social selling

Post on 10-May-2015






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All you need to know about how to crack into the Social Selling business!


Social Selling

B2B Sales is Now a Popularity Contest

What is Social Selling?


Social Selling is the practice of communicating with

businesses via social networks in attempts to get your name to prospects you’re company

is interested in

So I Friend them on Facebook…?

Not exactly… I mean you can if you want to…

However, it’s more important to start a conversation than be Facebook friends

There’s A lot Out There

Facebook is good, but there are so many other potential ways to connect with people

Don’t limit yourself to just one

Don’t just Awkwardly say “Hi”

The point is not to just chat it up randomly

You want to connect to them with purpose

Hi Stranger!

Would you wanna be friends with this guy?

Flirt Business You want to flirt business on social media platforms

Tweet or post to a prospect as you would a secret crush

Identify a common area of interest and tweet or post about it on their page/profile

It’s Not Always Straight Forward

Sometimes it may be best to just send out a tweet or post not directly to them but on your own page

This may attract others to the information that you are posting about

How to Attract

“#” (hash tagging) and linking.

Hash tagging identifies a specific category that if people search for you will come up

# Success

Mock TweetIn this case our prospect is “BigBiz”, they are a company you’re interested in, so we tweeted at them

The #’s are topics of which you believe BigBiz will be interested in

Link them to content from your company that you think they would want to know

Mock Google+ Post

Sometimes you don’t have to directly contact a person

Posting content you believe that your target audience wants knowledge about will also increase your chances of contact

Finally…Don’t Be a Stalker Easy does it on

the tweeting and posting on peoples profiles

Hey wanna be friends!?

Too much just makes you seem like you’re desperate

See What Else We Got!

For more information on how to “flirt business” and sell into the the big

companies check out our free guide “Selling Into the Fortune 1000” Here:

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