simran gs1 india final

Post on 07-Jul-2018






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  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final








    Submitted in !"ti!# $u#$i##ment %$ t&e "e'ui"ement( $%" t&e


    Submitted b, Submitted t%

    Sim"!n Sin-&!# M"(. R%(ie /!#i!


    S0&%%# %$ di(t!n0e edu0!ti%n

    NE/ DE HI

    2A C%n(tituent Unit %$ B&!"!ti Vid,! eet& Uni3e"(it,4 Pune5


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    6A7 G"!de A00"edit!ti%n b, NAAC

    An ISO 8**1:)*** Ce"ti$ied In(titute


    I Sim"!n Sin-&!# have completed the project titled ‘’ A COMPARATIVE STUDY ONMANAGING THE FINANCES BY NOT FOR PROFIT SOCIETY: GS1 INDIA !der

    the " ida!ce o# M"(. R%(ie /!#i! . I! the partial # l#illme!t o# the re$ ireme!t #or thea%ard o# de"ree o# Bachelor o# B &i!e&& Admi!i&tratio! o# BVDU 4SDE ' Academic St d()e!ter BVI*R' Ne% Delhi+ Thi& i& a! ori"i!al piece o# %or, - I have !either copied a!d!or & .mitted it earlier el&e%here+

    2Sim"!n Sin-&!#5


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final



    /Accompli&hme!t o# a!( ta&, !ece&&aril( depe!d& po! the %illi!"!e&& a!d e!th &ia&tic

    co!tri. tio! o# time a!d e!er"( o# ma!( people+/

    0rom the &tarti!" till the completio! o# thi& project' there are ma!( people %itho t %ho&e

    a&&i&ta!ce all m( e##ort& %o ld have .ee! #r itle&&+ I' there#ore' ac,!o%led"e all %ho

    "e!ero &l( helped me .( &hari!" their time' e1perie!ce a!d ,!o%led"e %ith me %itho t

    %hich thi& project %o ld have !ever .ee! accompli&hed+

    I m &t e1pre&& m( "ratit de to *r&+ Ro&ie 2alia 3m( project " ide4 %ho&e perceptive

    " ida!ce' co!&ta!t e!co ra"eme!t' co!&tr ctive critici&m a!d a##ectio! %ere the li"ht o#

    " ida!ce d ri!" m( te! re o# m( %or,+

    0i!all(' I %o ld li,e to &tate that the project !ot o!l( # l#illed a! academic re$ ireme!t' . t

    %o ld al&o help me i! # t re e!deavor& i! the (ear& to come+


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final



    5 r commitme!t to trai!i!" a!d developme!t i& a core val e+ A& %e are "ro%i!"' &o o r people "ro%

    %ith &' developi!" !e% capa.ilitie& to ta,e o r . &i!e&& #or%ard+

    Helpi!" people reach their pote!tial mea!& that the( i! t r! help & & cceed a& a . &i!e&&+ 2e o##er

    & pport !ot o!l( i! the %a( o# trai!i!" #or career &,ill& a!d capa.ilitie& . t i! the opport !it( to &t d(+

    5 r &tro!" .elie# i! comm !it( i!volveme!t e!co ra"e& o r people to ta,e part i! local project& a& a

    %a( o# developi!" val a.le &,ill&+ 2e o##er a co!ti! al pro"ramme o# e!co ra"eme!t a!d

    developme!t to adva!ce (o r career+ 6oi! & a!d "ra&p the opport !itie& %e o##er+

    2e a&pire to a %or,#orce that re#lect& the local comm !itie& %ithi! %hich %e operate a!d a %or,

    e!viro!me!t that e!& re& e$ al opport !itie& #or all+

    Havi!" a variet( o# people %ith di##ere!t approache& a!d idea& ma,e& . &i!e&& &e!&e a!d #or a more

    vi.ra!t a!d # ! %or, e!viro!me!t+ 2ithi! o r commo! p rpo&e %e e!co ra"e people to let their

    i!divid ali&m&+

    2e have a clearl( de#i!ed &et o# val e& a!d a c lt re that re#lect& &hared acco !ta.ilit( #or o r

    . &i!e&& "oal&' o r a""re&&ive!e&& i! p r& i!" the&e "oal& a!d o r adapta.ilit( i! #i!di!" !e% a!d

    .etter prod ct& a!d %a(& to %or,+

    2e .elieve i! cha!"e a!d a&pire to co!ti! all( improve o r per#orma!ce+ 2e are i!crea&i!"

    i!!ovatio!' improvi!" proce&&e& a!d &hari!" .e&t practice acro&& . &i!e&&e&+

    2e !eed people %ho %a!t to ma,e a di##ere!ce' %ho &e their i!itiative a!d leave a po&itive mar, o!

    o r . &i!e&&+ B( %or,i!" .etter to"ether' %e ca! #i!d %a(& o# ma,i!" a di##ere!ce #or (o r&el#' (o r

    team a!d the . &i!e&& (o are i!+


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final



    S No+ T5PI) PAGE NO.




    ; DATA ANA YSIS 7=8>?


    + SUGGESTIONS >;8>7

    > ANNE?URE >>8><



  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final





  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final




    F%"m!ti%n %$ t&e 0%m !n,SC .e"a! %ith a .arcode+ 5! ?7 6 !e C:' a pac,et o# che%i!" " m .ecame the #ir&t

    .arcoded prod ct to .e &ca!!ed i! &tore+ Toda(' .arcode& pla( a cr cial & ppl( chai! role'e!& ri!" prod ct& hit retail &helve& at the ri"ht time& +2e ma!a"e the .arcode &ta!dard &ed

    .( retailer&' ma! #act rer& a!d & pplier&+ I# (o %a!t to p t a .arcode o! a! item that ca! .e&ca!!ed a!(%here i! the %orld' (o !eed to tal, to & +B t altho "h o r &tor( &tarted %ith the

    .arcode' o r &ta!dard& have evolved to re#lect a!d i!#l e!ce the %orld i! %hich %e live a!d%or, +The( .oo&t e##icie!c( i! ma!( &ector&' #rom retail a!d health to tra!&port a!d lo"i&tic&+Al%a(& %or,i!" #or o r' %e’re ope!i!" door& a!d drivi!" do%! the co&t& o# doi!"

    . &i!e&&+

    Open standards in general enable interoperability, fexibility and vendorindependence which in turn result in reduction in end product costs to businessesand consumers !low o" physical supplies and data sharing#$uerying also become"aster, more accurate and seamless across multiple trading partners in supplychains

    SC i& dedicated to the developme!t a!d impleme!tatio! o# ope!' i!teropera.le a!d &erdrive! &ta!dard& i! S ppl( )hai! *a!a"eme!t+ The&e %idel( impleme!ted &ta!dard& e!a.le

    !i$ e a!d !iver&al ide!ti#icatio! o# prod ct&' a&&et&' &ervice&' e!titie& locatio!&' datacapt re a!d &eamle&& &hari!" o# & ppl( chai! i!#ormatio! .et%ee! tradi!" part!er& i!cl di!"ma! #act rer& & pplier&' retailer&' lo"i&tic& provider& a!d al&o co!& mer&+

    No matter %here a . &i!e&& i& .a&ed or %hat la!" a"e it &e&' tradi!" part!er& ca! al%a(&!der&ta!d o!e a!other %ith the help o# SC &ta!dard&+


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final



    GS1 Identi$ie"( provide !i$ e' !am.i" o & a!d !iver&al ide!ti#icatio! o# prod ct&'a&&et&' &ervice relatio!&hip&' locatio!& e!titie& etc+


    GS1 B!"0%de( 8 Sta!dard& #or e!codi!" SC Ide!ti#ier& i! .arcode&

    GS1 EPC RFID 8 Sta!dard& #or e!codi!" Electro!ic Prod ct )ode 3EP)4 i! Radio0re$ e!c( Ide!ti#icatio! 3R0ID4 ta"&+ Al&o i!cl de& &ta!dard& #or reader ma!a"eme!t a!dmiddle%are+



  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    GS1 e C%m 8 Sta!dard& #or electro!ic . &i!e&& me&&a"i!" #or &ta!dardi ed electro!ic . &i!e&& data tra!&mi&&io! .et%ee! tradi!"


    GS1 GDSN 8 Sta!dard& %hich e!a.le &(!chro!i atio! o# ma&ter data .et%ee! tradi!" part!er& &i!" the Data S(!chro!i atio! Net%or,+

    GS1 EPCIS F Sta!dard& #or &hari!" EP) related i!#ormatio! .et%ee! tradi!" part!er&' &a#el(a!d &ec rel( o! the What, Where, When, and Why o# eve!t& occ rri!" at a!( poi!t i! & ppl(chai!&+


    A !ot8#or8pro#it' i!d &tr(8led " &ta!dard& .od( head$ artered at Br &&el&' Bel"i m'%ith a " !et%or, o# over CC= or"a!i atio!& aro !d the %orld' ha& .ee!dedicated to the de&i"! a!d impleme!tatio! o# " &ta!dard& a!d &ol tio!& to improve thee##icie!c( a!d vi&i.ilit( o# & ppl( a!d dema!d chai!& #or more tha! := (ear&+ Appro1imatel(t%o millio! compa!ie& acro&& ?= i!d &trie& & ch a& Retail - )o!& mer Pac,a"ed ood&'0ood' Healthcare' Tra!&port - Go"i&tic& 3i!cl di!" ) &tom&4' over!me!t etc+ %orld%ideare &i!" the SC S(&tem o# &ta!dard&+

    GS1 Indi! %a& &et p .( *i!i&tr( o# )ommerce a!d I!d &tr(' over!me!t o# I!dia alo!"%ith leadi!" ) o# )ommerce a!d I!d &tr(' BIS etc i! C

  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    • BIS 3B rea o# I!dia! Sta!dard&4• IIP 3I!dia! I!&tit te o# Pac,a"i!"4

    A& a! a##iliate o# SC' SC I!dia admi!i&ter& a!d allocate& SC prod ct ide!ti#ier& &ed i! .arcodi!" #or !i$ e a!d !iver&al ide!ti#icatio! o# & ppl( chai!o.ject&' i+e+ 8 prod ct&' lo"i&tic item&' tradi!" part!er&' locatio!&' doc me!t&' a&&et& etc+ a!dother SC Sta!dard&+GS1 (t!nd!"d( i!cl de SC Ide!ti#ier& ' SC Bar )ode&' SC e8)om 3#or electro!ic . &i!e&&me&&a"i!"4' SC DSN 3#or data &(!chro!i atio!4 a!d SC EP) " &ta!dard& 3#or R0IDtech!olo"(4+The&e &ta!dard& provide a " la!" a"e o# . &i!e&& that help& or"a!i atio!&ide!ti#(' capt re a!d &hare i!#ormatio! thro "ho t the " val e chai! i! a !i#orm'&tr ct red' &eamle&& a!d co!&i&te!t ma!!er+The&e %idel( impleme!ted &ta!dard& e!a.le !i$ e a!d !iver&al ide!ti#icatio! o# prod ct&'a&&et&' &ervice&' e!titie& locatio!&' data capt re a!d &eamle&& &hari!" o# & ppl( chai!i!#ormatio! .et%ee! tradi!" part!er& i!cl di!" ma! #act rer& & pplier&' retailer&' lo"i&tic&

    provider& a!d al&o co!& mer& e!!" &a#et( ' &ec rit( a!d & &tai!a.ilit( i! " & ppl(chai!& etc+I! partic lar i! healthcare #or e!ha!ci!" patie!t &a#et( thro "h detectio! o# &p rio & dr " a!d#a,e medical device&' i! the eve!t o# #ood cri&e& to limit !&a#e #ood & ppl( thro "h e##ectiverecall' i! e8 over!a!ce #or .ri!"i!" tra!&pare!c( i! proc reme!t etc+

    I! additio! to the a.ove a!d i! co!&ideratio! o# the "ro%i!" importa!ce co!& merempo%erme!t .( &hari!" tr &ted prod ct i!#ormatio! i! m lticha!!el retail e!viro!me!t'

    SC ha& la !ched SC So rce 8 Sta!dard&8.a&ed' &cala.le a!d i!teropera.le #rame%or, #or&hari!" prod ct i!#ormatio! i! co!& mer8#aci!" di"ital cha!!el&+

    GS1 be#ie3e( in t&e % e" %$ (t!nd!"d( t% t"!n($%"m t&e !, e

    %" !nd #i3e.1. /e C"e!te a commo! #o !datio! #or . &i!e&&

    .( !i$ el( ide!ti#(i!"' acc ratel( capt ri!" a!da tomaticall( &hari!" vital i!#ormatio! a.o t

    prod ct&' locatio!& a!d a&&et&+). /e en!b#e vi&i.ilit( thro "h the e1cha!"e o#

    a the!tic data+. /e em % e" . &i!e&& to "ro% a!d to improve

    e##icie!c(' &a#et(' &ec rit( a!d & &tai!a.ilit(+

    /e !"e.. Ne tral a!d !ot8#or8pro#it


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    U&er8drive! a!d "over!ed a!d local I!cl &ive a!d colla.orative


    At SC' 5 r VISION i& a %orld %here thi!"& a!d related i!#ormatio! move e##icie!tl( a!d&ec rel( #or the .e!e#it o# . &i!e&&e& a!d improveme!t o# peopleJ& live&' ever(da('ever(%here+

    At SC' 5 r MISSION i& to .e the !e tral leader e!!" comm !itie& to develop a!dimpleme!t " &ta!dard& providi!" the tool&' tr &t a!d co!#ide!ce !eeded to achieve o rvi&io!+



  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final






    1. T"!0e!bi#it,

    The a.ilit( to trac, a!d trace "ood& acro&& m ltiple tradi!" part!er& %ith real8time vi&i.ilit(a!d $ ic,l( re&po!d to mar,et !eed& i& the ,e( to a & cce& l a!d e##icie!tl( ma!a"ed& ppl( chai!+ I! thi& co!te1t' . &i!e&&e& & ch a& ma! #act rer&' lo"i&tic& provider& a!dretailer& are #aci!" a m ltit de o# challe!"e&' %hich i!cl de

    • Hi"her tha! ever e1pectatio!& o# $ alit( a!d &a#et( #rom co!& mer&+

    • I!crea&ed dema!d o# $ ic, a!d e##icie!t re&po!&e to $ e&tio!& re"ardi!" prod cti!"redie!t #rom re" lator&


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    • Need #or immediate a!d e##ective prod ct %ithdra%al& recall& i!the eve!t o# a cri&i&+

    • I!crea&ed dema!d #or prod ct a the!ticatio! a!d co !ter#eitdetectio! to protect .ra!d i!te"rit( a!d co!& mer &a#et(+

    SC &ta!dard& provide the !ece&&ar( #rame%or, re$ ired to & pport a &eamle&& tracea.ilit(&(&tem+ SC Tracea.ilit( Sta!dard 3 TS4' developed i! ?==; %ith active participatio!o# " i!d &tr( de#i!e& the "lo.all(8accepted method #or !i$ el( ide!ti#(i!" a!d &hari!"i!#ormatio! o! 8 tradi!" part!er&' tradi!" locatio!&' tradi!" item&' lo"i&tic& !it& ' I!.o !da!d o t.o !d &hipme!t&+

    SC Tracea.ilit( &ta!dard& e!a.le complia!ce %ith all major " re" latio!& & ch a& IS5&ta!dard& o! tracea.ilit( a!d recall' AP 3 ood A"ric lt ral Practice4' EU 0ood Ga%' U+S+Bioterrori&m Act a!d HA))P' amo!" other&+ The&e have .ee! e!dor&ed .( major #ood trade

    .odie&' %hich i!cl de the Briti&h Retail )o!&orti m 3BR)4 a!d I0S+

    ). U (t"e!m Inte-"!ti%n

    Toda(’& eco!om( i& co!& mer drive!+ There are more prod ct& availa.le #or co!& mer& tochoo&e #rom leadi!" to &ti## competitio! .et%ee! .ra!d& a!d !eed #or "reater &peed tomar,et+ Thi& p t& pre&& re o! p&tream part!er& '!ece&&itate& "reater vi&i.ilit( o# prod ct a!d

    i!#ormatio! #lo% a!d create& a more re&po!&ive & ppl( chai!+ SC Up&tream I!te"ratio!3 USI4 i& the SC Sol tio! that addre&&e& the challe!"e& compa!ie& #ace i! their attempt #ori!te"ratio! a& &ho%! .elo%+


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    Bene$it( %$ GUSI

    C+ 0a&ter i!te"ratio! p to >;K red ctio! i! the time ta,e! to co!!ect to !e% part!er&?+ Red ced IT co&t& #or

    • Set8 p red ced developme!t a!d trai!i!" co&t& 3.oth IT a!d . &i!e&& &ta## 4• *ai!te!a!ce d e to pha&i!" o t o# m ltiple !o!8&ta!dard i!ter#ace&

    9+ Gar"er &cope i!crea&ed R5I .( .ei!" a.le to impleme!t acro&& a lar"er &cope o# #actorie&a!d & pplier&+ USI i& #or lar"e a!d &mall compa!ie&+

    )o!& mer pre&& re& a!d the importa!ce o# $ ic,er &peed to mar,et are more importa!t #or)o!& mer ood& compa!ie&+ Beari!" thi& i! mi!d' the USI %or,i!" "ro p & pported .(

    SC ha& & cce& ll( de&i"!ed a . &i!e&& model ,!o%! a& the Up&tream I!te"ratio! *odel3UI*4' a!d decided to adopt the SC L*G me&&a"e &ta!dard& to e1cha!"e i!#ormatio!

    .et%ee! the tradi!" part!er& i! & pport o# the&e & ppl( chai! proce&&e&+ The UI* create& acommo! approach a!d la!" a"e #or the . &i!e&& proce&&e& a!d data i!tercha!"e& .et%ee!ma! #act rer& a!d their & pplier&+ ) rre!tl(' the USI i& %or,i!" to addre&& the #ollo%i!"

    i&& e& #or )o!& mer ood& compa!ie&

    • Tailori!" the SC &ta!dard& #or item ide!ti#icatio! a!d electro!ic comm !icatio!• S pporti!" the developme!t o# impleme!tatio! " ide&• Providi!" a&&i&ta!ce #or impleme!tatio!&


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    . M%bi#e B!"0%de*ore tha! : .illio! people F over hal# the pla!et Fare e$ ipped %ith mo.ile pho!e&+ *o.iledevice& have t r!ed o t to .e the lar"e&t . &i!e&& ‘impacter’ &i!ce the ‘%orld %ide %e.’ too,the %orld .( &torm+ *o.ile pho!e& have alread( cha!"ed the %a( %e live' %or, a!d

    comm !icate+ No%' the( are al&o poi&ed to cha!"e the %a( %e &hop+ Thi& ha& lead to theco!ver"e!ce o# retail operatio!& %ith mo.ile comm !icatio!+

    ) rre!tl( the mo.ile eco&(&tem i& !ot # ll( i!teropera.le that i& &ervice& are !ot compati.leacro&& all mo.ile device& a!d operator&+ Thi& ma,e& it prohi.itivel( co&tl( a!d comple1 tola !ch &cala.le " &ervice&+ A& &e o# mo.ile &ervice& i! . &i!e&& co!ti! e& to "ro%' the!eed o# " &ta!dard& a!d ope! a!d !e tral i!#ra&tr ct re tr &ted .( .oth . &i!e&&e& a&%ell a& co!& mer& .ecome& ac te+ 2itho t a !e tral' !ot8#or8pro#it a!d " or"a!i&atio! it%o ld .e di##ic lt to ma,e & ch diver&e compa!ie& a!d or"a!i&atio!& to a"ree o! a commo!

    !iver&al &ta!dard+

    The SC *o.ile )om "ro p i& a colla.orative' !e tral' " #or m #or all &ta,eholder&i!tere&ted i! mo.ile commerce a!d mo.ile comm !icatio!& .ra!d o%!er&' retailer&' mo.ileoperator&' mo.ile pho!e ma! #act rer&' &ervice provider&' "over!me!t or"a!i&atio!& a!dre" lator( .odie& a!d a variet( o# i!d &tr( a&&ociatio!&+

    The "oal o# the SC *o.ile )om i!itiative i& to provide co!& mer& acce&& to tr &ted prod cti!#ormatio! a!d related &ervice& thro "h their mo.ile pho!e&+

    5!e o# the ,e( applicatio!& #or &ta!dard&8.a&ed mo.ile .arcode i& ‘e1te!ded pac,a"i!"’+ Ite!a.le& co!& mer& to acce&& prod ct i!#ormatio! .( &ca!!i!" the prod ct .arcode thro "htheir mo.ile pho!e&+

    SC ha& al&o p .li&hed a %hitepaper titled M *o.ile i! Retail "etti!" (o r i!8&toree!viro!me!t read( #or mo.ile %hich e1plore& opport !itie& #or co!& mer prod ctma! #act rer& a!d retailer& a& co!& mer& .e"i! to &e their mo.ile pho!e& more o#te! to pla!their &hoppi!" a!d al&o d ri!" vi&it& to &tore&+


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    A #i0!ti%n( %$ GS1 M%bi#e B!"0%de

    • providi!" &tore locatio! detail&• ma,i!" promotio!al o##er& to &hopper& o! the "o• o##eri!" &peciall( de&i"!ed mo.ile8&hoppi!" %e.&ite&• e!!" lo(alt( pro"ram&• di&pla(i!" di&co !t co po!&• ma,i!" pa(me!t& #or &ho% tic,et&' par,i!" or tra!&portatio!





  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final





    1. B!"0%de 3e"i$i0!ti%n

    SC I!dia o##er& a .arcode veri#icatio! &ervice to e!a.le comprehe!&ive .arcode dia"!o&tic&+Thi& &ervice help& or"a!i atio!& pri!t a!d mai!tai! .ar code& that co!#orm to IS5 a!d SC&peci#icatio!& a!d e!& re& e##icie!t &ca!!i!" .( a!( t(pe o# .arcode &ca!!er i! a variet( o#&ca!!i!" e!viro!me!t&+

    Veri#icatio! &ho ld ideall( .e carried o t at the art%or, &ta"e' prior to . l, pri!ti!" a!dtherea#ter o!ce i! a (ear to e!& re co!&i&te!c( i! pri!t $ alit( i! di##ere!t pri!t r !&+Veri#icatio! i& carried o t .( a! IS5 complia!t veri#ier' #ollo%ed .( additio!al mi! teo.&ervatio!& o! &everal criteria li,e pri!t co!tra&t' ma"!i#icatio!' li"ht mar"i!&' .ar %idth'repre&e!tatio!' chec, di"it calc latio!' etc+ ,eepi!" i! mi!d SC &peci#icatio!&+At thecompletio! o# te&ti!"' a .ar code veri#icatio! report i& i&& ed+ Recomme!datio!& #or cha!"e&+

    i# !ece&&ar(' are & ""e&ted i! the report+ SC veri#icatio! report& are accepted .( retailer&"lo.all( a!d are eve! a pre8re$ i&ite #or accepta!ce o# prod ct& .( ma!( o# them+


    SC I!dia .arcode veri#icatio! &ervice help& or"a!i atio!+ et their prod ct& accepted .(retailer& %orld%ide+ Save co&t& o# 3a4 repri!ti!" d e to .ar code #ail re& a!d 3.4 dela( a!d

    po&&i.le order lo&&+ Retai! compa!( "ood%ill

    H% t% 3e"i$, ,%u" GS1 B!" C%de

    5r"a!i atio!& ca! appl( #or veri#icatio! o# their prod ct pac,a"i!" art%or,& i!corporati!"SC Bar )ode& .( &e!di!" pac,a"i!" &ample& to SC I!dia+


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    SC I!dia provide& detailed veri#icatio! report #or each &ample' o!l( #or .arcode& "e!erateda& per SC &ta!dard&+

    Find m%"e !b%ut b!"0%de 3e"i$i0!ti%n

    Veri#icatio! report& &hall .e provided #ree o# co&t #or pto ? .arcode &ample& 3CD o!l(4 i# the&ame are & .mitted to SC I!dia %ithi! 9= da(& o# allocatio! o# the SC )ompa!( pre#i1! + Be(o!d thi&' .arcode &ample& &hall .e char"ed #or+

    ). GS1 C%m !n, P"e$i !##%0!ti%n


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    . G N !##%0!ti%n

    SC I!dia allocate& Gocatio! N 3 GN4 %hich ca! .e &ed to ide!ti#( ph(&ical

    locatio!& a!d le"al e!titie& i! a !i$ e' !am.i" o & a!d !iver&al ma!!er+ GN& are a prere$ i&ite #or SC e8)om me&&a"e or to acce&& i!#ormatio! #rom the DataS(!chro!i atio! Net%or,+

    GN i& al&o &ed a& !i$ e #arm plot ide!ti#ier %ithi! +A+P+

    GN i& reco"!i ed .( UN EDI0A)T 3U!ited Natio!&' Electro!ic Data I!tercha!"e #orAdmi!i&tratio!' )ommerce a!d Tra!&port4 #or ide!ti#(i!" &e!der a!d recipie!t o# EDIme&&a"e& a!d i& re#ere!ced %ithi! IS5 &ta!dard& a& IS5 7;?9+


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    :+ GTIN @ A##%0!ti%n

    TIN8 3 di"it prod ct code4 i& allocated to the prod ct %here e!o "h &pace i& !otavaila.le o! the pac,a"i!" to &e TIN8C9 or UP)8A+ SC )ompa!( Pre#i1 3 )P4re"i&tratio! i& a prere$ i&ite #or TIN8 allocatio! +Be#ore appl(i!" #or TIN8 prod ctcode' or"a!i atio!& !eed to &e!d their prod ct detail& o! compa!( letterhead alo!" %ith

    pac,a"i!" &ample3&4 to SC I!dia to determi!e the po&&i.ilit( #or allocatio! o# TIN8 a& per SC &ta!dard&+I! eve!t o# allocatio! o# TIN8 ' .oth the & .&criptio!& !eed to .e re!e%ed

    o! their re&pective e1pir(+ The #ee #or allocatio! o# TIN8 code i& R& CC:= 8 3 i!cl &ive o#C:K &ervice ta14 per prod ct code per (ear + Plea&e ma,e pa(me!t .( )he$ e DD NE0To!l(+

    ;. G#%b!# E#e0t"%ni0 P!"t, In$%"m!ti%n Re-i(t",

    The pre#i1 code ‘

  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    1.5 Se0t%"( %$ GS1

    R !"#$ "%& '(%)*+ , ((&)F((&H "$! '",T,"%)/(,! "%& $( #)!#')


    Si!ce the time the #ir&t .arcode o! a pac, o# 2ri"le(J& che%i!" " m %a& &ca!!ed at a& permar,et i! 5hio i! C:' SC ha& made &i"!i#ica!t co!tri. tio! to the e##icie!c( o# theretail S ppl( )hai! a!d the overall "ro%th o# the retail i!d &tr(+


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    *a! #act rer& a!d retailer& e& SC to e!a.le them to a"ree to m t all( .e!e#icial&ta!dard&+

    5ver ; .illio! SC .arcode& "et &ca!!ed each da( at Poi!t 5# Sale o tlet& %orld%ide a!d the&e o# SC &ta!dard& ha& &pread #ar .e(o!d it to e!compa&& the e!tire S ppl( )hai! &tarti!"

    #rom the ma! #act rerJ& pla!t' thro "h the di&tri. tio! !et%or, a!d till the P5S+

    Toda(' SC &ta!dard& &ed i! Retail - )o!& mer ood& &ector mea! m ch more tha! the .arcode a!d i!cl de &ta!dard& #or electro!ic . &i!e&& me&&a"i!"' data&(!chro!i&atio! a!d R0ID8.a&ed ide!ti#icatio! a!d &ol tio!& to a ra!"e o# . &i!e&&i&& e&+Thi& ha& re& lted i! !i#orm a!d !iver&al ide!ti#icatio! o# prod ct&' co!&i"!me!t& .(all tradi!" part!er& %hich i! t r! ha& &peeded p moveme!t o# ph(&ical & pplie& thro "h their

    jo r!e( #rom poi!t o# ma! #act re to poi!t o# &ale di&pe!&atio!+The SC Sta!dard& providevi&i.ilit( i! the retail val e chai!' e!!" tradi!" part!er& to colla.orate a!d . ild a more

    e##icie!t' &a#e a!d & &tai!a.le & ppl( chai!+

    *a!( core . &i!e&& applicatio!& have .ecome e!a.led .( &e o# SC &ta!dard& a!d &ol tio!&i! the Retail &ector %hich i!cl de "reater e##icie!c( i! i!ve!tor( ma!a"eme!t .( mo!itori!"o# &toc,& a!d their #re&h!e&& o! retail &helve& a!d more timel( reple!i&hme!t' &eamle&&

    prod ct vi&i.ilit( a!d ea&e o# trac,i!" - traci!" i! the S ppl( )hai!+ Additio!all(' it ha& .ecome po&&i.le !o% to a the!ticate prod ct&' recall them %ith acc rac(' &peed a!d ea&e%he! re$ ired a!d . ild correct correlatio! .et%ee! ph(&ical & pplie& a!d i!#ormatio!+Relia.le ma&ter data ma!a"eme!t .( improvi!" data $ alit( ha& al&o .ecome po&&i.lethro "h &e o# SC data &(!chro!i&atio! &ta!dard&+

    I! I!dia' de&pite the lo% &hare o# moder! retail to overall retail &i e' the adoptio! o# SC&ta!dard& ha& .ee! ver( e!co ra"i!"' partic larl( acro&& ,e( prod ct cate"orie& li,e rocer('0*) ' Apparel a!d e!eral *ercha!di&e+ It i& rapidl( e1pa!di!" to cover all othercate"orie& a& %ell i!cl di!" pharmace tical&+

    Delhi State E1ci&e Departme!t ha& ma!dated SC &ta!dard& #or e##icie!t S ppl( )hai!ma!a"eme!t a!d prod ct a the!ticatio! o# alcoholic .evera"e&+

    To &t d( prod ct data $ alit( a!d .ri!" o t it& impact o! . &i!e&& proce&&e& i! the Retail&ector' a data cr !ch &t d( %a& !derta,e! thro "h IB* .( the )II Natio!al Retail


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    )ommittee' !der the " ida!ce o# SC I!dia+ Thi& &t d( %o ld . ild a&tro!" . &i!e&& ca&e #or la !ch o# data &(!chro!i atio! &ervice& i! theco !tr(+

    FOOD #ood S ppl( )hai!&' %ith "eo"raphicall( di&per&ed & pplier& a!d c &tomer&' are !der i!crea&ed &cr ti!( #rom c &tomer&' i!crea&i!"l( co!cer!ed a.o t #ood &a#et( a!d $ alit(+

    A! added challe!"e i& i! e##ecti!" prod ct recall& e##icie!tl(' acc ratel( a!d %ith "reat &peedthro "h rever&e lo"i&tic& i! the eve!t o# & . &ta!dard prod ct $ alit(+ )o!&i&te!t a!d e##icie!tmo!itori!" o# prod ct $ alit( a& it move& #or%ard thro "h the di&tri. tio! chai! a& %ell a&trac,i!" prod ct recall& re$ ire e##icie!t a!d &eamle&& trac, - trace &(&tem& %hich &e&ta!dardi&ed ide!ti#ier& #or trac,i!" #ood item&' re&po!&i.le &ta,eholder&' #acilitie& etc+

    SC %or,& clo&el( %ith " #ood S ppl( )hai! part!er& to help them overcome challe!"e&co!cer!i!" availa.ilit( o# #re&h' &a#e a!d $ alit( #ood at a!( "ive! time .( ali"!i!" .othdo%!&tream a!d p&tream proce&&e&+

    A #i0!ti%n( %$ GS1 (t!nd!"d( !nd (%#uti%n in $%%d Su #, C&!in( in0#ude:


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    The SC S(&tem o# Sta!dard& e!a.le& all &ta,eholder& to e##icie!tl( a!d e##ectivel( compl(%ith vario & local a!d " re$ ireme!t& .( e!& ri!" i!teropera.ilit( a!d compati.ilit(%ithi! a! or"a!i&atio!' .et%ee! or"a!i&atio!& a!d acro&& .order&+

    Toda(' ho&pital& a!d their & pplier& are #illed %ith i!acc rate a!d ma! all( created item a!dcompa!( !ame& a!d &el#8created ! m.eri!" &(&tem& that di##er #rom &er8to8 &er a!d ve!dor8to8ve!dor' creati!" a! e!viro!me!t #or data e1cha!"e that i& #ra "ht %ith error& a!di!co!&i&te!cie& %hich create& .oth i!e##icie!cie& thro "ho t the S ppl( )hai! a!d pote!tialimpact o! patie!t &a#et(+ A#ter ma!( (ear& o# re&earch a!d i!d &tr( i!p t' ho&pital&'di&tri. tor&' ma! #act rer& a!d other ,e( &ta,eholder& have come to"ether to colla.orate o!the &e o# data &ta!dard& to improve patie!t &a#et(+

    The mi&&io! o# SC Healthcare i& to lead the &ector to%ard& & cce& l impleme!tatio! o#" &ta!dard& that .ri!"& a.o t the #ollo%i!" .e!e#it&

    Prevention of medication errors e!& ri!" patie!t &a#et( thro "h the admi!i&tratio! o# ri"ht

    medici!e& to the ri"ht per&o! i! the ri"ht do&a"e at the ri"ht time thro "h the ri"ht ro te o#the admi!i&tratio!+

    Prod!ct a!t"entication e!!" a the!ticatio! o# i!divid al pac,a"e&' ca&e& or pallet& o#medical & pplie&+

    Trac#in$ medica% &rod!cts e!!" trac,i!" a!d traci!" o# medical e$ ipme!t&' medici!e&etc+ i! the health care S ppl( )hai! .( &i!" The Tracea.ilit( Sta!dard #or Healthcare3 TSH4 a& a #o !datio!al #rame%or,' %hich de&cri.e& the tracea.ilit( proce&& a!d de#i!e&mi!im m re$ ireme!t& #or all &ta,eholder&' i!depe!de!t o# tech!olo"ie&' or"a!i atio! &i e or operatio!al &ophi&ticatio!+

    'reein$ !& "ea%t"care &rofessiona%s allo%i!" healthcare pro#e&&io!al& to &pe!d more timecari!" #or patie!t& .( red ci!" time &pe!t o! paper%or, a!d other ma! al proce&&e& li,e data

    proce&&i!" a!d orderi!" a!d co !ti!"+

    SC I!dia ha& .ee! clo&el( e!"a"ed %ith the healthcare &ector i! I!dia to promote a%are!e&&o! " &ta!dard& a!d .e&t practice& a!d to provide tech!ical " ida!ce a!d & pport i!adoptio! a!d impleme!tatio! o# the &ame+


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  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    i! helpi!" compa!ie& meet their e!er"( co!& mptio! "oal&+ I! #act'co!&ideratio!& a.o t & &tai!a.ilit( i! the S ppl( )hai! are pla(i!" a!i!crea&i!"l( importa!t role i! the &electio! o# & pplier& a!d the a%ardi!"o# co!tract&+ S &tai!a.ilit( ha& .ecome a . &i!e&& i&& e+

    2ith SC Sta!dard& a& the .a&i& #or their operatio!& a!d &ervice&' tra!&portatio! a!d lo"i&tic&team& ca! &ta!dardi e i!#ormatio! a!d a tomate it& collectio! leavi!" them more time to#oc & o! ho% to &e i!#ormatio! rather tha! ho% to "et i!#ormatio!+

    )o!crete .e!e#it& ca! i!cl de improved e##icie!c(' i!crea&ed vi&i.ilit( o# the #lo% o# "ood&a!d &hipme!t&' more e##icie!t ha!dli!" a!d i!ve!tor( ma!a"eme!t' i!crea&ed &ec rit( o#di&tri. tio!' #a&ter operatio!& a!d &moother e1cha!"e& %ith ) &tom& a!d other over!me!ta"e!cie&+

    To reali e the a.ove' t%o %or,"ro p& have .ee! created !der the SC Go"i&tic& 0or m %iththe #ollo%i!" o.jective&

    • Go"i&tic& I!teropera.ilit( *odel 3GI*4 : to i!crea&e . &i!e&& proce&& i!teropera.ilit(a!d vi&i.ilit( o# operatio!&+

    • Sta!dard I!ter!atio!al Go"i&tic Ga.el 3STIGG4 : to &ta!dardi e o! a commo! lo"i&tic&la.el %hich %o ld #acilitate e##icie!t ha!dli!" o# lo"i&tic& !it& i! %areho &i!" a!dtra!&port proce&&e&+

    Re!# #i$e "%du0t( it& t&ei" b!"0%de(


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  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    • C+7 5r"a!i atio!al Str ct re



    BD-GMVarsha (DGM)Corp. Comm.

    Vinay Gupta (F&A-GM)

    BD-GMBijoy Peter AGM- e!h Ba"a Menon-




    a'i Mathur (C#$)

    C M

  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    C+> Ima"e& o# the 5r"a!i atio!



    De'e"opment A!!ts. *A+minBa!,en+ Support


    a umar nesh

    Bijoy Peter Peter Pau" An,it

    A arwa"i'ani

    Amrit Gar An,it AroraFront Des,eena,shi

    amta)alpana*harmaShi,ha /

    Front o%%i!e

    Su0rato Dey

    Sujit +ivyansh -.developerenewa"e istration

    Sujit P aneVipin SarohaPramo+


    heetha" A0hijit CPura+,ar ashi



    emanthumar iyaPoornima

    Chan+raMou"i. B

    Amit PunjSheetha" Sta%% e u"ar


    1itesh A arwa"

    ohit - 1ipun e!h.

  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final



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  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final



  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    C+ Di##ere!t Departme!t& i! SC

    C+ B &i!e&& Developme!t?+ )R* 3) &tomer Relatio!&hip ma!a"eme!t49+ Tech!ical Departme!t:+ )orporate )omm !icatio!;+ 0i!a!cial Departme!t

    • B &i!e&& Developme!t

    It i!volve& the developme!t o# the or"a!i atio! %hich i!cl de& the !der&ta!di!""ive! to the retailer& #or the code& "ive! to them #or the prod ct& the( &erve toc &tomer&+ The or"a!i atio! &erve& all the retailer& all over the I!dia+ The retailer&i!cl de& Bi" Ba aar' Relia!ce 0re&h' *ore ' Nat re’& Ba&,et '*etro ca&h a!d carr('Bi" Apple ' )ar#ore etc+

    • )R* 3) &tomer relatio!&hip ma!a"eme!t4

    Thi& &ector ta,e& care o# all the c &tomer& o# the or"a!i atio! %hether the( are the!e% c &tomer& #or re"i&teri!" the .arcode& o# their prod ct& or %hether the( are thee1i&ti!" c &tomer& %ho have alread( re"i&tered them&elve& %ith the or"a!i atio! #or

    .arcodi!" p rpo&e& o# their prod ct&+

    • Tech!ical Departme!t

    Thi& departme!t i! the or"a!i atio! ta,e& care o# all the tech!ical i&& e& occ rri!" i!the departme!t %hether it i& trai!i!" o# the emplo(ee& or it ma( .e the &e&&io!& "ive!to the emplo(ee& to ma,e them a%are o# the or"a!i atio! +The trai!i!" ca! .e i! the#orm o# 2EBINAR TRAININ 3o!li!e trai!i!"4 or it ca! .e i! the #orm o# 0A)E T5

    0A)E TRAININ +

    • )orporate )omm !icatio!

    Thi& departme!t ta,e& care o# over all comm !icatio! i! the or"a!i atio! +It i&co!!ected to all departme!t& o# the or"a!i atio! a!d eve! the relatio!&hip o# theor"a!i atio! %ith the !e% c &tomer& a& %ell a& their e1i&ti!" c &tomer&+


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    • 0i!a!cial Departme!t

    0i!a!cial departme!t o# the or"a!i atio! i& the mo&t importa!t departme!t %hichta,e& care o# all co&t& occ rri!" i! the or"a!i atio!+ The or"a!i atio! ta,e& a! over allloo, o! the mai!tai!i!" o#

    Bill&Receipt&Data.a&e&I!come a!d e1pe!dit re occ rredPro#it or lo&&e& i!c rred etc+


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final





  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final



    A thoro "h re&earch a!d a detailed &t d( o# the mar,et i& ver( importa!t #or the ma!a"eme!t

    to ta,e the ri"ht &trate"( & iti!" the mar,et co!ditio!+


    The &t d( "ive& the i!#ormatio! re"ardi!" the mar,et competitio!' i!!ovative prod ct&

    o##ered .( competitor&' pre&e!t dema!d o# the prod ct& i! the mar,et etc+

    T&e m!in u(e$u#ne(( %$ t&e (tud, %n t&e m!n!-e"i!# #e3e# i(:

    *ar,et & rve( %ill help to ,!o% the prevaili!" mar,et co!ditio! a!d al&o help i!

    #rami!" the policie& accordi!"l(+

    The &t d( %ill help the ma!a"eme!t to !der&ta!d the c &tomer mi!d&et a!d al&o

    e&timati!" the pre&e!t a!d # t re mar,et dema!d #or the prod ct&+

    It %ill help to e&timate the level o# a%are!e&& e& i! the mar,et a!d i!

    decidi!" the e1te!t o# promotio! re$ ired+

    It %ill help i! #i!di!" o t the c &tomer& e1pectatio!& a.o t the prod ct a!d al&o help

    to ,!o% the c &tomer ph(&iolo"(+


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final



    Impart& "lo.all( !i$ e ide!tit( to (o r prod ct& %ith a! i!ter!atio!al loo, a!d #eel+E!a.le& i!te"ratio! %ith " .e&t practice& a!d retailer& re" lator( re$ ireme!t&+Help& i! prod ct& promotio! directl( to co!& mer&+E!a.le& Retailer& a!d )o!& mer& veri#( a thori ed o%!er o# Barcode a!d he!ce the

    .ra!d+E!a.le& ea&( prod ct li&ti!" a!d vi&i.ilit( %ith pop lar &earch e!"i!e& a!d o!li!e

    &hoppi!" &ite& %hich &e SC prod ct codi!" &ta!dard&+0acilitate prod ct trac, a!d trace a!d recall& a& .ei!" i!crea&i!"l( dema!ded .(

    re" latio!& #or e!ha!ced co!& mer &a#et(+


    The &t d( helped i! ma!a"i!" the #i!a!ce& .( !ot #or pro#it &ociet(+ The #i!di!"& ca! .e

    "e!erali ed #rom re"io!al level+ The prod ct o##eri!"& o# di##ere!t compa!ie& to create

    a%are!e&& a!d to i!crea&e mar,et &hare %ere &t died+ The a%are!e&& o# e!do%me!t policie&

    i! partic lar %a& al&o &t died+ Thi& provided &cope #or !der&ta!di!" the co!& mer

    pre#ere!ce& a!d retai!i!" pre&e!t c &tomer& %hile addi!" !e% o!e&+

    The &t d( helped to !der&ta!d the c &tomer e1pectatio!&' the pote!tial c &tomer&

    re$ ireme!t a!d c &tomer& pro.lem& a!d ha& helped to ,eep c &tomer& hi"hl( &atiied+


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final



    A#ter &peci#(i!" the o.jective o# project it .ecome& e&&e!tial to ma,e a! e##icie!t pla! #or

    "atheri!" the !eeded i!#ormatio!+

    M!" et "e(e!"0& in3%#3e( t&e $%##% in- (te (:

    Step C De#i!e the pro.lem a!d re&earch o.jective&+

    Step ? Developi!" the re&earch pla!

    Selectio! method

    Q e&tio!!aire method

    Sampli!" method

    )o!tact method

    Step 9 )ollect the i!#ormatio!

    Step : A!al( e the i!#ormatio!+

    Step ; Pre&e!t the #i!di!"&+

    Ste 1: De$ine t&e "e(e!"0& %b e0ti3e

    A#ter di&c &&i!" %ith the i!ter!al project " ide the topic #or the project %a& &elected a&


    Ste ): De3e#% in- t&e "e(e!"0& #!n

    ue(ti%nn!i"e met&%d


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    *ar,eti!" re&earcher& have the .e&t i!&tr me!t i! collecti!" primar(

    data i+e+ a $ e&tio!!aire to collect the data a!d to e& the vie% o#

    the people #rom all the &ector& o# the &ociet(+

    Q e&tio!!aire& are de&i"!ed to elicit i!#ormatio! that meet& the &t die& re$ ireme!t&+

    Q e&tio!& &ho ld .e

    o clear

    o ea&( to !der&ta!d

    o directed to%ard& meeti!" a! o.jective+

    Need to de#i!e o.jective& .e#ore de&i"!i!" the $ e&tio!!aire+ * &t mai!tai! impartialit( a!d

    .e ver( care# l %ith per&o!al data+ 0o r .a&ic t(pe& o# $ e&tio!& are

    o 5pe! e!ded

    o Dichotomo &

    o * ltiple choice+

    o Scaled 3lic,ert4

    The $ e&tio!!aire de&i"!ed #or thi& project co!tai!& ope!8e!ded $ e&tio!&+ All the

    $ e&tio!& are clearl( de#i!ed+ The $ e&tio!& are #ramed ,eepi!" i! mi!d the o.jective o#

    re&earch a!d ,i!d o# i!#ormatio! re$ ired +Sampli!" method

    To &elect repre&e!tative !it& #rom a total pop latio!+ A population / !iver&e/' alleleme!t&' !it& or i!divid al& that are o# i!tere&t to re&earcher& #or a &peci#ic &t d(+ IE all

    re"i&tered voter& #or a! electio!+ Sampli!" proced re& are &ed i! &t d(i!" the li,elihood

    o# eve!t& .a&ed o! a&& mptio!& a.o t the # t re+

    o Ra!dom &ampli!"' e$ al cha!ce #or each o# the pop latio! +


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    o Strati#ied &ampli!"' pop latio! divided i!to "ro p& are a

    commo! characteri&tic' ra!dom &ample each "ro p

    o Area &ampli!"' a& a.ove &i!" area&

    o Q ota &ampli!"' j d"me!tal' &ampli!" error ca!!ot .e mea& red &tati&ticall('

    mai!l( &ed i! e1plorator( &t die& to develop a h(pothe&e&' !o!

    Ra!dom &ampli!" i& &elected a& the &ampli!" method #or thi& project+

    Se#e0ti%n Met&%d

    o *ail8%ide area' limited # !d&' !eed i!ce!tive to ret r! the $ e&tio!!aire *ail

    pa!el&' co!& mer p rcha&e diarie&+ * &t i!cl de a cover letter to e1plai!

    & rve(

    o Telepho!e8&peed' immediate reactio! i& !e"ative' 2ATS' comp ter a&&i&ted

    telepho!e i!tervie%i!"+

    o Per&o!al i!tervie%&8#le1i.ilt(' i!crea&ed i!#ormatio!' !o!8re&po!&e ca! .e

    e1plored+ *o&t #avored method amo!" tho&e & rve(ed+ )a! .e co!d cted i!

    &hoppi!" mall&+

    o I! home 3door8to8door4 i!tervie%' "et more i!#ormatio! . t it i& co&tl( a!d

    "etti!" harder to accompli&h+

    o *all i!tercept&8i!tervie% a K o# people pa&&i!" a certai! poi!t+ Almo&t hal# o# major co!& mer "ood& a!d &ervice& or"&+ &e thi& tech!i$ e a& a major

    e1pe!dit re+ )a! &e demo!&tratio!' "a "e vi& al reactio!&+ Re"ardi!" &ocial

    .ehavior' mall & rve(& "et a more ho!e&t re&po!&e tha! telepho!e & rve(&+

    There i& a .ia& to%ard tho&e that &pe!d a lot o# time i! mall&+ Need to %ei"ht

    #or thi&+ 5! &ite comp ter i!tervie%i!"' re&po!de!t& complete &el#


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    admi!i&tered $ e&tio!!aire& co!d cted i! &hoppi!" mall&+

    Q e&tio!& ca! .e adaptive depe!di!" o! the re&po!&e&+

    o 0oc & "ro p&8o.&erve "ro p i!teractio! %he! are e1po&ed to a! idea

    or co!cept' i!#ormal' le&& &tr ct red+ )o!& mer attit de&' .ehavior&' li#e&t(le&'

    !eed& a!d de&ire& ca! .e e1plored i! a #le1i.le a!d creative ma!!er+ Q e&tio!&

    are ope! e!ded+ )adillac &ed thi& method to determi!e that the( &ho ld .e

    promoti!" &a#et( #eat re&+

    A &ample o# ?== people %a& ta,e! a!d j d"eme!t %a& do!e to &elect the ri"ht pro&pect& to

    &ec re acc rate i!#ormatio!+ The &ample co!&i&ted o# people li,e . &i!e&&ma!' doctor&' pvt+ )ompa!( emplo(ee&+

    C%nt!0t Ob(e"3!ti%n met&%d

    Record overt .ehavior' !ote ph(&ical co!ditio!& a!d eve!t&+ )a! .e com.i!ed %ith

    i!tervie%&' i+e+ "et demo"raphic varia.le&+

    *echa!ical o.&ervatio! device&' IE camera&' e(e moveme!t recorder&' &ca!!er tech!olo"('

    Niel&e! tech!i$ e& #or media+

    5.&ervatio! avoid& the ce!tral pro.lem o# & rve( method&' motivati!" re&po!de!t& to &tate

    their tr e #eeli!"& or opi!io!&+ I# thi& i& the o!l( method' the! there i& !o data i!dicati!" the

    ca &al relatio!&hip&+

    Ste : C%##e0ti%n %$ in$%"m!ti%n

    The i!#ormatio! o# the project %a& "athered i! ? #orm&


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    P"im!", d!t!

    I! primar( data collectio!' (o collect the data (o r&el# &i!" method& & ch a& i!tervie%& a!d$ e&tio!!aire&+ The ,e( poi!t here i& that the data (o collect i& !i$ e to (o a!d (o r

    re&earch a!d' !til (o p .li&h' !o o!e el&e ha& acce&& to it+

    There are ma!( method& o# collecti!" primar( data a!d the mai! method& i!cl de

    • $ e&tio!!aire&

    • i!tervie%&

    • #oc & "ro p i!tervie%&

    • o.&ervatio!

    • ca&e8&t die&

    • diarie&

    • critical i!cide!t&

    • Port#olio&+

    Se0%nd!", d!t!

    Seco!dar( data 8 collected .( other& to .e /re8 &ed/ .( the re&earcher

    • 2hat 0orm Doe& Seco!dar( Data Ta,e

    o Q alitative So rce&

    o So rce& #or Q alitative Re&earch

    Bio"raphie& 8 & .jective i!terpretatio! i!volved

    Diarie& 8 more &po!ta!eo &' le&& di&torted .( memor( lap&e&+


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    *emoir& 8 .e!e#it pro.lem o# hi!d&i"ht

    Getter& 8 reveal i!teractio!&

    Ne%&paper& 8 p .lic i!tere&t - opi!io!

    o Q a!titative So rce&

    P .li&hed Stati&tic&

    Natio!al over!me!t So rce&

    Gocal over!me!t So rce&

    5ther So rce&

    No!8P .li&hed Electro!ic So rce&

    5!8Gi!e Acce&& To Natio!al )omp ti!" )e!tre&

    I!ter!atio!al So rce& o! I!ter!et - 2e.

    0or thi& project the &eco!dar( &o rce& &ed are

    6o r!al&

    )ompa!( prod ct .ro cher&


    Ste ;: D!t! An!#,(i(

    The a!al(&i& %a& co!d cted .( editi!" a!d codi!" the data+ )odi!" %a& do!e i! the #orm o#

    ta. latio! a!d editi!" %a& do!e .( revie%i!" the $ e&tio!&+


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    C&! te" C%n0e tu!#



  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    .1 /&!t i( b!"0%de

    A b!"0%de i& a! optical machi!e8reada.le repre&e!tatio! o# data relati!" to the o.ject to%hich it i& attached+ 5ri"i!all( .arcode& &(&tematicall( repre&e!ted data .( var(i!" the%idth& a!d &paci!"& o# parallel li!e&' a!d ma( .e re#erred to a& li!ear or o!e8dime!&io!al3CD4+ Gater t%o8dime!&io!al 3?D4 code& %ere developed' &i!" recta!"le&' dot&' he1a"o!& a!d other "eometric patter!& i! t%o dime!&io!&' & all( called .arcode& altho "h the( do !ot

    &e .ar& a& & ch+ Barcode& ori"i!all( %ere &ca!!ed .( &pecial optical &ca!!er& called .arcodereader&+ Gaterapplicatio!& &o#t%are .ecame availa.le #or device& that co ld read ima"e&'& ch a&&martpho!e& %ith camera&+

    A! earl( &e o# o!e t(pe o# .arcode i! a! i!d &trial co!te1t %a& &po!&ored .( the A&&ociatio!o# America! Railroad& i! the late C

  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    0.2 T / ) ( 3",'(& )

    E "+/$ S +3($(C(%!#%*(*)(, )', !

    B",#&! )

    U) )

    /ustralia 0ost barcode

    +iscrete4 barheights

    /n /ustralia 0ostbarcode as used on abusiness reply paidenvelope

    odabar +iscrete .wo

    Old "ormat used inlibraries and bloodban s and on airbills

    out o" date

    ode 25 on

    interleaved 2 o" 5 ontinuous .wo -ndustrial


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    ode 25 -nterleaved 2 o" 5

    ontinuous .wo7holesale, libraries-nternational standard-*O#-8 163'(

    ode 11 +iscrete .wo .elephones out o"date

    !armacode orode 32

    +iscrete .wo

    -talian pharmacode use ode 3' nointernational standardavailable

    ode 3' +iscrete .wo9arious internationalstandard -*O#-8


    ode 4' ontinuous :any 9arious

    ode '3ontinuo

    us:any 9arious

    ode 12& ontinuous :any9arious -nternational*tandard -*O#-81541%

    0 ;inary +iscrete .wo

    +< =lm edgebarcode

    either .all#short

    olor print =lm

    8/ 2 ontinuous :any

    /ddon codemaga>ines , ?*1

    approved not an ownsymbology to be usedonly with an 8/ #@0according to -*O#-81542(


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    8/ 5 ontinuous :any

    /ddon code boo s ,?*1 approved not anown symbology to beused only with an8/ #@0 according to-*O#-8 1542(

    8/ & , 8/ 13 ontinuous :any

    7orldwide retail, ?*1approved -nternational *tandard-*O#-8 1542(


    +iscrete .wo

    @*0* business reply


    ?*1 12& "ormerly

    named@ #8/ 12& ,incorrectlyre"erenced as8/ 12& and@ 12&

    ontinuous :any

    9arious, ?*1 approved Aust an application o"

    the ode 12& -*O#-81541% using the / *:B1( & 2 /-+atastructures -t is not

    a separate symbology

    ?*1 +ata;ar ,"ormerlyCeduced *pace*ymbology


    ontinuous :any 9arious, ?*1 approved

    -ntelligent :ailbarcode

    +iscrete 4 barheights

    @nited *tates 0ostal*ervice, replaces both0O*. 8. and 0D/ 8.symbols "ormerly


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    named One ode

    -.! 14 ontinuous .wo

    on retail pac aginglevels, ?*1 approved is Aust an -nterleaved

    2#5 ode -*O#-8163'( with a "ewadditionalspeci=cations,according to the ?*1?eneral *peci=cations

    E/ ontinuous :any

    @sed in Eapan, similarand compatible with8/ 13 -*O#-8


    Eapan 0ost barcode

    +iscrete4 barheights

    Eapan 0ost

    )ar.ra / - +iscreteoloure

    d bars

    @sed in orth /mericaon railroad rollinge$uipment

    :*- ontinuous .wo@sed "or warehouseshelves and inventory

    0harmacode +iscrete .wo


    pac aging nointernational standardavailable


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    0.0 H( 3",'(& ) , /, ) %! !%*+3 ,) 6-7

    A .arcode i& a reall( &imple idea "ive ever( item that (o %a!t to cla&&i#( it& o%!' !i$ e! a!d the! &impl( pri!t the ! o! the item &o a! electro!ic &ca!!i!" device ca!read it+ 2e co ld &impl( pri!t the ! it&el#' . t the tro .le %ith decimal ! i& thatthe(Jre ea&( to co!# &e 3a mi&pri!ted ei"ht co ld loo, li,e a three to a comp ter' %hile &i1 i&ide!tical to !i!e i# (o t r! it p&ide do%!@%hich co ld ca &e all &ort& o# chao& at thechec,o t i# (o &ca!!ed (o r cor!#la,e& the %ro!" %a( p4+ 2hat %e reall( !eed i& acompletel( relia.le %a( o# pri!ti!" ! &o that the( ca! .e read ver( acc ratel( at hi"h&peed&+ ThatJ& the pro.lem that .arcode& &olve+

    I# (o loo, at a .arcode' (o pro.a.l( ca!Jt ma,e head or tail o# it (o do!Jt ,!o% %here o!e! e!d& a!d a!other o!e .e"i!&+ B t itJ& &imple reall(+ Each di"it i! the prod ct ! m.eri& "ive! the &ame amo !t o# hori o!tal &pace e1actl( > !it&+ The!' to repre&e!t a!( o# the! #rom ero thro "h !i!e' %e &impl( color tho&e &eve! !it& %ith a di##ere!t patter! o#

    .lac, a!d %hite &tripe&+ Th &' the ! o!e i& repre&e!ted .( colori!" i! t%o %hite &tripe&'t%o .lac, &tripe&' t%o %hite &tripe&' a!d o!e .lac, &tripe' %hile the ! t%o i&repre&e!ted .( t%o %hite &tripe&' o!e .lac, &tripe' t%o %hite &tripe&' a!d t%o #i!al .lac,&tripe&+


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    Photo Each di"it i! a .arcode i& repre&e!ted .( &eve! e$ al8&i ed vertical .loc,&+ The&e arecolored i! either .lac, or %hite to repre&e!t the decimal ! =8

  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    5 .he binary digits are sent to a computer attached to thescanner, which detects the code as 111(1(11

    I! &ome &ca!!er&' thereJ& a &i!"le photoelectric cell a!d' a& (omove the &ca!!er head pa&t the prod ct 3or the prod ct pa&t the

    &ca!!er head4' the cell detect& each part o# the .lac,8%hite .arcode i! t r!+ I! more&ophi&ticated &ca!!er&' thereJ& a %hole li!e o# photoelectric cell& a!d the e!tire code i&detected i! o!e "o+

    I! realit(' &ca!!er& do!Jt detect ero& a!d o!e& a!d prod ce .i!ar( ! a& theiro tp t the( detect &e$ e!ce& o# .lac, a!d %hite &tripe&' a& %eJve &ho%! here' . tco!vert them directl( i!to decimal !' "ivi!" a decimal ! a& their o tp t+

    0.4 T / ) ( 3",'(& )'"%% ,Di##ere!t t(pe& o# .arcode &ca!!er& are availa.le #or all ,i!d& o# applicatio!&+ I! &mall'co!ve!ie!ce &tore&' (o Jll t(picall( #i!d a .a&ic %a!d &ca!!er+ The &imple&t o!e& loo, li,eelectro!ic pe!& or "ia!t' over&i ed ra or&+ The( &hi!e red GED li"ht o!to the .lac, a!d %hite

    .arcode patter! a!d the! read the patter! o# re#lected li"ht %ith a li"ht8&e!&itive ))D or a&tri!" o# photoelectric cell& + I# (o have a pe! &ca!!er' (o have to r ! it acro&& the .arcode

    &o it ca! reach each .loc, o# .lac, or %hite i! t r! %ith a %a!d &ca!!er' the ))D or photocell& read the e!tire code at o!ce+


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    I! a . &( & per&tore' (o Jre more li,el( to &ee a ver( &ophi&ticated la&er &ca!!er+ ItJll .e . ilti!to the .a&e o# the chec,o t la!e' !der a piece o# "la&&' a!d (o ma( .e a.le to &ee the la&er

    .eam .ei!" .o !ced aro !d at hi"h8&peed .( a &pi!!i!" %heel &o it read& prod ct& 3literall(4i! a #la&h+ A!other tech!olo"( &e& a &mall video camera to ta,e a! i!&ta!t di"ital photo"rapho# the .arcode+ A comp ter the! a!al( e& the photo"raph' pic,i!" o t o!l( the .arcode parto# it a!d co!verti!" the patter! o# .lac, a!d %hite .ar& i!to a ! 3Barcode8&ca!!i!"app& that r ! o! cellpho!e& %or, thi& %a(' &i!" the pho!eJ& . ilt8i! camera to photo"raphthe code+4 Sca!!er& li,e thi& ca! acc ratel( read do e!& o# prod ct& %aved pa&t them each

    mi! te a!d are #ar more acc rate tha! old8&t(le chec,o t& 3%here (o have to ,e( i! the priceo# ever( item .( ha!d4+ The .e&t .arcode &ca!!er& are &o acc rate that the( ma,e o!l( o!emi&ta,e i! &omethi!" li,e >= millio! piece& o# &ca!!ed i!#ormatio! 3)ompare that to t(pi!"o! a ,e(pad' %here (o Jre t(picall( li,el( to ma,e o!e error i! ever( C== character& (ot(pe+4

    Barcode &ca!!i!" tech!olo"( ha& .ee! aro !d &i!ce the earl( C=& . t o!l( reall( ca "hto! i! the C< =& a!d C

  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    0.5 H( " B",'(& R "& , (,9)

    ;arcode scanners can be extremely simple devices made up o" a lightsource, a photo diode and a simple decoder or complex + or camerabased scanners Dearn how barcode scanners wor and how to scanbarcodes into a computerThere are c rre!tl( #o r di##ere!t t(pe& o# .arcode &ca!!er& availa.le+ Each &e& a &li"htl(di##ere!t tech!olo"( #or readi!" a!d decodi!" a .arcode+ There are pe! t(pe reader& 3i+e+

    .arcode %a!d&4' la&er &ca!!er&' ))D reader& a!d camera .a&ed reader&+

    P % T / R "& ,) "%& L") , S'"%% ,)Pe! t(pe reader& co!&i&t o# a li"ht &o rce a!d a photo diode that are placed !e1t to each otheri! the tip o# a pe! or %a!d+ To read a .arcode' (o dra" the tip o# the pe! acro&& all the .ar& i!a &tead( eve! motio!+ The photo diode mea& re& the i!te!&it( o# the li"ht re#lected .ac, #rom

    the li"ht &o rce a!d "e!erate& a %ave#orm that i& &ed to mea& re the %idth& o# the .ar& a!d&pace& i! the .arcode+ Dar, .ar& i! the .arcode a.&or. li"ht a!d %hite &pace& re#lect li"ht &othat the volta"e %ave#orm "e!erated .( the photo diode i& a! e1act d plicate o# the .ar a!d&pace patter! i! the .arcode+ Thi& %ave#orm i& decoded .( the &ca!!er i! a ma!!er &imilar tothe %a( *or&e code dot& a!d da&he& are decoded+

    CCD Readers

    ))D 3)har"e )o pled Device4 reader& &e a! arra( o# h !dred& o# ti!( li"ht &e!&or& li!ed pi! a ro% i! the head o# the reader+ Each &e!&or ca! .e tho "ht o# a& a &i!"le photo diode thatmea& re& the i!te!&it( o# the li"ht immediatel( i! #ro!t o# it+ Each i!divid al li"ht &e!&or i!

    the ))D reader i& e1tremel( &mall a!d .eca &e there are h !dred& o# &e!&or& li!ed p i! aro%' a volta"e patter! ide!tical to the patter! i! a .arcode i& "e!erated i! the reader .(&e$ e!tiall( mea& ri!" the volta"e& acro&& each &e!&or i! the ro%+ The importa!t di##ere!ce

    .et%ee! a ))D reader a!d a pe! or la&er &ca!!er i& that the ))D reader i& mea& ri!"!t li"ht #rom the .arcode %herea& pe! or la&er &ca!!er& are mea& ri!" re#lected li"ht o#a &peci#ic #re$ e!c( ori"i!ati!" #rom the &ca!!er it&el#+

    C!me"! B!(ed Re!de"(The #o rth a!d !e%e&t t(pe o# .arcode reader c rre!tl( availa.le are camera .a&ed reader&

    that &e a &mall video camera to capt re a! ima"e o# a .arcode+ The reader the! &e&&ophi&ticated di"ital ima"e proce&&i!" tech!i$ e& to decode the .arcode+ Video camera& &e


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    the &ame ))D tech!olo"( a& i! a ))D .arcode reader e1cept that i!&teado# havi!" a &i!"le ro% o# &e!&or&' a video camera ha& h !dred& o# ro%& o# &e!&or& arra!"ed i! a t%o dime!&io!al arra( &o that the( ca! "e!erate a!ima"e+

    The #actor& that ma,e a .arcode reada.le are a! ade$ ate pri!t co!tra&t .et%ee! the li"ht a!d

    dar, .ar& a!d havi!" all .ar a!d &pace dime!&io!& %ithi! the tolera!ce& #or the &(m.olo"(+ Iti& al&o help# l to have &harp .ar ed"e&' #e% or !o &pot& or void&' a &mooth & r#ace a!d clearmar"i!& or /$ iet o!e&/ at either e!d o# the pri!ted &(m.ol+

    Interfacin$ a Barcode Reader to a PC All applicatio! pro"ram& & pport .arcode readi!" a& lo!" a& (o have the ri"ht e$ ipme!t+Barcode reader& are availa.le %ith t%o t(pe& o# o tp t 8 either /,e(.oard %ed"e/ o tp t orRS?9? o tp t+ The .arcode reader& %ith ,e(.oard %ed"e o tp t pl " directl( i!to the,e(.oard port o! (o r P) a!d the( al&o provide a pi"tail co!!ector &o that (o ca! pl " i!(o r ,e(.oard at the &ame time+ 2he! (o &ca! a .arcode %ith the ,e(.oard %ed"e .arcodereader' the data "oe& i!to the comp ter j &t a& i# it %ere t(ped i! o! the ,e(.oard+ Thi& ma,e&it e1tremel( ea&( to i!ter#ace the .arcode reader to a!( applicatio! that i& %ritte! to accept,e(.oard data+

    The ,e(.oard %ed"e i!ter#ace i& e1tremel( &imple ho%ever it ha& a #e%,&+ I# (o&%ipe a .arcode' the c r&or ha& to .e i! the correct i!p t #ield i! the correct applicatio!other%i&e (o e!d p readi!" .arcode data i!to %hatever applicatio! ha& the #oc &+ Thi& ca!ca &e all &ort& o# pote!tial pro.lem& a& (o ca! ima"i!e+ The ,e(.oard o tp t al&o i& limitedi! that (o ca!!ot modi#( the data i! a!( %a( .e#ore &e!di!" it i!to the pro"ram that i& to

    receive the data+ 0or e1ample' i# (o !eeded to par&e a .arcode me&&a"e i!to m ltiple piece&or remove &ome o# a .arcode me&&a"e or add i! a date or time &tamp (o %o ld !ot .e a.le to%ith a !ormal ,e(.oard %ed"e reader+ 5 r 2i!2ed"e prod ct li!e i& de&i"!ed j &t #or thi&

    p rpo&e+ 2i!2ed"e i& a! e1ec ta.le pro"ram that ca! pa&& &erial data .ac, a!d #orth to other pro"ram& &i!" either DDE 3D(!amic Data E1cha!"e4 or .( co!verti!" i!comi!" &erial datato ,e(&tro,e& 3i+e+ it &t ##& the ,e(.oard . ##er %ith the i!comi!" &erial data4+ 2ith2i!2ed"e' (o ca! co!trol e1actl( %here the data "oe& i! the tar"et applicatio! a!d (o ca!al&o per#orm all &ort& o# modi#icatio!& o! the data .e#ore it i& &e!t to the applicatio! i!cl di!"

    par&i!" or tra!&lati!" the data a& %ell a& addi!" additio!al ,e(&tro,e& or date a!d time &tamp&to the data+


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    2i!2ed"e i& e1tremel( ea&( to &e a!d i& de&i"!ed to have (o p a!dr !!i!" &e!di!" a!d receivi!" &erial data directl( #rom %ithi! (o r applicatio! i! j &t a #e% mi! te&+ Beca &e 2i!2ed"e ca! pa&& data &i!"DDE' (o ca! &et (o r applicatio! p to i!& re that the .arcode data

    al%a(& "oe& %here it i& & ppo&ed to "o a!d (o ca! al&o have (o r applicatio! r !!i!" i! the .ac,"ro !d a!d &till accept .arcode i!p t %hile (o r ! &ome other pro"ram i! the#ore"ro !d+ 2i!2ed"e i& %itho t $ e&tio! the mo&t ro. &t %a( to i!ter#ace a .arcode readerto a P) %ith the lea&t amo !t o# e##ort+

    .+ S%me %$ t&e #!te(t de3e#% ment( d%ne b, GS1 INDIA


    *' Dec >'?=C;

    The I!& ra!ce I!#ormatio! B rea 3IIB4 o# I!dia ha& la !ched a re"i&tr( o# 9?'7;C !i$ eho&pital& called Re"i&tr( o# Ho&pital& i! Net%or, o# I!& ra!ce 3R5HINI4 to ea&ei!e##icie!cie& i! claim &ettleme!t&+

    IIB ha& colla.orated %ith SC I!dia ' promoted .( the *i!i&tr( o# )ommerce' i! providi!"ho&pital& a C9 di"it "lo.all( !i$ e ID a!d eo codi!" i& .ei!" do!e .a&ed o! their addre&&+

    The Ho&pital Sel# Service Portal %ill allo% ho&pital& to re"i&ter a!d edit i!#ormatio! a!d provide a! electro!ic e1cha!"e o# medical record& .et%ee! ho&pital& a!d i!& ra!cecompa!ie& to e!& re #a&ter claim& proce&&i!"' &aid R Ra"hava! ' )E5' IIB at a pre&& meet i!*

    0or co!& mer&' the re"i&tr( %ill help i! providi!" data.a&e o# ho&pital& a!d medical record&'added Ra"hava!+

    T+S Vija(a!' )hairma! o# the I!& ra!ce Re" lator( a!d Developme!t A thorit( o# I!dia &aid'/The i!& ra!ce i!d &tr( %ill "ai! acce&& to tra!&actio!al ea&e #or empa!elme!t' pa(me!t#lo%' i!ve&ti"atio!& a!d data #or health i!& ra!ce a!al(tic& %hich %ill help i! #a&ter claim



  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    The portal %ill #acilitate !atio!al' &tate a!d re"io!al level a!al(ticalreporti!" o! healthcare a&pect& li,e "eo"raph( .a&ed tre!d&' patter!& o# di&ea&e occ rre!ce a!d co&t patter!& %hich %ill help determi!e&ta!dardi&ed treatme!t co&t&+


    • *' Dec 7 2ith a vie% to .ri!" all releva!t i!#ormatio! re"ardi!" healthi!& ra!ce policie& at o!e place' Irdai chairma! T S Vija(a! %ill la !ch here tomorro%a portal JRe"i&tr( o# Ho&pital& i! Net%or, o# I!& rer&J 3Rohi!i4+

    • The portal %ill .e havi!" all the i!#ormatio! li,e treatme!t #acilit(' co&t o# treatme!ta!d co&t o# claim& amo!" other& relati!" to the 9;'=== ho&pital& %hich are re"i&tered

    .( Irdai8promoted I!& ra!ce I!#ormatio! B rea 3IIB4+ /ItJ& a !i$ e i!itiative o#Irdai %hich "oi!" #or%ard %ill help i!& ra!ce compa!ie& a!d ho&pital& a!d all thei!& red !der vario & health i!& ra!ce &cheme& to "et all releva!t data at o!e place'/I!& ra!ce Re" lator( a!d Developme!t A thorit( o# I!dia 3Irdai4 Nile&hSathe told +

    Ever( ho&pital acro&& the co !tr( co!!ected %ith i!& ra!ce compa!ie& #or ca&hle&& pa(me!t o! re"i&tratio! ha& .ee! "ive! a !i$ e ide!ti#icatio! ! !der thei!itiative .( Irdai &o a& to ma,e IIB a.le to mo!itor the patter!& o# health i!& ra!ceclaim& #rom all tho&e ho&pital&+

    • I! #act' the re"i&tr( o# ho&pital& !der Rohi!i i& the #i!al &tep i! mo!itori!" healthi!& ra!ce claim& #rom vario & ho&pital& !der the !et%or, to &t d( the patter! o#claim&' co&t o# claim& a!d co&t o# treatme!t+

    • /Thi& i& a "ood i!itiative #or creati!" a !i$ e ide!tit( #or health provider& i! theco !tr( &o a& to !der&ta!d each providerJ& !i$ e !eed &eparatel('/ I)I)I Gom.ardchie#8 !der%riti!"' claim& a!d rei!& ra!ce Sa!ja( Datta &aid+


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    • /It %ill help i!& rer& !der&ta!d vario & a&pect& o# healthcare a!dvario & t(pe& o# healthcare a!d treatme!t #acilit( .ei!" provided

    .( the 9'=== ho&pital& that #all !der I)I)I Gom.ardJ& !et%or,'/

    GS1 S!"%&",&)-B") & F")!" ) T( H $/ R &*'C(% )!#(% A! T($$ P$":")

    :@:;/-J .he ational Bighways /uthority o" -ndia has approached the ational0ayments orporation o" -ndia to set up an interban clearing house to enable etolling across 35( toll pla>as in the country

    .he move is expected to help the country save thousands o" crores o" rupeesannually in "uel consumption and speed up "reight .he measure will help reducecongestion at toll gates and curb malpracticesI7e have been approached by B/- to build a trading house "or 8. electronic

    toll collection payments,I /0 Bota, managing director o" 0 - told 8.

    I7e have sought C;-Ks approval to build an interban clearing system *o "ar, it

    was a closed loop system between B/- and - - - ;an ;ut once we step in itwould be an interban clearing system 8very ban will issue the tolling card totheir customers I

    .he implementation o" a pan -ndia electronic toll collection system on nationalhighways may help save Cs &%,((( crore, according to a Aoint study by the

    .ransport orporation o" -ndia and the -ndian -nstitute o" :anagement alcutta .he study said that the length o" time at toll points adds up to a cost o" Cs2%,((( crore a year /nd the extra "uel spent on slowing down and stopping atchec points amounts to an additional Cs 6(,((( crore

    .otal automation o" toll collection across the country is expected to reduceaverage waiting time at toll pla>as by 1( minutes-n *eptember 2(14, the government had launched -ndiaKs =rst electronic tollcollection programme under the brand name K!/*.agK .he ministry had broughtin - - - ban ;*8 ( &% L and /xis ;an ;*8 1 12 L "or providing central clearinghouse services and to distribute radio "re$uency identi=cation or C!-+ based!/*.ag through their "ranchises at points o" sales


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    B/0.8C 4

    +/./ / /DM*-*/ +

    - .8C0C8./.-O


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final




  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    ue(1. /&!t i( ,%u" "%$e((i%n

    P3t. Em #%,ed D%0t%"( En-inee"( Se#$ Em #%,ed

    P,( ))#(%

    pvt employed+octors

    8gineers*el" 8mployed

    Thi& $ e&tio! %a& a&,ed to ,!o% the cla&& o# people %ho #illed the $ e&tio!!aire a!d,!o% a.o t the compa!( the mo&t or the lea&t+

    ue(). /&!t !-e -"%u ,%u $!## int%


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    1@ )< ,"(. )+ ;* ,"(. ;1

  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    ue( . /&i0& in0%me -"%u ,%u $!## int%

    • e(( t&!n ) #! &• ) ).< #! &• ).< .< #! &• Ab%3e .< #! &

    N 2 lacsH 24L

    2 2 5 lacsH 36L

    2 5 3 5 lacsH 2%L

    3 5 lacsH 14L

    Thi& $ e&tio! %a& a&,ed to ,!o% that %hat amo !t o# i!come the ear! i! their



  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    ue( ;. D% ,%u n% !b%ut GS1 0%m !,

    Ye( N%



    Mes o

    Thi& $ e&tio! %a& a&,ed to ,!o% a.o t the i!divi al& %ho are a%are a.o t the or"a!i atio!+


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final



  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    ue(+. Do you create new GTINs for promotional products?

    Yes No• Depends on the nature of the promotional item .

    GTIN )


    Thi& $ e&tio! %a& a&,ed to ,!o% %hether the or"a!i atio! &e the promotio!al prod ct&+


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    ue(>. On !n !3e"!-e &% mu0& time d%e( it t! e t% #i(t "%m%ti%n!#"%du0t( it& ,%u" "et!i#e"(

    1 d!,) < d!,(< > d!,(M%"e t&!n > d!,(

    $#)! (2 &"1) " , !"#$ , !"9 ) 2(, /,(+(!#(%

    1 day2,5days5,% days

    moe than % days

    Thi& %a& a&,ed to ,!o% a.o t the li&t o# da(& it ta,e& .( a retailer #or promotio! o# a prod ct+


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    ue(@. /&!t i( t&e %b e0ti3e %$ ,%u" 0%m !n,

    Cu(t%me" (!ti($!0ti%n T% m! e "%$it T% m!int!in t&em(e#3e( in "e0e((i%n

    (3; '!#< ( (, "%#)"!#(%

    customer satis"action

    to ma e pro=tmaintaining inrecession

    Thi& $ e&tio! %a& a&,ed to ,!o% a.o t the o.jective o# the or"a!i atio!+


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    ue(8. Does the process to list promotional products differfrom the process to list non-promotional items?

    Ye( N%

    = , %' 3 !5 % /,(+(!#(%"$ "%& (% /,(+(!#(%"$ /,(&*'!)



    Thi& %a& a&,ed to ,!o% the ho% m ch a li&t o# promotio!al prod ct di##er #rom a !o!8 promotio!al prod ct+


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    ue(1*. H% %$ten d% "et!i#e"( #!0e !n %"de" $%" "%m%ti%n!# "%du0t( du"in- it( %$$e"e"i%d

    On#, %n0e1 time(M%"e t&!n time(

    /$"'#% ( (,& ,

    once1 3 timesmore than 3 times

    Thi& &ho%& the placi!" o# order #or promotio!al prod ct& d ri!" it& o##er period+


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    ue(11. D% !## "%m%ti%n( &!3e ! (t!"t !nd end d!te


    )!",! "%& %& &"!


    Thi& &ho%& that the promotio!& do have a &tart a!d e!d date o# promotio!&+


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    ue(1). H% $"e'uent#, d%e( ,%u" %"-!niK!ti%n %$$e" "%du0t "%m%ti%n(

    On0e ! m%nt&T i0e ! m%nt&On0e ! 'u!"te"In + m%nt&(

    (= ,#+ /,(&*'! /,(+(!#(%

    once a monthtwice a monthonce a $uarter

    in 6 months

    Thi& &ho%& that ho% #re$ e!t the or"a!i atio! o##er prod ct promotio!+


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final



    0INDIN S


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final



    The or"a!i atio! i&Ea&ier to !der&ta!d i+e the .arcodi!" &(&tem &ed i! theor"a!i atio!+Relia.le +E##icie!t to per#orm all the ta&,& to .e per#ormed i! theor"a!i atio!+It &hare& a complete ,!o%led"e a.o t the or"a!i atio! &o that iti& ea&ier to !der&ta!d+

    The or"a!i atio! &hare& the i!#ormatio! #or tra!&pare!c(+The or"a!i atio! i& a !ot #or pro#it or"a!i atio! %hich o!l( i!volve&ma,i!" the c &tomer& &atiied .( lice!&i!" their prod ct& %ith the

    .arcode&+Thi& &t d( &ho%& that the or"a!i atio! SC i& tho "h a &mall medi m&i ed e!terpri&e . t it ha& a mo!opol( competitio! all over the %orld+Thi& or"a!i atio! doe& !ot depe!d po! ma,i!" pro#it&+


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final



    5! the .a&i& o# vario & tech!i$ e& applied #or the &t d( o# #i!a!ce& o# !ot #or pro#it

    or"a!i atio! F SC )ompa!( + 2e ca! arrive at a co!cl &io! that the #i!a!cial po&itio! a!d

    overall per#orma!ce o# the compa!( i& "ood + Thro "h the &tat & o# the )ompa!( ha&

    i!crea&ed over the period . t !ot i! the &ame pace a& o# e1pe!&e&+ B t the )ompa!( ha&

    & cceeded i! mai!tai!i!" a rea&o!a.le pro#ita.ilit( po&itio!+

    The )ompa!( ha& & cceeded i! i!crea&i!" it& &hare capital al&o %hich ha& i!crea&ed aro !d

    ;=K i! the la&t ; (ear&+ I!divid al& are the major &hareholder&+ The major achieveme!t o# the

    )ompa!( ha& .ee! a treme!do & i!crea&e i! it& depo&it&' %hich ha& al%a(& .ee! it& mai!

    o.jective+ 0i1ed a!d c rre!t depo&it& have al&o &ho%! a! i!crea&i!" tre!d+

    E$ it( &hareholder& are al&o e!jo(i!" a! i!crea&i!" tre!d i! the ret r! o! their capital+

    Tho "h c rre!t a&&et& a!d lia.ilitie& 3c rre!t li$ idit(4 o# the )ompa!( i& !ot &o &atiactor(

    . t )ompa!( ha& & cceeded i! mai!tai!i!" a &ta.le &olve!c( po&itio! over the (ear&+ A& #ar

    a& the ratio o# e1ter!al a!d i!ter!al e$ it( i& co!cer!ed' it i& clear that or"a!i atio! ha& .ee!

    &i!" more amo !t o# e1ter!al e$ it( i! the #orm o# loa!& a!d .orro%i!"& tha! o%!er’&e$ it(+


    S ch &t d(' i# do!e #or the !e1t C= (ear&' ma( "ive &ome & rpri&i!" re& lt& a!d

    &ome cha!"ed e!d&+ The compa!( &erve& more a!d more &ervice& to . ild co!#ide!ce amo!"

    the c &tomer&+

    S ch &t d( ta,i!" i!to co!&ideratio!& the ! o# policie& o# the compa!ie&

    ma( al&o .e carried o t+


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final






    Se1 * 0

    Telepho!e !o+


    ue(1. /&!t i( ,%u" "%$e((i%n

    P3t. Em #%,ed D%0t%"( En-inee"(• Se#$ Em #%,ed

    ue(). /&!t !-e -"%u ,%u $!## int%

    1@ )< ,"(. )+ ;* ,"(. ;1

  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    ue( ;. D% ,%u n% !b%ut GS1 0%m !,

    Ye( N%

    ue( d!,(

    ue(@. /&!t i( t&e %b e0ti3e %$ ,%u" 0%m !n,

    Cu(t%me" (!ti($!0ti%n

    T% m! e "%$it T% m!int!in t&em(e#3e( in "e0e((i%n


  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    ue(8. Does the process to list promotional products differfrom the process to list non-promotional items?

    Ye( N%

    ue(1*. H% %$ten d% "et!i#e"( #!0e !n %"de" $%" "%m%ti%n!# "%du0t( du"in- it( %$$e"e"i%d

    On#, %n0e1 time(M%"e t&!n time(

    ue(11. D% !## "%m%ti%n( &!3e ! (t!"t !nd end d!te


    ue(1). H% $"e'uent#, d%e( ,%u" %"-!niK!ti%n %$$e" "%du0t "%m%ti%n(

    On0e ! m%nt&T i0e ! m%nt&On0e ! 'u!"te"In + m%nt&(



  • 8/18/2019 Simran Gs1 India Final


    At SC INDIA'%e .elieve that all &ta,eholder& - c &tomer& &ho ld have acce&& to

    complete i!#ormatio! re"ardi!" the compa!(' it& prod ct&' it& po&itio!' etc+

    SC INDIA %e.&ite 3%%%+"&Ci!dia+or"4 &erve& a&

    a! ea&( mode o# comm !icatio! #or all c &tomer& &ta,eholder&+





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