software development observations

Post on 13-Feb-2017






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Software development is not an easy work. It requires great skills and attention during the process. There are a lot of software engineers out there today, but everyone has different approaches in the way they carry out the software development process. Here we point out a few observations about software development process.

More than any other job function, software developers use a lot of tools for project management, hosting, frameworks, storage, window management, javascript libraries, etc.

Software development requires a lot of tools.Software development requires a lot of tools.

Making all the tools working is a very hard job. It's a good thing that certain apps are built to work together. Some like 1Passwrod uses Dropbox to sync the data. Others take much more time.

Lot of time spent for optimization. Lot of time spent for optimization.

For software developers, it is very hard to choose the one solution that's just right. Often they stumble on the perfect app after they already cobbled together a workaround.

Choices are hard to make.Choices are hard to make.

The software development process has changed drastically in the past years and it's very critical that every developers keep up with it.

New tools are arriving each day.New tools are arriving each day.

Most commonly used development apps by software developers;

Jira MySQL Ruby on Rails Eclipse Pivotal Tracker Dropbox Text Mate Google Analytics Amazon Web Services Git

Chris Mauzy Chris Mauzy is hard working, creative and expert software engineer. With many years of experience, Chris Mauzy posses all the attributes of a good software engineer. He is working in a well reputed company now.

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