[social selling] 50 citações sobre negócios e vendas social que você precisa pendurar no...

Post on 18-Nov-2014






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E como agregar valor neste novo processo de compra? Equipes de vendas inovadoras sabem que têm de fornecer insights verdadeiros durante todo o processo de compra se quiserem ser consideradas como um futuro parceiro.


Sales & social


This is the end of business as usual.”Brian Solis, Analyst of The Altimeter Group

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This is not an information age. It’s an age of

networked intelligence.” Don Tapscott, Author of Wikinomics


The elites — or managers in companies — no longer control the conversation. This is how insurrections start.” Marc Benioff, CEO at Salesforce.com


Help the people in your network. And

let them help you.” Reid Hoffman, Founder of LinkedIn


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“  A brand is no longer what we tell the

Scott Cook, Founder of Intuit

Koka Sexton, Social Media Manager at LinkedIn

Technology is a double edge sword. Just as sales people are moving into the future, the buyers are already ahead of us.”


Everything that can be social will be.” Jeffrey Dachis, Chief Evangelist and Advisor at Sprinklr


“By 2015, the 20% of enterprises employing social media beyond

marketing will lead their industries into revenue growth.”

Gartner, Social Is Here – Where’s The ROI?

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By the year 2020,

85 percent of the buyer-seller interaction will happen online through social media and video.” Josiane Feigon, Author and President at TeleSmart Communications


Sales-driven cultures can

really differentiate you from the majority of your competition.” Josh James, CEO of Domo


Jay Baer, Best-Selling Author of “Youtility”

Social media creates kinship between companies and customers, and kinship equals

purchase intent.”


Social selling expands on the age-old basics of getting to know your customers andmeeting their needs.” Jon Ferrara, CEO of Nimble


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It’s no longer about Interrupting, pitching and closing. It’s about listening, diagnosing and prescribing.” Mark Roberge, SVP Sales and Services at Hubspot


Selling to people who actually want to hear from you is more effective than interrupting strangers that don’t.” Seth Godin, Founder of Squidoo.com

It is the cold that is dead — not the calling.” Trish Bertuzzi, Founder of The Bridge Group


You can’t fake community, you can’t force it, either.” Chris Brogan, Author of “The Impact Equation”


Listening is the new prospecting.”John Jantsch, Author of “Duct Tape Selling”

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There is no sale without the story; noknockout without the setup.” Gary Vaynerchuk, Author of “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook”


It’s about relationships, not technology.”

Dennis Agusi, Global Internal Communications Officer at Philips


Sales is all about creating a meaningful relationship that can be the foundation of a lasting business relationship.” Ralf VonSosen, Head of Marketing, LinkedIn Sales Solutions

Value the relationship more than making quota.” Jeffrey Gitomer, Author of “21.5 Unbreakable Laws of Selling”


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Social is not a place for a hard sell, it’s aplace to build trust and credibility.” Julio Viskovich, Author of “Social Selling: How to Find Buying Signals on Social Media”


You don’t close a sale, you open a relationship if you want to build a long-term, successful enterprise.” Patricia Fripp, Professional Speaker and Speech Coach


If you build a great experience, customers tell each other about that. Word of mouth is very powerful.” Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon.com


For every sale you miss because you’re too enthusiastic, you will miss a hundred because you’re not enthusiastic enough.”Zig Ziglar, Author of “Ziglar on Selling”

Enchantment is the purest form of sales.” Guy Kawasaki, Chief Evangelist at Canva


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When you have a multi-tiered sales effort, the first thing you want to do is understand the market. ” Brian Frank, VP of Global Sales Operations at LinkedIn


The impact on a customer of a bad buying decision is usually greater than the impact of a salesperson of a lost deal.”Donal Daly, CEO and Founder of The TAS Group

The best salespeople know

that their expertise can become their energy in selling.”Mike Bosworth, Author of “Solution Selling”


When we change the way we communicate,

we change society.” Clay Shirky, Author


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“Too often, companies implement social software without clear business

objectives or a strategy for making an impact on organizational performance.

These efforts typically fail.”Deloitte, Professional Services Firm

Business opportunities are like buses, there’s always another one coming.” Richard Branson, Founder of Virgin Group

Most of us have experienced wow moments. Wejust haven’t had taken the time to think deeply about them.”Michael Hyatt, Author of “Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World”


Jill Konrath, Author of “SNAP Selling”

The best sales questions have your expertise wrapped into them.”

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Consistently investigate what gives people energy. Be the fan that fuels it.” Darren Rowse, Founder of ProBlogger

Call your tribe to action, thenyou’ll understand how much influence you really have.”Neal Schaffer, Author of “Maximize Your Social”


Socially surround your buyers and their ‘sphere of influence’: experts, peers and colleagues.”Jill Rowley, Founder of Jillrowley.com

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You earn influence by giving value and attention to other people. BE USEFUL!”Laura Fitton, Inbound Marketing Evangelist at Hubspot

Do your best to always move from less assertive methodologies to more assertive and more effective. ” Ken Krogue, President and Founder of InsideSales.com


Filter everything you’re doing, saying and pitching and you’ll improve just about every metric you care abouttoday.”Matt Heinz, President of Heinz Marketing


“80% of social business efforts will not achieve the intended benefits due

to inadequate leadership and an overemphasis on technology.” Gartner, Social and Collaboration Go Deeper and Wider

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For any CEO that is skeptical at all: you have to create a social enterprise today.” Angela Ahrendts, CEO at Burberry

“The key to digital transformation is re-envisioning and driving change in how

the company operates. That’s a mangement and people challenge, not just

a technology one.” Capgemini Consulting, Digital Transformation Report

 LinkedIn is not just a place to find your dream job, but a way to be better at the job you already have.” Jeff Weiner, CEO of LinkedIn

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1 out of every 3 professionals onthe planet is on LinkedIn.” Jason Miller, Content Marketing Manager at LinkedIn


Join LinkedIn Groups. You are

70 percent more likely to get an appointment on an unexpected sale.” Steve Richard, Co-Founder of Vorsight


Make each sales rep responsible for monitoring a certain number of competitors on LinkedIn.” Jamie Shanks, Partner at Sales for Life


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Social Business: This is not a drill, people.” Jeff Gibbard, President at True Voice Media

Your social platform will become the motherboard of your business.” Sandy Carter, VP of Social Business at IBM


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