silica sand c.:id coal occurrences c.n wan-::i.wekka lake...

Post on 26-Jul-2019






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Pa~e mTRODUCT!Oi\J ••• • •••• • •••••• • •••••••••• •:• • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • . • • l

I,ocat ion ~nd Access ......... •,•....... ..... . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . l

Peysi ography .......•.....•.•••.••••..•...••.... ·. . . • . • . . • . . 1

.P:revious Vierk • • . • . • • • • • • . • • • • • • . • • . . • • • . . . . • . • • • • • • • • . • • • • 2 I

Field l!or k ••.......... , ...... , ; .. -: ..... , . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 2

References • .•...•. • ... ... . .... , ....••....... , . . . . . • . . . . . • . • 3

@ JIB.AL GEOLCX}Y • • • . • • . • • . . • • • • . • • • . . • . • . . . • • • • . • • . • . • • • • • . • • • • . • . • . • 4

SILICA SAND • •..•.•••••..•..• , .•.•...•.. •.• ..••..•....•• . •.. • •... .•. , • 5

COAL • • • • • • • . • • • • . . • • . . . . . . . . • • . . • • • . • • . . • . • • . • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . • • • . • 7

APPENDIX A Uses for Silica Sand ••••••••••••.••.• ~ •••••• . • ••• • .• • •• 11

APPENDIX B Specifications for s~nd in Glass lf.a.nufacturing ••• • ••••• 12

APPENDIX C ~ydraulic Fractur ing of Oil- Bear ing Forrr4tions ••••••••• 15

APPENDIX. D - Clastif icat i o~ of Coal s by Rank •••••.• . •••••..••••...•• 17


Figure 1 General Geology in t he \"!apa,·rekka Lake Area

Fir;ure 2 - Locations of Si l ica Sand , Kaol ini zed Sand , and Coal Occurrences along the southeast shore of W.:.pawekka Lake •

Silica Sand c.:id Coal Occurrences c.n Wan-::i.wekka Lake ..


Locat ion and Access

1':apawe~a Lake is located between latitudes 54° 509 and 55° 00'

Nor t h and l ongitudes 104 ° 00f and 104 ° 501 \·lest , east of the southern part

or La c l a Ronge . The coal and silica sand occurrences are exposed on the ·'

southeast shore of 1·;apawei:;:a La.J.:e , 30 to 32 a i r miles southeast. of La Ronge .

The area i s most easily accessible by float-equipped aircraft .

Ho,·;ever , Wapa~·;ek}.3. Lake can be reached by canoe from La Ronge, '.·:hich entails

travel southeasta:-ly across lac la Ronge to Nipe~.ew B:J.y , the rr:ost south-

eaat~rl y bay on Lac la Range , and fro~ there by a portage , 1.3 Biles long,

into \·~apa·,;ek.ka Lake .

The Precarr.brian S:iield 011tcro?S alo:ig the north shore of ~·:apawekka

Lake and alo:ig that part of the south s:-:.ore east of \·!apa,·rekka [s:..·ro·.·;s (Figure

1) . Sand cliffs 25 to 60 feet high occ'..ll' alor.g the southern s~ore of

'Wapawekka lake fro:n the sc:1~h end of \·:ap.w E2.y and northeasterly for a

distance of approY...:i.r.lately eight miles, except along that part of the shore

extending f r om a lagoon lccc=.ted nor-theast of l·;apaw Bay , to Hart Point . In

t his section the area lying back from tte shore is gener2.lly lo' .. ; and

swampy over an ap;:>rox:inate ,-d.dth of one-eir-hth mile (Fieure 2) :·

Erosion ha s cut steep, straig~t gullies in the sand perpe~dicular

to t he south shore . These gullies exte~d back from the shore for distances

of one- eiehth t o one- quarter mile or t':ore . The area lying to the southeast

of \·:apawekka Lake is essent-ially a large san::3 plain extending back for about

eight mil es . 'l'he pl~in r isas into the i·:apawek1ce. Hills ,-:hich f cr::1 a conspicuous -

- 2

2 - I

s outhv:esterly trending ridge 800 feet or more above the genera l level of the

, . p_am. The top of the Wapawekka. Hills is a t ableh.nd ely 15 miles

~rid e and 35 to 40 miles long, partly occupied by muskegs. The muskegs are

due to t he lack of slope for drainage and the presence of an underlying

hard, :inpervious h.yer of shale . Numerous muskegs and swamps occupy the

general area s outh of Lac l a Ronge and \·!apawE:Jcka Lake.

Hague Creek i s the main stream flow:i."1g fro:n the southeast into

Wapal':ekka Lake appro:< nidt-:ay between the south end of l'!apaw Bay and

Hart Point . Other streai11s entering the lake from the south to the \·!est of

W!\'paw Bay are 1-Jer-t Creek, ~·.'uche·.·,'U.'l River , and Yahol.r-..ite}:y Cree~ .

The body of water lying northe~st of Wapaw Bay is a lagoon separated

from the lake by a wide sand bar . The level of 1-!apawekka Lake is 1,290 feet

above mean sea- level, while tha t nf l.;l~ J.:\ Ron~~ ic: 1.,198 f~~t.. \·!o r k

William Mcinnes of the Geological Survey o: Canada visit ed t he Lac

l a Ronge area in the autum.."1 of 1908 and su rveyed the a~·ea ir~~-:tedia.tely a round

Wapav:ekka Lake in 1909. This work i s presented in the SurrrrE.ry P.eport ·or 1909

and in Hemoir No . 30, 1913.

A r econnaissance sur vE-y of the area was carried out by W. G.

Worcester during the field seaso:is of 1920 a:1d 1921. Findinb::; of this

survey ar e described in an unpublished r.eport .

Fiel d \fork

This r eport i s based 0:1 n:appine carried out bJ· the ,-.-ritcr dm·ine

the week of August 10-11; , 1959. The area examined includes that pa rt of the

- 3

- .3 - I

south shore of Wapav;ekka Lake from the southern extremity of Wapaw Bay and

nor t heast for a distance of approx.iJ:r~ tely e1ght miles . Vertical aerial

photographs with a scale of approximately o'ne-ha.lf mile to one inch were used

a s control.

The writer wishes to ack."'lowledge the voluntary assistances of s.

·Tosi who acted as assistant in the f ield .


Dowling D. B., (1914) : Coal f ields of Eanitoba , Saskatchei·,an , Alberta and

E:astern British Colu;::bia ; Geol. Survey Canf.da , 1-iem. 53 , p . 86.

(1915}: Co~l f ields and coal r esources of Canada ; Geol. Survey

Canada, Ee:::1. 59, p . 68.

n-hr.H ,,, l /"l ('>t:;t:;\. p..;.-...,J, •• • " •, \ .... ,//.//•

. Saskatchc:·:a.n ; Prov. of Sask., Dept . of 1.-:i.ner al Resources, Rept . of

Investigations l!o . 7, P? · 2.3- 28 .

Hassebroek, \·J. E. , (1955) : Sand usage in hydrc.ulic fracturing oil beari:ig

formations ; pa'::)er prcse:1ted at Annual 1-:i;;eting of A. I.l-f. M, E,,

Chicago , Illinois , February 17, 1955,

Krtunbein, H. C., and Sloss , L. L. (1953): Stratigraphy and sedimentation ;

W. H, Free:?!an and Company, San Francisco , California .

Ladoo, Ray,;:ond B., (1946); revised (1948) : Industrial silica for Pacific

Northwest Industries; Ra.w },;aterials Survey , 701 \'.roodlock Bld&. ,

Portland 5, Oregon .

!.adoo, Raymond B., and Nyers , \·! . H, (1951): Non-::ietallic , HcGrc-;w

- Hill Book Co:!!Fnny, Inc . , l~ eH York .

Mcinnes , \-Jilli2.I'.! (1909): L?."c I.a Renee district, Saskatche,;·cn ; Geol. Survey

Canada , Stt.r:J:".ary Rcpt. , 1909, pp. 151-157 ,

. - J ' - 4

- 4 I

Mclnnes, Willia.!il (1913) : The basins of t he Nelson and Churchill River s ;

Geol . Survey Ca:1.ada , l{e:n. 30.

Saskat che..,:an Research Council (1959): Turtle LaY.e beach sands; unpublished

r eport .

Worcest er, W. G. (1921) : Reconnaissance survey of part of northern Saskatchewan;

Dept . of labour and Industries ; unpublished ~eport • .'


The general geolog-j' of the irL'Tiediate area surrounding 1,;apawek}~a

lake is sho'.·.11 i n Figure 1. Sedimentary r ocks and sed:ir:.ents of Cretc.ceous

ar.d post-Tertiar;, age are exposed alons part of the south shore of

Wapawekka covered by this report .

The Cretaceous section is i;:~de up principally of ,·rhi te qcartz sand

a nd sandst or.e , and ferruginous sands, sandstones, grit and ccnglo~erate.

Stratigra})hically the ferrq;inous sedi:ients a.p?arently \L"1derlie the ,·:hite

sand and sandstone. Ferrugino'.:.S sandstone , grit, and conglorr,e:-:-·::.e ot,.tcrop

on t he shore at a point about four miles northeast of H~rt Point . Ferr-~-

gj.nous sands overlie these consolidated sed.irr.e:1ts and are probably derived

from t hem. Lenses and l ayers of f errugiuous sandstone occur within the

f erruginous sands .

The l arge.r porticn cf t he Crste.c.ecus section exposed alo:1g the

south shore of \·!ap,n·:ckka lake consists of white quartz sands with lesser

amounts of fcrruginous material and impure sand lenses and layers , The

sands a re gener ally loosely coherent , rese~bling r~cent deposits , but , in

some l ocalities the sands are indurated and forI:I a friable sandstone . Cn

t he point of land east of Hart Point there are thicb1esses of as much as

20 f eet of white s~ndstone exposed at tbe base of the outc:·op. In places

some unconsolidated sand occurs between beds of t he sandstone , Layers and

-5- /

·l enses of carbonaceous oaterial and ver-3 thin clay seams occur in the

~rhite quartz sands . From a point about one- half r:ule east of Hart ?oint

.and extending south'.>:est,·:2.rd, sea:ns of lig:iite occur in the white sedimentary

f'orrr:.aticn ,-:here it is exposed.

The f e~r~ginous scdi..~snts are gener ally more coarse g~c:ined and

inequigranula.r than those of the younger , white sedir.,e:it2.ry u.,::.t . The grit

i.s In2&e up of inequigranular grains of quartz and other i mpurities cer-e:ited

by i ron oxide . The conglomerc.te has a similar l!".atrix with peb:,les fro:;L one...:

e ighth inch to one-half inch in dia~ete~, which co~sist of quart~, clay

ironstone, 2..::1.d a highly altered rock) p:,ssibl y of Preca!:":brian c!'igin .

The Cretace:,us s ed::i.r.,cnts of ~·ra~awe1r..ka lake: are not found i..~ cont.act

with underlying rocks in the area rr~pped , but it i s assu.lj;cd the-t t hoy overla?

t he Palaeozoic roc%s ar.d r est direct~, u;:.on r ocks of Precc::..r:-,brian ;,.~e; ;)? rt­

l arl y to th'3 east where Preca::i'.:>ric~ roci<E Ollt;::rop along the so1;.th shore

east,:.'2.rcis f :.•o::i ":!apa;·:e;.._'.(a. l:arro·.;s . According to 1-:cir.nes 11the C:-ctaceous at the e-astern er.d of the clif:s s~p:.ra.ted by an interval of

l ow l and e.bout 600 yards ,·; from e):;>oEur-e of mafsi ,·e hard, dar k , fine

t extured quartz diorite 11 • Ho·.-:ever , Devor,ian l ime$tor1e is reported to · outcrop

on the southeast shore near the south end of i~c la Rcnge . These sands and

s andstones are considered equi'rale:1t in age to the s,-:an River for.::~tion of

east central Sas;<atche,·:an, which is presu-:ied to be of Lc·,·rer Cretaceous age.

For t he ~ost part , drift zrE.terial of Pleis~ocenc and Recent A5e

overlies the Cretac eous s edL~ents . ~uch of the drift i s composed of

r eassorted sands derived fro~ the Cretaceous f or~ztion; \lith Prccrur~rian

b ould~rs. Accordbg to l-:cinnes (1 <;09 , l 9J.J ), boulder cl?.y, co?1tain ing boulders

of l imestone and of Precambri.:.n gr.eiss and granitic rocks overlies the

Cretaceo'Js to the south in the ',·::.p2.v:ekka Hills .

- 6

. - '6 .... /

J:Ake ~r~ ~omposed of hi~h ~?-G.e ~;!J .. i~a sand. The r.:ost importc'.nt ~reas are

The deposits are ~1,posed j.n hi~h cliffs and consist reainly of

h9rti9nta;tiy bedded, loos~ly ~9herent, ~:hfte_sand e.nd sandsto~e. The q'.l2.rtz

19"?-::l-ns ?-r~ ~enerally ~nd ere fairly U."lifo:.·m in size . About 93 cent 9f the grains p~s;s th;ov~h ~ 60 mesh screen. L~ the silica s~nd

t h~r~ ?.r~ ;tenses and lay~r::> ~· r.?-v~ a. hie;!l kaolin cor,tent and other lenses

wh;l,ch ?-re d.iscoloured by j.ron QXitle , lt is fou;-1d that iron oxide occurs as

e CP~tin~ on the o.uartz gr~;ir:s &nd not ~s an internal constitue~t. Tte best

d~po;sit ot silica sand j.~ F:;{p?~CQ. JJ'l a high cliff about o:-1e and one-half

\.. .... _ - ~\....: ... , ____ ..,. I' 1;.....i..::, (.... w .. ,_~, ..... ,..,..;..J 1,,,.._

~hJ~ i;l<;pos;Lt is held u.'1d~r (lj..~~c~ttion j.n accordance with The Q~;:.:::-rying

R~~i,4at~o~s (1957).

In the areas where th~ ~9?-l ~cams outcrop the thic!mcss of the white

sl~$S ~~nds varies fron lO to 20 f~~t . Crossbccding) channelli..~g, and ri,ple

1*!-rr.s ~re features cor::..T.only f9\JI'-~ ~ tne sand deposits .

An unwashed s9.r1pl~ 9f ~g.nd ,;ollected by i·rclnnes and ana.lyzed by

H, A. Levt;!rin of the Hines :3r?.!1C::h, Ottawa , gave th(; following results :

sio2 , • • • , • • • 9a.60%

F~2o;3 ?nd Al2oJ • •

oth~r SJµp\lX~ties • •

1 .20%

0 . 20;~

100. 0%

W. H. Hastings , J.;.in_ing Engineer , foru.erly with the S2skatchewan

C9Vfrnrr.cnt 1 visited the \·.'ar,a,·;~;:}:a s;i..lica sand de:)osits in 1926 and subr:1ittcd

Ci- t,~mplc of sand to the De?~rt:::ent of Hines , Ot ta\·:a , for analysis which \·:as

- 7


a s f ollol':s :

Che:nical Analysis

• • ::f Si02 • • • • • ·• • • • . 98 . 50r-,

• Fe2o3 _ ••••• 0. 008%

AJ..2°3 • • • • • • • • 0.21%

Screen /!..nalysi..s

Cum~lati•.'e Per Cer,t









39. 7


1 .1

0 . 2


1 .0






The War...av:ek~a ciep~sits must be co.:1sidered as an import2.nt poteritial

sou!'ce of silica sand because of the appBrently large quantity a."'ld the high

grade of the sands . A drilling ?l'ograr:i would be r equir ed•·.to outline 2.."'ld

determir.e the extent of t he silica Sc!.nd deposits i:1 the area .

Appendices A, B, cl1d C give the uses of silica sand and t he

specifications f or sa:;d used in the rr.anu:facture of Blass a:-id in hydraulic

f racturing of oil-bearing forwaticns .

- 8


Coal of the lignitic class outcrops on the ncrth s ide of the point

east of Hart Point; o~ the south side of the entrance into the l agoon 2 . 4

.miles to the southwest of Hart Point ; and again O. 44 niles further south·.·rest

on t he shore of Wapaw Bay. The .locations ot the coal outcrops are sho,·m in

Figure 2 . The section of the saao bet,·reen !fort ?oint and the lagoon, a

distar.ce of 2.bout t,·:o and one-half riiles , proba_bly has been eroded away by -glacial action .

The coal sear.i in all three locations occurs interbedded v:ith the

"White qua rtz sands e..."ld sandstone . The se&.'ll dips at a low angle to the south\..

·The greatest thick.iess of coal observed is ai)pro;d.!!, four feet with a

-parting of sar.d six to eight ir.ches thick. In places the ccal seem is a

mixture of carbonaceous .. ~terial and s~nd . The seam ha s a thickness of 2 . 5

f eet \·:here it outcrops at the lagoon. In this f.)articular locality there are

· no sand partings, nor does the li£nite co:1t2.L1 any ~ ot!l"!t of int.i;r;nixed end

or clay.

Worcester (1921) during his _e;.:a....,.. ~n~tion of th e i,!a~·.·r~kka co~l seam

dug a t est pit which \':as carried '.:>c:.c% for a distance of 17 fe:et from the face

of the outcrop. The coal seam at the outcrop measured four feet one inch

with indu.rated sc>.nd above and belo·.-,, while 17 f eet back fro!'!:. the face the coal

seam is five f eet t,-:o inches thick. This test pit is now oblite;oated due to

slumping infilling of the inco:1erE.nt sands.

F. G. Wait (1909) of the Hines Branch, Dei::a,rtment of Hines , Otta,·:a ,

made a pro:d..mate analysis by fast co},ing of a sanple of 1'.1a.pav:ekka lttmite and

the r esult~ wc:.s ~s follows :

Moistw·e (air dried) . . . . . . . 11.23%

Volatile Cor:;bustible l·'.::ltter • • • 30. 97%

- 9


Fixed Car bon •••••• • • • •

Ash • • • • • • • · • • • • • . • •

Coke, non- coherent . • • • • • •

Fuel r atio • • . . . I

i . . .


34. eO%

23 . 00%

100. 00

57. 80

1: 1.13

Spl it volatil e ratio . • • • • • 1. 88

The Chemistry Depart!::!ent of the University of Saskatche~··an rmalyzed

t hree s~ples end obtained the follovring r esults :

(1) (2) (3) per cent per ce~t ner C€~t

Moi sture (air dried) . • • • • 13.06

Volatile Eatter , ••••••• 35,99

Fixed Carbon . • • • • • • • • 21.50

Ash , • • • • • c • • • •

100. 00



15. 63


9. 90


35 .34

19, 93

100 . 00 100 . 00

These an~lyses indicate tha t the co;:i.l is a lignite c,f fairly good

quality. It has been sugrested that the high ash cotltent rr2.y be largely due

t o included s~nd.

For a number of years it has been knm,m that coal outcrop;-;,ed on the

Bow Rh•er south,·:est cf Lac la Ronge ,·:here it had been reported at two locations .

In l ate J..usust , 1960 one of these expo~ures ,-:as examined by the ,-.Titer and is

d escribed in a separate report .

Wor cest er (1921) mentions t hat coal had bee:-1 r eported. at some point

on Egg Lake which l ies to the west of Lac la Ronge,

- 10

- 10 - /

The former Industrial Hinerals Research Branch of the Department

of Mineral P.esources p-:--ospected for coal in t h e 1-' Creek area south­

west of lac l a Ronge. A prospect trench, about ten feet deep, \',as cut on

the north side of an e:ast-:·1est trendine; ridge, on the south sic:.e of 1-:.acY.enzie

Creek, approxir.lately 300 yards east of mile 6?i of the La Ro:1ge High·,·:ay (Ko . 2) .

Two t hin coal seams v:ere exposed, one f o~r in<;)Ies thick at a depth of four

! set , eight inches , and the other six inches thick at a de?th of six feet .

Coal seams have been encountered in bore holes on the east side of

Montreal lake in Ls<l 2-5-61-21.- ~·12 and at the sout.h e;id of the 1£.ke i.1 Lsd

3-4-59-25-~·!2. In the former drill hole, thouf.h in spite of poor recovery

of drill cuttings , the geolof.ists in cha.rte estin:a t ed there was a 14-foot

coal-be:a.ri.'"lg zone in the interval fron 630 to 650 f eet , In the ,:Gll at the

southern e:;,:tre::uty of l·'.ontrel!l Lake a 30-fnot coal-bearing z0ne ,.;:ii; Pi!Co11pt .P-r(";0

at an approx ir.a te depth of 720 feet . Coa l sea!iiS also have bee~ e~co1..i..1tered

at clepths of 600 f eet or more in the 1-:eadow Lake, Big River , ar.d C:1oiceland

areas .

The c oal outcrops on Wapewekka themselves are not of e:co1101:iic

importance but are significant v:hen considered along ,d. th the other coal

outcrops, and occurrences at depth, in that they may indicate the northern

edge of a coal field lying to the , southHest, and ,-:est of v:ap~,-:ekka lal.."e .

Further surface geological ·.-:ork is unlikely to r eveal more infor;:1ation but ~

i:r.ogram of drilling ,,·ould b e necess5.ry to prove the presence of such a coal

field, as ,-:ell as the depths a t ,·:hich the coal occurs .

Appendix D gives the Canadian classification of coal by ran.1< .



• : - ll ~ /

Aopendi.x A

Silica sand has been used for many years in a large number of

manufacturing industries. The various industries require sand of different

physical properties and che~~cal purity .

Uses for Silica Sand*

Abrasive Uses _, ..,.

In scot!I'ing and polishing soaps and powders.

In sand pa.per .

In sand-blast i·:ork.

For saHing and polishing r2.rble, granite, etc.

As lithographer's graining sand.

Wood polishing and fini$ni~g

In too:.h powders ar1d nastes.

} Uses

In t::a.king silicon, ferrosilicon ~.nd silicon alloys or other minerals.

Found!'Y p2.rtine sand and :mold .

Cherr:ical Ind~stries

As filtering ~ediu.a,

In manufacture of sodi~a sili~ate.

In manufacture of silicon carbide .


As an ine~t extender .

* After ladoo and 1-~yers (1951)

- 12

-12 - I

lfuieral Fillers

As wood filler •

.ln f'ertilizers .

In insecticides.

As filler in r ubber and other molded goods .

In road asphalt surfacing mixtures . j

In t he potteiy i.'1dustry as an ingredient of bodies gl azes a:1d

enamels .

In the manufacture of glass .

Structural !-:':.tsrials

Sand-lin:e brick.

Refr~~1:.rirv lJ,;P. s - .

For sand surfacing molds .

As setting sand in kilns to prevent ,·:are fro::. stickir1g .

Hydraulic Fracturing of Oil-Bearing Fon::ations

Specifications for Sand in Glass }:.anufc.cturin,g (After LRdoo .. Lccd00 a:1d ; ;:vers)

For the manufacture of high quality, clear, colourless glass

containers, silica sand m~st be very lOi{ in iron and all other i mp~rities ,

such as clay, silt, a:1d organic r.-.atter which cloud the glass c?.r.d 1:;ay cause

black specks . Usually an acceptable sand runs over 9S. 5 per c ent Si02

, with

n ot over O~ 0!1- per cent Fe2o3; Al2o3

ma.xi.r:m:n O. 5 per cent ; CaO and lf,€0 maximun

O. 2 per cent ; and Ti02 t:?-'d1mw1 o. 03 per cent. These requirer:1~nts a r e not

a l ways strictly adhered to, esnecially the Al2o3

m? Since ah:mina is

used in container el~ss batches, a sn:B.11 au1ount of Al2o3

in the batch rr.ay b e

- 13

-13 /

allowed if it can b e held uniform. Too high an content in the sand

makes it iopossible to build up a prooer batch mixture . It is also important

t hat the feldspar conte:1t have unifor;n ra.tios of Ka2o, K20, and Cao.

For coloured glass con~ain~:::'s higher iron Eay be tolerated, especially

if it is f airly 1L'1iforr.1, but l ow iron is preferred.

Sand should be of such grain size th~t all will paes through a

20-=iesh sieYe with not over 5 per cent f iner than 100 nesh. One glass conpa:1y

·states "scr::e tolerance cm be allo·,,:e:d in the f iner sizes ; however, the Di.nus

100 ~esh fraction should not exceed 20 per cent . In the best s a~d, the bulk

of "the produc~ lies bet~·:e::m 26 c>.nd l5 raesh . Un~o::-mity of grain size and

shape are ir.:iporta:1t f or proper oeltin·g . Coarse sand r equires toe high a te.':'.t-

perature and too r:u~h ti."'.'!e for ft:sio:1 .::.:1d! very fine sand ;;-:ay be c2.rried 2·.-:ay

"balls up 11 and c,n1scs •:seccs11 and sis'T.ilar il:lperfections in the g;.ass . Grain

shape p:::-obc.bly is not particularly imp::>rtant, but there are some advocates

. of vell-ro'..l..'!'lded erai."ls , v:hile so:i.e gla$S m:inufc..ctures pre.!'er grains of angule.:::'

shape, for su~h sands melt nore readily than those of ,-rell rour.1de:i grains .

Glass sands rr.ust be thoroushly dried before use .

The f.ational Bureau of Standards and the Ar:terican Cera!ilic Society

proposed standard spccific?.tions for glass sand . These were not generally

accepted or used by i.'1dustry, but arc of valuB t.o indicate general tewlencies .

These specifications are r;i ven :in tr:e followine tc:ble .

- 14

. - 14 -

Table I . Proposed Chenic~l Rcc;.uirement3 f or Gl e:;s Sand*

(Specif i cation formulated by the /\mer icnn Cer~mic Society in connection with Bur eau or Standards)

Calcitun and Silica (Si02 ) Alumina (/\~03) Iron Oxide (Fc2o

3) Jlhgncsium . -- ..

(CnO + Mr,O) ---Cualitics of Gla~s Min .. ~ Tol~r~r11..:c JI' ,:! Tl f.(•\V % Tolernncc f·\1.X , % 'folcr ance "l~ o. cr.ince ,~ --~·: First quality optical glass 99.8 + 0.1 0.1 + 0. 05 0~02 + O.OJ5 0 .1 + 0.05

s~cond quality flint gl ass 98 . 5 + 0. 5 0 . 5 + 0.1 0.035 + 0. 005 0 .2 + 0 .05 contair.~rs, t ~blc~ar e

Third quali ty flint elass 95.0 + 1.0 h.O + 0.5 0.035 + 0 .005 0 . 5 + 0.1

Fourth qual ity sheet ela~s , 98 .5 + 0. 5 0 . 5 + 0 .1 0.06 + 0 .005 0 . 5 + 0.1 rolled :ind polished plate .

Fifth qu~lity sheet 0lass, 95 .0 + 1.0 4.0 + 0.5 0 . 06 + 0.005 0. 5 + 0.1 roDcd and polished plate

Sixth quality green elasa 98.0 + 1.0 0 . 5 + 0.5 0.3 + 0. 05 0. 5 + 0.1 contai..,~rs and wirnio• . .,, c;ll'.ss .,

Seventh quality r,rccn r.l~ss 95 .0 + 1.0 L~ . O + 0. 5 0 .3 + 0,05 0 . 5 + 0.1

Eiehth quality amber gla~n 98. 0 + 1.0 0 . 5 + 0. 5 1.0 + 0.1 0.5 + 0.1

Ninth ~unl ity ~~bcr gl~ss 95 .0 + 1.0 h.O + 0.5 1.0 + 0.1 0 . 5 + 0.1

* After Ladoo and ¥orers .

- 15

- 15 I

Appendi.x C

Hydraulic Fracturin~ of Oil Bearing For~~tions

(After Hassebroek (1955) and Saskatche,,.!an Research Council (1959)

The purposes of hydraulic fracturing of oil bearing formation is

t o increase production rates from a well by -generating new and greater

effective perme~bility. In the earlier work on fracturing, viscous fluids,

generally a gelled hydrocarbon, were used alone to fracture the forITztion.

Only in rare cases did this result in sustained production increases . Ehen

a prop'.)ing agent such as sand is 2.dded to the viscous fluid , it keeps the

created fracture open after pressure is released a~d the production rate is

perffianently increased.

The fracturing is carried out by pu..:p:.r..g a suspension cf sar.d in

viscous fluid into a fluid-bearing forrr:ation under sufficient pressure to

overcor:.e overburden ,-:eight, thus creating a parting or fracture \· in the

f ormation. As pumping continues the fractcre is e:1le.rged e.nd extended a,·:ay

from the point of entry , °t'!hen pressure is relessed and a gel b:-eaking!1t

i s added, the treating fluids and formation fluids flo· .. , into the bore hole e.!1d

t hen to the surface. The proping afent keeps the fracture from closing and'

provides a highly permeable drainage channel .

Early fracttU·ine treatr.,ents consisted of relatively vol1.1:-nes of

materials , but the qu~ntities used have increased in recent years . For

exampl e, t he average a~ount of fracturing fluid per treatment increased from

800 gallons in 1949 to 6, 600 gallons at the end of 1954 . Over the same

period, t he ave:-age sand weight increased from 350 to 9 , 800 pou..'Ylds . The

quantity of sand per treatments varies from 1, 000 to 200,000 pounds .

- 16

- 16 - /

Sands f or use as a pro9ping agent should have the following

propert ies :

1. They should be rounded in sh~pe.

2. They should have a minim~~ variation in size .

3. They should be as large in diameter as can be placed

pract ically within the forr3.t5:9n being fractured. - .

4, They should have a high co:r,pressive strength .

5. They should be free of dust and silt .

Spherical particles have an adv.s.ntage over angular grains of equal

size in th2.t they provide greater packed p';:rmeability. Angular grains are

more difficult to place in for7.1.2..tions. The sharp corners have a tendency to

l odge against obstructions and interlock ,-:i thin the!7:sel ves, thus restricting

t he fi·ee rolling action within a frt.cture, exhibited by rounded grains . This

l eads to a bridging actio~ in the hole, in the subsurface tools , and in the

f racture . For use in hydraulic fracturing, sand s!:ould !-:ave a roundness factor

of 0.6 or above . The degree of rou.~dness has been defined by Krw,£ein and

Sloss (1953) as the ratio of the average r.:ldius of curvatu:res of the several

corners and edges to the radi~~ of the lareest inscribed circle on t he

projected image of the sand grain .

If t he sand part icles have a minimum variation in size , flow

caoacities through them decrease as the compressive l ead increases .

If the sands have a wide size range the floH decreases rather

sha1'ply as the increases . kpparently unequal supporting action alloHs

excessive permeabi lity . Typcial allo1· e variation would be 10-30 mesh or

20-40 mesh. In the literature· no mentio;-i is rrade of sand lar!_:er than 10 mesh

- 17

l ,. !

-17 -/

or 60 mesh being used in hydraulic fracturing .

Low compressive strength c:.nd the presence of dust a:.1d silt \·!ould

lead to objectiom.ble n:aterial v,hich ,-:ould plug the passage in the fracture

and decrease the permeability!

APPendix D cf Coals by Rank

The A.S.T.H.* Classific~tio:i of by Rank classifies co&.ls

according to their fixed c2rbon ~nd calorific values calculated to the

mineral-~atter-free basis, the higher rank coals being classified by fixed

carbon on t:1e dry basis, .. :hereas the l o,·1er r ank coals are classified by the

caloric value on the m0ist basis . Afg:o~8~ating end weathering properties

are u~ecl to ciiii erentir.:.te bct·.:c::cn cert, adjE'.cent groups in the. l o-.·1er ranks,

as indicated in the f 0110° .. table.

* A.S.T. H. - A.inerican Socj_ety for 1-:::.terials .

Table II

Classification of Coals by Rank

Legend : F . C. = Fixed Carbon.

B.t . u. = British ther~al units

Cle.SS Group

I. Anthracite 1. 2.


Eeta-ar.thracite Anthr2.cite


Limits of Fixed Carbon or B. t.u., 1·j_!'leral­l iatter-;<":-ee 13.?.sis

D ... C 98~ ry r • • , i~ or more Dry F. C, , 92;...( or r.1ore

and less t h~n 98% Dry F. C., 66~; or r.:ore

and less th:1n 92%

Req'..lisit e Physical Properties

.Non-acglo::1erat ­ing (1)

14 18


II Bituminous 1.



III Subbitura- 1 . . inous



-18 I

Table lI cm~T ~D

Low volatile bitu.-.1i.nous coal Mediu."':J. volatile B bitu:r..inous coal High volatile A bituminous coal

High volatile B bituminous cca l High volatile C bituminous coal

Sub bit t:.."Jinous A coal

Subbitu:''t!S B coal

Sub bit '..:..7.inous c coal

' .

~ F.C. , 78% or ~ore and less than 86J; (.3) Dry F. C., 69% or ~ore aLd less than 78% (3) D~y F.C., less than 69% and noist (2) B.t . u . 14,000 (L}) or rr:ore 1-;oist (2) B. t . u . 1.3 ,000 or core and le~s than 14s000 l-:oist 13. t.u. 11,000 or more , l ess than 13,000 (4)

Eoist B.t.u, 11 , 000 or zricre and less than 13,000 (4) l:oist B.t . u. 9, 500 or :nore and less than 11,00) (4) i.:oist B.t . u . S,300 er ~ore a~d ltss t h~n 9,500 (4)

Either agglo~-... . era., or (5)

Both \-:e<lthering and non-afglc=.­erating .

IV Lignitic 1. Lignite l{oist B.t.u . less t h?.n Co:isol:°ldated

(1) (2)

(3) (4)


8,300 2. Bro,·m coal Hoist B.t . u . less UnconEolidate::1


If· agglo:ierating, classify in lo·.-:-Yolatile grou? of bitur:-..inous class. l:oist B. t . u . :-efers to coal cont-2:•·1ing its natural b ed n::oisture bu~ not including visible ,,:ater on surface of the CCl?. l.

There cay be non-caking Yarieties in each group of the bituminous class . having 69;~ or t:?re fixe;o carbon o:i the d.r-.f, mi.nerc.l-~.atter- free basis shall be classified accorclir:g to fi.J.:ed carbon re6ardless of B. t.u. There are three varieties of coal in the high-volatile C bitu.":j_nous coal group, namelJ•, Vad,et.y l; ?.eel0;,, 0 2..11d; Ve.riet:r 2, ageloraerating and i·1eathering; Variety 3 , non-c:.&:glo::crating and. non­weathering.

' I

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