should you ignore your injury

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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Should You Ignore Your Injury?

It’s just a bruise or a cut, after all. But what if it was much worse than you


In 2013, injuries accounted for 59% of

deaths for people aged 1 to 44 in the

United States.

That’s 1 person every 3 minutes.


There were reportedly 31 million

injury cases that resulted in emergency

visits that year.

About 2.5 million people were

hospitalized due to injury.

Leading cause of death for people

between the ages of 1 to 44 is Unintentional


Unintentional Injury comes from accidents; or being hurt without the intention to be.

1 in every 4 people treated in the

emergency room has suffered from

Unintentional Injury. Examples are car

accidents and drug overdose.

ALL injuries deserve the right treatment

and help.

Seek medical attention for what’s

hurting you.

What Happens If You Ignore


• It could develop into something serious

• It could interfere with daily living

• It could be a source of anxiety and stress

Get Help Immediately:

• observe the pain

• visit a doctor

• take note of your experiences

• document through writing and photos

• talk to your insurance agent

• get plenty of rest

• adjust your daily routine based on the seriousness of your injury

• ask for recommendations before pursuing strenuous activity

• learn to protect yourself next time

Injuries can happen to

anyone – at anytime.

But they don’t have to be permanent.

Don’t Ignore Your Injuries. Get the right

help today.Contact a Personal Injury Attorney Now

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