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Post on 08-Apr-2015






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1.1 Background of the Study

The most important thing of all in human life is communication.

Communication is an important role in human life. Communication is a way to

convey the ideas, feeling and fulfill our needs. As a human life, we need to

communicate with others in order to get our purposes. We can`t do our activities

without a communication. By communicating everything will be easier.

All over the world, language is used for communication. We need for our

daily activity. In every interaction we need a language. Language is the most

significant possession of human being. It is used for human being to send message

from one to another, to maintain communication from speaker to listener and so

on. A language has an important role in every day life in doing various


English is very important language in the world, because it is used as a

means of communication in the world, or as international language. Beside that,

English is also spoken all over the world as instructional language of scientific

study, economy, business, technology information, politics and others. In

Indonesia English is the first foreign language, which is taught as a compulsory

subject in all schools, from junior high school until university, even now days

English is taught formally in elementary school. Nevertheless, now days most of

the pre-elementary school use English as a second language. It reflects that

English is considered as an international language which plays an important role

in this modern life. New movement in language teaching often begins with the

reaction of the old one. At present, the method that is recommended in teaching

English in Indonesia is communicative language teaching method which is

involves the mastery of four language skills; listening, speaking, reading and

writing. In communicative language teaching, aims of teaching are means of both

oral and written communication.

In relation to this study, vocabulary is the most important of all. Cross

(1999 :60) states that vocabulary can be defined roughly, as the word that teach in

the foreign language. However a new item of vocabulary may be more than a

single word. Brown (2001) writes that English teacher lean to ignore the

significance of vocabulary in their teaching of speaking or communication

performance. In fact the use of suitable vocabulary can cancel out structure

incorrectness. Based on this authenticity, recently, methodologists and linguist

have increasingly turned their attention to vocabulary, learning stressing their

important in language teaching and reassessing some of the ways it is taught and

learnt. It means that vocabulary plays a very essential task in language teaching.

As the objective of language teaching is to develop students skills, namely

listening skills, speaking skills, reading skills, and writing skills, the acquisition of

meaning also influences the performance of student on more vocabulary items,

they will be more likely to have better ability to articulate and communicate the

message. those skills.

Another strong view on the important of vocabulary is stated by Clark

(1997). He pointed out that the more vocabularies a person master, the more ideas

he/she could express. More over, he described that people who have many ideas

or ones who master a large number of vocabulary are able to communicate easily

and fluently in any particular situation. However, if they have not enough

vocabulary they will get difficulty in communicating their ideas.

Furthermore Brown (1996) states that school pupil as well as adult

learners feel terribly frustrated or not being able to say in the language they learnt

just because they lack of the vocabulary. In other words many language learners,

especially foreign language learners, are not able to communicate using the

language because they have or master limited number of vocabulary. Vocabulary

becomes a significant aspect in successful teaching ,learning a language

Marianne (1991: 298) supports that teacher and students must increase

their vocabulary to communicate and also increase facility to communicating.

Communication can not relate if not mastery in vocabulary.

There are many ways to learn vocabulary. Philips (1993: 68) gives idea

that vocabulary is best learned when the meaning of the word is illustrated by

picture, an action, or a real object. The children should meet and use the word in

relevant contexts, in order to fix them in their minds.

Vocabulary need to be taught in context and children should always be

given plenty opportunities to use the language that they have learned in class. This

means that they do not just learn the rules superficially but put them into practice

in order to be able to communicate. Hence, teaching to improve the students’

abilities in vocabulary needs interaction between teacher and students.

In teaching learning process of English as foreign language, the teacher

must be able to build up the students` interest, especially in increasing their

vocabulary items. The teacher should give the students a feeling success in

learning English. There are many ways to develop the students` interest in

learning. One of them is teaching English by using children English songs. Songs

can be used as a tool to increase the students` interest or motivation in learning.

Music and rhythm are essential part of language learning for young learners.

Children really enjoy learning by singing songs, and adult learners find working

with current or well known pop songs highly motivated (Sarah Philips, 2003).

Music and rhythm make it easier to imitate and remember than words

which are just spoken. If you teach children by English songs, the vocabulary will

be much easier to stick on the students` mind. Furthermore, we can use songs and

rhythm of English to reinforce student to learn structure and vocabulary. Wheeler

(1993) states that children all over the world love listening songs and most of

them love singing too! Using children English songs to introduce language and

develop vocabulary is a great way to have children to remember words. He also

claims that a song can improve the student’s motivation to learn the language,

especially the weaker ones.

After analyzing the characteristics of the problem deeply, in this study, the

researcher will use children English songs in order to encourage and to improve

the students in mastering vocabulary. Songs are interesting media for the students

to learn more vocabulary. Wheeler states that singing a song is natural habit of

the people mostly doing in their life consciously or unconsciously. It seems to be

remarkable way for enhancing and encouraging long term memory for language

learners, besides the teacher can easily find them and use them as a technique of

teaching vocabulary to build up students` ability of SD N 3 Bugbug.

Therefore, in accordance with the above fact, the researcher is highly

motivated to find out the effectiveness of the technique of teaching vocabulary

through children English songs in improving the students` vocabulary mastery.

1.2 Statement of Research Question

In the relation to the background of the research, the research question can

be formulated as follows: to what extent is the effectiveness of teaching

vocabulary through children English songs to the fourth grade students of SDN 3

Bugbug in academic year 2009/2010?

1.3 Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to answer the research question that has been

previously formulated and determined. In line with this rationale, the present

study intends to reveal the effectiveness of children English songs in improving

the vocabulary ability of the fourth grade students of SDN 3 Bugbug.

1.4 Limitation of the Study

On account of this fact, challenges related to vocabulary mastery faced by

the subject of this study are definitely too broad and complex to be dealt with in a

single study. According in the present class action study the researcher limits her

investigation to the teaching of vocabulary through children English songs to the

fourth grade students of SDN 3 Bugbug. The present study is also limited to the

students ` ability to master the new vocabulary used in the teaching learning


1.5 Significance of the Study

The outcome of this study at providing both theoretical and practical

significances as the following:

1. For student

This research is expected to help the students to improve their

vocabulary mastery and increase their motivation and interest

in learning English. They could learn English in a good mood

and not stressful.

2. For the teacher

This research is expected to give a new technique to the

teacher as the way to improve the vocabulary mastery. The

outcome of this study is meant to give English teacher a better

understanding of importance of children English songs

technique in improving the students` vocabulary. Teacher

should be able to choose the right methods and techniques in

teaching vocabulary integratively to improve the student’s

acquisition of English.

3. For the institution

This research is expected to give contribution in term of

teaching vocabulary to the fourth grade students, to enrich the

existing syllabus and also to increase the number of catalogues

in the library.

1.6 Assumption

Because of the limitation of time, finance, and investigator’s ability, not all

variables can be controlled. In order to neutralize the compounding variables, it is

essential to state some assumption as follows:

1. The subjects under study are assumed to have been learning

English for the same period of time.

2. The subjects under study are assumed to have similar prior

learning experiences in English.

3. The English teachers are assumed to have similar teaching

qualification in teaching English.

1.7 Hypothesis

On attempting to give a temporary solution to the problem, the hypothesis

will be stated as the following: Children English Songs are significantly effective

in improving the students` vocabulary.

1.8 Definition of the Key Terms

To give a clear understanding of the term used in this present study, it is

necessary to define operationally the term: vocabulary and children English song.

a. In this study vocabulary is defined as a new words that have to be

mastered by the students under study as suggested by English

teaching syllabus.

b. Children English songs are defined as series of children songs

used by the researcher as a technique to improve the vocabulary of

the students of SD N 3 Bugbug. The students are requested to learn and

memorize and practiced various children songs and then followed

by vocabulary exercises to practice their vocabulary ability.

c. SD N 3 Bugbug stands for Sekolah Dasar , which is in English call

Elementary School. SDN 3 Bugbug as one which is located in

Bugbug village, Karangasem regency.

1.9 Theoretical Framework

The fundamental theoretical framework can to a great extent, minimize

versions of classroom action. The present study was conducted on the ground of

the following theoretical basis:

1. Conception of vocabulary

2. Conception of teaching vocabulary

3. Conception of children English songs

4. Teaching vocabulary through children English songs

5. Assessment of vocabulary

Discussion on each of this heading is devoted in chapter II which deal with

“Review of Related Literature”



In this chapter the researcher wrote some important points include lots of

relevant theoretical reviews from many related literatures to support this study.

The theoretical basis were the following: (1) conception of vocabulary, (2)

conception of teaching vocabulary, (3) conception of children English songs, (4)

teaching vocabulary through children English songs, (5) assessment of


2.1 Conception of Vocabulary

In the process of teaching learning English as a foreign language, teacher

should be creative in finding the way to the effective and efficiently arouse the

students’ interest to be active in the class room. One of the way is by using songs

as teaching aids, in order to be able to understand the content of the songs. The

students should master appropriate vocabulary. In order to support this statement

the researcher uses some conceptions which are quoted from some books dealing

with vocabulary mastery.

Marianne (1991: 299), states that in the second language classroom

however `` neglected`` vocabulary has been in theory; there is little doubt that a

great deal of vocabulary teaching is currently going on and has always been going

on. This statement as one of example that actually in teaching vocabulary teacher

also has lack of attention and also perception of the study of vocabulary in

language teaching.

Michael and O Dell (2001:4-6) give some ways how to learn to master

vocabulary, such as(a) student should help them selves to learn by learning

associated word together. Learning word together that are associated in meaning

is a popular and useful way of organizing vocabulary study, example; cat

associated with kitten, paw, mew, etc. (b) pictures and diagrams can help learn.

Picture and diagram can help to remember vocabulary. Example, a cycle, triangle,

picture o tree or a lion etc. (c) Word trees can be useful. Completing word tree can

help to learn vocabulary. Example, to complete a word tree ` holiday` are summer,

hotel, sun bathing etc. Furthermore they say that to learn vocabulary not only by

studying with their book but also by reading and listening to English. For this

statement we know to understand some ways how to learn English is very

important as a way to mastery in vocabulary, because vocabulary is very

important in learning English.

Kamil & Hiebert (2004) state that vocabulary is knowledge of word and

word meanings. However, vocabulary is more complex than this definition

suggests. First, words come in two forms; oral and print. Oral vocabulary includes

those words that we recognize and use in listening and speaking. Print vocabulary

includes those words that we recognize and use in reading and writing. Second

word knowledge also comes in two forms, receptive and productive. Receptive

vocabulary includes words that we use when we speak or write. Receptive

vocabulary is typically larger than productive vocabulary, and may include many

words to which we assign some meaning, even if we use them ourselves as we

speak and write.

Richard (1995) add their state about vocabulary, not only do we need a

rich vocabulary to put our ideas into words, but the words them selves gives us

ideas and sharpen our thinking. A new word can make us aware what we did not

know existed. This statement support how important the students’ mastery in

vocabulary. With knowing a new vocabulary students got a new concept and

enlarge their knowledge. Furthermore he also state that all of us from time had

trouble in expressing an idea because we lack the necessary words. So to avoid

this trouble, it is important for students to master vocabulary in English.

Madsen (1993: 461) states vocabulary is a list of words with their meaning

especially in book for learning a foreign language. Moreover, Hackman (1991)

defines vocabulary as follows: (1) the total number of words which make up a

language, (2) range of words known or used by a person in a trade, profession,

etc, (3) list of words used in a book usually with definition or translation.

Kathleen(2003:6) defines vocabulary as a list or collection of word

arranged in alphabetical order. Brown(2001:1) supports the definition by giving a

definition. He defines vocabulary as a list of words and often phrase, usually

arranged glossary. While Shoebotton(2003:6) defines vocabulary as words or

phrases which label the part of material to be learnt and which are necessary for

students to use in talking and writing.

Based on the above facts, it means that the vocabulary is a foundation or a basis of

language. It is a vehicle for thought, self expression, interpretation and

communication. People who want to involve in a communication activity are fully

aware of the importance of vocabulary mastery.

2.2 Conception of Teaching Vocabulary

Philips (1993: 68) states that both vocabulary and grammar need to be

taught in context and the children should always be given plenty of opportunities

to use the language that they have learnt in class. This means that they do not just

learn the rules superficially, but put them into practice in order to communicate.

Marianne (1991: 298) states that discussion of the teaching of vocabulary

is divided into two parts. First part is ``unplanned vocabulary teaching`` that is

extemporaneous teaching of problem vocabulary item that come up with out

warning in the course of the lesson. The second is ``planned vocabulary teaching``

that is where the teacher goes into the classroom with an item or a set of

vocabulary item that he or she decided before hand what will be taught during the

course of the lesson. Furthermore she states that much of this teaching is


Cross (1999: 27) states that the basic sight vocabulary is important

because it forms a good foundation upon which word analysis skill may be

developed. As soon as student can recognize a few words with similar letter sound

association, they are ready to begin building up word attack skills. Teacher use

various a good basic sight vocabulary.

There are actually many techniques in teaching vocabulary. Some of them

are technique for comprehension and production. Technique for comprehension

include utilizing contexts clues, word morphology etc. Technique for production

include situational sets, metaphor sets and collocation. Phillips (1998:68) says that

vocabulary is best learned when the meaning of the word is illustrated, for

example by a picture, an action, or real object.

Each of the technique has its own advantages. It is very difficult to

determine which one is the best way,. The teacher should be able to select the

most appropriate way to ensure the improvement of students` ability. The

technique that will be used by the teacher should enable to facilitate the creativity

and the practical experience for the learners in gaining our language skill above.

In connection to this study that is improving the mastery of vocabulary

through children English songs, the vocabulary item being taught to the students

especially the meaning of unfamiliar words can be presented in various ways and

context, so the students are asked to look for and also to understand the meaning

of those words by relating them to their context.

2.3 Conception of Children English Songs

Laidlow (2006) states that using song to introduce language and develop

vocabulary is a great way to help children to remember words. Children all over

the world love listening songs and most of them love singing too. David (2001:1)

states that songs and chants have long been known to enhance learning in the

English classroom. Songs can help to create an exciting and comfortable


Sarah Philips (2003) states that songs can be used as a tool to increase the

students` interest or motivation in learning. Children really enjoy learning by

singing songs. English songs will make students easier to imitate and remember

words. Songs also can reinforce student to learn structure and vocabulary.

2.4 Teaching Vocabulary through Children English Songs

The pupils who learn English as second language deal with the four

language skills. Song can be used to learn many subjects. In language learning,

the language teaching may implement various ways and techniques. It aims to

motivate, encourage and stimulate students` interest to learn. Especially, in

teaching vocabulary, to kill students` boredom and stimulate memory, many

teacher give simple song to dig up students` capability in vocabulary mastery.

Teaching to young ages are funny activities. The objective of the activities is `` to

arouse the pleasure of teaching and learning and with its strong purpose on

teaching English must be a fun``. Teacher tends to find enjoyable songs; they can

live up the language class by using them to stimulate the students` interest. The

activity of learning vocabulary through songs relaxed and receptive state in

learners. Because by singing, students may play around words of the songs and is

often accompanied by laughing and joking. Students` memory can actually work

better when they are relaxed.

People may sing a song many times, this providing repetitive practice in

the new language. Transference of information from the sort term to the long term

memory is facilitated by repetition and songs achieve this affect. There will be

many new vocabularies that can be appropriately introduced in a song. Karl

Nordvall (2001:1) states that songs and chants have long been known to enhance

learning in the English classroom. Songs can help to create an exciting and

comfortable atmosphere

Vanessa Reilly and Shelle M. Ward (2002: 23) state that songs, chants and

rhymes help children language development, and also their physical development

when used in conjunction with dance and mime. The language in traditional songs

is rich and colorful and extends the children`s vocabulary and use of rhymes

encourage children to explore the sound of words, and the use of imagery enriches

their perception of the world and their ability to express what they feel.

2.5 Assessment of Vocabulary

Testing is an important part of every teaching and learning experience.

Both testing and teaching are so closely interrelated that it is virtually impossible

to wok in either field without constantly concerned with the other. Assessment is

also the systematic collection, review, and use of information about educational

programs undertaken for the purpose of improving student learning and

development. In general terms, assessment is the determination of a value, or

measurement, based on a "standard." Standard refers to a "target." Standard-based

measurement, or assessment, is useful in education for both the placement of

students in initial course work and ascertaining the extent of students' acquisition

of skills/knowledge.

For addition, Butler (2001) states Assessment is the act of collecting

information about individuals or groups of individuals in order to better

understand them. Assessment can be done by carrying out a sequence of tests.

Test may be constructed primarily as devices to reinforce learning and to motivate

the students or primarily as a mean of assessing the students’ performance in the

language. Butler (2001) explains the essence of assessment answers the questions:

1. Did the students achieve the intended standards?

2. If the student did not achieve the intended standards, will the feedback

he/she received help improve the student’s performance?

3. Was the instruction effective?

4. If the instruction was NOT effective, how can I, the teacher, improve my

instruction to meet the needs of all students?

There are four main approaches to language testing: the essay-translation

approach, the structuralize approach, the integrative approach, and communicative

approach. Good classroom English tests should consist of objective and

productive tests. It is important that through objective test where active

vocabulary should be assess by means of productive tests.

Moreover, Read (2005: 75) states the history of vocabulary assessment in

the twentieth century is very much associated with the development of objective

testing. Objective tests are ones in which the learning material is divided into

small units, each of which can be assessed by means of a test item with a single

correct answer that can be specified in advance. Most commonly these are items

of the multiple-choice type. The tests are objective in the sense that they can be

scored without requiring any judgment by the scorer as to whether an answer is

correct or not.

Furthermore, Read (2005: 76) explain how psychometrics, the science of

mental measurement that gave rise to objective testing, came to have a dominant

influence on assessment in all areas of the American school curriculum during the

period after the first world war, so that the new test progressively displaced

traditional essay examinations from the 1930s on the first modern language tests,

for Latin, French, and German, were published in the US by Daniel Starch in

1916 (Spolsky 1995). These test assessed vocabulary knowledge by presenting

learners with a list of foreign words to be matched with their English translation.

Other early tests used multiple-choice items in a similar way, with a word of

second language in the stem and four or five words of first language as the option.

In addition to above statement, Read (2005) states that it is easy to see

how vocabulary became popular as a component of objective language test:

Words could be treated as independent linguistic units with a meaning

expressed by a synonym, a short defining phrase or a translation

equivalent. As a result, it was relatively straightforward to write a set of

multiple choice items consisting of a word followed by four or five

possible meanings, or a matching test comprising jumbled lists of words

and shot definitions.

There was a great deal of work in the 1920s and 1930s to prepare lists of

the most frequent words in English, as well as other words that were useful

for the needs of particular groups of students. According to Lado (1961:

181), similar though more limited work was done on the vocabulary of

major European languages. These lists provided a large stock of

vocabulary items that could be conveniently sampled to select the target

words for a test.

Multiple choice vocabulary tests proved to have excellent technical

characteristics, in relation to requirements of psychometric theory. Well-

written items could discriminate effectively among learners according to

their level of ability, and thus the tests were highly reliable. Reliability was

the great virtue of a psychometric test.

Rather than simply measuring vocabulary knowledge, objective

vocabulary tests seemed to be valid indicators of language ability in a

broad sense. As Anderson and Freebody (1998- 78-80) noted, one of the

most consistent findings in L1 reading research has been the high

correlation between tests of vocabulary and reading comprehension. The

same has been shown to apply in second language assessment (e.g. Pike,

1979). Furthermore, the strong relationship between vocabulary and

general intelligence is one of the most robust findings in the history of

intelligence testing (Anderson and Freebody, 1998: 77)

Although multiple choice items are the most suitable instrument for testing

vocabulary, they should not be over- used. Frequently, other item types are far

more interesting and useful. The material itself should always determine the types

of questions, which are constructed. As Ur (1998: 71) mentioned there are several

ways to assess the students’ mastery of vocabulary, such as using multiple choice,

matching, spelling, dictation, and singing, depending on the levels of the students.

Butler (2001) states the assessments we have made must be relevant,

reliable, and valid. If they are relevant, then the assessments are tied to our

classroom instruction. An assessment is reliable when the same answers receive

the same score no matter when the assessment occurs or how or who does the

scoring, or when students receive the same scores no matter which version of the

test they take. To be valid, an assessment must measure what it is intended to

measure, rather than extraneous features. That does not mean, however, that all

assessments made by all teachers are always relevant, reliable, and valid. In order

to be able to construct relevant, reliable, and valid tests for classroom use, the

English teachers need to have enough knowledge and working principles of test


Assessment may at first sound treating and not suited to a child’s nature, but it is a

necessary part of teaching and learning. Assessment can serve the following


1. To monitor and aid children’s progress. A teacher needs to be constantly

aware of what the children know, what difficulties they are experiencing,

and how best to help them. On the basis of assessment outcomes able to

give individualized help to each child.

2. To provide children with evidence of their progress and enhance

motivation. Assessment result gives children tangible evidence of their

progress. Learning a language is a long process.

3. To monitor your performance and plan future work. The information you

get from assessment can help you to evaluate your own work, to find out

how effective you have been and how successful your chosen

methodology or materials were.

In other words, as Butler (2001) states, the purposes of assessment are to

provide feedback to students and to serve as a diagnostic tool for instruction.

Assessment is not complete as soon as you collect the children work. Offering

feedback is an integral part of the assessment process and should follow as soon

as possible after the assessment task is carried out. One of the best ways to give

feedback is through conferencing with the children, when you discuss the results

of the assessment by written feedback in the form of short comments. The results

of the assessment are shared with both the students and the teacher. In this

manner, should the assessment indicate a need for improvement, students can

explore new study strategies and teachers can search out and implement new

instructional techniques.

Gillet & Temple (1996) write that there are two qualities that every test

should possess; reliability, the degree of consistency of the test and validity, the

degree to which a test measure what it is supposed to do. Test can be beneficial

for both students and teachers.

In this teaching learning process, assessment in order to know the students

achievement toward the material that has been taught, now far the students grasp

the material during teaching vocabulary process. Furthermore, on this present

study, assessment was administered on ordinary way by giving them test. It was

aimed in order to monitor student’s progress toward their achievement in

vocabulary mastery which was teaching through children English songs. The test

was administered on every session along investigation.



3.1 Subject of the Study

This research was conducted to find out the solution of learning problem

faced by specific group of students. Consequently, the finding of any classroom

action research cauld not be generalized to other group of students of the other

school. There was just one class of the fourth grade students of SDN 3 Bugbug

and there were 20 students as subjects. They were 11 female and 9 male. These

groups of students were selected as the subjects of study because they had crucial

problems in vocabulary.

3.2 Research Design

The present study was a classroom action research. According to Kemmis

and Mc Taggar (1998: 35), an action research is a cyclic process of planning,

action, observation, and reflection. In this methodology the researcher acted as a

teacher which is further defined as a cycle process of action.

This study was divided into two cycles that consisted of four phases. There

were Planning, Action, Observation, and Reflection. To make it clear, the design

action study could be described as follows:

Cycle I : IR P A1 O1 R1

Cycle II : RP P2 A2 O2 R2


IR: Initial reflection

P: Planning

A: Action

O: Observation

R: Reflection

RP: Revised planning

(Kemmis and Taggart, 1998: 35)

The design of the action study could be described as the following.

In the initial reflection or pre-test expressed to assess the data about the

students` achievement in vocabulary. In this phase the researcher found out some

problems and tried out to give solution for those problems. Based on the above

facts, in the planning, the researcher was supposed to plan all the things required

for a successful investigation of research. The planning itself should be flexible

and future oriented. To carry the planning out, an action study needed to be

conducted in line to the planning. However, the action did not need to absolutely

guide by the planning in sense that in action could be differently done with a

similar conceptual thinking in dealing with a problem being encountered in real

practices. Besides that an observation needed also to be carried out in order to

record the effect of the action.

The result of observation could be further applied in conducting a

reflection. Finally, reflection was also being developed. This reflection was also

intended to be used as to memorize/consider/analyze the action on the basis of the

results of the observation. As an addition, it was through the reflection that

researcher could decide whether to continue or stop the study.

In this study, the researcher taught vocabulary through children English songs to

the fourth grade students of SDN 3 Bugbug. The study was done into two cycles,

cycle I and cycle II, which each cycle would be completed in four sessions. The

cycles can be figured out as the following:

3.2.1Cycle I

a. Initial Reflection

The Initial reflection refered to diagnoses of the unsuccessfulness of

the action applied in the classroom. In this phase the researcher found

out some problems and tried to give solution for those problems

b. Planning

Planning determining the steps of the action and instrument used for

collecting the data. The steps are as follows.

Determining the subjects of the study, that was at the researcher carried

out a preliminary study of SD N 3 Bugbug. In this preliminary study the

researcher asked some questions to the English teacher there about the

difficulties faced by the students in vocabulary.

Selecting material such as some children English songs

Preparing and administering pre-test in vocabulary. The pre-test ( Initial

reflection) in vocabulary for the subjects under study was chiefly intended

to measure the real pre-existing vocabulary. In the IR the subjects were

requested to answer ten questions.

Preparing and administering reflection ( post-test) in vocabulary at the end

of each session. The administering of post-test was used to measure the

extend of the subject progress in vocabulary

Designing / making lesson plans

Constructing and administering questionnaire to the subjects under study.

As mention in the previous discussion, the present classroom action study

whch dealt with the teaching of vocabulary through children English

songs was divided into two cycles and each cycle consisted of four

sessions. By the end of the first and second session the researcher

administered questionnaires to the subjects under study. The

administration of questionnaires were actually intended to measure

quantitatively the changing learning behaviors of the subject in improving

their vocabulary which had been taught through children English songs.

c. Action

In this study, action refers to how the teacher acted in the classroom

related to the teaching vocabulary through children English songs. Action

study needed to be conducted in line to the planning. It involved the

teaching learning process such as what the researcher did in the classroom

was managed based on the teaching scenario. They were three main

activities namely:


In this part, the researcher who also acted as a classroom teacher, aimed to

activate and focus the students. The researcher tried to brain storms the

classroom situation by giving some questions to build up the students`

interest and motivation.

Whilst activity

The researcher introduced the children English song, and sang the song

three times then asked the students to sing the song together. After that she

told the students the meaning of each word stated in the song.

Post activity

The researcher asked the students whether they had any difficulties during

teaching and learning process. The researcher gave the students post-test.

The researcher concluded the lesson being taught and the researcher ended

the session. At the end of each cycle the researcher gave questionnaire to

the students.

d. Observation

The observation was necessary to do while the teaching and learning

process. It needed also to be carried out in order to record the effect of the

action. It helped the researcher to know whether the technique was able to

improve the students` vocabulary ability. The results of observation could

be further applied in a reflection.

e. Reflection

Reflection was also being developed. This reflection was also intended to

be used as to memorize/consider/analyze the action on the basis of the

results of the observation. As an addition, it was through the reflection that

researcher could decide whether to continue or stop the study

3.2.2Cycle II

a. Revised Planning

As it was mentioned on the background of the study already, the

problem being handled in this study were the students` poor abilities in

the English vocabulary. Besides this problem, the students were also

observed to learn English with limited motivation, interest and also

enjoyment. Based on the characteristics of the problems, the researcher

then decided to make a new plan in solving the problem.

b. Action

During the treatment on this study, there were three main activities



First of all, the researcher greeted the students, after that she tried to tried

to brain storms the classroom situation by giving some questions to build

up the students` interest and motivation.

Whilst activity

The researcher introduced the children English song, and sang the song

three times then asked the students to sing the song together. After that she

told the students the meaning of each word stated in the song.

Post activity

The researcher asked the students whether they had any difficulties during

teaching and learning process. The researcher gave the students post-test.

At last, the researcher ended the session.

c. Observation

The researcher observed the situation of the class during the action

conducted. The results of the post-test in each session of this cycle

were compared to the result of pre-test. It would show the

effectiveness of the technique used in teaching English vocabulary.

d. Reflection

After this cycle was completed, a further reflection needed to be done.

If the students did not show a significant improvement, the reason for

the phenomena was studied.

3.3 Research Instrument

The instruments which were used in collecting the data for this study were

questionnaire, diary, pre-test and post-test.

a. Questionnaire

The questionnaire was conducted to the students of the fourth grade of

SDN 3 Bugbug after the completion of cycle I and cycle II. This was done

to get a clear picture of the students learning behavior changed when they

were taught vocabulary through children English songs.

b. Diary

The diary was in the form of table. It consisted of teacher activities,

students’ activities, time allocation, comments of the researcher. So there

were four columns in the table. This diary was used to record how the

classroom activities was runs in each session.

c. Tests

The tests particularly consisted of pre-test and post-test. The pre-test done

to find out the students` ability in vocabulary, while the purpose of doing

post-test was to examine whether or not the treatment that was taken

effectively to improve the students’ ability of vocabulary.

3.4 Data Collection

The data obtained for analysis in this study involved the data of the student

participation in learning vocabulary mastery through children English songs. The

data was obtained by collecting the result of pre-test, post-test and questionnaire.

There were two kinds of data collection such as quantitative data which

was collected from the tests and qualitative data which was collected from the

observation in the form of teacher’s diary and questionnaires.

3.5 Data Analysis

The main data needed for the present action study as mention previously,

were gathered through administering IR, reflection, and questionnaires.

Thus there were considerably three kinds of raw scores obtained for the

present class action study that are:

1. Scores indicating the subjects` pre-existing vocabulary ability,

2. Scores showing the subjects` pre-existing achievement in vocabulary


3. Scores showing the subjects` changing learning behaviors.

The data then analyzed in percentage as follows:

1. The average score of each student will be counted using this formula :

Mean ═ Total of the right answers x 100

Total of the test items

2. The average score of the whole students will be counted using this

formula :

Mean ═ Total score of all the students

Total of students.


M = mean score / the average score of the students` achievement of

vocabulary mastery

∑X = the sum of the total score

N = the total number of the students

In relation to the mean score obtained, the researcher could determine the

students` qualification by using the criterion as shown in the following:

Excellent : those students who are able to answer the test items between

90% - 100% correctly

Very good : those students who are able to answer the test items between

80% - 89% correctly

Good : those students who are able to answer the test items between

70% - 79% correctly

Sufficient : those students who are able to answer the test items between

60% - 69% correctly

Insufficient : those students who are able to answer the test items between

0% - 59% correctly

(Heaton, 2003:10)

Finally, the data which resulted from the questionnaire would also be

analyzed descriptively trough the following formula:

% ═ Number of the students choosing an item Χ 100 %

Number of the subjects




The discussion in this chapter involved the result of the instrument used to

collect data. There were two findings achieved in this research namely:

quantitative and qualitative findings where was useful to know the improvement

of the student’s ability in vocabulary. Before and after treatment was given, it

could be seen by comparing the mean score obtained on pre-test with the grand

mean score of post-test in every cycle. Those were well known as quantitative

findings. The qualitative findings were taken from the observation in every

session of both cycles.

4.1 Data

The data of the present study in vocabulary test was conducted in two

phases namely: pre-test and post-test. Post-test which was administered at the end

of every session. The data of this study were obtained in class IV of the fourth

grade students of SD N 3 Bugbug, which the subject of this study were 20

students, 11 female and 9 male.

Further discussion was presented in the tables below, those were

discussions of the initial reflection or pre-test, post-test cycle I ,post-test cycle II

and questionnaires at the end of cycle I and cycle II. The detail of the discussion

could be elaborated as follows.

4.1.1 Scores of the students in pre-existing vocabulary ability

In order to get initial data about the student’s ability in vocabulary, the

researcher administered pre-test. The researcher designed the pre-test in objective

form. The total of the items were 10 items. During did the test most of the

students seem to be confused and they were nervous. From the pre –test there

were many students got bad marks, but there were also some got enough mark.

For more detail information about the student’s achievement in initial

reflection were presented by the researcher in the form of raw score into the

following table

Table 1. scores of the students on pre-test

No Subject of the study Score of the initial reflection1 Ni Kadek Aprilia Kusuma Dewi 502 Ni Luh Apriani 403 Christine Angelica 704 I Putu Dodi Setiawan 505 I Wayan Darma Novayana 406 Ni Ketut Dresti Kasiani 407 Made Gama Sasmita 608 Ni Kade Novi Meliyana 509 Ni Komang Nukarimasih 3010 I Putu Raka Very Premana 7011 Ni Wayan Santi 4012 I Putu Suardika 3013 I Nengah Sudarma Yasa 6014 I Wayan Sudiasa 4015 I Kadek Sunartawan 4016 Ni Wayan Sumariati 5017 Ni Luh Tine Diah Prawesti 5018 Ni Kade Vima Bella Utami 4019 Ni Luh Putu Wulandari 6020 I Kadek Yuda Prawira Negara 40

Total Score 940

On initial reflection, there were 20 subjects who followed test given by the

researcher. The total score got by the whole subjects was 940 from the total

obtained, where the mean score could be found out as follow.

M = ∑X


M = 940


M = 47

Based on the result above, the mean score obtained by the students on

initial reflection was 47 in relation to the score qualification that score could be

classified into “low” category. This means the students’ ability in vocabulary

before the researcher conducted her investigation was low, then the researcher

decided to conduct cycle I to improve the students’ ability in vocabulary.

The low achievement that was got by the students was caused by the

limited technique used in teaching vocabulary. The teacher taught with the general

technique according to the text book and never teach with special vocabulary.

Teacher just translated the words into their native language and nothing done to

make them understand the lesson in detail.

From the fact the researcher offered some songs to solve the students

problem in learning vocabulary. This could be enjoyable classroom atmosphere in

learning the words and was able to store the information being learnt in a long

period of time in their brain.

4.1.2 Score showing the subjects` progress achievement in vocabulary.

Post-test administered in order to know the result of teaching vocabulary

by songs. The student’s achievement in vocabulary through children English

songs can be seen from the score got by the students in the mean score. Various

scores showed by the students in the post-test I, II, III and IV.

For more detail information about the student’s achievement during the

treatment all of the data obtained by the subject of the study were presented in the

form of raw score into the following table.

Table 2. Scores of the students on cycle I (Post – Test 1, 2, 3, and 4 )

No Subject of the Study S1 S2 S3 S41 Ni Kadek Aprilia Kusuma Dewi 50 50 60 702 Ni Luh Apriani 50 60 60 703 Christine Angelica 70 70 80 804 I Putu Dodi Setiawan 50 60 60 705 I Wayan Darma Novayana 50 50 60 606 Ni Ketut Dresti Kasiani 50 50 60 607 Made Gama Sasmita 60 60 70 708 Ni Kade Novi Meliyana 50 50 60 609 Ni Komang Nukarimasih 40 50 60 6010 I Putu Raka Very Premana 70 70 70 8011 Ni Wayan Santi 50 60 60 7012 I Putu Suardika 40 50 50 6013 I Nengah Sudarma Yasa 60 60 70 7014 I Wayan Sudiasa 50 50 60 6015 I Kadek Sunartawan 50 60 60 7016 Ni Wayan Sumariati 50 50 60 6017 Ni Luh Tine Diah Prawesti 60 60 70 7018 Ni Kade Vima Bella Utami 50 60 60 6019 Ni Luh Putu Wulandari 60 60 70 7020 I Kadek Yuda Prawira Negara 50 60 60 70

Total Score 1060 1140 1260 1340

Based on the table 2 the sum of the total score got by the students in

session I was 1060. Meanwhile in session II the sum of the total score was 1140.

In session III the sum of the total score was 1260 and in session IV the sum of the

total score was 1340. By using the formula the mean score of each session could

be computed as follows.

Session one:

M = ∑X 1 N

M = 1060 20

M = 53

Session two:

M = ∑X2 N

M = 1140 20

M = 57

Session three:

M = ∑X 3 N

M = 1260 20

M = 63

Session four:

M =∑X4 N

M = 1340 20 M = 67

Table 3. Scores of the students on cycle II (Post-test 5, 6, 7, and 8)

The researcher administered post-test in every session in each cycle, which

also was carried out in cycle II. In this cycle the students got more good marks

than in the cycle I. Every mark of the students in cycle II could be seen in the

table below.

No Subject of the Study S5 S6 S7 S8

1 Ni Kadek Aprilia Kusuma Dewi 70 70 80 90

2 Ni Luh Apriani 70 80 80 90

3 Christine Angelica 90 90 100 100

4 I Putu Dodi Setiawan 70 70 80 90

5 I Wayan Darma Novayana 70 70 80 90

6 Ni Ketut Dresti Kasiani 70 80 90 90

7 Made Gama Sasmita 80 80 90 90

8 Ni Kade Novi Meliyana 70 70 80 80

9 Ni Komang Nukarimasih 70 70 80 90

10 I Putu Raka Very Premana 80 90 90 100

11 Ni Wayan Santi 70 80 90 90

12 I Putu Suardika 70 70 80 90

13 I Nengah Sudarma Yasa 80 80 90 100

14 I Wayan Sudiasa 70 70 80 80

15 I Kadek Sunartawan 80 80 90 90

16 Ni Wayan Sumariati 70 70 80 90

17 Ni Luh Tine Diah Prawesti 80 80 90 100

18 Ni Kade Vima Bella Utami 70 70 80 90

19 Ni Luh Putu Wulandari 80 80 90 90

20 I Kadek Yuda Prawira Negara 70 70 80 90

Total Score 1480 1520 1700 1840

By using the same formula, the mean score of each session in cycle II can

be computed as follows.

M = ∑X 5 N

M = 1480 20

M = 74

M = ∑X6 N

M = 1520 20

M = 76

M = ∑X 7 N

M = 1700 20

M = 85

M = ∑X8 N

M = 1820 20

M = 91

From the computation the table above, we know this score was categorized

into more than good. From this qualification the researcher felt very satisfied.

During the teaching and learning process the researcher also did observation to

know the students’ problem as well as the weakness of the strategy applied in this

session. From the observation sheet of researcher’s diary, the researcher who

acted as a teacher saw that the student kept interested and motivated and also felt

enjoyable in doing their jobs.

4.1.3 Scores showing the subjects` changing learning behaviors.

To gain additional information about the student’s achievement on vocabulary

ability was through the questionnaire. The qualitative data needed by the

researcher was gathered by administering two questionnaires. The first

questionnaire was administered at the end of cycle I and the second at the end of

cycle II. The answer of the questionnaires were quantitatively score using the

rating scale 0-3 (score option A = 3, B = 2, C = 1 and D = 0). The obtained data

showing the subjects` total scores for items of questionnaires are tabulated as the


A. Questionnaire of Cycle

No A B C D

1 15 6 2 0

2 12 8 2 0

3 15 6 2 0

4 15 6 2 0

5 12 8 2 0

6 12 8 2 0

7 15 6 2 0

8 15 6 2 0

9 15 8 1 0

10 12 8 2 0

11 9 10 2 0

12 15 6 2 0

13 18 6 1 0

14 18 6 1 0

15 15 6 2 0

16 15 8 1 0

17 12 8 2 0

18 15 6 2 0

19 12 8 2 0

20 15 8 1 0

Total 281 142 35 0

B. Questionnaire of Cycle II

No A B C D

1 21 4 1 0

2 12 6 2 0

3 15 6 2 0

4 21 4 1 0

5 15 6 2 0

6 15 6 2 0

7 21 6 0 0

8 21 4 1 0

9 21 4 1 0

10 15 6 2 0

11 15 6 2 0

12 15 6 2 0

13 21 4 1 0

14 24 4 0 0

15 21 4 1 0

16 15 6 2 0

17 15 6 2 0

18 21 6 1 0

19 15 6 2 0

20 21 4 1 0

Total 363 102 28 0

4.2 Data Analysis

Based on the research instruments in which the researcher administered

pre-test and post-test in each session, the collected data should be analyzed and

then the results of the analysis were discussed. The mean of the IR score (Xo) and

the mean of the post-test scores for eight sessions (X1, X2, X3, X4, X5,X6, X7,

and X8) are presented as the following.

IR (Xo) score

M = ∑X = 940 = 47

N 20

M = ∑X 1= 1060 = 53

N 20

M = ∑X2 = 1140 = 57

N 20

M = ∑X 3= 1260 = 63

N 20

M =∑X4 = 1340 = 67

N 20

M = ∑X 5= 1480 = 74

N 20

M = ∑X6 = 1520 = 76

N 20

M = ∑X 7= 1700 = 85

N 20

M = ∑X8 = 1820 = 91

N 20

The grand mean XI of the post-test scores in cycle I was:

X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 = 53+ 57 + 63 + 67 = 240 = 60

4 4

The grand mean XII of the post-test scores in cycle II was:

X5 + X6 + X7 + X8 = 74 + 76 + 85 + 91 = 326 = 81.5

4 4

The results of the above analysis were considered as the findings of the present

classroom action study, which could be summarized as the following:

Summary of the research finding showing the mean of each session

and the grand mean for cycle I and cycle II

Pre-test ( IR) So Xo = 47

Cycle I S1








= 53

= 57

= 63

= 67

Grand Mean

XI = 60

Cycle II S5








= 74

= 76

= 85

= 91

Grand Mean

XII = 81.5

From the result of the table above we know that the grand mean score

between cycle I and cycle II were different. The grand mean score in cycle I was

better than cycle II. It showed that the target had been achieved.

The data collected through the administration of questionnaire were

considered as additional supporting data. These were collected by the end of cycle

I and cycle II to the subject under study. The data obtained from the

questionnaires had to be computed and discussed. The computation of the

comparative percentages for the scores of the items of the questionnaires showing

the subject total answers for item of A, B, C and D were shown as the following.

A. Questionnaire cycle I

1. Total percentage of item A = 281 X 100% = 61.33%


2. Total percentage of item B = 142 X 100% = 31%


3. Total percentage of item C = 35 X 100% = 7.64%


4. Total percentage of item D = 0 X 100% = 0%


B. Questionnaire cycle II

5. Total percentage of item A = 363 X 100% = 73.63%


6. Total percentage of item B = 102 X 100% = 20.68%


7. Total percentage of item C = 28 X 100% = 5.67%


8. Total percentage of item D = 0 X 100% = 0%


The computation of the above results of the analysis of the questionnaire

scores in cycle I and cycle II. In cycle I showed the comparative percentages of

61.35%, 31%, 7.64% and 0% for total responses of the questionnaire items.

Where 61.35% of the students said that they liked very much to learnt vocabulary

by children English songs. 31% of the students said they liked the technique.

7.64% of the students said they felt ordinary to learnt vocabulary by children

English songs and 0% of the students did not like the technique. While in cycle II

showed the comparative percentages of 73.63%, 20.68%, 5.67% and 0% for total

responses of the questionnaire items, there were 73.63% of the students said that

they were very motivated in learning vocabulary through children English songs,

20.68% of the students said they were motivated enough in learning vocabulary

through children English songs, and 5.67% were ordinary with the technique.

These finding undoubtedly supported the major findings on the present

classroom study. Clearly, the obtained comparative percentages of the items of the

questionnaires indicated the subjects` positive changing attitudes and motivation

in learning vocabulary through children English song.

From the result above, it could be concluded that the students like learning

vocabulary through children English songs and also could improve their ability in

vocabulary. The researcher also taught that it was important to make it vivid, the

main finding of the present classroom action study, that was, the increasing

comparative mean figures if the IR score and the post-test scores obtained by the

students under study for cycle I and cycle II could be graphically presented as the


Graph showing the subjects` progressing in vocabulary ability

Through children English songs

Graph showing the subjects` progressing Grand Mean of Vocabulary ability Through Children English Song

Graph showing the subjects` progressing Grand Mean of Vocabulary ability Through Children English Song

Based on the result of eight sessions in both cycle, they could be stated

that there was a lot of improvement on the student’s achievement in vocabulary

especially in cycle II. This was caused by the fact that the songs and the post-test

were more familiar with the students, so that they felt comfortable in singing and

doing the tests. In this case, the students also got high achievement because the

words in the tests had been discussed in the teaching process.

Regarding the regular improvement on the mean score students got from

session to session in cycle I and cycle II the researcher thought of a final

consideration to stop the action up to session four in cycle II. The decision to stop

the action was made because the mean score target by the researcher had been


4.3 Discussion of Findings

The purposed of this study was to improve the student’s ability in

vocabulary through children English songs. The researcher in this session will

discuss all of the findings of the mean scores based up on the result of the data

analysis on the previous sessions.

The data analysis which established the finding of the present classroom

action study showed that the Mean of IR or pre-test scores ( Xo) obtained by the

subject under study in vocabulary through Children English Song showed the

mean 47. This mean figure clearly showed that the vocabulary ability of the

students under study was relatively low. Their problem certainly needed to be


The result of the data analysis of the reflection score in cycle I showed the

increasing mean figure of X1 , X2 , X3 , and X4 . The mean figure of XI was 53.

The mean figure of X2 was 57. The mean figure of X3 was 63 and the mean

figure of X4 was 67. The mean figure obtained by the subject under study for each

session in cycle I was obviously much higher than the mean figure of the IR score.

The Grand mean (XI) of the post-test scores in cycle I was 60. These finding

clearly showed that the vocabulary ability of the subjects under study progressed

and improved significantly after they had been taught through Children English


Positive attitudes and behavior as well as high motivation in learning

vocabulary were also showed by the comparative percentage figures of

questionnaires. In cycle I showed the comparative percentages of 61.35%, 31%,

7.64% and 0% for total responses of the questionnaire items. Where 61.35% of

the students said that they liked very much to learn vocabulary by children

English songs. 31% of the students said they liked the technique. 7.64% of the

students said they felt ordinary to learnt vocabulary by children English songs and

0% of the students did not like the technique.

Then according to the result of post-test and comparative percentages of

questionnaires in cycle I, the researcher used them as the basis to make some

planning revisions, which were carried out in cycle II. The data analysis of the

post-test scores in cycle II showed the result of X5 , X6 , X7 and X8. The mean

figure of X5 was X4. The mean figure of X6 was 76. The mean figure of X7 was

85 and the mean figure of S8 was 91, compare with the mean figure of IR (X0)

score was 47, the mean figure obtained by the subjects for each session was

convincingly much higher than the IR mean figure. The Grand mean figure of the

post-test scores obtained by the subjects under study in cycle I was 60 and in

cycle II was 81.5. There was a significant difference of 21.5 between the main

figure of cycle I and cycle II.

The questionnaire in cycle II showed the comparative percentages of

73.63%, 20.68%, 5.67% and 0% for total responses of the questionnaire items,

there were 73.63% of the students said that they were very motivated in learning

vocabulary through children English songs, 20.68% of the students said they were

motivated enough in learning vocabulary through children English songs, and

5.67% were not sure with the technique.

Finally, these findings clearly showed and proved that teaching English

through Children

English Songs to the fourth grade of SD N 3 Bugbug was an effective

technique to improve their ability in vocabulary. Their vocabulary ability

progressed and improved very constantly and significantly from session to session



5.1 Conclusions

On the basis which had been discussed previously teaching vocabulary

through children English Song could improve the ability of the students of SD N 3

Bugbug in academic year 2009-2010.

In order to get those objectives fulfilled, then researcher conducted a

classroom action research by directly teaching the students in the classroom. She

conducted two cycles where each cycle was made up of four sessions. She

administered pre-test and eight post-test for cycle I and cycle II to know the result

of the treatment which she had conducted.

The figure or IR (X0) = 47. This mean figure clearly pointed out that

vocabulary ability of SD N 3 Bugbug in academic year 2009-2010 was considered

low. The data analysis of the post-test scores in cycle I showed the result of mean

figure of XI was 53. The mean figure of X2 was 57. The mean figure of X3 was

63 and the mean figure of X4 was 67. The grand mean of the reflection scores in

cycle I X1 was 60. Meanwhile the mean figure of S5 was 74. The mean figure of

X6 was 76. The mean figure of X7 was 85 and the mean figure of X8 was 91. The

grand mean of the reflection scores in cycle II figured the mean figure of XII was

81.5. The different of the grand mean figure of cycle I and cycle II was 21.5. The

establish mean figure for each session was much higher than the IR mean figure

from SI to S8, the resulted mean figure progressed and increased significantly.

Based on the result of the post-test which has been discussed in chapter

IV, the researcher concluded that Children English Songs could improve the

students` vocabulary of SD N 3 Bugbug in academic year 2009-2010. In this case

children English songs were very much effective to be used as a good technique in

teaching vocabulary.

5.2 Suggestions

Based on the results of the study that had been stated on the conclusions

above then some suggestions are put forward by the researcher as the following:

1. The English teachers are suggested to use children English song as an

effective alternative technique in teaching vocabulary for young learners,

since it can build up the students` interest, motivation and enjoyment in

learning process.

2. The English teacher of SD N 3 Bugbug are suggested to use children

English songs as one alternative of good technique in teaching vocabulary

also modify this technique with good teaching aid or media. Also, the

teacher should be active to encourage the students to communicate in

English in daily activities.

3. The students had to be more active to communicate in order to improve

their vocabulary .

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