social report 2007-2009

Post on 22-Feb-2016






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Social Report 2007-2009


  • Social Report, 2007-2009AES Dominicana Foundation

  • Social Report, 2007-2009AES Dominicana Foundation

    Social Report, 2007-2009AES Dominicana Foundation

    For AES Dominicana Foundation

    Germn Toro GhioVicepresident Executive

    General CoordinationTamara Navarro

    Chief EditorBredyg Disla

    For Cumbre Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi

    Project CoordinatorJos A. Ginebra

    Coordinators AssistantAna N. Garib R.

    Book Design/MockOrlando Isaac

    A production of DIS Foundation, Colombiafor AES Dominicana Foundation

    Printed by: Amigo del HogarSanto DomingoDominican Republic, 2011Prohibited the reproduction or any copy ofthis piece without the author autorization.

  • Social Report, 2007-2009AES Dominicana Foundation

    Its up to us to be better citizens, aware of the appropiateness of our goals

  • Social Report, 2007-2009AES Dominicana Foundation

  • ContentsLetter from the President 11AES Dominicanas commitments to Social Responsability 13The AES Dominicana Foundation and its alliances: a strategy for expanding development 13Social invesment in recent years 17The AES Dominicana Foundations areas of work 18Community relations: the importance of being a good neighbor

    Education 21Love your school

    Sport 24Friends of sport

    Health 27Support for the community 29High impact projectsEducationEnergy Hall-Trampoln Childrens MuseumThe AES Dominicana Foundation-PIES INTEC ScholarshipsInternships for Haina Polytechnic students

    Environment 33Culture 34Foundations challenges 37The AES Dominicana Foundations administrative, organitional, and control structure 38General AssemblyBoard of DirectorsExecutive CommitteeCorporate Governance CommitteeControl mechanisms

  • 11

    Letter from The President

    Marco De la Rosa

  • 13

    AES Dominicanascommitments to SocialResponsability

    The AES Dominicana Foundationand its alliances: a strategy forexpanding development

    1 Austin, James E. (Harvard Business School). The Collaboration Challenge. How Nonprofits and Businesses Succeed Through Strategic Alliances. The Drucker Foundation.Jossey-Bass Publishers. San Francisco. 2000.

  • 1514




    2See, for example, Fizsbein, Ariel and Lowden, Pamela.Working Together for a Change: Government, Civic, and Business Partnerships for Poverty Reduction in Latin America and theCaribbean. Economic Development Institute of the World Bank. The World Bank. Washington, D.C. 1999.3 See Programa Nacional de Alianzas [National Program of Alliances] (Colombia). Creacin y consolidacin de alianzas. Elementos metodolgicos para el trabajo en alianzas entre elsector pblico, el sector privado y las organizaciones civiles. Banco Mundial, [Creation and Establishment of Alliances. Methodological Elements for Working in Alliances among thePublic Sector, Private Sector and Civil Organizations. World Bank]. Fundacin Corona, DFID, Universidad del Norte, Universidad del Valle, Universidad de Caldas, UniversidadAutnoma de Bucaramanga, INER-Universidad de Antioquia, CIDER-Universidad de los Andes. 2002, p. 4.4Arboleda, Jairo and Villar, Rodrigo. Conferencia-Taller sobre alianzas por el desarrollo. Resumen analtico. Banco Mundial [Conference-Workship on Alliances for Development.Analytical Summary. World Bank], BP Exploration and Corporacin el Minuto de Dios. 1996. P-6.

  • 1716

    Social investment in recent years

  • 19

    Leaders in both business and civil society havefocused too much on the friction between themand not enough on the points of intersection. Themutual dependence of corporations and societyimplies that both business decisions and socialpolicies must follow the principle of shared value.That is, choices must benefit both sides. Thus, anaffirmative social agenda moves from mitigatingharm to reinforcing corporate strategy throughsocial progress.

    Areas of work

    Community relations:the importance of being a goodneighbor



    5See Porter, Michael E. and Kramer, Mark K. 2006. Strategy & Society, The Link Between Competitive Advantage and Corporate Social Responsibility. In Harvard Business Review,December 2006.

  • 2120


  • 23


    Love your school


  • 2524


  • Friends of sport



  • 2928

    Supportfor the community

  • 31

    High impact projects


    Energy HallTrampoln Museum


  • 33

    Internships for Haina Polytechnicstudents


    Join hands its time to reforest

    The AES DominicanaFoundation-PIES INTECscholarships


  • 35

    Special projects



  • 37

    Other actions that benefitdominican culture:


    Foundations challenges

  • 39

    Corporate Governance Committee

    Control mechanisms

    General Assembly

    Board of Directors

    Executive Committee


    Composition of the Board of Directors, 2007-2009:

    PresidentMarco De la Rosa

    Executive VicepresidenteGermn Toro Ghio

    SecretaryGiselle Leger

    TreasurerYandery Tern

    MemberDolly Miller

    The AES Dominicana Foundations administrative,organizational, and control structure

    The social work performed bythe AES Dominicana

    Foundation makes the work of theAES family in the Dominican

    Republic more rewarding,enjoyable, and exciting.

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