANAGER. The program starts the ExtractorFramework.

The SMD_BI_RFC user is created in the BW client of your SAP Solution Manager

system and used in the same way than the SMD_RFC user in your productive


The user BI_CALLBACK is created in the SAP Solution Manager client.

BI_CALLBACK is used only if the BW is on a different client or system and if the

BW needs to read data from the Solution Manager client.

The user SM_BW_<SID> is created in the BW system and is used by the RFC


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connection BWSM_<BI_SID>CLNT<BI client>. The RFC connection is a read

connection to the BW system, via which the Solution Manager system reads data

from the extractors in BW, for example for ESR and Monitoring and Alerting.

The SM_BW_ACT is created in the BW system, it is used to activate BI content for

individual scenarios such as Incident Management, Data Volume Management, or

ESR in transaction SOLMAN_SETUP.

The SAPSERVICE user is used by SAP Active Global Support to deliver remote

and on-site services.

The ES_REP_<SID> user is the ES-Reporting user. It allows ES-Reporting for ad-

hoc reports, scheduling of reports, and chapter/subchapter selection as well as

variant choice.

The SM_AMSC user is the user used to rune the Automatic Managed System

Configuration in background

SAPSERVICE and ES_REP_<SID> are created with an initial password

that has to be changed at the first log on. Please change the passwordfor those users immediately and use the “Provide Existing User”

functionality to register the users with the productive password here.


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In this step, you connect existing CA Wily Introscope Enterprise Managers to SAPSolution Manager. This data is required for Solution Manager Diagnostics to analyzethe status of Java systems, e.g. performance data and to enable SAP SolutionManager to alert on errors in the Java system.You can install additional CA Wily Introscope Enterprise Managers, if the capacity of

existing ones would be exceeded.The Wily Introscope Enterprise Manager has to be installed on operating system levelof SAP Solution Manager or on a separate host, before it can be added here.The Enterprise Manager (EM) acts as the central repository for all Introscopeperformance data and metrics collected in an application environment. The EnterpriseManager processes performance data and makes it available to users for monitoringand diagnosis.CA and SAP have an agreement allowing customers to use Introscope with SAP-developed dashboards and instrumentation as part of SAP Solution Manager. If youwould like to increase the benefits of Introscope through custom dashboards andinstrumentation, or extend Introscope's capabilities with Introscope Powerpacks,those services and products are available from CA's Wily Technology Division.The Enterprise Manager should always run on the system, therefore please ensurethat the server comes up again if you restart your server.The Wily Introscope installation guide can be found under → S → SAP Solution Manager → Release 7.1 →Installation … → Wily Introscope Setup Guide 9.0


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Refer to the activity documentation of the single activities to find detailed

information on how to perform the activity. The activity documentation

can be accessed via the link Display in the column Documentation.


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In this step you start a job that performs several automatic activities in

your Solution Manager system. If an activity fails please refer to the log

to find out more about the error and how to fix it.

If you cannot carry out an activity automatically, please refer to the

activity documentation on how to perform the activity manually.The following issues are observed at customers regularly and should be

noticed here briefly: Make sure your client is not set to client role “Production” in transaction SCC4,

since this makes it impossible to import piece lists

Make sure the BW activation was finished successfully before activating any

content. This can be done using transaction RSTCO_ADMIN in the BW client. If it

failed feel free to rerun it directly from there. The BI_TCO_ACTIVATION job usually

needs around 1000 seconds in a new installation.

Several different content areas are activated in this step. Nevertheless you canonly run one CCMS_BI_SETUP job at one time in an BW system. If a BW content

related activity fails, wait until the currently active CCMS_BI_SETUP job finished

and rerun the activity (via “Execute Selected”). Always check the job log of the

CCMS_BI_SETUP jobs, since they tend to finish successfully, despite errors in the

 job log.


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Optional Step

In this step you can maintain users that are used in the further

configuration for the different SAP Solution Manager scenarios (e.g.

ChaRM, BPMon etc.). The users are created with the authorizations

necessary to successfully perform the scenario configuration.


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If you miss a managed system make sure it is visible in LMDB. If it is not

visible in LMDB please connect the system to the SLD to automatically

create it in LMDB.

Please allow some time for the system to show up here, since it has to

be replicated to this view, via the landscape browser.


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The right product version is very important for the setup of Root Cause

 Analysis. If you select only a product versions for a system as

“diagnostics relevant” that are not supported you will not be able to finish

the managed system setup successfully. Please make sure that at least

one product version selected as “diagnostics relevant” is supported as ofSAP note 1478974.


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The following RFC destinations can be created: READ Destination: on Solution Manager to read system data from managed

system to enable basic SAP Solution Manager functions

TMW Destination: on Solution Manager, will be used for the Change Request

Management (ChaRM) functionality. You only need to create this one if you plan touse ChaRM.

RFC Destination for Solution Manager : TRUSTED or LOGIN RFC Destination

to jump to satellite system for analysis purposes. If a TRUSTED RFC destination is

created, also a TRUSTED RFC destination from the managed system to SAP

Solution Manager is created

BACK Destination: on managed system to send data to Solution Manager (for

EWA data, Service Desk messages)


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Make sure that you assign an appropriate Diagnostics agent for every

single instance listed in the table. If you don’t assign an agent, you will

loose of monitoring functionality for the affected instance.

You can use the button “Check Host Agents” to check the SAP Hostagent

installed in the host of the Diagnostics agent. In case of a problem withthe SAP Hostagent an error message will be shown in the log area.

Remark: If you want to use diagnostics agents that are created by an

diagnostics agent as agents on-the-fly, please be aware that you have to

set up and activate agents on-the-fly for the physical/virtual host the SAP

systems logical host is running on, before the managed system setup.

For the setup procedure please refer to the appendix of this document.


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Remark: If you have activated the diagnostics agents on-the-fly for themanaged Java system, make sure to check the checkbox “Deploy Byte CodeAdapter under Managed System Instance(s)” and provide a deploymentpath for Introscope BC Adapter.

Without this checkbox the BC adapter is deployed inside the folder structure ofthe diagnostics agent.Example:D:\usr\sap\D7B\SMDA78\SMDAgent\applications.config\\BytecodeAgent\ISAGENT.

 As the agents on-the-fly do not fail-over with the Java stack, but are createdon the new physical or virtual host after the switch, the BC adapter will get lostduring a fail-over. To avoid this you can either deploy it in the folder structureof the Java stack or to a designated folder that has to be included in the fail-over switch.

If the value set is an absolute path like “/wily” the result of the deployment be:/wily/SD7/JC00/BytecodeAgent/ISAGENT.

If the value set is a relative path like “wily” the result of the deployment pathwill be:/usr/sap/SD7/JC00/wily/BytecodeAgent/ISAGENT.


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In this step you create users in the managed system, to enable the

Diagnostics agent to gather data and to provide a user for SAP Support.

The following users are created: SAPSUPPORT: The user SAPSUPPORT enables Active Global Support to

support in the managed system. The user can only read data. Enter the passwordmanually.

SMDAGENT_<SID>: The SMDAGENT_<SID> user is used by the Wily Host

 Agent Application on the Diagnostics Agent to connect to managed systems of

type ABAP for data retrieval.

SMCOLL_<SID>: The SMCOLL_<SID> user is used by the Wily Host Agent

 Application on the Diagnostics Agent to connect to managed systems of type Java

for data retrieval.

Remark: If you don’t see any users, please check if your logon user inSolution Manager (the one running the MSC) has authorizations for user

maintenance in Solution Manager, with SP12 a new authorization check

is introduced that requires this authorization also for the maintenance of

managed system users


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In this step you start a job that performs several automatic activities in

the managed system. If an activity fails please refer to the log to find out

more about the error and how to fix it.

If you cannot carry out an activity automatically, please refer to the

activity documentation on how to perform the activity manually.

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After finishing the managed system setup for your system make

sure that you add it to a Solution, to activate Early Watch alerts!

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1 For the diagnostics agent installed on the physical/virtual SAP

recommends to use a freshly installed Diagnostics Agent. It is not

recommendable to try to re-use older/former existing agents for the

agents on-the-fly setup.2 This will help you to determine where the agents on-the-fly are currentlylocated (on which physical/virtual host they are currently running) In the Agent Admin UI the on-the-fly agents are identified by

<SID>/<Instance>/<logical host name> so to identify on which physical host an

agent on-the-fly is currently running, it is recommendable to use different SIDs or

instance numbers for all agents participating in one switch-over group (the group

of physical hosts between which one managed component can switch)



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Host type:

P = physical

V = virtual

L = logical

U = unknown (you may want to check the SAP Hostagent for this host)

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The field to exclude host names accepts regular expressions. This

means if you want to exclude e.g. all hosts starting with abc* and xyz*

you have to enter the following in the field “Hosts”: abc.*,xyz.* 


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