simak pascasarjana s1 ekstensi 2012 english kode 201

Post on 14-Oct-2015






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soal bahasa inggris pascasarjana ui



    Gonoral Guidelines

    lhe Enoli6h lert vill !e6r you. alrllry ln lndgGrandlnq Engladh 6r,ud!Ee a.d e.dano Extr, lt empbys .muhlple choie lomat and I tak* l0 nlnut6 to do ihe tstThotsstMp * lwo lolo{ing Ftu:

    L Pa.t 1:40 numbE ot slrudus .n.l Writlon El9e.bo2, Pad 21 60 nunbeE otlrodbuh.y.nd R..dft{ Conp6h.ndd

    Ytu tuy cho@ to hgin wrk on ANY p.n

    Fq dcll namb( yoo may ont.ho@ oN En5w. Oiviig m6 tlsn on..mmr alll iot glvs you ny

    Forech numbF, you *i lie l@r pibre ansr*, hated (A), (B) (c) aM (D). ch.o$ lololt n, ..dthe. on ydr ansrer shet, lind lh numbd of $e queslon rnd l0l in h. eprF fEl @@ep.nd. b tEletEr ol lhe amMr wu h4e chosei. FiI in tE spc6 5o rhal $e l6i.r h.id6 h. cicL cnnol bF 34n.o@ao

    The queslions s given in . vadety ol difrcu lly levels. You sh@ld ty io ans@. all ol them, as tld6 is NOPEMLTY for lneft.l a.$esOiE ron! ,or efth pan ol the test w lL be giH at th6 beginning of eeh p.(ll you ind an enor in arry prinld it6m ot tlF re.l, lu6t 9!s lh6 anser as best as you c.n .nd 6ntnua.



    Thb $otion is d.s gn.d to m.asuB you abilriy ic @qntze taiOuage flat ts appbpiat for .iandardsrilt. Eiglish The : E two l}pes of qu.tion6 in rhis sectoi, ufth sp..i.t dt@toc tor edr tyDe.DLEctlois: oueslions 1'15 are inohplete enlel* Bn4ih each sht6i6 you ril * talr Nrd3 dphEs6, nad

  • 1, CaMdiai 0e@, _ & wams southemeglons, hn out scrc* th. 6ky in an ordedy V

    (B) 6.nnualml96tlon(0) iheir a.i ual mis Edon

    2. tui. foerb so6laln such E potusion of plsntr5nd njmala

    _ 0Ey ae @dadly

    Fhdhg it difcull _

    betwM s @Er inhw and i. medioin., Raha merged her &!inierslr aid decided io .tudy io@nsic

    orchds hare long b&n a pl e essdpon@m6odnY,(A) TF.euins erclio b.uty(B) IrcasuEd ior rheir oxoic beaut(c) They aG t.Buino ie exotlc beaut(D) Thelr *otic bsuty is much teduBd

    3, Th6 bllr lEined lhe dolphins.l And ats,(A) lhy willsive a better oedomsne(B) lhe@ wilrb6 a moF .njoyabr.(C) lhe pe'lbmnc. will be no@ onjoFbt(o) lhe moE enjoysbb $ pdom.i@


    3. Most suc@sstul $inri6r6 6B theodEb eno@n s@ beyoid th bclr and

    _ aboot

    ihe genel principlos flar unddi rhm.

    Ewry spd.g l@l * rell $[ nek io Keuknhoi Gaden in theNethedsnds,

    _ rts m.gnli6t, colo.tul

    Nol unul Gndfira Mc4 rh. 'm6!.r

    9. _

    tom hamluivito* or bactoda top@id immunlt io pnicutar The pelsEtion ot v.@lnes(B) Thal !@h6 a6 plp.Ed(c) \e@in6e aB pBparcd(o) h PePd is v5@ine6

    10. Th6 Ebility ol co*toys h tE 19F cnturyE slEer or bEk a coll cdld n.n

    of pimiiv. .rt, E.ched tne aqe ot 76her un(oe depicrions of @ryd.y life on a

    (B) did sho bgin lo paint

    {Ntual tor the eady s.nbF in rh wlrd w*l,

    , w

  • Doriig lh6 lal ir .qE, mort ot No h @6rcd by s wsr bl.ntot ol bei


    .ht6s.dtheE dr! firlt at marry pt*. in{Al nr@ enomusrY hevy F-Eht(B) drel(c) iE Gishl or d'o .nmoB m.s ot i@(D) ordicb h6 Fisht & eMoust hevy


    pmMd6 r liMno for hsll ot lho p.opls ln

    14. A l.F bem t6 t.c@ringty u6d in .urc.fignd in hd6ny _

    hishty a@lE cudnjr B

    (B) eh6Mr

    15 Aldrdgh fto P6.idst ot itynmar hadont cd.e.*l\

    _doio th bodr(4 $ rhcE M. sfl nghfis(B) butrsl' m6tln.FduDG) no nE@p. otnohhs o@rd(D) fehuno stillfa6d up

    1L l.2004, Chana M @ny _

    situ r nd.lE.e lhd. by h. lJ.S.


  • qj@!qg: ln qusiions 16-40 s.niEne h.s iour lnd6diied mds d phles lrle four lnder inedprft of rh. s.rsn4 3ts mftd (A), (B), (c), snd (D) rdenijry the ooe uhdedind md or ph@ u1ar mustbe ch5ngd n order tor lhe senhnce rD be gEmm.ri*lly 6rct Then, on you. .Brer 6he! fnd thenumb.r of nE queslion aid fll in the spce itut co@ponds lo fie lelter ot the ansrer yoo h* chosen.'t@@

    - -TrTh.86nrEn@ should ead. 'Mead. la.ts ae abool ihesame 3Ee as @bin6, butthy haw havirbodis, shod4lairs, and ronqer bins.'Th.EfoE, you should choo* .n$er (B),

    W!o aerrqporls exc*d j!4!9!E a G@ao

    The seniene sho! d Ead, 'when ovoEll expo.E dceed imp.lts, a muntry is eld io have a Ladesurpr6."therefore, !!u should chobse ans@r (c).

    N beo n Mrk on ihe quesiions.

    16 R.oj*tun-uDs and oilchanoesac moortanlior$eoerto'manceotar ss l*lotF ---Er-ne$!!g!y an66 lr e_ 5 rg r.

    17. Fa@d wih @!S!e4 siig oilpis and fa[.ind economios, Euopean Union munld$.G G!4[4c

    lne way in h.messind wind enersy.

    1S Sc'e.hsb .oe fiat v i.nin c n 'edLr rF.6dsnrv o, @ d6 but nor pl!ye!!4jj! n*'4 a- -------- B

    eE!!!3E!!1 by sEkeho dec ql!!e lucElive phamaeuliGl bosh*s.CD

    20. ln a oollllca eleclion, lhe ooliiici8n 5 advedisefr eil on pdde-t me lelevisioi is a qrlcltl laclor tFt

    !EEI4ld4 the ourcome of th6 electio. lor l!! candidaie.CD

    Surur d ord6 e9!!gEgr! in rhe

    renrimes rhe r*r consided

    polluled a r of Le @uilry 6 .odnem egion

    9el9 by inhaiional sEndard.

    . w

  • 2r Bud.psr 6id on bor,t b.nk of rhe Danrbe F'vd 's

    hro$ for !I!l spas whtct^ dw @ler (noM' ---- -F Tror jtslgCiqjEl pbpd$ rom rrdrsrcurd rhma .pr ns!

    throughoul Asi. ree @mplaiiing a!eu!

    ---- 3 --_-philosoptty a!!! br her chrit i. sril is.

    .-.r----a-$ ; ficulty or t!!!i!q quariied biling ual job appliiE.

    2. fte shipweck ol d and6n sF'p !q!!r 'n

    se 'cy

    @reB or canada! NodM3l Pa$ase r40 teg6

    25 'lhorqf Eg!@

    or lnm * only .u. arqr4rle4 'r

    hish sch@ , rhey seE der ohed ,ner fi6thet ch other o. @uous at the smo univ.E ly n London.

    26. Whped by stoT sirds,lte *ildfi'e @ad on lhe nounIg,n. ops dlFlw'lh lnalvillagesron ns slFe 5000 p@ple evac{ralino then homes

    27 9eE!9!2005 b 2010 US sha s* prodLclon s@ an astol+ no.s% a Far, !cl3!y c@drg

    23. Not slllllh sun's ultEv oit Edial on en Eoh h6 Eann's.urfae be@u$ th. doie t.yr-r -----!-

    ' --'_r

    2S Add ng lo rha lEg govemierl cgul.uon people *ho 66 st ll $ind o d .1rovsTltr no'--F-"..--!-

    30. Ooclo6 oI l\s rNrs sl b. sbl. io L* hsrrrr.nG lo. $!et& dnatys s t1.r w. I rtp $emd,snG. rh dB** noe a.clEt. .nd decid6 .n rts lr.Etnenl

    - ----- -----_

    31 . The ron9e6t oir piprin in th sdd bes lm i4!e o I ietds or BEk in A4'ralan and e!BD!E to th$ulh 99ls.E C.yh e*!4ln rukey

  • 32. T.dy @m p!t.r .xp rll .e mr lh+use or advan@d lrhFotosy l!#e! exper rents ro \ e iruG@mpuiets Esmdind kl a 6iE6 ot spoks rcdr.

    3l k ie vd h.d, f not mD@lue ro oel a tai dunm the rush noLE ol' -F ---r - -t-


    34 a

  • sEcloN 2


    Dhction.: ln lhis s.ction you will @d ereral pasg, Eaoh Fssg iB follMd by quslions abouriL cno* tu one besr snser, (A), (B), (c), or (o), tor each q@fion. Thn, on your an6@r sheer findth. iumber ot he qusstion 8nd fll in lh d.l th.l mrcBpond6 to lhe lehr of your .mrer choice.An*r all qusbons based on eh5r is sLlEd or lmplied i. rhe pass.geR.d lh. lollowlng p...ago:

    A nw hadng devics s nw for Bome h. nq impoied pople. This dvi@ u6es anagnet to hold the delachable snd-pr@ssing podjon in plae. Like oh.r aids, ir conved! .oundinlo vlbrions But it ls ! nlque h lhal it n tEnsn il 0l. vibEiions drecty io the hagnet, .nd then

    !h, io rh This podues a deaer s.d,-lhe iw ddic6 wilt not hel! aIltl hea ng-im pand p6p e on y lhos. wilh . henng lc @osed by inlction or som. other pDbtem

    in lne middl-. ear rt {dn prcbabt help no more than 20 prc.nt or an ptrpte with prcbtems.ItGe p@pl, hMv.r, wllo h pa6i8ieil ear inreuons should fnd rcliet and r*ki6d hanng

    Whal is tho author s main pueos?

    {A) lo de$ b a ns cuE tor ear inf*llo.s(B) to i.fom frE rads of s ne ddie(C) io u'se docb6 lo use a .w devie(o) b rhe use or a

    The autho. s main pulPo* is to lnlom lhe ader of atherclore,

    'to sh.uld .h@se a.Mr (B).

    Th Nrd 'cli.f in line 7 man.(A) less distcss

    (c) diltaclron

    n* devi@ for h.5dng-imDalcd oeoole



    IlE phEs.1.$ dislB*- B simll.r h nea.ins to'Bl el in Ihis *ntene. Therefo6, you shoutd ch@*

    NN begi. with the quslions.

  • On March 11,2011, a maqiitude 9.0 undE. eardquake o@rd 43 miles ot th6 shoE otJap.n Th ..dhq oeneEled a n unexpcr.dly massive rsu nsmi rhar eashed ovor esI.m Japa nrcughly 30 minur4 rarar, kifing noE thln 15,300 p@pte and tnju ng morelhan6,100. MoE rian

    r]B 2 600 pop 6 . Bliil ona@ounld fol N*, @mput$ sinu arions by Sianrod soientbb Eveat that(5) sund earea in ih. ocean ptoduoed by the @dnquake pobably E5ch.d taid teis of m nurs ber.erhe Glnam r rl corcciy i.terpcld, lhoy could have otbEd a samii I that a ta E6 tsu n.m i w4 on the

    Although ladous systems en dolct undeFea dhquak.s, lney

    r1 Etiabty 16I yhich wil tomalsunamiorpedicrlhesizeofrhe e TheE ae o@n,basd devic.6 ftat en sense a. onomtig

    lto) bunami, but hey 9pioally pEvide only . fs mhlte6 of adn mrning Beuss th. sound nom aseismlc event will reoh land ell b6foE lhe @ler ltsetf, the c@rch@ 3uegest tEl idntittng thesprcilE aoousrio signEruE of Eun.mieneol i9 eannquk$ 6utd l@d io i fasr6F.cting warihgsyslem tor massiv. r6unami3.

    The foding ms somrhing of. surpase. The @nhqu.k.i epiceit r hEd bsn tEced !o theo5) undsMlr JEpan TEich, . subducuon 2od6 about 40 mil$ ea.t otTohoku, fE nonhe4len 69 on

    olJap.nslallerblaid aased on 6x sling knowldga ofafiquak$ in this.@, setsnotisls prztladover shy Ite sdtqrake aplu e p'opagt.d lrcm fie utergroJlo !.ut

    .I rE {ay up lo $. e.afoor,car19. rassve Lp*rtu llrsl rlal csutEo ,1 l,re tsJ.aT o're.t ob*to.hois of h lark k6*r*, so Errc ouihafr, an a$slanl prcl$or of geophysiF in rhe sch@torEanh and

    f20J Jercmy Kozdon, . po.ldoclol .esearch. wo*ino with Dunham beg.n usi.g lhs otusr6r otsuprcompoteE .t sranrod s cenier tor computsrional Eanh and Envi@nmentat scion@ (cEEs) tosimulsre how rh6 lEmoB moved fircugh ths @si .nd o@n.

    Ttu Es4rcheE burrt a high,@sLution mod6lth.r in@QohiEd lhe kndn geotog c tturcs of rhJap.n TEnch and u*d cEEs s fruratio.s ro idnrift posribte rupturc hislories @nrotibk

    l25J wilh lhe availablo d.ra Relrcaclively, !\e models.@uratety prdicled lh r.afio.r uptifr seen in lheanhqu a ke which is di@tly B at6d to Eu nami Mve heighlE a nd atso s n utated sou nd Mv* tharpEpagated ailhin t1e o@n. ln addidd ro valu.bte iis ohl into lh sbmic vents as th6y tik.t ecuredduing lhe 2011 .rdquake lhe l@archB identiied lhe speiicfaul enditions ne@;ary 6l ruptuEro Bact th saa1m, ad ( Ecl rdse tsLrrE rr mddare qn.ited a@L3l c daE:;n lrerisl no

    /90) Rluon ol fE . n Jraxol @s lhal rsursnE e 1rc sL rbce-breatins a DtuB tite lhe 20 I I dlo urke:prcdoca higher ampritude o@an a@usijc MVs thai those rtut do nol, rhe modet shMd hN liose$ond MV4 sourd have tErelod rhEugh ihe @ier and indit d lhat they reachen shoE 15 !o 20mi.ule bior rhrd r6unaDiDunham and lGzdon pohted olt lhat idenrifying a rElnani signaluG doesnr @nptele Ih wrming

    135) sysrom. undoRld mi@phones led hydrcphon. mutd .eed to b6 dptoyed on th seail@r or onbuoys ro dslci rh sig nar sh rch eutd

    'len nd to be anaty2ed to conf h a threat, both ot ehtch

    could be cciy. Polirymake6 euld also need ro wlk w[h sctentstE to sd. on the deg@ ot en intyn6dd btm pu ning the d6m tf thse poinc c.n be Mded o ut, lhou g h, rhe bcnnlq ue coutd hetipd de p@ious minui66 6l an evaouaiion.

    41. Whrch ot the lon@ing rculd most tikly be lhefrain ida of IhE .nriB paege?(a) cEEs drhorations illusr..le rhe frmalioi

    ol a m.ssive kunami in Japsn.(E) Eanhquake s@6rlcs en hdi@te tam*sive lsunami s aboutlo h.ppei

    {C) O@an-basod ddlc4 ae no ong6rieeded tndet.t und*aa eadhquak6(D) Slantod ihye$igacd why .gEat lEunami happend h Japad in

    !2 A(oding to ih paEsag. whEh ot rE ro[owingisTRUEabouith 2011 eadhquaLe,n l.oan?(A) rt @ured i*r lh 3ho or Japan.(B) lt happ6n.d in rhe friddte of the n ghl.(C) Mo@ than 20,000 peop e bensviclime(o) Nonheh Japn r@iv.d ihe qo*t

    , ry-)

  • Tle@d'thy in lie 6 rct6lo

    Amding !o lhe passage, which ol !E irfldingls NoT lh shoncomlng ol other undeGea

    (A) They a6 extrcmly expensire and ditiort(a) They en only g w seveEtminutu otea y(C) ftey a unabre to pEvide lnrom.tion

    aboul tE si4 oa lh e.8..(D) Thy ennot a@uEtet prcdict whbneadhqusk4 wlll cau$ tsun.miB.

    Th6 word'puzted'in line 16 is in

    It can b infered fiom paEgEph 4 that sound

    (A) gsnE ry rcacn fie shoE s bst as(B) do not r@t@I ftrcugh Mter in he o@n(c) w ll be slMr if the unde@ dhquaks(O) give valoab e dala for gvacuation if

    analrzd .iid !*d *l .

    47. Which ol th. lotioetns belt exrc* tneopposite mning oa ths mrd .6Fijbte, ll

    43. ILe author trdd pEbabty use ot theloll@ing eode io d$db CEES gnutits

    49. Th6 pg.3.g. Mutd pbbabty bs. prn ot an$siqned Eadlig in wfiich ot dE btb{^g

    50. Amrding b tne pas$se, *nth ot h ioltowis NoT neded b ompteE t mmrlg sFbhi(A) inst l menl ol hydEphones on rE *an6(B) a @lhboElion bel*n pdiqm.ks and(C) eady Muaton tr.inrhq t .h toel p6!t(D) ana ysis ol6tgnats frm the hydEphon*

    , ---td

  • The 6 dple chickn's egg hG long been known as . symbo ol n* lif.. Horevei less wen kiownis lhal eggs n be tuhed inlo incubatoG lo produce a Efi oi oiher molecu *, nclud ng agents to@mbatiietion.Thehumaninmun.syslemGspoidstoloregnsubstanoesbvp6ducn9anlbodes.

    riB eh ch a re sDeo alized lroteins ifi tl b nd lo invadin o o196 nisms and tox ns blodk lh,7 actt lv a id ialgll5J rhmfordestuclonbyolh*m.mbrsofiheimnune nfantry Anl bodi$. $ cncu ate lor e(ended

    !6iods n u1e bood, pbvidins ons'lem prcledton agaiist any ol ihe 3.m6 bugs thet miqht irv i0make a com baok and molhe G prctgot their otrs p nq by siphon ng ofi $ me ol their own ait bod sand.ddlng lhem lo the ioeb c;ubton durng fie lafler pan of pregnancv Th6 sameis alsotrueofchickens, 6ul wilh lhe dlfieen6 lhal ihay add lheir anlibodies lo th yo ks ol ure eq$ ihev lav.

    lto) Thercin ries a rherapeutic oppodunity b.*us6 exposue !J spclc vruses or bact6rl. tiggetschicGis lo orcduce anlibodies aqainsl lhs oEan sms. lr a chicken is injecled with s6mp * of iheeme painogns, ihis a $ achieves lhe 6ame .fi.i ln ract, wilhln I u sl a lw reeks every 99 the.hickei lays wil @ni, n hig h levels or an(ibdi6 spe fi y large(iiq lhose virues o' bacieda Mobvelthese ail bod * . b puitd from lhe yolks b prcduce what s ahosl antibodies on_lap

    lr5) Giving pe'itmed anftod s to p@de who have b6n xposed to a panicular lnr?otio!5 aqnlhas lmg i6en reognized .s a way ol limiting d sa* Hisbnca y lhe* aitbodies hare bem obLinedfiomho;sorhunians,brthoeanijbodiesa.erskyandhumananhbodieshave m ted avaiabililvHenc, chickEn egg aiiib.dies mlght be a valuable add I on io our med ioaL arserr/ Eggs a E plent luland 3rly hafr.sLd. Justto4eggscan prcdu@ as much anlibodv as an enli guinea piq Mor

    124 impod.ntly, lhe human lnmune syslem ldEcs chlcken anr b.di* much berler lhan.nlibodies frod

    rt has ben almost tveniy yars since tle iiFl stldi* uslng egg aitibodv to lrcat v El diseas inanimabreG.ubrished Back in 1ss4,. team ot Japan*e sciont sls rNt shNen thal ca ves cou d b.

    s T cl crereqqan'bodies lr rtprrt i-andlJl or;h' zrr ah

    'iGErs.Fq rie Lso oreqq a.,oooes ror rr*rrs oi5ease r-.rrrr 'r

    h umans Sludies a also cull;.tly u ndeMay to erplorc lhe effer venees of es s_ant bod i* in therEaimeni ofthe rnrecijons eused bi tle6aabnrn P*udamnas aetuginosa, drioh has nd 3ched

    b m nplcro '.

    SeP erbe 20 4ior be 1g sneo app'ovclb'y redGlgo'm 19 oooe-. rnj be@Trs lT r'31gg anr bodv lo b'

    rr0) Lsed 'r

    d'ri p,laeoveE , il looks llkeythatUie tusl ma nsirem lhepeutc egg antibodi* wllmake t inio lha

    fid oes or hos piEl phamacies wlhin a Ew yars Mosl l ke v ili es a.tibodies wi bs usd agaii st ju sla h i ndr! or ini*tious disease aqenls lo stan wllh, bui ma dv m o e$e.imental liars w th ma nv fro epeople n m. ny moG @untr es till s* th s nu m b{ lncrsse sig nif antlv over iha dacades to cone

    51 ThE ionNLno aE qu6stions lhat the pa6..gtdes io addE* DGEPT(A) Why Erc chickn .gg anl bod as sup,"dor

    l(l oiner .nlibodi$?(B) Hd n chioken gg yo k-anl bodies beusd lo tea( lircl on5?

    (C) Whal.rc the possible dano6 ol $inginfd on-fighlino chicken gg

    (D) How cloE aG re to usinq ch cken bodies for hum.i disease

    The @rn "ih6il in liie 4 efeE io

    (c) nvadhsorsansmsaid!Yin3(B) membe6 oI fle hmun. intanty.p@ordiig to ure passage which ol lhe ioneingls NoTTRUE.boul anlibodles?(A) They n be p6ssed on by nolhe6 lrt

    (B) They in $e blood for rons(c) Non6 prodoc.d by a.ihab en b illeted

    (D) Thy are pbdud by the body to @unler

  • 54 WichoffEtoll l.gslaiErenr.b.urohbk n $. Fomra.agph4,lte.bei.tundlh.r3tudi6ges en b inbmd trcm lhe p.$age? o. egg adjb.dies(A) n6yacnoeu@tulrorhumEnsdEnnosi (A) con@raie on indins cutss ror w

    pople @lae. dl*s.(B) Sde.U6b.E notvdy iiiercsied ln usinq (B) haresh4iiic@si.qryprcmiohsBurE.

    ihem 10 ourc disea64. (C) are under $delllan@ ot porqmakeG.(C) Aniibod esotJtalnd |rom lhefr ac (D) haE nMr b..n onductd iiAsia.b.i.f .lal tu tEing chlcken l.aecilo...

    (D) nFele.limiLdsio.koldrbken.!g.sih 59. andbodhll.g.6ElLy(4 imp.tul

    5,. Tn6 @d 'inlcloue' n lln. 15 n6.n! (B) opiimisllc.(A) i6ldiouB. (c) Judemstal.lB) pEeniou' (0) dllinrE.t d.(D) @niagiNs. 60. Tn..urhor. purpo$ in vntng lhis pa5sge

    iB rb56. l@oding lo lhe pa$g., a.ifrals lhal 6n' {A) @nl65l tle antibodle. obiained ltum

    prcd@ antbodb. br hohans aE hufran6 and tD* lom hors.nd chrcken., (Bl l^lomrhallh.E.Evsriou.sMiesoi(3) chickensandrrer infctious di*ase t,(c)

    lwsandsuindpiss. (c) dNineirat ibodle.E p.nicul.ry(D) hoB* 8nd guiiea plgs, hporEnlforfghlingdi$as*.

    (O) lucidaE thsl.hicke. eggs n be

    '/. which ol the {ollNing besl expEs66 lh. tuded htJ a reapon lo rE.t dis*.ne.nhg of tF wd 'aenal'ln lin. 13?


  • l! is lhe nal! rc ol youth ro m k a Eckel Thrs happens reliabty tn Ns Yolk c ity ewry w*kdayblwen lwo snd lh G. in rhe .nemood when shoot ters out tengets spin onb the s dwa ks aiddssnd below gbund inb ln subwal wherc h ing too*ned thelr oifioms aid shed d@rum,

    ri,ah6y@upyth6i are*holtr dg, fliruns, aa uing, joting chedkhg tn. ch ekiig oul They sing lhe{9 song ot thomsslv$, loudly, iubil.nt t to a dytm thal on y thy en hear

    ti 0ie coding dsys, lh !6ds and r#ns ln and arcund the oity willexper ene a s mllarvlsftalion,iion priodil c ed.s. For 3.vnleen Faq juvenl es oflhEe species ofthe lenus Magici@da haveb.n unddgound, 3 pping on r@tels and quiedy gr@ing. When Oe eitches lhe dghl*eF,me*rEdeighthch6doM-lheywi

    merce in.sirrMing nufrbs, frott, ctimb iniDlto) lh tE.s, 5nd, ior lhe emahiig lhree reeks or eo of lhen [ves, sing a. ex6ketstDn,nlng ohoruB.

    Pdod el cicad* aE dbtinct tron the spc es th.t emeEe .nnuaLty, ii hr l9r numbe6, .nd singin rs dog dsys ol summ.r ( Ihe are seven M5gicid. spel* ln an, iou I ot which ehlg .re rythinon yaE, in ih. Souih.m and Mld@stern sEls) The eaaon iq tha tong tife cyct6 is lh subFcloldbab, butlhpointollhedlnlscleaito@ud.ndm.isands.tanInepe odan4lrg Th. Ecket@me. frcm the males Each sings by rapidlycttckrig a po ioi othis abdom.n n.ndoul, ar one mlght clict and unoliok an empty soda cai. He ate6 ils shape snd p@ lion to msk6 thlreqJelcl$e.ndtall,a$b.eLsrBaDdone. r roslt r-o o* ir actsampires lhe sout a.d bladsb {lor some disEre (c@da3 can Gsr aT d$rg E fe.aLdliory organs. so $e,/ donl dealen f enselv$ r Tl-eqLa ty of n6 soig vais.ro1g ap* e.

    4r sor ci.adas in SoL A.E pbo ue specEc id' y nusirs sorgs. *ifi mo.6 puc br * cor ptxft ecuenoies and hahoniG ' D5vid Matshan, a cida esercher at the U n iv$ity ot Conn 6cfcur, nSrore, lold me. 'The aE sm thar sound rike bids wheeas ou6 aE mo gEring dhough som.make a pleaent syrupy dEne.'

    NwYorks s*.cen-yar bbod, kn4i to$iedtsls 4 Brcod tt exlends nlm Conncri rtoe5lGeQiaandhasbeenemeEingsoulhofhe@lora@upleotw*ksalreadyMrch.Irasonhsetl

    phone, in t.\e pa$enger sBar of. er in E kin, Nonh Carctina, near nre sourhem I m r oflh .meE.nejJohn Cooley a @llgue was d iving 'Were d dviig arcund vith our wtndore open, tisrening,' M.Ehttsaid. The lhee sryenleen-yr specios .rh t equany abrrdar, eveDnhe@, and the researcneF aG


    irir*ied in. anonq otfe' t'ings, c5an19 rI rspBctv dEr'b,,,, *'ogy

    "no ""o'"ton -"'tne pasi len r,eaT Marshall ard h s wite, K.ilty H l, \.v r@ded nostol lho cidss ot astem NorhAmeica, as well as many soulh-resln spcies, and the sonosawilable on fEn W.b 3ile, in*cldnge6.oom.

    "Wete using hn sound.lo tettus rhch spcies a pt*nt and gening out @siondlmaking @ clion s for DNA .eq uen oing ' he said. Sir dyin g pe odi*l cidas eundd a lor ik a bad

    (35) ldp, minus th6 er st ro. 'Wer6 just drtvinO arcund in Ih e ar a tol ptry much att datl frcm n ine in tEnoning unli th6 sun go* dM,' Macharr eid 'Then u lirl .rash at e cmpsound and havedl.ier Pedodil c cadas dont iast .ll th.r ronq when rhey come od: you onry have a rew @eks togalher all lhe iitomalion you can.'

    61. Aocoding Io fE Fs3.g, snat i. NOt trueaboul N4 Yotk Cily youlh?(A) Thy cEv atEnlon aid comp menrs

    fiom $en surcundingg(3) Whei tn.y ae tooetE thev tend romakB 5 gr@t din

    {C) lhey lik6 b i n sith on6 nolhd .nd blk(D) Th.y le$6 nd chElt* in . m.nnr th.t

    ontthey. undeBia.d,

    62. Ao@ding to lhe pasge, whal is the similariiybel'ren Ns York cll, tee.ageB and( ) Th.Yb.lh llkebmakenoise.(B) They cEat6 a @mdd yet melodious din.(c) oilyuemaret i both grcup6 make a(D) Bolh en tt nd th. r hdadn$ aoainsl


  • Whlch ol lh followi.g w.d6 @uld bstsobsdrutg rhe m.d'a.toniehiig'in line 9?

    what ls the pllposo ol he peiodic.l oidG

    (A) To unl$sh the enercY kept duing(B) To auGct lh oppo3ii. sd ln od$ ip(c) Io t'ishlen predaloc .nd ksp lhem al(D) To let othe. cicd.. knw lhet ex.d

    Bel4.B.hacbrl6ts ol priodicel

    {{ rhey gw brw u1e gound bl y6.(q rhy go dt on lha srcund in laqe(c) They 9o out &ry yr ln rhe sunder io(D) They die an* about lhGe M.k3 d lh

    whal en be iite@d about Bome cicadas lnSouhstAsia and lh@ i. N Yod?(A) rh fomer stay u.dqlbund loiqer h.n(B) Botl poduq qually loud and pl.5*nl(c) Ihe romer mak moc derodlo@ and(o) Nelrh6r ot tho too 3pq:i6s ei sourd llk6

    a bird.

    whlch of fE Md6 bdN h.a lh. oploslt!m.5nii! to tt. Mrd'bun&.f l. llne 2t?

    lr o.n b6 hhrcd lrcm p5EOr6Ph lo0r tEl(A) rhe thF. B.rche6 aE ln Nonh

    C.blin b.use tt ls lhe odgimllooslion of Pe odilchd.s.(B) Ma6hall,H and coolBy h* benlollowi.g lhe life ot pedodlGl cixd.sfor mor lhan a d@de.

    (c) lhe sole po$o6e or lh s4oh rs lomap lh dislributions ol pel'odielciedss in NorthAnen.

    (D) t16 @srcheE hav ben t-ellnosoulh of New Yolk to lndeEiand tEpenodic6l cicadas betei

    Wtl which oi lhe tollowing sLiehenL wld(A) Pedodilcicd6s slay undeE@nd ror

    fii@n )aE b6loe lhey .Gn mstino.(B) Rsur5r non-pedodhrl cicad.s spp.snruart and Prcdu@ t'6n songs in lhe

    (c) soul,h4er AsiE cldas n .l.o b foundhib.maling i. N4Yo in lhe *htei

    (o). Nw Yo'k penodiel ci*das nakeset r 6nd froe svrupv sonss lhsn

    A@ding lo the psagq *lly do irsGhallgid his spou* rious clda.

    (4 To rdedffy and mp rhe p@ce ot .

    (c)To pucoe a hobby .nd io sh@

    To idonli! cicadal DNAlhEugh he

    To anang. d1os lor difibEnl




  • qu6rbn. 7i - 30wilhoJl a .onnon taFSUaSe b spk. $ Ardlel rc noi. a Fan Nutd b mo chsdu.Mu hr5 dog br coroarr th.n k$ . Io3igier' l-or e'!ht y*6

    epilEd ir arsral >lalr 200r d'dl.evenTvefial 12002 hF @3 GGooded d cuanrAn.m.rmr rhrc t. d'd no trd tre r'.q iae rn(ae tnqt'sF and Arab'c % .I rhe htr re hd i; h;sr5i 4 mal* evea day ]. nidhl a5 well b*n l sorcry ollnemd r und hs Greasc, ir 2or0 tE. ir lhe Mds orP.r. Jal Honissoe's. d p'o,essor.t aw ar rha LFfreENot san rran.,;."

    'alotia*aolvor.q'Fr".yTorn 19 sr4ra lodr on,sqb..q ham,etoj hhhd $n$m;orroleliness P's on, ^op

    's s'Brs? tcreo, cnd rhen tr[ oeier.

    sLTal@' 1F"nvwavs.s'nptyLntJLry Fespo.eata19u.9harwasrat Gurnrbrmo(0J rhe np had orv r. L/be. .DeyeE m.Mero6eons.tin H6*aedo,brehryeaEnor

    be@LF \ewas daTetu ao' lbe( uzber,.En @L6a@dnim6 a G Drllnamo deooddp irneT 6ry 'ar

    ?q/i'edroro?Fir rrit. rulon ere4 io b;hm l14 tuct. Lr s ir.o.e4.a,qo ardd 1 T I oahea iee*ein*h;$ltr ar uzbek FreTFb' aro dl n.ercgaD'. ther hp qas deflod Tasas ro tdm Eno rn.n;I'), AEbic,bGLsArhedeFrtolLFrE

    'as c po cy as. i{ he'D ! lre oc$red-dase!6;6 ne6

    ommunile wirh one another.

    Depiving a p, sor.r oi tirqjsu( .omoany ca @ a sDales/ [ el ,.c,eas.. p$one,!@pnd.n@oncr Ierogalo, nal.fqfTrorcxtetyrrE\ or4cd1pTrentD1$netsftom;6ani,iftEsisEnc. vots typ( alr/ (Es t+e sLTars aE drrotuncle Mseqlenes J porn, ao or:nsurcj

    "owhdd,rtFeELse,holqsoaga":esth'soaper,-r'orerraseaorvori.sieooruraifldnrrerl["o19\ti.grisb, etaror5ctaeylhesm6a3h6evt*kano@. mdnd m ;@^t'olsrr.bqrcto1@.lrareo'rnnkcleanvcontsbnobs63ir'eoera"ore;ats;od,ande{s'ghourd be recoqnized 6s a dElncr

    Hodigsbe4 %s surp dsed ro I nd tide onsided on of rhe ssue ol ting u sr . isotadon tn thelosal F'L? dnorrrF'oE cb lrM;kioa,tinoudcn;ii.olit'y6f .efsI Pe dps(!1oLobee,pe.Fo.hore\src'ua $tiaa.dn'mmsi6lohi/tor ESulared ir lteU S..d ls ra.gery tefi lo the d,ac6nor of th peopteDhd ton pisna aidjaits. - -

    sLori6 nqfr sar d ol priso.e.r cal c'hp., tedm u anqJaqe o-fnmars h,brr uiddrhec',recorlEtacro,tsqo,,bdE pndolr al. rcqlred r; ls(f rnqnsh lo

    ". or6!.euwrddtspr, BJtr mit'llryja'ts, mtrsDiond.i,e o^a.renlromryserorai,r,res

    r$, msle%ls rd lFarhg alslas.s c'e raEnab! A rtu orisorF 14 overcotre FiAe obsLc estoLtvia w\.ehegelsb/''lf .Bndne' 19of RL*.n Fehasr.raqedbp,naroqque firoM*.nd oet naiiied.)

    71. lXeroll*ing shlmenis aboul sunnal aG rue,(a) He.hacd nocommon ranouaqesith his(B) He M. twenV nve wfen he was rcteased(C) H6 w* impisoned because he was idu.d(D) Few popro sFeak his ranquaqe in


    72 fte aurhorg purpose in wt nq rhrs psese rg(a) demonsrEc lbe physi*tnd emolionat

    cruetrylhat happened n G@denamo.(B) shsthe hahtu consquencs or $l'raryinprisonmenlhrcuoh nau'st'c sohion(c) ten aboul fle onrodunale oxpedence otsunnatduing his @nin6mntin

    (o) cr iciz $e cdme controtAdt ot 1990,wh ch does not poiect rhe ghts ot aI


  • which of the lollowing ststme.ts about

    lA) lt is aled.ElpdM Lal ls rui bylhe unitd(s) It pwidea English lNns to *ho

    do nol 3P66k lhe la.glag(C) Mosl prisoneE in lhis place speak ilherlD) Thdshoul

    'le hrsiory, ir hs onry h5d sq

    inm.tes trcm UzbokisLi

    Which of lh mrds beLow has tE opposihmeanlng io lhe sord "inno.ncd line 13?

    ald a6 rhe side efie.ts of linsoislic

    {A) dlfiiouty in tocusin! one s frhd(B) or h4ing lhings {htch . not(c) tunuG to resist lhe u6 hat m4 ham(D) dcs v suspc'ousnessand

    dlsltusdu nessdro(neEA.@rdhq lo th pa$qe, linguislio ls.lalionis all ot lhe fttrlding ExcEPl(A) lt @n b leg8lly used lo pacrt a pn.onr(B) lt s a slraiegy designed lo exlEol

    infomaton fiom priDneb{c) lt en be a l*hn que ld hcr53 5(D) n is ft acl ol $padng a dEine lrom

    soeak.G of lhe sane r.mlaqe

    which ol dD lorrNing rcds @ld best$lstitute lhe vod'seqr.gation' in lino 30?(A) Rgnunchuon(r) Abn.galion

    rn. md {d!*EIi6n" in lha 31 tour could bstle by$hich oftheloll ing?

    It en be inlercd lrcm oaFqEPh l5vs tEt(A) are Fils oi rhe bddEl p'ison sysiem on(B) opraiE cLo*ly Mh immLg6lion detenton{C) do nor haw b adherc to tE Crimo

    conirclActot1999,(D) do not F.ssess ieures nedod for

    w tl whlch of fE followi.g stalemenb edldfic aulhor pbbab y sgce?( ) Soliary @ninement though lingoislic

    l.olalion h$ many neqaiE impacls.(B) Denyhg pnsnersrhe dohl to

    (c) Linguislc isol.lion has b*. egulated bythlU.Sl 6ln1990.(o) Th.rc h.E b.en ioo nany AEb ldsnFin lh U.S pd$n syst im.


  • lnhlslnaoguEraddr*in1949Ha./ys.ItumansaidtEl'moEthanhafthepeopleinthM daG riving rn condrtion6 app@achJnq miEery For lhe fcr rime in hislory homan t posss ihak ledge and .ki I b 1i4. tha sltfeinq ol lho.e pftple." ll has l5kn m uch onger $an Truman

    r]ia hopd. bui lhe sor d hae l.iely b*n m.kinq erlEodinary prcgEs in ming pepre oul ol enEms(5J pow.l,*n 1990 and 201 0, Uen nu m ber tb by harf as a shaE ol rh rota poporalioi in dewtoping@u.he. fon 43% to 2196+ cduclion ot a frost 1 billion psplo.

    N@ $e mnd h.s . *nous ch.nce b r.deem lruman s pledge b m $e Eaet fonunate. oftho 7blllion peple .l w oi lne planel 1 1 billlon .u bs rtl bere lt e inteh.lion5lly .4epled ei.enepovenyline ot US$1.25 a day. Stanidg this week aid @ntiruing over th nsn year or so, politicians and

    tro) otfclars ron qdemnenb and iniemalioi6r 6qenoies Mll meer ro dd up a n4 Ist or ta4eb loedaelheM ennrom Daveropmnr coare (MDG.), whic, rere ser in s.plgmber 2000 aid rypt6 i.201 5 Govemnenlo 3hoold adopi ae lhen main n4 q@l lh e aim ot reducing by . norher br I on thenunber of peopre rn erlreme poveny by 2030.

    Nobody in lhe developed mdd cones noiet dN lo rhe pdny Ewl rhat ust1.25 a &yat9 p@.ts. Ameaca 6 powly line ls US$63 a day for a tamily of four ln rhe ichq pans ofthe smeeing

    mr d US$4 a day G lhe povd b6rier aul pdedy s s6urg is Jt@a bd@ US$1.25. P.opl. bd@fEr l*l live lives thal ac poor nast, brulish E.rd shorl Th ey Lack nol just duo6t on, h.a th

    8,prcper clorhing and she lei whioh most people ln most of rh. rc d Lke loi g

    nted, but dn nougriiood ior physicar and menial hearth, Raisihg people abore rhsr lver ofwetchedness is nol s sufficiont

    120) anblton io. a prcspercos planet, but ll is a necFery onePowl, 6ie5 sia.ied to @l aps t@ads lhe eid ot rhe 20th enrury raryely beu$ d8vlop ng-

    @u nhy qrcwlh a6eleEied, lron an a@rage le of 4.3% in 1 960,2000 Iro 6% in 2000- 1 0.A.ound twelhirds ofp.venyrcduolionwlhin a@unlrycoms tom OrcMh Galerequatiry atso htps,connibuting Ure olher lhnd. Chine is @sponsible lbr ihree{uaneE oflhe qlobl achievennt in povny

    {?t Gduct.n. li. emnomy ha6 been qr@ins so tast lnali even thoush in.quan! s dsi.o fa$, encmgpov.ny E disapp.dng. china pon.d 630 mrLrron p.opre our ol misery in 1s31-2010 and @duced E6nrm-povny rst lrom 34% in 1930 to 10% now

    Thqt is one @en why it wi b6 hadd to t k. a birrion moe p&pte oul of enEme p.veny in lheien 20 rea6 bai it ms lo lake almosl a billion our in rh. past 20. FooGr govehan in tndia and

    ls) Afi, the iext &! largeE, nns lhal china s 6xp. 6nce s unLikely b be swifrly r,tiled theeAn.$er r4soi is rhat the baG aohi*menr of pulling popre over lhe us$1 2ta-day line has beenEr.rivery easy in Ihe p6r t4 yea6 beuse so many popl wa jusi be tu it. when sEMh m5ke6rhom ven 3lighlry bter oll ll hauls lhen over the line. wirh frer peop e lust bd* lhe oticiat misdrylimlr it wlll be moe diff4rt !r ,osh larce iunbeF rye. ir.

    a35l lfdveoping@ntioBm.lntsnrhelmpesireglo htheyhswman.gdshe2OOO:itthepercst@u nfi* 5 E not lefr bhind by hslel{ bwing mldd e-hcode ones nd ll inqu altly de. n ot fide n so]at l.he ich l.p u p al the c@ m of gb*lh---lhen developi.g countdss MUld cut e{me poverly trom

    16%oithetpopulationsndlo3%by2030.ThatMurdEduetfeabsotutnumbeBbylbilion.Thatis a lol ot ifs. Bul making tDs6 rhings happn is not as d lrtcutt as ryniG prcf*. Th er d na knds

    31. Why d* ho aulhor op6i lh Fss.g vith aquoEtion f6m Narry S Truman?{a) Io idtoduoe readeG to rh ropic of the) To shaE Trum.n s vl3ron io eEdicate

    dleme pderty.(C) To ho p BEd.E undeGland Mllennium

    Deve To sholEs. rh bl niant ida of lhelomd U S PEsidenl Harry S.

    32. ,s.ording to the p$s.96 rh followr.q3Et.menl6 about en@me pdrly .r lru.(A) Arouid 15% ot d'6populaUons

    wwith lesslhan USl1.25a day.(B) Wrhin rwo dd60. the m dhsdecrcased lh6 Et. of e{rene povenybymoBrhan 2o%.(C) Exlene pd.ry b .lmmr ionaidenr indvloplno @untries.(D) lt i5 extbmly h.rd b rive wtu. an in@m.of lssihanus$1.25aday 1

  • lio Mrd \hich' in line 11 Gf.B ro

    (O) Mlllonniun D*elopmonl G@lsWheE in tF la.sace dc tle aulhordesdb dto liv* ld by peoPe rthg in

    A@rding to fle P*sagq red@hq 6{.6@!e.ty in the ien $. d@d6 i! 9oln9 io be(a) lhe mnd s Mnomy hd nol bM

    g@ing :s ldsr a5 in F pri t6{3) lneE ae ld@ p@pre ltp llE JGr onder

    lhe exlere powny lhe.{C) lh6 dveloping mdd d@. ml hffi lhe

    esou@E id.d to b.lt6 qtrm.

    (O) lidia and ddn6 and Alri hawa@uitable g*omenL.

    Ille md 'fiere' i. llie 16 60ld best b.Edaed by which otrhe folr ins?

    37, Aceding lo iF passgo, chin.(A) hss .n impoia.t Ft. in reducins [ Eteot exlEme poveny ii tls mdd.(B) nds io tur01r lnprde its eftlE bdalic5l .xtreme !@t in tlo

    (c) ha6 had. su@33tu1.fiottg io Fdueexteme ln@m6 ii6qElity.(D) hss takn rcE rna. one mittion pe.9t.od ot enEhe poreny in le.s dr.n a

    Sa. nE ioll4jig ae questioN tt.r dp p.egrtr* !o ansr FxcEPT(A) Why ha. china been s!@isturii

    cduqng $e Ele ol exb6ft p@dy in(B) when do6. t'e wdd! enEme pdeny

    .als sErr b d*Eas. sb^rficanult(C) wnat b the powny Ele ror.

    mit ol lborin rhe Unted siat* otAh6ri?(D) Who b rhe hat insotr.s the rbrtdto $r MilLnnium Development coatst

    e,9. Which ol dE @rds below h* the oplositme.nins lo $e lold 'mised . line 33?

    90, lhe allhorc afiilude lMd Bmidsgo.lioEdu p@rty rs geneEl y

    ,, tP

  • A number of studi* have evea ed rhat wh.n re sutrer fom edain psych. ooicat a tmenls-lone in*s, $ciarisoraion, serf-doubl n$fv6 mod, and tle tbting rhal tre is meaiingtesH@G gi.* n acl as a coping me.naiish. Suoh ailmnls cm lse lhe mind ro sin $ bugh ls che ot msmod*,

    U6 summoningupfDsewlthapani@lanarlisign.lue ReseaEheGanalyzedhundedsofnostegic15] Munls andioLndthallheyrypsy,batrGd,atr'tycrdreros,.

    T\e @nc oarl d6cnb q9 ll-e memo-y w.s drd .lr,cv! tl-e prohgoqeiedlly one ol rdedption: l fiGt, condlt ons may have seemen gim o. hopetess. b'n eventua @re lw wd in s lswEbl. anding. Thbugh nosta gia, the.esarcheG ctaihed, ve bdng baoklo lhe suds@ eMdoncs of p6sl triumphs and crce retationships, tmes when our tivs re I sate and

    To illumiruts nostalgk's rc|. * an emotonai bufie'i Ctay Rourtedge, a psycho ogisr and idslatgiaGearcnerat Nodh oakob srais uniy66iry, .nd other *arche anmpted k) dsr.b llE r,5e r subjectssnse of sef. PanicipsnE t@k t$ls rhat courd be orrecljvery cha@ler zed as psycho ogtca y dabolijarparorT19ralh n Drbli eadrcaressayd6'gnedlop!r'oree)srert,a.ngsrardDargrodhcl

    rrt) daramtrB01.p.M1.xrysua.y d'caGd -eyrcidr'keryeidLpabrandrrrdveo rrsonsolth xpenments, tle .ubjecls who had been made lo feol insign rinl or desl ned tor zbandonmentGponed iee rnq 3 qnifidry more nosta sio lhan rhose who had n t h olher srud s part c panrs reeprcm pr6d io vok a nGtBqid memory befoE or ju{ aner hav n9 lhen sense or sell assa ed. eho indugd in a nGtargic.eminisoenoe Gpoded f.e ins sisn tjcantv tess srrssed, l*s

    120) dtonsi 3 nd mor. sociarry 6u ppoted and oontenl lhan rheft non hosiatgic ddu nterparlsTh.t nosi.lgi5 drd be a su@ ot menkt resitien@ .nd morivation diGct y chaLtenges etuin

    criiics nodon of fie senljment as p6Errzing, a hadinger of cuitu Bt stagnation , lr is exacity rh opposlie,,consbnliie sedlkldes, a psycholog sr and nogr.lgia expd at rhe uniyersv of sou$ampron sard."wh en you becone n6raEic, you don r b@me pa sr-orienled You Mil b 90 oul rher6 a nd do thing 6.'

    r25) lf !1e ls a p6ier popu laton for noshls ia's self-Eg ulalo ry efrect3, t is ch na s rsreighris @h or a3rhenatonsirctgnaijonofonryohildren {hina insriruted its on*htd poucy n1979-rho Dosr-ighi$ a re p d spGed to loi e he65. Ihey oame ot ag in tandm with china s irrnsiron ro a rcm.6t-b$d6conomy,.lareturslrokeortiminsthoughlhichrh6yrereeolisledasinvotunEryr, lb *rc, task.d eirh delinrno wnal it freans !o be b.ih modm and chin*e wh e then paGnrs

    130) E vd sL16{ppo ntd faclory iob6 and oovemme nlsu bsidized hous ns rh ey were enduGoed tDpuEU. rh. r dE.m3 .m d3t . lructuar nq 3@rar sl4cture ujlh fw detined paths

    Nw in lh6n lal nr.nri* or eny thinjes, the post+ishties arc qtng lo navigate a desotaie jobmarket otten es fE solo linncial pdideB for borh the r dhirdrcn and lhe r parenrs (as is chin. tcusrdfr ) lianylefr drenrudhomelomsforlhomorcprcspebGcitlesonlybfacvicbus@mpetition

    t35t it s@rce wh te{olld jobs. To vle lor s@rl promolio ns, lh.y m* eleven-hod r days and ensase inbrulalollice politcs. ?dd to allolthis udan owrcwding, unprecednlad pollutlon anda bamse offediaiely scandals and lhe r6!(ii9 stess presenis an onslaught ol nosla gia s known psychotoqioatliogeE. xinyue zhou, a psydloldgist at sun Yatsen unlveG'ly in Gugngzhou whos. esea(h hasdemonstEled nosb gla's abil ly !o bolster a sense of $oial @nn6ct6dnss 6mon9 a diveGe crcss,

    rrol seclld. or c l^ inese cilte $ said, 'The u 1@nair ty rhe lacl ol @rrbl dr or r've s . mosr u tea'ablero lr^e po-r+ig\tcs s *e r-ave lo s

    91 What is the ma n ido5 of lh pa*ag.?(A) Noslagia idpedes developdent andceai* cuhnar.tagnadon.

    (B) Research has sh n $dnsLlsia s.nhdulqence lor the teeble hinded.(c) Thr. aG a va'iety or reasons whlchmake noslalsia benet c:l to humans.

    (D) \Er ous structoE chansestrsseEda*nse of lonellness in post4ighlios

    92. Accodrng lo lhe pqssage, the ibllow ngsLtsmnG about no6iarqia are lrue EXcEPT(A) Peoele lend lo be moE noslalsic when

    lhey pefteive thenselves as

    G) When peop e arc rem niscing, ineyalMys see thefrserves as Lbe vi lains

    (C) When people ae noslalsio,lt d@s notnecesedly man that tMy a

    (D) Nosi6lsia can crear . snse or ods andsahty in peop with @d. npsycholq a al


  • 03. Which of lh fol owlng rcdB could b6t

    WEI ia lh6 inding of Rouudg study on ncralgia?(A) N.srlgio Bminisceice willonly bdng

    Dosifve erfecG on oe aldcs.(s) People who und.4odaboli-l6xpnsn@ tend to leel l.slon fert

    (C) Peop e qho ree abandoned as ch ldcnlend io avold Bmin *ing lheir

    (D) Subj.clsdo ndurgd ii n6rar9i.laimed lo reel berbr than $M who

    96. A.@dlns i! lhe passaqe, sediklde. bdi.@(A) Nostalqia could n.var b $urc. of

    @mtod and moliv:lion lor many

    (B) Pmpre who ar nsralgi. do noi lhiik fr.llhc past is beftr than $e nil06

    lq rhe hability ro go out and to be.cliv. isrh 3id .fi.r of nGhlgia

    (D) NosLlgia @uld cause me alpaElysls r.

    17. !4/fiy.e the Chln6$ !e.ob lno EE boh.fhr 1973 suscepible id ronerin*?( ) B.G.ln.y ftE b.m witblt a,'y

    brcth.E .nd sisteE.(B) Beuse t'6y hav lo @mpst!.r@busly tor a bethr lMno 6ndtirn.(C) g.euse lhey ae rapon.lde ror lnep@p.rily .nd hsld1 ot lhir prEnE.

    (D) Be!* Sr.y he to slruggle for $.ndr6s adid the ch@tic arrucllFr

    or. wtl which ol lhe loll@ing alaiemenb muldfE .ulhor prcb.bly .grs?(A) china s post-eighiies cohod is a[

    .x@ll6nt example of e qe.etion itutb.n.fLls from n6hl9ia.

    (a) zhou beri46 thal p*l4ighli6s chl|@ae noslaErc b-aue thy .ro s*kinqcon$lation ibr then srcsslul

    (o rt r. no ronqer 6 chinse coerom ror lnoordst child in . f.m y ro tak6 eBof

    (D) rr is re atilet easy for china s posGeighriEs cohort ro ind whit @rlar jobs

    SO. Wich ol ih. mds below has ih oppGilom..n ing lo lh o wod 'vicious in lne 3,1?

    ioo.The@d'sie n li.e 35 could be.t{d by which ol !1 iorldins?

    16. A.@lding Io lhe passase, China s p6l-(A) aB nM in lhir fod es and fifiies.(B) aE seltul$iplined and hLohly mol[ai.d.(C) ae frosuy llvhg oubide hom.towns(Dl a@ di.@uEoad lrom lucuins thoir


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